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Robinson 2011

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Robinson 2011
Season 2011
Presented byPaolo Roberto
No. of days42
No. of castaways20
WinnerMats Kemi
Runner-upOla Ahlgren
LocationEl Nido, Palawan, Philippines
No. of episodes13
Original networkTV4
Original release29 August (2011-08-29) –
10 November 2011 (2011-11-10)
Additional information
Filming dates24 April –
7 June 2011[1]
Season chronology
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Robinson 2011 is the fourteenth season of the Swedish version of Survivor and had its premiere on 29 August 2011. Paolo Roberto returned to host this season.

Like the previous season, this season did not have a jury vote to decide the winner. Instead, it was a final challenge where Mats Kemi became the winner against runners-up Ola Ahlgren and Hanna Nygren.


Contestant Original Tribe New Tribes Merged Tribe Finish Total
Fanny Castelius
26, Falsterbo
Bontoc Left Competition
Day 5
Ann-Louise "Lisa" Krantz
36, Brandstorp
Bontoc Left Competition
Day 5
Sana Bardi
21, Sundbyberg
Bontoc Lost Challenge
Day 9
Petra Ljungberg
26, Helsingborg
Kalinga Removed
Due to Illness
Day 12
Sophie Henriksson
24, Malmö
Kalinga Left Competition
Day 14
Hanna Sakko
22, Stockholm
Kalinga Left Competition
Day 14
Johan Jonsson
21, Ljusdal
Kalinga3 1st Voted Out
Day 17
Sigvald Harryson
Returned to game
Bontoc4 2nd Voted Out
Day 20
Viktoriya Lyubar
21, Malmö
Bontoc None Left Competition
Day 21
Michaela Edslätt
20, Täby
Kalinga Matal 3rd Voted Out
Day 23
Love Jarl
24, Älvsjö
Kalinga2 Matal Left Competition
Day 24
Hjalmtyr Daregård
Returned to game
Bontoc4 Gago 4th Voted Out
Day 26
Vicky Chand
29, Solna
Kalinga4 Matal Naiwan Left Competition
Day 28
Hjalmtyr Daregård
21, Stockholm
Bontoc4 Gago 5th Voted Out
Day 29
Denicé Lundevall
30, Västerås
Kalinga Matal 6th Voted Out
Day 33
Fredrik Sämsgård
36, Stora Höga
Kalinga4 Gago 7th Voted Out
Day 36
Fatima Nilsson
43, Helsingborg
Kalinga Gago 8th Voted Out
Day 39
Sigvald Harryson
44, Malmö
Bontoc4 Matal 9th Voted Out
Day 41
Louise Alvedal
25, Hässleholm
Bontoc Gago 10th Voted Out
Day 41
Hanna Nygren
24, Helsingborg
Bontoc Gago 2nd Runner-Up 0
Ola Ahlgren
39, Onsala
Bontoc4 Gago Runner-Up 1
Mats Kemi
52, Huddinge
Bontoc4 Matal Sole Survivor 1
The Total Votes is the number of votes a castaway has received during Tribal Councils where the castaway is eligible to be voted out of the game. It does not include the votes received during the final Tribal Council.

^1 The four women who entered later (Denicé, Lisa, Petra and Viktoriya) competed in a "tribe leader" challenge, where the winner would be the tribe leader of Kalinga and got to choose one of the other women to join her. The other two who weren't chosen (Lisa and Viktoriya) competed for the tribe leadership in Bontoc.

^2 After Kalinga won the second Reward Challenge, their tribe leader Denicé went to a Philippine prison where the men were held and got to choose one of the men to join her as a new tribemate. She chose Love.

^3 Michaela from Kalinga and Sana from Bontoc were chosen as sacrifices for the fourth Reward Challenge. The winner would be choosing one of the men to join her tribe while the loser would be eliminated. Michaela, who won the challenge, later chose Johan to join Kalinga.

^4 The tribe leaders (Denicé and Viktoriya) faced off in the fifth Reward Challenge. The winner would get to choose two more men to join her tribe, while the loser would get the men who weren't chosen.

