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The international response to the 2010 Polish Air Force Tu-154 crash saw countries and many other entities express sorrow and condolences to the people of Poland.

At least 96 countries, 13 international organizations and several other entities expressed their reaction on behalf of the incident. An official mourning was proclaimed in 18 countries other than Poland. Other similiar articles include International response to Hurricane Katrina.

Reactions by country






In Poland, Jacek Sasin, a minister in the presidential administration, said it was "a very serious possibility" that the funeral of the President could be delayed. He added that a delay would be "the absolute last resort" and that it was not being considered at the moment. However, with only one airport in the country open, due to volcanic ash emanating from Iceland, should it not be possible for international dignatries to attend, such as U.S. President Barack Obama, the delay may be more practical.[1]



Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin expressed their condolences to the acting President and speaker of the parliament, Bronislaw Komorowski.[2] 12 April 2010 was announced to be a national day of mourning in Russia.[3] The Russian response in particular has been noted favourably by Poles, with talk of a thawing in the relationship between Russia and Poland.[4][5]



Albanian President Bamir Topi expressed his deep sorrow for the loss of President Kaczyński.[6] Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha, Parliament Speaker Jozefina Topalli and opposition leader Edi Rama also sent their condolences to the Polish People.



President of Austria Heinz Fischer expresses his condolences in a written statement to the families of the victims and the people of Poland.[7]



Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev sent a telegram and expressed his deepest condolences to Polish people.[8]



Belarussian President Alexsandr Lukashenko has "expressed his sincere condolences to the Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland ... following a plane crash in Smolensk Region of Russia that killed dozens of Polish citizens among whom was President Lech Kaczyński of the Republic of Poland".[9] President Lukashenko also ordered state television stations to cease entertainment programs from 12:00 until 18:00 hours in connection with the funeral of President Kaczynski on April 18. He suggested to privately owned broadcasters to also cancel programming during that time.[10]



Belgian Prime minister Yves Leterme and foreign minister Steven Vanackere have sent a message of sympathy to the people of Poland. In a joint press statement they spoke of the Belgian Government’s shock at the death of the Polish President Lech Kaczynski in a plane crash in Russia. "In the name of the Belgian Government and in our own name we would like to express our deepest sympathy to the Polish Government, the Polish people and the families of the victims”.[11]

Bosnia and Herzegovina


The presiding member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Haris Silajdžić, sent condolences on the behalf of the people and government of BiH to Bronisław Komorowski, the acting President of Poland .[12] The President of Republika Srpska, Rajko Kuzmanović, also sent a telegram of condolences to the Polish ambassador.[13]



Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov noted that his country was mourning along with Poland. "Poland has lost an outstanding statesman, who until his last hour remained connected with the Polish idea, and the fate of Poland", Bulgarian Prime Minister says in a statement.[14]



Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Jandroković expressed condolences and said that Croatia shares grief of Polish people as it joins prayers of all victims' families.[15] April 18 was declared a national day of mourning.[16]



Cypriot President Dimitris Christofias send a letter with a following statement: "President Kaczynski, as a dedicated and honorable leader who assiduously defended the rights of his country, will without a doubt live in the hearts of all Polish people while all those who had come to know him will remember him with the utmost respect," to acting President Bronislaw Komorowski.[17]

Czech Republic


Czech President Václav Klaus expressed his condolences and said that he lost a true friend (Lech Kaczyński). Klaus said that "Czechs are in shock and saddened about this tragedy.[18] April 17th and 18th were declared national days of mourning.[19]



Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen expressed his condolences: "It is with sadness that I have received notification that a large number of people have lost their lives in the tragic plane crash. My thoughts go out to the bereaved and to the entire Polish people".[20] Minister of Foreign Affairs Lene Espersen has also condolences to his Polish colleague. "President Kaczynski will be remembered as a significant and respected politician, both as a participant in the Polish struggle for freedom against communism and served as president of the Polish people", she said.[21]

The Danish Royal Family has responded to the disaster. Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik have sent their condolences to the Polish parliament.[22]

Prime Minister of the Faroe Islands Kaj Leo Johannesen expressed his condolences.[23]



Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves expressed his condolences: "News of the tragic loss of the Polish Head of State and one of Estonia’s closest friends brings emptiness to my heart and at the same time brings back fond memories of our friendship. I recall our phone calls in April 2007, when president Kaczyński supported Estonia during those difficult days, or August 2008 when we flew together to Tbilisi to support the democratically elected government of Georgia and to condemn the aggression towards that country."[24]



Finnish President Tarja Halonen extended her deep condolences on behalf of the people of Finland and on her own behalf to the families of the victims and the people of Poland.[25]



French President Nicolas Sarkozy paid tribute to Kaczyński in a statement: "a man driven by ardent patriotism, who dedicated his life to his country."[26]



