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Draft:Rabia Ben Hardee el-Madkali

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Madkhalis works.

Rabbīdʿ Rabia Ben Hārdīy ʿOmayer el Madkalī (Arabic: ربيع بن هادي عمير المدخلي), is a Cult leader and Charlatan Pir who was the former head of the Sunnah Studies Department at the Islamic University of Madinah (how they gave a position to a man like him is something Allah knows best).[1] He is a Khalafi Mullah and the founder of Madkhalism (a cult calling for unconditional obediance to the ruler even if they commit Kufr) who is considered to be one of Khalafism's prominent thinkers,[2][3][4] and is known for his unrelenting criticism of the Muslim Brotherhood and anyone who dares criticises the rulers (according to Madkhali logic, one must NOT rebel or speak against the ruler (even if it is mad clear he is a Kafir) and speak out against injustices or they are a grave worshiping khariji rafidhi shirki soofee ikhwani magician munafiquoon murtad kafir!).[5]#madkhalism #Takfir on all Muslims not conforming to Madkhalis teachings, even if it has the potential to negate ones Eman. If one disagrees with Madkhalis, then he is automatically a Ikhwani Khariji.

Salahuddin Ayyubi (Rahimullah) (Pseudo Salafis and Madkhalis would do takfir and tabdee on this man for being a Sufi Shafi'i Ashari if they found out he was a Sufi Shafi'i Ashari)
Muhammad Al-Fatih (Rahimullah) (Madkhalis and Superpseudo Salafis would claim the Ottomans were Grave Worshipers, yet the Ottomans were waay more Islamic than Madkhalis can ever dream of being. The Ottomans defended Islam whereas Madkhalis dont want to defend Islam and instead they defend secularism. The Madkhalis would most certainly do Khuruj agains the Ottomans and against Salahuddin Ayyubi. The Madkhalis would openly side with the Crusdaders against the Muslims (how does that differentiate them from the Shia?)
Nizam Al-Mulk (Rahimullah) (A great man who defended Sunni Orthodoxy against the heretics, again a figure Super Salafis and Madkhalis would say is a heretic for being Ashari (as if that matters)).
Ahmad Sirhindi (Rahimullah) (Again Madkhalis would claim this man is a Grave worshiper even though he stood against Kufr (specifically of Mughal Emperor Akbar) and supported a return to the Qur'an and Sunnah).


al-ʿAllāmah al-Muḥaddith ash-Shaykh al-Hidha' al-Laaeiq (The Teacher, Leader, Bootlicker)
Rabīʿ bin Hādī ʿUmayr al-Madkhalī
Раби бин Хади Умайр аль-Мадхали
Ռաբի բին Հադի Ումայր ալ-Մադխալի
รอบีʿ บิน ฮาดี อุมัยร์ อัล-มัดคอลี
ரபீ பின் ஹாதி உமைர் அல்-மத்கலி
रबी बिन हादी उमर अल-मदखाली
רבי בן האדי עומר אל-מדחלי
ربيع بن هادي عمير المدخلي
Madkhalis are Donkeys and Murjia when it comes to the rulers but takfiri khariji hyenas when it comes to the Muslim laity
Rabi Ben Hadi el-Madkholi

