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State Flag Day (Tajikistan)

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A procession in Dushanbe in 2015.

The Day of the State Flag of Tajikistan (Russian: День Государственного флага Таджикистана; Tajik: Рӯзи парчами давлатии Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон) is an official holiday of Tajikistan. It was established in 2009 and is celebrated on November 24. It celebrates the adoption of the Flag of Tajikistan on November 24, 1992.[1]



On this occasion, various cultural activities are held across the entire country, with residents often hoisting the national flag over their houses.[2]

See also



  1. ^ "24NOVEMBER - THE DAY OF STATE FLAG OF TAJIKISTAN! - GST.TJ | Главное управление геологии при Правительстве РеспубликиТаджикистан". www.gst.tj. Retrieved 2017-09-04.
  2. ^ "Tajikistan celebrates National Flag Day | Tajikistan News ASIA-Plus".