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List of compositions by Aram Khachaturian

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Aram Khachaturian in 1971

This is a list of compositions by Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian.




  • Symphonies
  • Dance Suite (1933)
  • Violin Concerto in D minor (1940)
  • Suite from Gayane No. 1 (1943)
  • Suite from Gayane No. 2 (1943)
  • Suite from Gayane No. 3 (1943)
  • State Anthem of the Armenian SSR (1944)
  • The Russian Fantasy (1944)
  • Suite from Masquerade (1944)
  • Ode in Memory of Vladimir Ilich Lenin (1948)
  • Suite from Battle of Stalingrad (1949)
  • Triumphal Poem, a festive poem (1950)
  • Suite from The Valencian Widow (1952)
  • Suite from Spartacus No. 1 (1955)
  • Suite from Spartacus No. 2 (1955)
  • Suite from Spartacus No. 3 (1955)
  • Symphonic Pictures from Spartacus (1955)
  • Greeting (or Salutatory) Overture (1958)
  • Suite from Lermontov (1959)

Vocal orchestral

  • Poem about Stalin (1938)
  • Three Arias (Poem, Legend, Dithyramb), for high pitched voice and orchestra (1946)
  • Ode of Joy, ballade for female soloist, chorus, violins, harps, and orchestra (1956)
  • Ballade about Motherland, for soloist and symphony orchestra (1961)


English title Russian title Year Notes
Армянская застольная 1948
Avio-March Авиамарш ?
Ayu-Dag Аю-Даг ?
Oh, Where Is She Ах, где она? 1957 Song in Armenian
Homeland Ballad Баллада о Родине 1961
Будь готов ?
Into Fight, Comrades! В бой, камарадос 1936
In a Great Time, Friends, We Live В завидное время, друзья, мы живем... ?
Вальс дружбы 1951
To You, Arabian Friends Вам, арабские друзья 1964
Spring Carnival Весенний карнавал 1956
Встреча с поэтом 1948
Guard's March Гвардейский марш 1942
State Anthem of Armenian SSR Государственный гимн Армянской ССР 1944
Children of Lenin Дети Ленина 1935
Джавуз идим 1931
Dithiramb Дифирамб 1946
Daughters of Iran Дочери Ирана 1939
Waiting for You Жду тебя 1943
Заводская-станковая ?
Into School Tomorrow Завтра в школу 1933
Dancing Игровая 1931
Captain Gastello Капитан Гастелло 1941
Ковер счастья 1950
Komsomolets Комсомолец 1931
Komsomolets and Komsomolka Комсомолец и комсомолка 1931
Komsomol Song Комсомольская песня 1948
Комсомольская-шахтерская 1931
Korean Partisan Song Корейская партизанская песня 1952 Originally composed by Sunnam Kim
Red Fleet March Краснофлотский марш 1933
Legend Легенда 1946
Peace March Марш мира 1962
Могучий Урал 1942
Baltic Sea Море Балтийское 1941
My Homeland Моя Родина 1950
A Musical Pamphlet Музыкальный памфлет 1951
We Shall Win! Мы победим! 1939
On the Gogol Boulevard На бульваре Гоголя 1935
In Our Forest На нашем лугу 1931
We're Always Joyful Нам сегодня весело 1963
Ear Started Earing Начал колос колоситься 1932
Our Future Наше будущее 1931
New Song Новая песня 1931
What Children Phantasy About О чем мечтают дети 1949 Lyrics by Viktor Vinnikov
What Children Phantasy About О чем мечтают дети 1949 Lyrics by Petr Gradov
Patriotic Song Патриотическая песня ?
A Peace Protector's Song Песня защитниц мира 1951
Song Песня 1952
Song of Zulfia Песня Зульфии 1939 From film "Сад"
Song About a Girl Песня о девушке 1950
Песня о дружбе народов 1968
Song about Erevan Песня о Ереване 1948
Red Army Song Песня о Красной Армии 1943 In collaboration with Shostakovich
Песня о пограничнике 1938
Песня про иву 1956 From film Othello
Pepo's Song Песня Пэпо 1934 From film Pepo
Heart's Song Песня сердца 1949
Russian Sailors' Song Песня русских матросов 1953 From film "Корабли штурмуют бастионы"
Red Fleet Song Песня Черноморского флота (Краснофлотская) 1931
Pioneer Olya Пионерка Оля 1933
Пионерский барабан 1933
Under Rain Под дождем 1937
Полевая песня 1931
Походная красноармейская песня ударника обороны... 1932
Походная песня 1953
Poem Поэма 1946
Присяга миру 1950
Romance of Nina Романс Нины From Mikhail Lermontov's Masquerade
Satiric Сатирическая 1932
World of Loving Eyes Свет любимых глаз 1962
Glory to Our Fatherland! Слава нашей Отчизне! 1943
Airplane Самолет ?
Comrade Hassan Товарищ Гасан 1931
Третий заем ?
Uralochka Уралочка 1943
Uralians Fight Hard Уральцы бьются здорово 1942