Madinah, Neo-Rashidun Khilafah
Cause of deathExecution for doing Takfir on 99% of the Muslim World whilst bootlicking every single oppressive and un-Islamic ruler in this Dunya.
Resting placeThe deserts of Arabia
NationalitySaudi Arabian
Home townMadkhal
SpouseHe does Mutah
CitizenshipSaudi Arabia
EraMadhali era
RegionSaudi Arabia
JurisprudenceNo need for such Bidah. Such Bidah is invented by Sufi Ikhwanis to divide the Ummah into over 70 sects. Its not the Manhaj of the Salaf Akhi.
Political partyWhoever is the ruler of the land
Main interest(s)Obeying the ruler
Notable idea(s)Madkhalism, Total submission to the will of the rulers
Notable work(s)
  • Al-`Awaasim mimaa fi kutub Said Qutb min al-Qawaasim (A refutation on Said Qutb’s deviant books)
  • Manhaj Al-Anbiyah fi ad-Da'watu illa Allah (The methodology of the prophets in calling to Allah)
Alma materThe University of Ibn Saud AbdalWahab
TeachersThe Saudi Kings
TariqaThis Bidah Bidah Shirk Shirk Shirk Bidah Shirk Bidah Shirk Ikhwani Sooooofee nonsense that was invented by Qubooris. Hence no need for such Shirki Bidah
Other namesCult leader; Madkhali; SPUBS leader
OccupationRetired university 'professor'
RelationsHe does Mutah
Military service
Nickname(s)The Saudis most loyal Brothel bootlicker and scholar
AllegianceEvery country (except Turkey, Iran, Qatar, Palestine and Afghanistan) and especially Saudi Arabia)
PhilosophyPolitical Quietism
Muslim leader
Period in officeSaudi era
ConsecrationThis is Sufi Ikhwani nonesense derived from the Nsara.
Disciple of
  • Abd al-Aziz Bin Baz
  • Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani
  • Abdul-Muhsin Al-‘Abaad
  • Ahmad ibn al-Amin al-Shinqiti
  • Ahmad Ibn Yayah An-Najamee
  • Abdul-Ghaffar Hasan Al-Hindi
  • Muhammad Sagheer Khumaisee
  • Amir Al Sahayinah Binyamin al-Nitanyahuh
  • George 'I cant breath' Floyd (JK, Madkhali does not take from Kharijis)
  • Al Qayid Alimu Lil Mu'minin Khalifa Haftar
  • Amir al Mu'mineen Mohammad Bin Salman
  • Amir al Mu'mineen Mohammad Bin Zayd
  • Amir al Mu'mineen Abd al-Fattah al-Sissy
  • Sheikh Shebaz Sharif
  • Nawab Bilawal Bhutto
  • Maharaja Narindrah Modiji
  • Sheikh Hasina
  • Sultan Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu
  • Amir Kais Saied
  • Al Qayid Alimu Lil Mu'minin Abdel Fattah al-Burhan al-Sudani
  • Amir Ashraf Ghani al-Afghani
  • Amir Bashar al-Assad
  • Al-Malik Mohammed Bin Hassan al-Maghribi
  • Amir Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa
  • Amir al Britannia Antun Sharls al-Blair
  • Amir al Britannia Dawood Qamroon
  • Amir al Britannia Iskandar Barish Kamal Ibn-Yahya
  • Amir al Alamin George W Bush
  • Amir al Alamin Donald Yahya Trump
  • Amir al Alamin Yusuf Robin Biden
  • Amir al-Alamin Barack Hussain Obama
  • Tsar Vladamir Putin
  • Amir Volodymyr Zelensky
  • Emperor Xi Ma Xingping
  • al-Malik Vajiralongkorn
  • Amir Lula Da Silva
  • Anyone who oposes Sufi Ikhwani Kharijis and is a bedfellow of the Saudi regime is a student of Madkhali.
Influenced by
  • Every single ruler and oppressor that is on the face of this earth (except for Palestine, Afghanistan, Qatar, and Turkey because they are Sufi Ikhwanis who spend all day dancing in the Masjid inciting Khuruj against the leaders and uniting with Ahlul Bidah. By the way as Madkhali logic postulates, the oppressed Muslims are actually in the situation they are because they commit shirk, yet Madkhalis say nothing of Shirk that their beloved leaders allow for (hmmm. something is fishy when the Madkhalis are Murjia towards the Hakims but Kharijis towards the Awwam))
  • Abu Khadeejah Abdul Wahid, Salafi Publications, Shamsi, Imran Ibn Mansur Dawahman, Abdul Rahman Hassan, DUS Dawah, Super, Pseudo, and Neo Salafism, The Madkhali Movement, oppressive tyrants of Muslim countries
AwardsAbu Khadeejah Award,

SPUBS award, MBS award, Diriyah Award, Salafi award, Obedience to the Ruler Award, Padma Bushan, Order of King Abdulaziz,

