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European Federation of National Associations of Water Services

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European Federation of National Associations of Water Services (EurEau) is the organisation represents water service providers at the European level and offers expertise on the water sector to EU bodies and decision-makers,[1] assists policy makers at the European level in the development of directives and other legislation affecting the water sector, [2][3] and is also a network for its members to meet and exchange information and experience. Founded in 1975, the corporation has grown to represent drinking and waste water service providers from 31 countries across Europe.[4][1][5][6][7] These countries pertain to EU Member States, EFTA, and the EEA. [2] [5] [8]



EurEau’s origins can be traced back to 1972, when a small group of water supply professionals from the original six EEC member states provided an opinion on the 4th draft directive on water meters presented by the European Commission. [9] Following this initial collaboration, the members decided to create an official association representing the EEC water supply companies to continue working on water legislation and meet the future requirements of the Commission, which had begun planning a directive on the quality of surface water required for the production of drinking water. EurEau was culminated and its constitution was signed in Brussels on March 21, 1975.[9]



EurEau’s governance structure consists of a General Assembly (GA), and Executive Committee (ExCom), three thematic committees, five thematic joint working groups (JWG), and its secretariat.[1] The association is governed by the GA and the ExCom.[10] The General Assembly is made up of one representative from each country. EurEau’s three thematic committees manage cases and draft positions on issues related to their area of expertise.[1] They are made up of experts from member organisations. Its president is Pär Dalhielm. [11]

  • EU1: Drinking water: issues regarding untreated water, drinking water and associated distribution facilities.
  • EU2: Waste water: issues regarding wastewater and the aquatic environment, upstream work, chemicals, and recycling.
  • EU3: Economic and legal affairs: issues related to law, finance and benchmarking.[1]



The EurEau secretariat is based in Brussels.[1]



EurEau represents 37 national drinking and waste water service providers across Europe.[12]

Country Member Organisation Organisation Name Organisation Name (English Translation)
Austria OWAV Österreichischer Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaftsverband Austrian Water and Waste Management Association
Austria OVGW Österreichische Vereinigung für das Gas- und Wasserfach Austrian Association for Gas and Water
Belgium Belaqua Belgische Federatie voor de Watersector / Fédération Belge du Secteur de l’Eau Belgian Federation for the Water Sector
Bulgaria UWSSORB Съюз на ВиК Операторите в Република България Union of Waste Water Operators in the Republic of Bulgaria
Croatia GVIK Hrvatska grupacija vodovoda i kanalizacije Croatian Water and Waste Water Association
Cyprus CAWSB Cyprus Water and Sewerage Boards Association
Czech Republic SOVAK Sdružení oboru vodovodů a kanalizací České republiky Water Supply and Sewerage Association of the Czech Republic
Denmark DANVA Dansk Vand - og Spildevandsforening Danish Water and Waste Water Association
Estonia EVEL Eesti Vee-ettevõtete Liit i.e. Estonian Water Works Association
Finland FIWA Vesilaitosyhdistys - Vattenverksförening Finnish Water Utilities Association
France FP2E Fédération Professionnelle des Entreprises de l’Eau Professional Federation of Water Companies
Germany BDEW Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft German Association of Energy and Water Industries
Germany DVGW Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches e.V German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water
Greece EDEYA ΕΝΩΣΗ ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΩΝ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΕΩΝ ΥΔΡΕΥΣΗΣ ΑΠΟΧΕΤΕΥΣΗΣ - Ε.Δ.Ε.Υ.Α. Hellenic Union of Municipal Enterprises for Water Supply and Sewage
Hungary MaViz Magyar Víziközmű Szövetség Hungarian Water Utility Association
Ireland CCMA The County and City Managers’ Association
Ireland Irish Water Irish Water
Italy Utilitalia Associazione delle imprese idriche energetiche e ambientali Federation of Energy, Water and Environmental Services
Latvia LWWWWA Latvijas Udensapgades un Kanalizacijas Uznemumu Asociacija Latvian Water and Wastewater Works Association
Lithuania Vandens Jėga Vandens Jėga Lithuanian Water Association 'Water Power'
Luxemburg ALUSEAU Association Luxembourgeoise des Services d’Eau Luxembourg Association of Water Services
Malta WSC Water Services Corporation
Norway Norsk Vann Norsk Vann Norwegian Water
Poland IGWP Izba Gospodarcza Wodociagi Polskie Polish Waterworks Chamber of Commerce
Portugal APDA Associaçâo Portuguesa de Distribuiçâo e Drenagem de Aguas Portuguese Association of Water and Wastewater Services
Romania ARA Asociatia Romana a Apei Romanian Water Association
Serbia PKS Privredna Komora Srbije Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia
Slovakia ASV Asociácia Vodárenských Spoločností Association of Water Companies
Slovenia GZS-ZKG Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije – Zbornica komunalnega gospodarstva Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia - Chamber of Public Utilities
Spain AEAS Asociación Española de Abastecimientos de Agua y Saneamiento Spanish Water and Wastewater Association
Sweden Svenskt Vatten Svent Vatten The Swedish Water and Wastewater Association
Switzerland SVGW Société Suisse de l’Industrie du Gaz et des Eaux / Schweizerischer Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches / Società Svizzera dell’Industria del Gas e delle Acque Swiss Gas and Water Industry Association
Switzerland VSA Verband Schweizer Abwasser- und Gewässerschutzfachleute The Swiss Waste Water Association
The Netherlands UvW Unie van Waterschappen Dutch Water Authorities
The Netherlands Vewin Vereniging van waterbedrijven in Nederland Association of Dutch Water Companies
Ukraine Ukrvodokanal Українська асоціація підприємств водопровідно-каналізаційного господарства «Укрводоканалекологія» Ukrainian Association of Water Supply and Sewerage Enterprises
United Kingdom Water UK Water UK


  1. ^ a b c d e f "EurEau". Svenskt Vatten.
  2. ^ a b "EurEau valitsi uuden presidentin". www.vvy.fi.
  3. ^ "EurEau:n lainsäädäntö- ja talouskomitea kokoontui Helsingissä". www.vvy.fi.
  4. ^ "About EurEau - The voice of Europe's drinking water and waste water service operators". www.eureau.org.
  5. ^ a b "EURACTIV Press Release Site". EURACTIV PR.
  6. ^ "StackPath". www.waterworld.com.
  7. ^ "Aquafin sterk vertegenwoordigd in EurEau". pers.aquafin.be.
  8. ^ "AEAS :: Sala de prensa". www.aeas.es.
  9. ^ a b "EurEau - History". www.eureau.org.
  10. ^ "EurEau - Governance". www.eureau.org.
  11. ^ "StackPath". www.svensktvatten.se.
  12. ^ "Eureau report charts governance of European water services • Water News Europe - News EU water sector". Water News Europe - News EU water sector. 2019-05-01. Retrieved 2020-07-06.