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Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras

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Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras
Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras Pérez

(1947-09-19)19 September 1947
Died5 June 2020(2020-06-05) (aged 72)
Madrid, Spain

Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras Pérez (19 September 1947 – 5 June 2020) was a Spanish historian, a professor at the Charles III University of Madrid, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Communication and Documentation and Director of the Institute of Culture and Technology of the Carlos III University.[1] He was also a member of the Advisory Council of TeamLabs since its foundation in 2013.[2]

Early life and education


Rodríguez was born on 19 September 1947, in Vigo, Pontevedra, due to the transfer of his family from Salamanca to the Galician city because his father was director of the laboratory of the Oceanographic Center of Vigo,[3] from 1941 until his death in August from 1958;[4] and in 1952 being president of the Delegate of the Superior Council of Chemical Colleges; he was also founder and dean of the Official College of Chemists of Vigo, later known as the Official College of Chemists of Galicia.[5][6]

Rodríguez studied physics in Madrid, a career he abandoned to move to Salamanca where he studied at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters.



After finishing his studies, he began his professional career conducting interviews with well-known writers such as Salvador Espriu, Camilo José Cela, Antonio Buero Vallejo and Ana María Matute, among others for ABC's Mirador Literario. In 1971, he published the biography of Ángel María de Lera, whom he met personally, after managing to overcome the pitfalls of censorship.[3][7]

Rodríguez worked for the Faro de Vigo and El Adelanto de Salamanca, work that he combined with the writing of Os carneiros, a book on the migration of the Portuguese to Europe. He presented the doctoral thesis on Filiberto Villalobos at the University of Salamanca in 1974. The thesis obtained the Extraordinary Doctorate Award and the Board of Trustees Award from the University of Salamanca.

That same year he held the position of professor at the University of Extremadura, a place he chose to work instead of Salamanca because his wife was a professor at the Laboral University.[8] A year later, he began to develop his "method of discourse topology" for the analysis of political discourse. The method was applied in the history teaching of said faculty.[3][9][10]

Between 1974 and 1992, Rodríguez was a professor at the University of Extremadura. First as Interim Professor (1974-1985), then as Titular (1985-1987) and, finally, Professor (1987-1992). In Cáceres he founded the Conflict Research Laboratory (later, Seminar) within the Department of Contemporary History of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. In the late 1970s, he introduced the first computers - Apple II - applied to the study of social sciences at the University of Extremadura. Between 1979 and 1980 he was associate professor of Manuel Tuñón de Lara at the University of Pau.[3] He met Tuñón de Lara at the Third Colloquium in Pau, where, as he would recall: "I showed up there in those times when I knew that when you returned they would take your passport from you."[11] He had a lasting and friendly relationship with Tuñón de Lara, of mutual admiration, even when it involved two very different intellectual projects.[12] Between October 1986 and March 1987 he was at the University of Paris VIII as maître de conferences.[13]

He obtained the chair of Contemporary History in 1987, with the research study Theory and Method in Contemporary History. In 1991 he held the position of professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid and later at the University of Extremadura, being named by this doctor honoris causa in 2017.[3]

As a historian, he was a pioneer in the development of the history of the present time,[14] a discipline built on the conviction that from 1945, after the end of World War II, the traditional categories of state and nation were not enough to account for the emergence of new global events, derived from developments in cybernetics, astronautics, nuclear physics and, above all, communication and information technologies.[15] The novelty of his approach materialized in the creation of a new way of approaching sources through the so-called Discourse Topology Method:[16] a graphic representation that shows the relationship between the different concepts that form a discourse or, in other words, the network of relationships that mapped the itineraries that an author goes through to construct his discourse.[17]

Rodríguez was a specialist in the interaction between Humanities and Technology, founder of the Faculty of Humanities, Communication and Documentation, and founder and director of the Institute of Culture and Technology (ICyT) of the Carlos III University of Madrid. "The knowledge society," said Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras, "will be made with scientists, teachers and artists", because without this meeting of sensibilities we will not have the necessary social metabolism to convert information into knowledge.[17]

