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150 personae non gratae of Turkey

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The 150 personae non gratae of Turkey (Turkish: Yüzellilikler, lit.'Hundred-and-fiftyers')[1] is a list of high-ranking personages of the Ottoman Empire who were exiled from the Republic of Turkey shortly after the end of the Turkish War of Independence with the Armistice of Mudanya on 11 October 1922. The Sultanate was abolished by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey in Angora (Ankara) on 1 November 1922, and the last Ottoman Sultan, Mehmed VI, was declared persona non grata.[2] Leaving Istanbul aboard the British warship HMS Malaya on 17 November 1922, he was sent into exile and died in Sanremo, Italy, on 16 May 1926.

The list was created on 23 April 1924, by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, and revised on 1 June 1924.[3] By targeting the former Imperial ruling-elite, it reaffirmed the political and cultural break between the Empire and the Republic. The preliminary list contained 600 individuals, negotiated down to its final form of 150 with the Treaty of Lausanne.


House of Osman and the Imperial Court
No. Name Description
1 Kiraz Hamdi Aide-de-camp of Sultan
2 Zeki General Hademe-i Hassa
3 Kayserili Şaban Ağa Hazine-i Hassa Müfettişi (Ottoman Central Depot inspector)
4 Şükrü Tütüncübaşı
5 Şerkarin Yaver
6 Miralay Tahir
7 Seryaver Avni Naval minister
8 Refik former Hazine-i Hassa Müdürü and Defter-i Hakani Emini
Imperial Government
No. Name Description
9 Ürgüplü Mustafa Sabri Efendi former Sheikh ul-Islam
10 Ali Rüşdi Minister of Justice
11 Cemal Artin Minister of Agriculture and Trade
12 Cakacı Hamdi Pasha former Minister of the Navy
13 Rumbeyoğlu Fahrettin former Minister of Education and Minister of Justice
14 Kızılhançerli Remzi former Minister of Agriculture and Trade
15 Hâdi Pasha General & signer of Treaty of Sèvres
16 Rıza Tevfik Bölükbaşı former President of Council of State & signer of Treaty of Sèvres
17 Reşat Halis former Ottoman Ambassador to Switzerland & signer of Treaty of Sèvres
Kuva-i İnzibatiye
No. Name Description
18 Süleyman Şefik Pasha Kuva-i İnzibatiye Commander In Chief
19 Bulgar Tahsin Cavalry Captain (adjutant of Şefik Pasha)
20 Ahmet Refik Colonel in Kuva-i İnzibatiye, Chief of the general staff
21 Tarık Mümtaz Commander of Kuva-i İnzibatiye Mitralyöz and adjutant of Damat Ferit Pasha
22 Ali Nadir Pasha Kuva-i İnzibatiye, Commander of İzmir Army Corps
23 Kaymakam Fettah Kuva-i İnzibatiye & member of the Ottoman Special Military Tribunal
24 Çopur Hakkı Kuva-i İnzibatiye member
Governors (vali) of the provinces of the Ottoman Empire (vilayet)
No. Name Description
25 Gümülcineli İsmail former governor of Bursa
26 Konyalı Mehmed Zeynelabidin
27 Fanizade Mes'ud former Cebelibereket (Osmaniye) Mutasarrıf
28 Miralay Sadık Freedom and Accord Party leader
20 Bedirhani Halil Râmi former Malatya Mutasarrıf
30 Giritli Hüsnü former Mutasarrıf of Manisa
31 Nemrud Mustafa former Judge of the Ottoman Special Military Tribunal
32 Hulusi former Mayor of Uşak
33 Hain Mustafa former District-Governor of Adapazarı
34 Hafız Ahmet former Müftü of Tekirdağ
35 Sâbit former Mutasarrıf of Afyonkarahisar
36 Celâl Kadri former Mutasarrıf of Gaziantep
