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Shangqiu Airport

Coordinates: 34°26′59″N 115°27′30″E / 34.44972°N 115.45833°E / 34.44972; 115.45833
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Shangqiu Airport


Shāngqiū Jīchǎng
Airport typePublic / Military
ServesShangqiu, Henan, China
LocationGuantang Township, Liangyuan District
Coordinates34°26′59″N 115°27′30″E / 34.44972°N 115.45833°E / 34.44972; 115.45833
Shangqiu Airport is located in Henan
Shangqiu Airport
Shangqiu Airport
Location of airport in Henan Province

Shangqiu Airport (Chinese: 商丘机场), or Shangqiu Air Base, is a military air base near the city of Shangqiu in China's Henan Province. It is located in Guantang Township, Liangyuan District, 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) west of the city center. The airport was built in the 1930s and was known as Gui'de (Chinese: 归德 wg: Kwei-teh) Airbase, and served in national defense operations during the Sino-Japanese War,[1] and the planning as of the 2000s is to convert the air base into a dual-use military and civil airport with an estimated investment of 500 million, and commercial operations of the airport estimated to serve 300,000 passengers and 1,000 tons of cargo per year by 2020.[2]



In March-April 1938, the Nationalist Air Force of China staged the 3rd and 4th Fighter-Attack Group squadrons at Gui'de (w.g. Kwei-teh, now Shangqiu) Airbase to ground-support operations at the Battle of Taierzhuang; I-15 fighter pilots Lt. Chen Huaimin and Lt. Zhang Guangming were both outnumbered by superior numbers of Imperial Japanese Army Air Force Ki-10 fighters and although Lt. Chen shot-down one Ki-10, he rammed another, taking both the enemy and his own plane down, and then parachuting to safety with a bullet-wound in his leg, while Lt. Zhang fought against six Ki-10s, and was ultimately shot-down, but managed to also parachute to safety, and the two pilots would reunite through the assistance of local villagers later on the ground, and return safely to Gui'de (Shangqiu) Airbase.[3] Air battles would however, continue to rage over Gui'de (Shangqiu) Airbase even as the Battle of Taierzhuang was already won; top IJAAF fighter ace 1Lt. Kosuke Kawahara of the 2nd Chutai/2nd Datai fought an air battle over Gui'de (Shangqiu) Airbase, shooting down two Chinese I-15s, but he was himself shot down and killed over Gui'de (Shangqiu) Airbase on 25 March 1938.[4] Lt. Zhang Mingsheng of the 21st PS, 4th PG surprise-attacked an enemy fighter and shooting it down on 10 April 1938 in defense of the airbase, but was quickly jumped by others, and his I-15 fighter was shot-up, making a crash-landing, nonetheless surviving to fight again.[5][6]

See also



  1. ^ 抗日战争纪念网. "长空写忠魂:击落第一架日本战机的张光明 - 抗战英烈事迹综合资料 - 抗日战争纪念网". www.krzzjn.com. Retrieved 2020-12-04. 1938年3、4月间,驻汉口的空军第四大队和驻孝感的空军第三大队,曾多次对当时的台儿庄中日大会战进行长距离突袭,支援地面部队作战。对于长途奔袭的机群,油料是最大的问题。四大队从汉口起飞,要到河南驻马店和归德(商丘)机场加油挂弹,再飞向台儿庄、枣庄和峄县一带,攻击敌军阵地。因油料关系,每次仅能在战地上空停留15分钟,即须返航。
  2. ^ 商丘机场军民合用改扩建工程环境影响评价公众参与第二次公告 (in Chinese). Shangqiu city government. 1 February 2012. Retrieved 17 June 2012.
  3. ^ 红岩春秋, 杨文钊 (2020-08-15). "重庆珍档丨他在重庆上空为国捐躯,白市驿机场曾以他的名字命名……". 上游新闻 汇聚向上的力量. 1938年4月7日凌晨,中国军队向驻守在台儿庄的日军发起总攻,日军溃不成军,其残部向峄城、枣庄撤退... 4月9日,张明生所在中队奉命攻击南下增援的日军。当飞临敌军阵地上空时,张明生见战区上空无敌机踪影,便单机脱离队伍,对敌进行低空扫射,眼看着敌人狼狈逃窜,他才心满意足地返回编队... 张明生所在的中队完成任务,返回归德(今河南商丘)机场,喘息未定,便遇敌机来袭。大家又立刻升空迎敌,敌机见我军已有准备,便偷偷逃跑了。我空军勇士在天空中徘徊良久,直到敌机远去,才降下地面来...
  4. ^ Gustavsson, Hakans. "Japanese biplane fighter aces - Kosuke Kawahara". Biplane Fighter Aces - Japan. Retrieved 2021-01-30. On 25 March 1938 the 1st chutai of the 2nd Daitai (Ki-10s), commanded by Captain Tateo Kato fought with Chinese I-152s over Guide. First Lieutenant Kawahara (leading the second element) was seen to shoot down two and pursue a third to the ground, when his aircraft was hit from behind and burst into flames. On return Kato could not believe that such a brilliant pilot as First Lieutenant Kawahara had been lost, and waited at the airfield until sunset in the hope of his late return. Next day as a sign of mourning, he shaved off a much beloved moustache.
  5. ^ 国殇. "国殇(第3部):国民党正面战场空军抗战纪实 (插图版) 42 .抗日空战拾粹张光明". reader.epubee.com. Retrieved 2020-12-04. 1938年三四月,空军第4大队(驻汉口)与空军第3大队(驻孝感)总兵力E-15式飞机约40余架,应对当时台儿庄中日大会战,曾多次作长距离突击,支援地面部队总攻作战。驻汉口空军第4大队之第22中队(队长刘志汉),第23中队(队长刘宗武),奉命支援台儿庄作战。于1938年4月9日凌晨3时许在星夜中起飞,天明时分降落在驻马店机场,加油后继续飞向归德机场,再行加油挂弹(25公斤杀伤弹四枚),之后航向台儿庄、枣庄与峄县一带,攻击敌军阵地及补给品。因油量关系,仅能在战地上空停留15分钟。。。
  6. ^ 红岩春秋. "上游新闻". wap.cqcb.com. Retrieved 2020-12-05. 1938年4月10日12点30分;地点,是归德附近的上空。林佐率领的中国空军第三大队第7、8中队早在10分钟前,已在归德以东的马牧集(今虞城)上空与敌机遭遇,并发生空战。张明生紧盯着1架敌机,渐渐缩短两者的距离,在敌机企图转弯脱离的瞬间,即刻开火,敌机头开始冒烟。张明生正准备加速冲上去,将面前这架敌机当场击落时,突然发现自己的飞机上空有2架敌机,其中1架正自上而下向自己俯冲而来。他只好放弃前面的这架已被他击伤的敌机,转而与来袭的敌机缠斗。但不幸的是,由于发现已晚,来不及摆脱这架敌机的追逐和攻击,飞机就被击中了,出现可怕的"尾旋",从3000米的高空直向下面坠去。