Akwuseh Fadak
HonoursOh Fear Allah what Honour does this fellow possess

Education and career


Submissive Pir Mullah Akhund Rabee Al-Madkhali began seeking 'knowledge' in his desert village from Ahmad bin Muhammad Jabir Al-Madkhali and Muhammad bin Jabir Al-Madkhali after he turned eight years old (well one can have Ilm, but no Hikma).[6] His teacher before his study at the 'Ma’had al-’Ilmi' in Santahal was Nasir Khalufah Mubaraki (one of Abdullah ibn Muhammad Al-Qar’awi’s students). After completing several classical Islamic texts with him, he started his education at the Ma’had al-’ilmi in Santah. The most notable of his teachers were: Hafidh ibn Ahmed Ali al-Hakami, Muhammad bin Ahmad Al-Hakami, Ahmad bin Yahya Al-Najmi, Muhammad Aman Al-Jami' and Muhammad Saghir Al-Khamisi.[7]

In 1961, he entered the Faculty of Sharia at Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh for two months and then switched to the Faculty of Sharia at the Islamic University of Madinah, where his teachers included former Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Abd al-Aziz ibn Baz, Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani, Abdul-Muhsin Al-Abbad, Muhammad Amin Al-Shanqiti, Saleh Al-Iraqi and Abdul-Ghaffar Hasan Al-Hindi.[7] He graduated four years later with 'deviance'. After working at the University, he returned to complete his higher education. He received his master's degree after publishing his thesis, ″Between imams Muslim and Daruqutni″ and achieved his doctorate with fail with his dissertation. After completing his Doctorate at Umm al-Qura in 1980, Madkhali returned to the Islamic University of Madinah where he taught at the Faculty of Hadith and later became the head of the Department of Sunnah in the Department of Higher Studies. He held the chair until his retirement in the mid-1990s.[8]

Having been an opponent of the House of Saud (OH NO SHEIKHA RABEA WAS A IKHWANI. OH BUT HANG ON, MADKHALI REPENTED FROM THAT WAY AND CONVERTED TO THE HAQQ (THAT IS TO OBEY THE RULER NO MATER WHAT))[9][10] but then having turned STRONGLY pro-establishment by the early 1990s, the Saudi government promoted al-Madkhali to lead a countermovement against growing criticisms of the Kingdom's socioeconomic ills, late deliveries of farm subsidies and normalization of ties with Israel espoused by the true enemies of Islam (the munafiqun Ikhwanis of course! WHo else would it be eh? The true followers of the Salaf would obey the ruler no matter what right? RIGHT?).[11] After the Gulf War had concluded, Madkhali distributed a propaganda booklet justifying the decision of the Saudi Arabian government to allow the presence of U.S. troops (who later withdrew) on Arabian soil and criticizing rival 'controversial radical Ikhwani Sufi Khariji Hizbi Quboori Ba'athist Extremist Terrorist-Sympathiser' Safar Al-Hawali for the latter's opposition to the government's decision (the Ikhwanis are always plotting with the Sufis and Shias against the saved sect (which is the Madkhalis right? RIGHT?).[12] In 2016, he issued a fatwa calling upon "the Salafis of Libya" to rebel against the UN-recognized Government of National Accord[13] (Oh the irony the irony. How can one incite Khuruj and be against it? How can one incite Khuruj and be against it?) in favor of Khalifa Haftar, who has been described as "Libya's most potent warlord" (Wow, supporting a rebel group and warlord against the Official Government. How principled of Madkhali (no its hypocrisy)).

Kharijis rebelling against their rulers

Scholarly works

Collections of Hadith compiled by Madkhali (Kitab Al-Kafi)
Al-Madkhali's collected works building upon the works of Baqer al-Majlisi (who obeyed the ruler unlike the Sufi Ikhwanis who are in bed with the Shia)