Results overview


The tribes originally consisted of only women and they had to compete for the opportunity to draft men. Before the tribes were formed, four women quit and one was medically evacuated for a cerebral haemorrhage. Another three quit before the merge, though one was for a legitimate reason (family emergency), and another quit after the merge. Because of the high drop-out rate, two tribal councils were declared null and void, allowing two eliminated players to return. When episode nine began, there had still only been two tribal councils and all in all, there were only six tribal councils in the season. All attempts at serious alliances failed and it became taboo to have such conversations. There were of course agreements between individuals, spoken or not, to never vote for each other. Votes were based on different criteria each tribal council. Before the merge, the criterion was simply strength in challenges. After the merge, three were voted out because they were untrustworthy. One was voted out because she won a challenge. In a mid-season twist, every player from both tribes had to vote for the man and woman they most thought deserved to win the game. The ones with the most votes were Hanna and Mats. Hanna was a likable girl praised for her positive attitude, survival skill, likability and tendency to support everyone. Mats was an older policeman, known for his strong morals, leadership and survival skills. He won a whole pig for his tribe but gave a third of it to the other tribe. Places in the final were decided by competitions starting at the final six. Half a season from the deservedness vote, Hanna and Mats won the two final spots. The jury also got to vote in a third finalist and unanimously selected Ola, a man praised for his humour and constantly positive attitude. The jury also got to penalize players in the final by placing weights on them. Mats got the least weight and he won the final multi-stage obstacle course by a good margin.

# Episode Quote Air Date Challenges Eliminated Vote Finish
Reward Immunity
1 "Jag hade högklackat... jag hade fan inga bra trosor... ingenting alltså. Men det var bara att köra järnet!" – Hanna Sakko 29 August 2011 Kalinga Denicé1
No Tribal Council occurred in this episode.
2 "Det känns som om dom är inkräktare på vårat revir... Jag hatar när någon säger du skall göra det eller du skall göra det!" – Sana Bardi 30 August 2011 Kalinga Viktoriya1
Fanny No vote Left competition
Day 5
Lisa No vote Left competition
Day 5
3 "Tro det eller ej...
men jag klär av mig naken.
" – Ola Ahlgren
31 August 2011 Hjalmtyr None No Tribal Council occurred in this episode.
4 "Män are hunters and kvinnor are feeders..." – Vicky Chand 1 September 2011



Bontoc Sana3 No vote Lost challenge
Day 9
Petra No vote Removed due to illness
Day 12
The Tribal Council was cancelled
in the fifth episode.
5 "Vi är väldigt olika. Han är ju polis...
...men vi är kära i varandra.
" – Ola Ahlgren
8 September 2011 Bontoc Bontoc Sophie5 No vote Left competition
Day 14
Hanna S.5 No vote Left competition
Day 14
Johan 6–1 1st voted out
Day 17
6 "Många av dom har ju psykopatiska drag och det har den där jäveln..." – Mats Kemi 15 September 2011 Bontoc Kalinga Sigvald 4–3 2nd voted out
Day 20
7 "Eh... det känns ju inte sådär jättefett att vara dum..." – Denicé Lundevall 22 September 2011 Matal Gago Viktoriya No vote Left competition
Day 21
Michaela 5–1 3rd voted out
Day 23
8 "Det är ju jättemånga här som är under trettio och dom verkar inte förstå det här med arbete..." – Mats Kemi 6 October 2011 Cancelled Matal Love No vote Left competition
Day 24
Hjalmtyr 5–1 4th voted out
Day 26
9 "Jag tänker inte riskera mitt liv för att leta efter några jävla bananer..." – Louise Alvedal 13 October 2011 None Sigvald Vicky No vote Left competition
Day 28
Hanna N. The Tribal Council was aired
in the tenth episode.
10 "Stämningen var ju redan så låg den kunde bli... men det var den ju ändock inte utan det gick att få ned stämningen ännu lite lägre..." – Sigvald Harryson 20 October 2011 Denicé Sigvald Hjalmtyr 8–1 5th voted out
Day 29
The Tribal Council was aired
in the eleventh episode.
11 "Mats fem och ett halvt år leker polis..." – Ola Ahlgren 28 October 2011 Mats,
Sigvald Denicé 5–2–1 6th voted out
Day 33
Fredrik 4–3 7th voted out
Day 36
12 "Ditt lilla jävla benrangel, det är jag som bestämmer. Nu jädrar ska du va med här..." – Ola Ahlgren 3 November 2011 Hanna N. Fatima6 3–3 8th voted out
Day 39
13 "Jag kände mig som en vilsen fågel, jag visste inte var jag skulle flyga någonstans..." – Louise Alvedal 10 November 2011 Mats Sigvald7,
5–2–0 9th & 10th voted out
Day 41
Final Challenge Hanna N. No vote 2nd runner-up
Ola Runner-up
Mats Sole survivor
In the case of multiple tribes or castaways who win reward or immunity, they are listed in order of finish, or alphabetically where it was a team effort; where one castaway won and invited others, the invitees are in brackets.

