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Draft:The Staff Lounge Show

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The pilot episode of the 90’s-style sitcom, “Teacher’s Lounge,” opens with a jazzy, upbeat theme song and a montage of the teachers in their daily routines—spilling coffee, breaking up student squabbles, and racing to class. The camera zooms in on the door labeled Teachers’ Lounge as we hear the school bell ring, signaling the start of lunch.

Scene 1: The Lounge The teachers filter in, looking weary but ready for their lunch break. Annie saunters in first, holding a coffee mug that says “Mom of the Year” with an ironic smirk.

Annie: (deadpan) “My kids made me this mug. Too bad they also made me late to work… again.” Kale (sitting in the corner, scrolling through his phone): “Better than when your dogs eat your lesson plan… Allegedly.”

Adam bursts in, spinning a paper towel roll like a basketball. He takes a seat next to Kale.

Adam: “Kale, my man, still rocking that ‘I’m dead inside’ look?” Kale: “It’s a lifestyle.”

Carin comes in, looking frazzled and holding a stack of papers. She throws her things down dramatically on the table next to Adam.

Carin: “Admin wants me to redo my entire lesson plan… again! I swear they live to make my life harder.”

Adam gives her a cheeky grin and leans in. Adam: “Maybe you just need a partner to help you… unwind?” Carin: (rolling her eyes) “Don’t make me regret telling you about my divorce.”

Erin enters, glancing at everyone with a determined look. She’s clutching a binder that looks like it could double as a doorstop. Erin: “Does anyone want to review assessment strategies? I’ve got some great new data to go over!”

The others groan, but Broschk, the cool baseball coach, slides in, offering her a nod. Broschk: “Hey Erin, maybe save that for the faculty meeting? This is lounge time. Chill.”

Janice strides in next, wearing her signature tracksuit, looking like she’s ready to start a dodgeball tournament. She points at Adam.

Janice: “You’re sitting in my chair, big guy.” Adam: (grinning) “Just warming it up for ya, Janice.”

Adam jumps up and moves, while Paige and Rachel timidly sneak in, fresh from their classrooms. Paige is all smiles, excited, while Rachel looks overwhelmed.

Rachel: (whispering to Paige) “Is it always this… chaotic in here?” Paige: (laughing) “Oh, just wait.”

Finally, Mrs. Jankowski, the ever-patient aide, walks in last, carrying a stack of sped reports. She sits down quietly, observing the chaos with a calm expression.

Scene 2: The Lunch Debate The teachers start their usual banter about the latest school drama. Adam teases Annie about being the “perfect” mom, Kale drops a sarcastic remark about the state of education, and Carin tries to vent without losing her cool. Erin attempts to bring the conversation back to something academic, while Janice argues with Broschk about the merits of dodgeball as a character-building exercise.

Suddenly, Adam turns to Broschk with a smirk.

Adam: “Alright, coach, big question: If you had to marry one teacher in this room, who would it be?” Broschk: (without missing a beat) “I’d marry the game, my friend.” Adam: “Coward.”

The teachers laugh as Broschk shrugs it off. But Adam turns his gaze to Carin with a raised eyebrow, teasing her without saying a word. Carin catches the look and immediately groans.

Carin: “Don’t even start.” Annie: (grinning) “Oh, this is gonna be good.”

Scene 3: Ending Chaos The scene ends with the teachers huddling together for a spontaneous “faculty meeting,” involving junk food, sarcastic remarks, and a collective sense of “we’re in this together.” The camera pans out as they joke and bond, with Erin still trying to convince them to look at her binder, and Janice loudly proclaiming she could bench press Adam. Kale delivers a final, dry line as the bell rings, signaling the end of lunch.

Kale: “Well, back to the trenches.”

The episode closes with the teachers dispersing, ready to face the rest of the day, leaving behind a mess of papers, coffee mugs, and the feeling that this chaotic group is exactly what they need to survive the school year.

The credits roll over a still shot of the empty lounge, the faint sound of school kids yelling in the background.