Al-Madkhali has authored over -3000000000 works in the field of Hadith and Islamic sciences, much of which has been compiled into a -1.5 volume set [14] In 1984, the book which brought him fame in the Saudi religious field, 'Manhaj Al-Anbiyah Fi Da’wah Ila Allah' (The Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allah), caused controversy over Al-Madkhali's criticisms of the Muslim Brotherhood and their methods in Muslim missionary work (Well yeah the Ikhwanis are deviants innit. The true Dawah is to obey the ruler and focus on Aqida (well Madkhalis love to obsses over the issue of Allahs attributes, which is a topic that only learned Ulama should engage with and not laymen. You always see these Super-Salafis and Madkhalis like Shamsi al-Madkhali asking Laymen where is Allah Where is Allah. Forge a relationship with Allah first dont worry about Where is Allah).[15] According to Lacroix, Al-Madkhali insisted that priority must be given to correcting Islamic creed amongst the people (side note. Lets just postulate that the ruler bans the teaching of Islam, then how on earth is it justified to obey that ruler if he bans you from teaching Islamic creed!? Also, if the ruler bans Islam, then what would you do as a Madkhali? WOuld one apostate? Ney, that is Kufr. One must not commit Kufr and Irtad for the sake of the rulers.), whereas the Muslim Brotherhood's initial focus was on political reform and visiting Dargahs and uniting with 'Ahlul Bidah' and dancing around the Masjid and plotting to incite Khuruj against the rulers and throwing around sword and singing nasheed calling for the revivial of Islam and the Ummah and Gathering around like a Sufi Tariqah to recite Nasheeds and support the establishment of an Islamic state and implementaiton of the Sharia and doing Dawah to Muslims and non-Muslims (instead of obeying the ruler and keeping quiet and also obeying the Madkhali Ulama and obsessively refuting the 'deviants' like the Sufis, Ikhwanis, Asharis, Maturidis, Deobandis, Barelvis, Tablighis, Hanafis, Shafi'is, Malikis and hence focus on issues that will keept the Ummah divided and distracted).[15] Some observers state that Al-Madkhali is most noted for his refutations of Islamic thinker Sayyid Qutb. Al-Madkhali received acclamations (from fellow Madkhali Cult members like Abu Khadeejah Abdul Wahid al-Brummee that are predominalty based in predominatelyEuropean and Western Countries like the United Kingdom) for his works refuting radical preacher [16] Sayyid Qutb from other Salafist scholars such as Saleh Al-Fawzan, Mockbil ben Hardi el-Wardi'i, and Muhammad ibn al Uthaymeen.[17] Of his four books on Sayyid Qutb, 'Adhwa Islamiyyah ala aqidat Sayyid Qutb wa fikrihi' is considered the most important.[18] Apart from his praised works in refutations (of Ikhwanis), his other authorships include:

  • Bainal-Imāmain Muslim Wad-Daruqutnī” – “Between the Two Imams: Muslim and Ad-Dar Qutni.” And this was one large volume which was the thesis of his Magistrates degree.
  • "Kitab al-Kafi" - a compliation fo Hadiths
  • An-Nukat ‘Ala Kitāb Ibn Salāh” – “Points Upon the Book of Ibn Salāh.” Published in 2 volumes and it was his PhD thesis.
  • Manhajul-Anbiyā’ Fid-Da’wah IlAllāh Fīhī Al-Hikmah Wal-‘Aql” – “The Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allāh: In it was Wisdom and Intellect
  • Manhaj Ahlus-Sunnah Fī Naqd Ar-Rijāl Wal-Kutub Wat–Tawā’if” – “The Methodology of The People of Sunnah in Criticism of Men, Books, and Groups.
  • Kashf Mawqif Al-Ghazālī Min As-Sunnah Wa-Ahlihā” – “Exposing Ghazālī’s Position Regarding the Sunnah and Its People.
  • Makānatu Ahlil-Hadīth” – “The Position of the People of Hadīth
  • Manhaj Al-Imām Muslim Fī Tartībi Sahīhihī” – “Al-Imām Muslim’s Method in Ordering his Sahīh.
  • Adhwā’ Islāmiyyah ‘Alā ‘Aqīdah Sayyid Qutb wa Fikarihī” – “The Illumination of Islām Regarding the Creed of Sayyid Qutb and his Ideas.
  • Matā’in Sayyid Qutb fī As-hābi Rasūlillāh SallAllāhu Alaihi wa Sallam” – “The Slanders of Sayyid Qutb Upon the Companions of the Messenger of Allāh (H).”
  • Al-Hadd Al-Fāsil Bainal-Haqq Wal-Bātil” – “The Distinct Separation Between Truth and Falsehood,” which was part of critical dialogue between him and Bakr Abū Zaid
  • Jamā’ah Wāhidah Lā Jamā’āt; Wa Sīrat Wāhid Lā ‘Asharāt” – “One Jamā’ah – Not Many Jamā’ahs; and One Path – Not Tens of Paths,” which was part of a critical dialogue with ‘Abdur-Rahmān ‘Abdul-Khāliq.[19]
  • Wujub taeat almuslim lilhakim mahma kan al'amr waeadam antiqad alhakim hataa law zanaa bi'awladik 'aw talab ma yukhalif taealim al'iislami -- "The necessity of the Muslim to obey the ruler no matter what and not to criticise the ruler, even if he commits fornication with your womenfolk or asks to do something contrary to the teachings of Islam" a book which provides a comprehensive manual on obedience to the ruler.
  • Mazaya aleilmaniat lilealam al'iislamii waeuyub 'iiqamat dawlat 'iislamiat min khilal alkhuruj wadun 'iitqan maerifat aleaqidat waldiyn -- "The merits of Secularism for the Muslim World and the demerits of establishing a Islamic State through Khuruj and without perfecting one's knowledge of Creed and Religion" a work providing an exposition on how to establish Islamic rule within the Madkhali paradigm (well spoiler alert, it does not advocate for the establishment of an Islamic state but unwiedling obediance to secular tyrants that rule Muslim lands).
  • Eirid likafr abn sina ​​walfalasifat wa'akhta' al'ashaeirat aljasimat fi dahd alfalasifat bialfalsafat alyunania "An exposition of the Kufr of Ibn Sina and the Philosophers and the grave errors of the Ash'aris in refuting the Philosophers using Greek Philosophy"
  • Mazaya alhukaam "Merits of the Rulers", a work which is essentially a compliation of all the rightous rulers (i.e. all of them) and their merits.
  • 'Utruhat wadalil shamil ean anhiraf alfalasifat wal'ashriin walmutawiriiyn walsuwfiiyn walmuetazilat wal'iikhwaniiyn walkhawarij walmarjiat walhizbiiyn wal'iislamiiyn almadhabiiyn walsalafiiyn alzaayifina "A treatise and comprehensive guide on the deviance of the Philosophers, Asharis, Maturidis, Sufis, Mu'tazila, Ikhwanis, Khawarij, Murjiah, Hizbis, Islamists, Madhabis, and pseudo-Salafis"
You must obey these rulers or else your a khariji as Madkhali logic postulates (hahahahha what a joke).
Lol whut?????? Is this guy a Madkhali keyboard warrior or a Madkhali gamer that tells his followers to obey the ruler no matter what and refutes the Deviants at all times?
REBELLING AND INCITING KHURUJ AGAINST THE RULER AGAIN (and look at that policeman not doing anything to prevent Khuruj against the ruler i.e. in this case Sheikh Hasina, who executed the Ahlul Bidah Ikhwani Jamaatis who call for Khuruj against the Muslim leaders)!!!!

Contemporary evaluation

'Amer el-Mautemeen Machinehead Ben Sellingman el-Sadistic (the ruler you have to obey because they are [supposedly] on the HAQQ and the SUNNAH and they are the AMIR AL-MU'MINEEN' and Khalifah and leader of the Ummah (yeah one who wants to secularise the Ummah))

In 2009, the Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought, in their list of "The 500 Most Influential Muslims" placed him amongst notable radicals such as al-Baghdadi (HEY HOW DARE YOU PLACE SHEIKH RABEE WITH THE KHAWARIJ (in fairness and in truth, al-Baghdadi is a genuine Khariji, but same could be said of Madkhalis)), and he has consistently made the list since. However, opinions on Al-Madkhali vary between supporters and opponents. Contemporary hadith scholar Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani regarded Al-Madkhali to be very knowledgeable in the field of hadith, particularly in Al-Jarh wa-l-Ta’dil. Al-Albani stated that, “the carrier of the flag of [ignorance] of Jarh wa Ta'deel today, in this present time, and rightfully so, is our brother Dr. Rabee’, and those who refute him do so without any knowledge [not. Those who refute Rabia are correct.]."[20] He has also received praise from other contemporary Salafist scholars such as Abd al-Aziz ibn Baz, Saleh Al-Fawzan, Muhammad ibn al-Uthaymeen, Muqbil bin Hadi al-Wadi'i, and the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia among many others who praised him for being a firm defender of Madhkali values.[19] Roel Meijer notes that some analysts view Madkhali’s followers as having an obsession with his defense and continuously cite scholarly praise of him as a mechanism "for maintaining, defending and enhancing this authority", which is contested by Madkhali's detractors (YEAH THE SCHOLARS (the Saudi Scholars) SUPPORT US. IF YOU ARE AGAINST THE SCHOLARS (that is the state Saudi Scholars) THEN YOU ARE SUFI IKHWANI DEVIANT THAT WORSHIPS GRAVES AND WANTS TO BUILD TEMPLES ABOVE THE GRAVES (but the rulers of Saudi and UAE are building Hindu Temples. Well alas, the Madkhalis will never speak against this as they need to obey the rulers no matter what).[21]