^5 The Tribal Council in the beginning of the fifth episode were cancelled. Instead of losing a tribemate (which would have been Michaela), they received a punishment because of Sophie and Hanna S.'s departure.

Episode Quotes


Translations of the original Swedish episode quotes are listed here:

  1. "I had high heels... I didn't have any goddamn good panties... nothing at all. But I just had to give it my all!"
  2. "It feels like they are intruders in our territory... I hate when someone says you should do this or you should do that!"
  3. "Believe it or not... But I undress myself naked."
  4. "Men are hunters and women are feeders..."
  5. "We are very different. He is a cop... but we love each other."
  6. "Many of them have psychopathic traits and that bastard has it..."
  7. "Eh... it doesn't feel that good to be dumb..."
  8. "There is a lot of people here who are under thirty and they don't seem to understand this thing called work..."
  9. "I'm not going to risk my life looking for some damn bananas..."
  10. "The mood was already as low it could be... but of course it wasn't, it was possible to bring down the mood even a little lower..."
  11. "Mats five and a half years old playing cop..."
  12. "You damn little skeleton, I'm the one in charge here. You should listen now, damn it..."
  13. "I felt like a lost bird, I didn't know where I would fly..."

Voting history

Original Tribes New Tribes Merged Tribe
Episode #: 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Eliminated: Fanny Sana Sophie None5 Johan
6/7 votes
4/7 votes
No vote
5/6 votes
No vote
5/6 votes
No vote
8/9 votes
5/8 votes
4/7 votes
3/6 votes
Sigvald7 Hanna N.
Lisa Petra Hanna S. Louise7 Ola
Voter Vote
Mats Viktoriya Michaela Hjalmtyr Denicé Fatima Fatima Final
Ola Viktoriya Hjalmtyr Hjalmtyr Denicé Fatima Fatima Louise
Hanna N. Sigvald Hjalmtyr Hjalmtyr Denicé Fredrik Sigvald
Louise Sigvald Hjalmtyr Hjalmtyr Ola Fredrik Sigvald Ola
Sigvald Viktoriya Returns Michaela Hjalmtyr Denicé Fredrik Fatima Louise
Fatima Michaela Johan Hjalmtyr Hjalmtyr Fredrik Fredrik Sigvald Ola
Fredrik Michaela Johan Hjalmtyr Hjalmtyr Denicé Fatima Ola
Denicé Michaela Johan Michaela Hjalmtyr Fredrik Ola
Hjalmtyr Sigvald Louise Returns Mats Ola
Vicky Michaela Johan Michaela
Love Michaela Johan Michaela
Michaela Fatima Johan Sigvald
Viktoriya Sigvald
Johan Michaela Michaela
Hanna S.

^6 Because of the tied vote between Fatima and Sigvald, they had to compete in a duel to decide who would be eliminated from the game.

^7 Four eliminated contestants came back to vote someone of the remaining contestants into the finale, alongside Hanna N. and Mats. All of the contestants besides the finalists could vote, and they could only vote for either Louise, Ola or Sigvald.


  1. ^ Lundberg, Zandra (18 May 2011). "Föll plötsligt ihop – drabbad av blodpropp". Aftonbladet (in Swedish). Archived from the original on 21 August 2011. Retrieved 28 August 2011.