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User:Bermicourt/Card games

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Alscher's tarock card gallery



Russian patience or Russian solitaire both refer to solitaire/patience games originating or popular in Russia, whereas Russian Patience and Russian Solitaire are specific, but quite different games of the solitaire/patience genre. Likewise there is a difference between German Patience and German patience, Australian Patience and Australian patience etc.

There are several double solitaires, but only one Double Solitaire (=Klondike).

In Hearts, the hearts are penalty cards; all fours, twenty down, skat, cego, point tarock, illustrated tarock, auction games, bête; king, spades, smear, nines, pitch, preference, last trick.

Cego and cego, Skat and skat, Culbas and culbas, Tapp and tapp, Dobbm and dobb, Binokel and binokel, Bezique, bezique.

Named from the fact that spades are always trumps, spades strikes me as having been derived from the pattern of hearts by changing a suit of four penalty cards into a suit of trumps. Parlett (2008), 27.

French Tarot is the game; French tarot is the subject area dealing with cartomancy and card games in France that employ tarot cards.

Swiss Tarot is a pack; Swiss tarot, the subject area.

German Whist is an English game, German whist may refer to the history, tactics, culture and rules of any variety of whist played in Germany.

There is difference between e.g. classic All Fours and Classic Canasta (see pagat.com); illustrated Tarock and Illustrated Tarock.

The king of hearts has five sons, the eldest being black jack, the black sheepshead of the family. He won many faint hearts, but his own fancy was la belle lucie and he used to chase the lady from his beleaguered castle to the house in the woods. There they played with a widow, a wily old maid whose preference for gin slings and rum toddies, which she hid in a rustic crib, led to many a pitched battle. This time it was costly for her as he won sixty-six gold crowns which he later deposited in the local Russian bank. Reaching home, he passed the flower garden and noticed several old spades.

in muggins, the muggins cried muggins; the widow appeared for binokel and scored for binokel; at sniff, the sniff was sniffed at by that black lady. The wily vieux garcon always won in spades as the old maid's heart was not in it.

Proper names:

  • Agnes, Algerian, Alhambra, Amazons, Babette (female name), Batsford, Betsy Ross, Big Ben, Bisley, Bristol, Canfield, Deauville, Duchess of Luynes, Emperor of Germany, Gargantua, Gay Gordons, Klondike, Martha, Miss Milligan, Monte Carlo, Montana, Mount Olympus, Mrs. Mop, Napoleon at St. Helena, Nestor, Nidgi Novgorod, Persian, Queen of Italy, Westcliff, Colorado, Rosamund's Bower, Sir Garnet, Sir Tommy, Seahaven Towers, Simple Simon, Southern Cross, St. Helena, Yukon.
  • Bartok, Black Maria (various characters or works invariably in title case), Black Peter, Boston, Boston de Fontainebleau, Calamity Jane, California Jack, Cayenne (town and river), Chicago, Cincinnati, Cincinnati Liz, Dom Pedro, Dr. Pepper, Earl of Coventry, French Boston, Heinz, Hucklebuck (proper name of dance tune), James Bond, Jass (Swiss word, also meant Jack in Dutch), Kankakee, Kemps, Macao, Michigan, Mistigri, Mizerka, Naine Jaune, Nap, Napoleon, Newmarket, Noddy, Oklahoma, Pedro, Pelmanism, Polignac, Pope Joan, Queen Nazarene, Rosbiratschka, Russian Boston, Sancho Pedro, Saratoga, Shasta Sam, Spade the Gardener, Tennessee, Towie, Utah, Van John, Woolworth.
  • Arguably Black Lady aka Slippery Kate (proper names of individual card in pack).

