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Andrea Baschirotto

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Andrea Baschirotto is a full professor at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy and a Director of the Microelectronics Group. In 2014 Andrea Baschirotto was named Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) "for contributions to analog filters."[1]


In 2023 Andrea Baschirotto, under disciplinary proceedings, has been sentenced by the accounting judges to pay compensation of 619,060 euros, that is to say the amount of earnings that he should have collected from various consultancy activities incompatible with the role of university professor.

According to the reconstruction of the recently published sentence, everything started from an investigation into tax crimes: in the 2017 and 2018 tax periods, Baschirotto allegedly declared in the relevant tax returns "active elements for an amount lower than the actual amount, using panamese companies to have some operations carried out abroad documented and obtain the cash equivalent, net of the commissions incurred for carrying out the illicit intermediation".[2]


  1. ^ "2014 elevated fellow". IEEE Fellows Directory. Archived from the original on 2014-10-29. Retrieved 2017-04-11.
  2. ^ https://www.ilgiorno.it/milano/cronaca/prof-bicocca-luminare-corte-dei-conti-bf308376?live