  • String Quartet (1931)
  • Trio for Clarinet, Violin and Piano (1932)


  • Roaming Ashug's Song for cello and piano (1925)
  • Elegy for cello and piano (1925)
  • Piece for cello and piano (1926)
  • Dance No. 1 for violin and piano (1926)
  • Dream for cello and piano (1927)
  • Pantomime for oboe and piano (1927)
  • Allegretto for violin and piano (1929)
  • Song-Poem (in Honor of Ashugs) for violin and piano (1929)
  • Suite for viola and piano (1929)
  • Mass Dance for bayan (1932)
  • Violin Sonata (1932)
  • Nocturne from Masquerade for violin and piano (1941)
  • Sonata-Fantasia for unaccompanied cello (1974)
  • Sonata-Monologue for unaccompanied violin (1975)
  • Sonata-Song for solo viola (1976)


  • Poem (1925)
  • Waltz-Etude (1926)
  • Andantino (1926)
  • Poem (1927)
  • Variations on the Theme "Solveig" (1928)
  • Seven Recitatives and Fugues (1928, 1966)
  • Suite (Toccata, Waltz-Capriccio, Dance) (1932; the Toccata is now best known as a piece separate from the suite)
  • Dance No. 3 (1933)
  • March No. 3 (1934)
  • Budenovka, a mass dance (undated)
  • Choreographic Waltz (1944)
  • Three Pieces for two pianos (Ostinato, Romance, Fantastic Waltz) (1945)
  • Album for Children No. 1, 10 pieces (1947)
  • Waltz from Masquerade (1952)
  • Piano Sonatina (1959)
  • Piano Sonata (1961)
  • Album for Children No. 2 (1965)
  • Adventures of Ivan

Incidental music

  • Uncle Baghdasar (1927)
  • Khatabala (1928)
  • Oriental Dentist (1928)
  • Debt of Honor (1931)
  • Macbeth (1933)
  • Devastated Home (1935)
  • Great Day (1937)
  • Baku (1937)
  • The Valencian Widow (1940)
  • Masquerade (1941)
  • Kremlin Chimes (1942)
  • Sound Scout (1943)
  • The Last Day (1945)
  • Southern Bale (1947)
  • Tale About The Truth (1947)
  • Ilya Golovin (1949)
  • Spring Current (1953)
  • Guardian Angel from Nebraska (1953)
  • Lermontov (1954)
  • Macbeth (1955)
  • King Lear (1958)

Film scores


Brass band

  • Combat March No. 1 (1929)
  • Combat March No. 2 (1930)
  • Dancing Music (on the theme of an Armenian song) (1932)
  • March No. 3 (Uzbek March) (1932)
  • Dance (on the theme of an Armenian song) (1932)
  • To the Heroes of the Patriotic War, a march (1942)
  • March of the Moscow Red Banner Militia (1973)