German nouns:

  • Bassedewitz, Bauerchen, Bauernfangen, Bauernheinrich, Bauernschnapsen, Bauerntarock, Bavarian Tarock,Bierkopf, Bierlachs, Bieten, Binokel, Blattla, Bohemian Schneider, Bohemian Watten, Bolachen, Brandeln, Brusbart, Bruus, Dapp, Dobbm, Doppelkopf, Dreeg, Dreierschnapsen, Elfern, Enfle, Fipsen, Fünf dazu, Gilten, Grasobern, Haferltarock, Hahndreier, Hasenpfeffer, Hexenspiel, Herz zu Herz, Herzblatt, Herzeln, Hindersche, Höllfahren, Hund, Jaggln, Kaiser, Klammern, Kein Stich, Kontraspiel, Kratzen, Knüffeln, Lampeln, Letzter, Letzter Stich, Lupfen, Lusti-Kartln, Marias, Matzlfangen, Mau-Mau, Mauscheln, Mucken, Mulatschak, Päckchen, Perlaggen, Poch, Préférence, Quodlibet, Ramsch, Ramschen, Ramsen, Rosbiratschka, Rumpel, Schafkopf, Schnapsen, Scharwenzel, Scherwenzel, Schnalzen, Schwellen, Schwimmen, Siebenschräm, Skat, Skwitz, Slobberhannes,Sticheln,

Tapp, Tappu, Tarock, Troggu, Tuppen, Unteransetzen, Viersche, Vogelspiel, Wallachen, Watten, Wendischer Schafkopf, Württemberg Tarock, Zehnerlegen, Zwanzig ab, Zwicken, Zwicker, Zwicker.

  • Cego, Dreierles, Dreiertarock, Droggn, Grosstarock, Husarln, Königrufen, Kosakeln , Neunzehnerrufen, Tapp Tarock, Viennese Grosstarock, Zwanzigerrufen.

Expert usage:

  • The sweepstake method produces a strategy of play radically different from that required with the other two (and with other Hearts games); perhaps on that account it is the most relevant. - Culbertson (1957)
Tables games

The following would clearly be confusing in lower case: the English Game, the Irish Game, the Long Game, Royal Game of Ur.

Other games to translate




52-card French pack: cz:Autobus (karetní hra), cz:Kerbindak (v old Dutch game that went to CZ), cz:Skládaný žolík, cz:Žolíky (Continental Rummy).

32-card Bohemian or Tell pack: cz:Dudák (karetní hra) (variant of Durak), cz:Sedma (karetní hra) (Sedma), cz:Lóra (Lorum), cz:Cenzr (Zensa), cz:Jednadvacet (Vingt-Un)



pl:Kuku (gra karciana) also at de:Kuku (Kartenspiel), pl: Mariasz, pl:Tysiąc (gra) sourced version of Russian Schnapsen, pl:Pan (gra karciana) more detailed account of Pan (game)



hu:Alsós expansion of stub at Alsós, hu:Ferbli, hu:Jókai-hármas a 42-card Tarok game, hu:Német fajer "German Racer", hu:Színlicites rablóulti a hard-to-find variant of Ulti, hu:Zsírozás Hungarian variant of Sedma.

Board and Domino games


List of English tables games  • Révertier  • Todas Tablas

Candidates for deletion


Candidates for move


Bastra to Basra (card game)

User space


Articles to create: Alter Schoofkopp · Anrufen (4 player, Tell pack, simple rules) Bauernstoss (~Schafkopf, see also pagat) · Benny · Brisque · Gradener Königrufen (W Styria, non-Tarock) · Gemsch (Jass family) · Gilten (Tyrol) (rules in Auer) · Hohnendreier um Sluk (Hahnendreher um Schluck, Hahn, Hahndreier, Hahnrei, Hahndrei) (old Lower Saxon game; see Danish 'Hanrei' or 'Hanrey' - same game? See saved file) · Kaisern · Kleineln (see file - no rules found) · Krimp / Crimp (old English game?) (Krimpenspiel=Treschak Trischaken/Gleek?) · Linquiren (see Hoffmann) · Matt (Hanover) · Melniki (see Müller Matz) · Munteren / Mundten (see IPCS forum) · Piken (see Muhr) · Rote Neun (Also see Muhr - owned) · Rümpfen (and see Hoffmann) · Saufaus (like Dreiblatt but no rules found) · Schaggi Haas · Senserl (also see Zensern) · Strassenwart / Vier-Anderle · Striezelspiel (Styria) 21 version with recipe · Tartl (Austrian version of 2-player Jass variant, Schmaus - see book) · Tübinger Tarock · Zensern, Zensa (see downloaded book: Zensern für Zwei Spieler) and de:Zensern (also see Senserl and own book) · Zsírozás (like Sedma and Lusti-Kartl'n) · Zweier Sidi (Jass for two)

See also: Schnauz - may not be same as Schwimmen.

