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User:Kweetal nl/IOC132/Cettiidae

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Family Cettiidae - Cettia Bush Warblers & Allies [1]

Classification of Cettiidae revised (2.11) to follow Alström et al. (2011b).

Cettiidae   genera: 8
Cettiidae   species: 31
Cettiidae   subspecies: 83

Cettiidae   Breeding Range: AF, OR, AU, PAL, PO [2]


Common name Species + authority Br.
au yr id
Yellow-bellied warbler Abroscopus superciliaris (Blyth, 1859) OR Blyt 1859 1
Rufous-faced warbler Abroscopus albogularis (Moore, F, 1854) OR Moor 1854 2
Black-faced warbler Abroscopus schisticeps (Gray, JE & Gray, GR, 1847) OR Gray 1847 3
Mountain tailorbird Phyllergates cucullatus (Temminck, 1836) AU OR Temm 1836 4
Rufous-headed tailorbird Phyllergates heterolaemus Mearns, 1905 OR Mear 1905 5
Broad-billed warbler Tickellia hodgsoni (Moore, F, 1854) OR Moor 1854 6
Philippine bush warbler Horornis seebohmi (Ogilvie-Grant, 1894) OR Ogil 1894 7
Japanese bush warbler Horornis diphone (Kittlitz, 1830) PAL Kitt 1830 8
Manchurian bush warbler Horornis canturians (Swinhoe, 1860) PAL Swin 1860 9
Palau bush warbler Horornis annae (Hartlaub & Finsch, 1868) AU Hart 1868 10
Tanimbar bush warbler Horornis carolinae (Rozendaal, 1987) AU Roze 1987 11
Shade bush warbler Horornis parens (Mayr, 1935) AU Mayr 1935 12
Bougainville bush warbler Horornis haddeni (Lecroy & Barker, 2006) AU Lecr 2006 13
Fiji bush warbler Horornis ruficapilla (Ramsay, EP, 1875) PO Rams 1875 14
Brown-flanked bush warbler Horornis fortipes Hodgson, 1845 OR Hodg 1845 15
Hume's bush warbler Horornis brunnescens (Hume, 1872) OR Hume 1872 16
Yellow-bellied bush warbler Horornis acanthizoides (Verreaux, J, 1871) OR Verr 1871 17
Aberrant bush warbler Horornis flavolivaceus (Blyth, 1845) OR Blyt 1845 18
Grey-bellied tesia Tesia cyaniventer Hodgson, 1837 OR Hodg 1837 19
Slaty-bellied tesia Tesia olivea (McClelland, 1840) OR McCl 1840 20
Russet-capped tesia Tesia everetti (Hartert, EJO, 1897) AU Hart 1897 21
Javan tesia Tesia superciliaris (Bonaparte, 1850) OR Bona 1850 22
Cetti's warbler Cettia cetti (Temminck, 1820) PAL Temm 1820 23
Chestnut-crowned bush warbler Cettia major (Moore, F, 1854) OR Moor 1854 24
Grey-sided bush warbler Cettia brunnifrons (Hodgson, 1845) OR Hodg 1845 25
Chestnut-headed tesia Cettia castaneocoronata (Burton, E, 1836) OR Burt 1836 26
Asian stubtail Urosphena squameiceps (Swinhoe, 1863) PAL Swin 1863 27
Bornean stubtail Urosphena whiteheadi (Sharpe, 1888) OR Shar 1888 28
Timor stubtail Urosphena subulata (Sharpe, 1884) AU Shar 1884 29
Pale-footed bush warbler Hemitesia pallidipes (Blanford, 1872) OR Blan 1872 30
Neumann's warbler Hemitesia neumanni (Rothschild, 1908) AF Roth 1908 31

Cettiidae genera

Genus + authority spp Br.
au yr id Comment
Abroscopus Baker, ECS, 1930 3 OR Bake 1930 1 Move Abroscopus from "Sylviidae" to Cettiidae (Alström et al. 2006; Johansson et al. 2008).
Phyllergates Sharpe, 1883 2 OR AU Shar 1883 2 Mountain Tailorbird and Rufous-headed Tailorbird are not related to Orthotomus (Cisticolidae); assigned instead to Phyllergates [Cettiidae] (Alström et al. 2006; Ryan et al. 2006; Nguembock et al. 2007).
Tickellia Blyth, 1861 1 OR Blyt 1861 3 Move Tickellia from Sylviidae to Cettiidae (Alström et al. 2006; Johansson et al. 2008).
Horornis Hodgson, 1845 12 OR AU PO PAL Hodg 1845 4
Tesia Hodgson, 1837 4 OR AU Hodg 1837 5
Cettia Bonaparte, 1834 4 OR PAL Bona 1834 6
Urosphena Swinhoe, 1877 3 OR AU PAL Swin 1877 7
Hemitesia Chapin, 1948 2 OR AF Chap 1948 8 Hemitesia is resurrected as a genus for two species most recently attributed to Urosphena but which form a discrete, vocally distinct, and deeply divergent clade that is sister to Urosphena by phylogenetic analysis (Alström et al. 2011b; IOU WGAC 2022).


  1. ^ Gill, F, D Donsker, and P Rasmussen (Eds). 2023. IOC World Bird List (v 13.2). https://www.worldbirdnames.org
  2. ^ IOC Ranges