From the Extremaduran stage, his interest in hypertext was not only theoretical, although his interest increased after his arrival in Madrid.[18] He was also interested in practicing small pioneering experiments in an artisanal way.[19] Among them are pale testimonies of the following: the project done with Guide for the opposition to the chair in 1987,[20] By the shore of hypertext (1988) with HyperCard / Hypertalk,[21] Saint Petersburg before the Revolution (1992) with SuperCard,[22] New Spaces (1993) with CDI, Image and memory of the UGT (1994) with CDI,[23] Interactive History of Humanity (1997) with CDI.[24] His vision of the possibilities of new technologies led him to be considered one of the fathers of digital humanities in Spain.

He prepared different articles for dissemination and opinion in the digital magazine Bez and in a biweekly column in El País Retina.[25][26][27][28]



Rodríguez died from COVID-19 at the age of 72 on 4 June 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain.[29]

Awards and distinctions

  • Extraordinary Doctorate Award and the University of Salamanca Board of Trustees Award (1974)[3]
  • Merit Medal from the Carlos III University of Madrid (2006)[30]
  • Doctor honoris causa from the University of Extremadura (2018)[31]
  • Fundesco Essay Award for his book Navigate information (1990)[32]


  1. ^ "Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras". edX. Retrieved 6 June 2020.
  2. ^ Consejo Asesor Archived 2020-06-13 at the Wayback Machine de TeamLabs
  3. ^ a b c d e f "Antonio Rodriguez de las Heras. Biografía". ALT (in Spanish). Retrieved 5 June 2020.
  4. ^ Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo, 1917-2017. En primera persona. Cien años de historia a través de sus directores.
  5. ^ "Historia del Colegio". Colegio Oficial de Químicos de Galicia (in Spanish). Retrieved 6 June 2020.
  6. ^ "Galería de Decanos". Colegio oficial de Químicos de Galicia (in Spanish). Retrieved 6 June 2020.
  7. ^ Bez (17 June 2017). "La mirilla". Bez.es (in Spanish). Archived from the original on 5 June 2020. Retrieved 6 June 2020.
  8. ^ Entrevista a Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras de José María Lama sobre sus primeros años en Extremadura.
  9. ^ Samaniego Boneu, Mercedes (1977). La política educativa de la Segunda República durante el bienio azañista. C.S.I.C. Escuela de Historia Moderna. p. 369. ISBN 84-00-03633-6. OCLC 3612979. Retrieved 6 June 2020.
  10. ^ Carbajo Vázquez, Judith (2016). El Partido Socialista Galego (PSG) y el discurso de los derechos del franquismo a la transición democrática. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. p. 33. ISBN 978-84-9012-600-4. OCLC 958563143. Retrieved 6 June 2020.
  11. ^ Entrevista a Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras de José María Lama
  12. ^ Con motivo de las I Jornadas de Historia de Extremadura, celebradas del 8 al 12 de marzo de 1979, visitó Cáceres el historiador Manuel Tuñón de Lara. Tres jóvenes universitarios (Felipe Traxeira, Miguel Ángel Teijeiro y José María Lama) le entrevistaron. Al año siguiente, se publicó la entrevista en la revista universitaria cacereña "Residencia", que se hacía a ciclostil en la Residencia Universitaria "San José".
  13. ^ "Curriculum vitae" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2022-05-29. Retrieved 2020-06-22.
  14. ^ François Bédarida (1998), "Definición, método y práctica de la Historia del Tiempo Presente", Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea 20:19-27.
  15. ^ Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras, "La historia del tiempo presente y las tecnologías de la comunicación", en Carlos Navajas Zubeldia, ed., Actas del II Simposio de Historia Actual (Logroño, 26-28 de noviembre de 1998), 2000, pp. 83-100
  16. ^ Una detallada descripción del Método puede encontrarse en Juan Sánchez González (1980), "La topología del discurso y su aplicación al estudio de "Las Nacionalidades" de Francisco Pi y Margall".