Listen to broadcast: Süchtig nach "Bettel" und "Mord"

Templates: Template:Playing cards · Template:Trick-taking card games

Articles to finish: Chapanka · Drużbart translations · Eckeln (Austrian var. of Kreuz-Mariage) · Pfäizan (from Bavarian Wiki - no sources) · Quadrille · Siebenschräm (de:Schröömen / de:Siebenschräm, Eifel/Rhineland) · Tysiąc

Articles parked: Contra (merge with Kontraspiel) · Schnellen/Schnella (Vorarlberg) - reconcile de.wiki with 21-card version of Schnalzen mentioned by Geiser - cz:Ferbl/Färbeln/Ferbli at pagat.com Färbeln / Einundvierzig (Styria, Hungary - see pagat.com and Tscherwenka article) ·

Awaiting more sources: Bauer · Bauern · Eichenlaub · Eichelobern ·Eiszeit (Bavaria) · Krebsen (nil)

Patiences to finish: Patience glossary

Text to merge:

French card games to create: Papillon (fishing game), Emprunt (?), Ferme (banking game), Guimbarde (Rams/Loo), Imperiale (2 players, Picquet/Triomphe hybrid), Quarante de Roi (4 player, A-10 partnership game), Quintille (Hombre), Romestecq (4 player, plain trick game), Sizette (Rams), Tontine (?).



Rams Group: Kratzen · Lampeln · Lupfen · Mauscheln · Mistigri · Mouche · Mulatschak / Murln · Ramscheln · Ramsen · Tippen · Zwicken

Articles to improve: Bauerchen · Bauernfangen · Bauernheinrich · Blattla · Brandeln · Hungarian Tarock · Kaiserspiel · Lusti-Kartl'n (similar to Schmierer / Sedma) · Letzter · Matzlfangen · Rödskägg · Russian Schnapsen · Zwanzigerrufen · List of card games by number of cards · Schafkopf language · Schwimmen / Schnauz · Glossary of Skat terms · Stýrivolt

Class C articles: Bavarian Tarock · Bester Bube · Bête · Bierlachs · Bierkopf · Bieten · Binokel · Bohemian Schneider · Bräus · Brus · Brús · Bruus · Dobbm · Dreeg · Dreierschnapsen · Drużbart · Fipsen · Gaigel · German Rummy · German Schafkopf · Grasobern · Großtarock · Herzblatt · Hintersche · Husarln · Illustrated Tarock · Jaggln · Karniffel · Kaschlan · Kein Stich · Königrufen · Kosakeln · Knüffeln · Letzter Stich · Lorum · Militaire · Mucken · Müller Matz · Nain Jaune · Officers Schafkopf · Officers' Skat · Perlaggen · Piquesept · Pollack · Quodlibet · Rosbiratschka · Schnalzen / Zwanzgerln · Scharwenzel · Schnapsen · Schrum-Schrum · Siebzehn und Vier (Twenty-One) · Skwitz · Solo 66 · Spitzeln · Sticheln · Strohmandeln · Tapp · Taroc l'Hombre · Tatteln · Tournament Schafkopf · Trischettn ·Unteransetzen · Voller Hund · Voormsi · Wallachen · Watten · Wendish Schafkopf · Zehnerlegen · Zwanzig ab · Zwicker

Stubs on both Wikis: Oma Skat · Neunzehnerrufen

Others of interest: Bauerntarock · Briscan · Cego · Commerce · Doppelkopf · Einwerfen · Elfern · Enflé (Rolling Stone, Schweller) · Fünfzehnern · German Solo · Karnöffel · Kontraspiel · Mau-Mau · Poch · Préférence · Rams · Réunion · Schafkopf · Sixty-six · Skat · Tapp Tarock · The King of Hearts Has Five Sons · List of games prohibited in Austria-Hungary



Geoff described 2 card games today he played as a child:

  • Benny. This sounds like Three Thirteen, a variant of Rummy but with the wild cards known as 'bennies'. Pagat site: [1]
  • Blob. This is an English name for Oh Hell, also known in Britain as Nomination Whist, although that is also the name for a different game. Pagat site: [2]