37 Adanalı Zeynelabidin Freedom and Accord Party Secretary General
38 Vasfi Hoca former Minister of Evkaf
39 Damat Ali Galip former Governor of Harput
40 Ömer Fevzi Müftü of Bursa
41 Aziz Nuri former assistant Governor of Bursa
42 Ahmet Asım İzmir Kadı Müşaviri
43 Nâtık former Istanbul Muhafızı
44 Âdil former Minister of the Interior
45 Mehmet Ali Bey former Minister of the Interior
46 Salim Mirimiran former Governor and Deputy Mayor of Edirne
47 Hoca Raish-zâde İbrahim Mutasarrıf for the Greeks in Kütahya
48 Abdurrahman Governor of Adana during the Franco-Turkish War
49 Ömer Fevzi member of parliament from Şarkikarahisar
50 Adil Mülazım, known as "torturer"
51 Refik Mülazım, known as "torturer"
52 Şerif former Kırkağaç Kaymakam
53 Mahmut Mahir former Çanakkale Mutasarrıf
54 Emin former Commander of Central İstanbul
55 Sadullah Sami former Kilis Kaymakam
56 Osman Nuri former Mutasarrıf of Bolu and former Barrister at the Interior Ministry
Çerkes Ethem and accomplices
No. Name Description
57 Çerkes Ethem
58 Reşit brother of Çerkes Ethem
59 Tevfik brother of Çerkes Ethem
60 Eşref Kuşçubaşı Special Organization leader
61 Hacı Sami brother of Eşref Kuşçubaşı
62 İzmirli Küçük Ethem captainformer Akhisar Kaymakamı
63 Düzceli Mehmet oğlu Sami
64 Burhaniyeli Halil İbrahim
65 Demirkapılı Hacı Ahmet from Susurluk
Participant envoys to Çerkes Kongresi
No. Name Description
66 Bağ Osman from Sümbüllü village, Hendek
67 İbrahim Hakkı former İzmit Mutasarrıfı
68 Sait Beraev
69 Tahir Berzek
70 Maan Şirin from Harmantepe village, Adapazarı
71 Hüseyin Kocaömeroğlu from Teke village, Söke Ereğlisi
72 Bağ Kamil from Talustanbey village, Adapazarı
73 Hamete Ahmet
74 Maan Ali
75 Harun Reşit from Karaosman village, Kirmastı
76 Eskişehirli Hızır Hoca
77 İsa son of Bigalı Nuri Bey
78 Kazım from Şahinbey village, Adapazarı
79 Lampaz Yakup from Tuzakçı village, Gönen
80 Kumpat Hafız Sait from Bayramiç village, Gönen
81 former major Ahmet from Keçeler village, Gönen
82 Sait Barrister from İzmir
83 Şamlı Ahmet Nuri
Police officers
No. Name Description
84 Tahsin former Director of Istanbul Police
85 Kemal former assistant director of Istanbul Police
86 Ispartalı Kemal assistant director of Public Safety
87 Hafız Sait former Chief Officer of Istanbul Police Department First Section
88 Şeref former First Branch Manager of Istanbul Police Department
89 Hacı Kemal former Arnavutköy Central Officer
90 Namık Polis Başmemurlarından[clarification needed]
91 Nedim Commisar of Şişli
92 Fuat former İzmit Central Officer, Director of Edirne Police and Yalova Kaymakam
93 Yolgeçenli Yusuf police officer in Adana
94 Sakallı Cemil former Unkapanı Central Officer
95 Mazlum former Büyükdere Central Officer
96 Fuat former Beyoğlu Second Commissar
No. Name Description
97 Mevlanzade Rifat Bey owner of Serbestî & member of Freedom and Accord Party
98 Sait Molla owner of Istanbul Gazetesi, printed in Turkish
99 İzmirli Hafız İsmail owner and former editor of Müsavat Gazetesi & member of Darülhikmet
100 Refik Halit Karay owner of Aydede & former Director General of the Post and Telegraph Ministry
101 Bahriyeli Ali Kemal owner of Bandırma Adalet Gazetesi
102 Neyir Mustafa owner of Hakikat Gazetesi in Selanik Teemin and Elyevm in Edirne