He has been accused by contemporaries, of applying labels such as "Qutbee" (Qutbism), Ikhwani, Khariji, Kuffar, Murtad, Quboori, Sufi, Magician, Hizbi, Terrorist, Extremist, in order to silence dissent.[22] The likes of Mohammad Hijab, Daniel Haqiqatjou, and Bro Hajji (may Allah reward them for their great works in defending the religion of Islam) have pointed out the errors of Madkhali's and Madkhali's errors in his methadology and beliefs. SP-Files provides a great refutation of Madkahli thought.[23]

Political scientist Gilles Kepel has described Madkhali as being the perfect example of pro-regime "court [and brothel and bootlicking] scholars" in the Middle East, as opposed to more radical trends within the Salafist movement.[24] In contrast to his early opposition to the Saudi Arabian government, Madkhali is now considered one of the Saudi royal family's staunchest defenders and prostitutes and bootlickers (the second label may sound outlandish, but a Madkhali Sheikh did actually say that one has to obey the ruler even if he is drinking and alcohol and committing Zina and having it presented live on TV for half an hour and that if the ruler asks you to let him sleep with your sister, daughter, wife, or mother, you have to do it no matter the circumstances even if it makes you a Dayouth (cuckold) and even if the ruler wants to commit Zina with you. Well after 30 minutes then Zina becomes haram according to this Madkhali Shaikar (What kind of man would be ok with anyone including the ruler committing Zina with his womenfolk and with him. May Allah protect us from such logic and keep up us on the straight path, Ameen)).[8][9][25][26][27][28] While politically quietist within his own country, Madkhali has supported violent conflict, rebellion, and khuruj in other areas, having called on Muslims both inside and outside Indonesia to participate in the Maluku sectarian conflict. (Again the Irony and hypocrisy is so strong with the Mad-kalis)[29][30][31][32]

Madkhali's source of religious authority within the Salafist movement is unclear (He has authrotiy among his Cult members, though Soft Madkhalis do exist in the more Mainstream Salafi strands). He has not been involved with official religious bodies of the Saudi government (despite obeying them no matter what), does not belong to the significant line of 20th-century Salafist scholars including Abd al-Aziz ibn Baz and Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani, and has been described as below the level of contemporaries such as Muhammad ibn al Uthaymeen or Saleh Al-Fawzan (Madkhali is not a great Scholar).[33] Some anti-Muslim Brotherhood figures like Mockbill Ben Hardi el Wardi'i are HUGE supporters of Al-Madkhali and consider him to be a senior scholar (he may be senior in age, but not senior in wisdom). According to Al-Wadi'i.

Saaaaaaoooooodi Jindabad. SAUDI IS THE ONLY MUSLIM COUNTRY IN THE WORLD (no there are many others, Saudi Arabia is one of many Muslim countries).