Play called Scüs, Mond und Pagat

Earliest (1980) book ref to Mau-Mau as card game

Articles to tidy up the confusion between card games and occult use: The Fool (tarot card)

Online Watten





French card suits
(Kreuz, Treff)
Suits of the Bavarian pattern pack
Acorn symbol of Bavarian playing cards
Acorn symbol of Bavarian playing cards
Leaves symbol of Bavarian playing cards
Leaves symbol of Bavarian playing cards
Hearts symbol of Bavarian playing cards
Hearts symbol of Bavarian playing cards
Bells symbol of Bavarian playing cards
Bells symbol of Bavarian playing cards
French suits
Clubs (Kreuz) Spades (Pik) Hearts (Herz) Diamonds (Karo)
♣ ♠ ♥ ♦
German suits
Acorns (Eichel) Leaves (Laub) Hearts (Herz) Bells (Schellen)

Card values

Ranks and card-point values of cards
Rank A/D  10   K   Q/O J/U 9 8 7
Value 11 10 4 3 2
Ranks and card-point values of cards
German-suited cards A/D 10 K O U 9 8 7
French-suited cards   A 10 K Q J 9 8 7
Value 11 10 4 3 2
French deck German deck  
Card Symbol Card Symbol Points
Ace A Deuce A/D 11
Ten 10 Ten 10 10
King K King K 4
Queen D Ober O 3
Jack B Unter U 2
Nine 9 Nine 9 0
Eight 8 Eight 8 0
Seven 7 Seven 7 0
Card Symbol Points
Sow/Deuce A/D 11
Ten 10 10
King K 4
Ober O 3
Unter U 2
Nine 9 0
Eight 8 0
Seven 7 0
Cards Symbol Points
(Sau, Daus, Ass)
A 11
Ten 10 10
King K 4
Ober (Bauer) O 3
Unter (Wenz) U 2
Nine 9 0
Eight 8 0
Seven 7 0

Card ranks

The normal contract: Rufspiel

U U U U A 10 K 9 8 7

Acorns (Eichel) Leaves (Gras) Bells (Schellen)
A 10 K

9 8 7

A 10 K

9 8 7

A 10 K

9 8 7

Card ranks
Acorns (Eichel) Leaves (Gras) Hearts (Herz) Bells (Schellen)
A 10 K O U 9 8 7 6 A 10 K O U 9 8 7 6 A 10 K O U 9 8 7 6 A 10 K O U 9 8 7 6
Normal game
trumps (in decreasing order)
French cards
10 | ♣Q | ♠Q | Q | Q | ♣J | ♠J | J | J | A | 10 | K | 9
German cards
10 | O | O | O | O | U | U | U | U | A | 10 |
K | 9
non-trumps (in decreasing order per suit)
Clubs (Acorns ) Spades (Leaves ) Hearts (Hearts )
♣A | ♣10 | ♣K | ♣9 ♠A | ♠10 | ♠K | ♠9 A | K | 9
German deck
Permanent trumps
Additional variable trump suits
Acorns Leaves Hearts Bells
A K O 10 9 8 7 A K O 10 9 8 7 A K O 10 9 8 7 A K O 10 9 8 7
French deck
Permanent trumps
Additional variable trump suits
Clubs Spades Hearts Diamonds
A K Q 10 9 8 7 A K Q 10 9 8 7 A K Q 10 9 8 7 A K Q 10 9 8 7



A pair of the Ober and Unter of Leaves


Partnership contract
Contract Result Winners Losers
straight win + 1 each - 1 each
won with Schneider + 2 each - 2 each
won with Schwarz + 3 each - 3 each
Soloist contracts
Contract Result Soloist Defenders
Wenz, Solo won by soloist + 6 - 2 each
lost by soloist - 6 + 2 each
won by soloist Schneider + 9 - 3 each
lost by soloist Schneider - 9 + 3 each
won by soloist Schwarz + 12 - 4 each
lost by soloist Schwarz - 12 + 4 each
won by soloist with Tout + 18 - 6 each
lost by soloist with Tout - 18 + 6 each
Sie immediate win +24 -8 each