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Module:Discussion ping

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

--- This module extracts all the users in either a marked LST or in wikitext and
-- generates links reflecting a courtesy ping.
-- @module Courtesy ping
-- @require Module:Arguments
-- @release alpha

local p = {}
local getArgs = require("Module:Arguments").getArgs

--- Makes a user link
-- @param {table} userTitle the title for the user object
-- @return {string} the formatted user link in the form of a ping
function makeUserLink( userTitle )
	return mw.ustring.format( '@[[%s|%s]]', userTitle.prefixedText, userTitle.text )

--- Entry point for module
-- @param {table} frame processing frame
-- @return {string} wikitext
function p.main( frame )
	local args = getArgs( frame )
	return p._main( args, frame )

function p._main( args, frame )
	frame = frame or mw.getCurrentFrame()
	if not mw.isSubsting() and not args['__demo'] then
		error( "[[Module:Courtesy ping]] must be substituted" )
	local links = {}
	local noPing = {}
	local i = 1
	while args["noping" .. i] do
		noPing[ args[ "noping" .. i ] ] = true
		i = i + 1	
	local wikitext = args['wikitext'] or args[1] or nil
	local pageToInclude = args['title'] or ''
	local lstTitle = mw.title.new( pageToInclude )
	if not wikitext and lstTitle then
		if lstTitle.fragment and lstTitle.fragment ~= ''  then
			wikitext = frame:callParserFunction('#lsth', { lstTitle.prefixedText, lstTitle.fragment })
			wikitext = frame:preprocess(lstTitle:getContent())
	elseif not wikitext then
		error( "Wikitext or a page title with section must be specified!" )
	mw.log( wikitext )
	-- Thanks ChatGPT
	for link, display in mw.ustring.gmatch(wikitext, "%[%[([^%[%]|]+)%|?([^%[%]]*)%]%]") do
		mw.logObject({link, display})
	    if display == "" then
	        display = link  -- No display text, so use the link itself
		if not links[ link ] then links[ link ] = mw.title.new( link ) end
	-- local wikitextArray = mw.text.split( wikitext, '' )
	-- local inWikiLink = false
	-- local inPipedLink = false
	-- local trimmed = false
	-- local toProcess = ''
	-- for k,v in ipairs( wikitextArray ) do
	-- 	if k ~= 1 then
	-- 		if inWikiLink then
	-- 			toProcess = toProcess .. v
	-- 			if wikitextArray[ k ] == '|' then
	-- 				toProcess = mw.ustring.sub( toProcess, 0,
	-- 					mw.ustring.len( toProcess ) - 1 )
	-- 				trimmed = true
	-- 				inPipedLink = true
	-- 				inWikiLink = false
	-- 			end
	-- 		end
	-- 		if not inWikiLink and not inPipedLink then
	-- 			trimmed = false
	-- 			if wikitextArray[ k ] == '[' and wikitextArray[ k - 1 ] == '['
	-- 				then
	-- 				toProcess = ''
	-- 				inWikiLink = true
	-- 			end
	-- 		else
	-- 			if wikitextArray[ k ] == ']' and wikitextArray[ k - 1 ] == ']'
	-- 				then
	-- 				if not trimmed then
	-- 					toProcess = mw.ustring.sub( toProcess, 0,
	-- 						mw.ustring.len( toProcess ) - 2 )
	-- 					trimmed = true
	-- 				end
	-- 				links[ toProcess ] = mw.title.new( toProcess )
	-- 				toProcess = ''
	-- 				inWikiLink = false
	-- 				inPipedLink = false
	-- 			end
	-- 		end
	-- 	end
	-- end
	mw.logObject( links )
	local out = {}
	for k,v in pairs(links) do
		mw.logObject( v )
		if v ~= nil then
			if v.namespace == 2 and not v.isSubpage and not noPing[ v.text ] then
				table.insert( out, makeUserLink( v ) )
	return '<!-- Begin [[Module:Courtesy ping]] -->' .. mw.text.trim( table.concat( out, ' ' ) )
		.. '<!-- End [[Module:Courtesy ping]] -->'	

return p