103 Ferit former editor of Köylü Gazetesi
104 Refi Cevat Ulunay owner of Alemdar Gazetesi
105 Pehlivan Kadri of Alemdar Gazetesi
106 Fânî-zâde Ali İlmi owner of Ferda Gazetesi in Adana
107 Trabzonlu Ömer Fevzi one of the owners of Balıkesir İrşad Gazetesi
108 Hasan Sadık owner of Halep Doğru Yol Gazetesi
109 İzmirli Refet owner and director of Köylü Gazetesi
No. Name Description
110 Tarsuslu Kamilpaşazade Selami
111 Tarsuslu Kamilpaşazade Kemal
112 Süleymaniyeli Kürt Hakkı
113 İbrahim Sabri son of Şeyhülislam Mustafa Sabri
114 Bursalı Cemil factory owner
115 Çerkes Ragıp well-known English spy
116 Haçinli Kazak Hasan officer during French invasion
117 Süngülü Davut bandit leader
118 Çerkes Bekir Binbaşı
119 Necip brother-in-law of factory owner Bursalı Cemil
120 Ahmet Hulusi former Inspector of Islamic Affairs of İzmir
121 Uşaklı Madanoğlu Mustafa
122 Remzi son of Yusuf from Tuzakçı village, Gönen
123 Zühtü son of Hacı Kasım from Bayramiç village, Gönen
124 Şakir son of Kocagözün Osman from Balcı village, Gönen
125 Koç Ali son of Koç Mehmet from Muratlar village, Gönen
126 Aziz son of Mehmet from Ayvacık village, Gönen
127 Osman son of Bağcılı Ahmet from Keçeler village, Gönen
128 İzzet son of Molla Süleyman from Yıldız village, Susurluk
129 Kâzım son of Hüseyin from Muratlar village, Gönen
130 Arap Mahmut son of Bekir from Balcı village, Gönen
131 Gardiyan Yusuf from Rüstem village, Gönen
132 Eyüp son of Ömer from Balcı village, Gönen
133 İbrahim Çavuş son of Talustan from Keçeler village, Gönen
134 İbrahim son of Topallı Şerif Balcı village, Gönen
135 İdris son of Topal Ömer from Keçeler village, Gönen
136 Kurhoğlu İsmail from Bolcaağaç village, Manyas
137 İshak son of Muhtar Hacı from Keçeler village, Gönen
138 İshak son of Yusuf from Kayapınar village, Marmara
139 Sabit son of Ali Bey from Kızlık village, Manyas
140 Selim son of Veli from Balcı village, Gönen
141 Osman son of Makinacı Mehmet from Çerkes Mahallesi, Gönen
142 Kâmil son of Kadir from Değirmenboğazı village, Manyas
143 Galip son of Hüseyin from Keçidere village, Gönen
144 Salih son of Çerkes Sait from Hacıyakup village, Manyas
145 İsmail brother of Maktul Şevket from Hacıyakup village, Manyas
146 Deli Kasım son of Abdullah from Keçeler village, Gönen
147 Kemal son of Hasan Onbaşı from Çerkes Mahallesi, Gönen
148 Kâzım Efe brother of Kâmil son of Kadir from Değirmenboğazı village, Manyas
149 Pallaçoğlu Kemal from Kızlık village, Gönen
150 Tuğoğlu Mehmet from Keçeler village, Gönen


  1. ^ Boyar, Ebru, and Kate Fleet. “A Dangerous Axis: The ‘Bulgarian Müftü’, the Turkish Opposition and the Ankara Government, 1928–36.” Middle Eastern Studies, vol. 44, no. 5, Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 2008, pp. 775–89 at 778, http://www.jstor.org/stable/40262615.
  2. ^ "Mehmed VI: Ottoman sultan".
  3. ^ TERZIĆ, FARUK. “The Problematic of Prophethood and Miracles: Muṣṭafā Ṣabrī’s Response.” Islamic Studies, vol. 48, no. 1, Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University, Islamabad, 2009, pp. 5–33 at 8, http://www.jstor.org/stable/20839152.

Further reading

  • İlhami Soysal, Yüzellilikler, (Istanbul: Gür, 1985)
  • Kâmil Erdeha, Article "Yüzellilikler", in Sosyalist Kültür Ansiklopedisi, vol. 8, pp. 1336–1341, Istanbul: May 1980