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Core logic

See Wikipedia:WikiProject Logic, User:Chalst/WikiProject Logic proposal, Portal:Logic

Fundamental definitions


Types of logic


Parts of logic


See Logical connective

Subdisciplines of logic




Applications of logic in mathematical


Proof assistants

Basis for modelling Proof assistants and Automated theorem provers
Systems based on logical frameworks
LF (logical framework) LCF theorem prover, Twelf
Hereditary Harrop formulae Isabelle, Lambda-PROLOG
Calculus of constructions
and extensions
Coq, LEGO theorem prover
Intuitionistic type theory NuPRL, MetaPRL, ALF theorem prover
Linear logic Forum meta-logic
Systems based on direct symbolic representations
Hilbert calculus Metamath
First-order logic Mizar, Vampire theorem prover
Church's simple theory of types
and extensions
HOL theorem prover, Prototype Verification System, ProofPower
Equational logic Gabbay's deductive system, OBJ3
Rewriting logic Maude system, ELAN

To incorporate: Automath, NQTHM, MinLog, ACL2, Otter (software).

Logic for argument


Mathematical structures for logic and semantics


Topology and order theory


The human side




Institutions and movements


Logic categories


Related content




Lists and tables




False friends