  17. ^ a b José Antonio Rubio Caballero, "Historia y nación en el ideario nacionalista republicano catalán durante la Transición española. Una aplicación metodológica", en Carlos Forcadell Álvarez, Carmen Frías Corredor, Ignacio Peiró Martín, Pedro Víctor Rújula López, eds., Usos públicos de la Historia: comunicaciones al VI Congreso de la Asociación de Historia Contemporánea (Zaragoza, 2002), Vol. 1, 2002, págs. 582-598. La descripción del método en pp. 583ss.
  18. ^ "La aventura del saber: Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras". Instituto Nacional de tecnologías educativas y de Formación del Profesorado (España).
  19. ^ Fernández Bonet, Beatriz (2015). "Entrevista al Dr. Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras" (PDF). ArtyHum: Revista Digital de Artes y Humanidades (16). Retrieved 5 June 2020.
  20. ^ Cuenta Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras la inquietud que le producía su atrevimiento de llegar al concurso oposición con un ejercicio que era un hipertexto: "Cuando se aproximaba el día del ejercicio, crecía mi temor acerca de cómo recibiría el tribunal un proyecto presentado desde un Macinstosh conectado a una tableta colocada sobre un proyector de transparencias (era el modo mejor en aquella época para presentar algo desde un ordenador). Así que decidí volcar una a una todas las pantallas de mi hipertexto en el papel (472 pantallas) y llevar las dos versiones a la espera de que frente al tribunal y según sus caras decidiera cuál sería la conveniente. ¿Les digo por cuál me decanté al final?"
  21. ^ "Por la orilla del hipertexto -explica Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras- se difunde en tres idiomas (español, inglés y francés). Y en 1989 se publica una proyección parcial sobre el papel, es decir, en dos dimensiones en la revista Wheels for the Mind, del Consorcio Universitario Europeo Apple."
  22. ^ "En 1992 hice la experiencia -explica Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras- de plegar una interesante colección de fotografías sobre el San Petersburgo antes de la Revolución Archived 2020-06-08 at the Wayback Machine recogida en dos bellos libros recién editados. Había utilizado en años anteriores las herramientas Guide y HyperCard para otros trabajos hipertextuales. En esta ocasión utilicé SuperCard, que ofrecía más prestaciones que HyperCard. El objetivo principal era ver las posibilidades de organizar una colección de fotografías históricas de manera distinta a la que se puede hacer sobre papel y dentro de un libro códice."
  23. ^ "Nuevos espacios Archived 2020-06-08 at the Wayback Machine -explica Anhtonio Rodríguez de las Heras- lo realicé con SuperCard un HyperCard con mejoras gráficas, entre otras prestaciones. Nuevos espacios lo desarrollé a continuación en CDI con Lab-CDi y Philips."
  24. ^ "Después de la prueba en CDi de Nuevos espacios -explica Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras- realizo, también con Lab-CDI, Imagen y memoria de la UGT por encargo del sindicato. La intención era disponer de un producto multimedia que se pudiera ver en las sedes del sindicato."
  25. ^ Los artículos están disponibles en línea.
  26. ^ Los artículos publicados en Retina se encuentran accesibles.
  27. ^ Vega, Guillermo (8 June 2020). "Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras, una vida en digital". El País, Retina.
  28. ^ Sánchez González, Juan (8 June 2020). "Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras, un maestro, un privilegio". HOY Diario Regional de Extremadura.
  29. ^ Fallece Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras, experto de Levanta la cabeza (in Spanish)
  30. ^ "Medallas de honor y mérito | UC3M". Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (in Spanish). 2006. Retrieved 2 July 2020.
  31. ^ "La Uex nombra a tres nuevos doctores honoris causa". Hoy (in Spanish). 8 February 2018. Retrieved 5 June 2020.
  32. ^ "Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras". Círculo de Bellas Artes (in Spanish). Retrieved 5 June 2020.