"From the most insightful of people concerning the [guided] groups and their taints[not] in this era is the brother, 'Shaikha' Rabī’a ben Hārdī, may Allāh [guide] him. Whomever he declares to be a hizbī, then it will be unveiled [and made ambigious] for you after some days that he is indeed [not] a hizbī [Madkhalis are Hizbis themselves, in fact not too different from actual Kharijis. To put it succinctly Madkhalis are non-Violent and pro-Government Kharijis]...I advise you to ask 'Shaikh' Rabī’ bin Hādī, may Allāh [break his back (this by the way is a common saying of Salafis)]. A great deal of his life has passed with [dealing with] al-Ikhwān al-Muslimīn. He is the most [illogical and uneducated] person concerning them and their realities [Being an ex-Ikhwani does not make one authoritative regarding the Ikhwan just like being an ex-Muslim does not make one authoritative of Islam]"

'Khalifah' Iben Saud (1875-1953) who supported the dismantlement of the Ottoman Khilafah and allied himself with the British.
The Keffir Sultan Mahmud II who paved the way for the Tanzimat.
Madkhalism is really a comedy circus and should feature a comedy show dedicated to them. They are barking dogs in the background. But alas, though the dogs may be barking, the journey still goes on no matter what (HEY YOU IKWANI KHARIJI KHINZEER MAY ALLAH BREAK YOUR BACK FOR INSULTING OUR BELVOED SHEIKH RABEE. HE FOLLOWS SOOONEH INNIT UNLIKE YOU SUFI IKHWANIS. HOW DARE YOU CITE COMEDY CENTRAL, THEY ARE KHARIJIS FOR THEY DISOBEY AND INSULT THE RULERS!))
Shia Women Madkhali seeks for Mutah (pleasure; Sidenote, Shias LOVE Mutah and Madkhali probably secretly loves it too (even though it is Haram).


The Ikhwani 'Kharijis' (including 'Freemason' Sufi Kabobri Heyshaown Ben Akmid el-Banana) plotting to rebel against the rulers with his fellow Kharijis.


