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User talk:An.cellkid/Ganglion cell

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Ganglion Cell Draft Peer Review


This draft looks great and definitely shows improvement from the original article!

To start, the information added to the lead section helps the reader gain a general understanding of what the ganglion cell is. Perhaps in the first paragraph, looking at the sentence “They receive and pass on chemical signals to the brain, where they can be processed and sorted”, the beginning of this sentence could be changed to “Ganglion cells receive and relay chemical signals”. Using “they” in place of “ganglion cells” is okay, just try not to use generic terms too often. This paragraph as a whole is very clear and concise.

The next paragraph does a great job summarizing the structure of the ganglion cell and explaining how the structure functions without jargon. In this section, I would recommend using the “link” tool for some of the terms so a reader can be directed to a wikipedia page to learn more about a specific term that may be unfamiliar. For example, this could be done for nodes of Ranvier and for synapses. It may also be helpful to list some of the “expected organelles” in the present in the cell body. The sentence structure could be altered in this section for a better flow. The first sentence could be condensed, perhaps you could try something like, “The ganglion cell is composed of a cell body, dendrites,...”. Then in the last sentence, the information is clear, the wording just may be a little confusing to some readers; it may help if it was worded, “In the center of the cell body, the expected organelles of a eukaryotic cell can be found, including [insert examples]; this is the site of energy formation that allows the ganglion cell to function.” This paragraph was a beneficial addition to the article with clear information. Could a section be added on the structure of the ganglion cell with more specific details, like typical size, nuclear shape, cytoplasm contents, type of neurons possible (multipolar, bipolar, unipolar), and other structural characteristics?

The section on retina ganglion cells is helpful to the reader in understanding an example of ganglion cells and their function. This section uses clear terms to show the importance of ganglion cells for things like vision. A suggestion for this paragraph would be to change "unto" in the first sentence to "to". This section helped clearly demonstrate the role of ganglion cells in the body; is there information that can be added on other types of ganglion cells?

The images are beneficial to the understanding of the topic. The image legends for both images in the draft could be further developed with more specific information. Also, would it be possible to incorporate an image of a ganglion cell in a table as the original article did with location, shape, function, neurotransmitter? Or is there a particular reason that it was removed?

For the references, all of the sources appear reliable with valid information. Just make sure to use the Wikipedia citations function to properly create in-text citations for all of your references. Once the references are appropriately cited, this draft will be greatly improved.

Overall, this is a solid draft that shows improvement from the original article. Dorothy Golden (talk) 02:17, 9 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]