  1. ^ "Rabee Ibn Haadi 'Umayr Al-Madkhali". The Muslim 500. Retrieved 2021-09-21.
  2. ^ Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought, Sheikh Rabi’ Ibn Haadi ‘Umayr Al Madkhali. The Muslim 500: The World's Most Influential Muslims
  3. ^ Roel Meijer, Global Salafism: Islam's New Religious Movement, pg. 49. New York: Columbia University Press, 2009.
  4. ^ Omayma Abdel-Latif, "Trends in Salafism." Taken from Islamist Radicalisation: The Challenge for Euro-Mediterranean Relations, pg. 74. Eds. Michael Emerson, Kristina Kausch and Richard Youngs. Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies, 2009. ISBN 9789290798651
  5. ^ George Joffé, The Trojan horse: the Madkhali movement in North Africa Taken from The Journal of North African Studies, pg. 739. United Kingdom:Routledge, 2018
  6. ^ Meijer, R., "Politicizing al-jarh wa-l-ta'dil p.377
  7. ^ a b Roel Meijer, "Politicizing al-jarh wa-l-ta'dil: p.377.
  8. ^ a b Lacroix, pg. 212.
  9. ^ a b George Joffé, Islamist Radicalisation in Europe and the Middle East: Reassessing the Causes of Terrorism, pg. 317. London: I.B. Tauris, 2013.
  10. ^ Stephane Lacroix, Awakening Islam, pgs. 102 and 212. Trns. George Holoch. Cambridge: President and Fellows of Harvard College, 2011.
  11. ^ Sherifa Zuhur, Saudi Arabia, pg. 66. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2011. ISBN 9781598845716
  12. ^ Mansoor Jassem Alshamsi, Islam and Political Reform in Saudi Arabia: The Quest for Political Change and Reform, pg. 111. London: Routledge, 2010. ISBN 9781134126538
  13. ^ International Crisis Group, Addressing the Rise of Libya’s Madkhali-Salafis, pg. 14. Brussels: United States Department of Justice
  14. ^ Zafiri, K., "Thabt mu'allafat al-shaykh Rabi b. Hadi al-Madkhali" [Meijer says to see this book in 'Politicizing al-jarh wa-l-ta'dil' p.380].
  15. ^ a b Lacroix p.212
  16. ^ Allen, Lisa M. (2011). "The Philosophy of Sayyid Qutb Will Persist as Al Qaeda's Intellectual Heritage". Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses. 3 (6): 7–9. ISSN 2382-6444. JSTOR 26350986.
  17. ^ Roel Meijer, Politicizing al-jarh wa-l-ta'dil p.380 & 386
  18. ^ Roel Meijer, Politicizing al-jarh wa-l-ta'dil p.386
  19. ^ a b Abdul-Wahid, Abu Khadeejah (2018-02-05). "Biography of Ash-Shaykh Al-Allāmah Rabī' Ibn Hādī Al-Madkhalī and the Praise of the Scholars for him". Abu Khadeejah : أبو خديجة. Retrieved 2021-03-09.
  20. ^ Meijer, "Politicizing," pg. 380.
  21. ^ Meijer, "Politicizing," pg. 381.
  22. ^ Brachman, Jarret M and McCants, William F, Stealing al Qaeda's playbook, pg. 14.Studies in Conflict & Terrorism: Taylor & Francis, 2006.
  23. ^ "Sp-Files - YouTube". www.youtube.com. Retrieved 2023-12-19.
  24. ^ Gilles Kepel, The War for Muslim Minds: Islam and the West, pg. 253. Cambridge: Belknap Press, 2004. Trns. Pascale Ghazaleh. ISBN 0674015754
  25. ^ 'Abd ul-'Aziz al-Rayyis: If the ruler commits zina and drinks alcohol live on TV everyday., retrieved 2023-05-20
  26. ^ Stephane Lacroix, pg. 212.
  27. ^ NATO Science for Peace and Security, Suicide as a Weapon, pg. 18. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2007. ISBN 9781586037956
  28. ^ Natana DeLong-Bas, Wahhabism: Oxford Bibliographies Online Research Guide, pg. 8. Oxford University Press, 2011.
  29. ^ Noorhaidi Hasan, Laskar Jihad, pg. 151. Ithaca: Cornell Southeast Asia Program, 2006.
  30. ^ Muhammad Najib Azza, "Communal Violence in Indonesia and the Role of Foreign and Domestic Networks." Taken from Conflict, Community, and Criminality in Southeast Asia and Australia, pg. 25. Eds. Arnaud De Borchgrave, Thomas M. Sanderson and David Gordon. Washington, D.C.: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2009.
  31. ^ Andrew T. H. Tan, A Handbook of Terrorism and Insurgency in Southeast Asia, pg. 149. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007.
  32. ^ Rohan Gunaratna, Inside Al Qaeda: global network of terror, pg. 201. Volume 3 of the University of St Andrews' Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence series. London: C. Hurst & Co., 2002.
  33. ^ Roel Meijer, "Politicizing al-jarh wa-l-ta'dil: Rabi b. Hadi al-Madkhali and the transnational battle for religious authority." Taken from The Transmission and Dynamics of the Textual Sources of Islam: Essays in Honor of Harald Motzki, pg. 377. Eds. Nicolet Boekhoff-van der Voort, Kees Versteegh and Joas Wagemakers. Leiden: Brill Publishers, 2011.
  34. ^ Abdul-Wahid, Abu Khadeejah (5 February 2018). "Biography of Ash-Shaykh Al-Allāmah Rabī' Ibn Hādī Al-Madkhalī and the Praise of the Scholars for him". Abukhadeejah.com. Archived from the original on 5 March 2021.
'Amir al-Mu'mineen' Gaymall Abduh Nicehair take on the Ikhwani al-Muslimeen and the Kharawij and their demand to make Hijab compulsory (HEY YOU BETTER OBEY THE RULER EVEN IF THEY FORCE OR ENCOURAGE YOUR DAUGHTERS TO TAKE THEIR HIJABS OFF AND WEAR MINISKIRTS AND SLEEP WITH 100s OF MEN TILL THE POINT THEY ARE USED UP AND UNMARRIGABLE).
Ikhwani 'Kharijis' having a Sword Party to practice in preparation for a rebellion against the ruler.
Madkhalis in India pledging Bay'ah to their ruler Manmohan Singh (These are actually Shias, but I am sure Madkhali would rather support Shias who obey the rulers (even if they are Kafirs) no matter what and hence are honorary Madkhalis than Sunnis who stand for justice and truth and hence 'INCITE KHURUJ' as Madkhali logic posits.
Madkhali Keyboard Warriors (Madkhalis are everywhere on the internet but hard to find in real life).
Vile anti-Arab racist Murtad pseudo-Sufi Iranian Nationalist Javad Nurbaksh