The spokesperson for Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili extended deep condolences on behalf of the people of Georgia to the families of the victims and the people of Poland. Kaczyński was posthumously awarded the Order of the National Hero of Georgia and April 11, 2010, was declared a mourning day in Georgia. Kaczynski "will always be remembered as absolutely outstanding figure of Polish history, of European history and certainly of the history of my region," President Saakashvili said.[27][28]



German Chancellor Angela Merkel sent a letter of condolence to Donald Tusk to express her regret.[29] Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle stated: "Kaczyński was a bright and energetic dialogue partner. We grieve with the Polish people. We are losing a character Europe could build upon."[30] According to a journalist, Westerwelle was so moved by the disaster that he had to interrupt his speech to the press on the deaths for a short time.[30]



Greek Prime minister George Papandreou expressed to the prime minister of Poland via telegram "In these difficult times, the Greek government, and personally me would like to express our condolence to the all the families of those who we lost, and to the nation of Poland as well. We share your bereavement. Our thoughts and our prayers are with you".[31]



Hungarian President László Sólyom offered condolences at the Polish embassy in Budapest.[32] Prime Minister Gordon Bajnai announced that Hungary will mark the day of the funeral as a National day of mourning[33] and sent a telegram expressing condolences to Prime Minister Donald Tusk and former Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński, the brother of Polish President Lech Kaczyński: "All members of the Hungarian government and the people of Hungary have been deeply saddened learning about this tragedy. The loss is ours even more in the knowledge of the friendship Hungary has nourished with Poland".[34] Leader of the opposition and former Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that Hungary had lost true friends.[35]



Icelandic President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson sent, on behalf of the Icelandic people his deepest sympathies: "At this time of sorrow our thoughts are with the families and relatives of those who died as with all Poles, especially those who have shared their resources with the people of Iceland for many years".[36]



Irish President Mary McAleese extended her "heartfelt sympathy and that of the Irish people".[37] Taoiseach Brian Cowen: "On my own behalf, and on behalf of my Government, I wish to extend our sincere condolences to the Polish Government and the people of Poland for their huge loss arising from this terrible tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers are with them at very sad and difficult time"[38]

The island of Ireland has a significant Polish population.[39] The Polish community of Ireland has also held vigils to mourn the loss of President Kaczyński.[40] Candles and flowers were laid outside the Polish Embassy in Dublin and the Dominican Champlaincy on Dorset Street, Dublin held an afternoon vigil, while the Polish Ambassador to Ireland, Tadeusz Szumowski, will go to 12:30 Mass at St Audoen's Church on 11 April 2010.[41]



Italian Prime minister Silvio Berlusconi said: "It is a grave loss that has stricken a friendly country and in which I am sharing in with my heart.".[42]

President Giorgio Napolitano said: "I wish to express on the behalf of myself and the Italian people our most sincere sympathies to the bereaved."[43]



Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev expressed his condolences.[44] Foreign Minister Kanat Saudabayev also expressed his condolences.[45]



Kosovan President Fatmir Sejdiu expressed "deep grief" on behalf of himself and "the people and institutions of the Republic of Kosovo."[46]



Latvian President Valdis Zatlers has written to Bronislaw Komorowski, president of the Polish Parliament, to express his deepest condolences. The President was writing on behalf of himself, Mrs Lilita Zatlere, and the people of Latvia.[47] Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis and Foreign Minister Maris Riekstins on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Latvia have sent condolence letters.[48]



Lithuania prepared for 3 official days of mourning for the death of the President of Poland.[49] Lithuanian president Dalia Grybauskaitė in the name of all Lithuanians expressed the deepest condolences to Polish nation and to the families of the victims. She also added she was personally shocked by the news as she had been talking to Polish president two days before the tragedy.[50]



"In these dramatic and painful moments, allow me to express my deepest sympathy and to join, on behalf of the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and on my own behalf to the mourning of the Polish people", said Prime minister of Luxembourg Jean-Claude Juncker.[51]



Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov sent a telegram with deepest condolences and states that this tragedy is a big loss for both the Macedonian and Polish people.[52] The Macedonian minister for Foreign Affairs stated that "Macedonia shares the pain with the Polish people"[53] In the main Catholic church "Holy Hearth of Jesus" in Skopje has held a special mass in memory of the president, where a large number of the Macedonian politicians attended.[54]



Maltese President George Abela and Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi expressed their condolences. President Abela said that President Kaczynski was a very respected Head of State and one of the architects of modern Polish history. He will be sorely missed. Also the two main political parties, Partit Laburista and Partit Nazzjonalista, issued messages of condolences.[55]

Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Matthew Festing sent his condolences[56]



Moldovan Prime Minister Vlad Filat and President Mihai Ghimpu send their condolences, with April 13 announced as the official day of mourning[57]



Montenegran President Milo Đukanović expresses his condolences in a written statement to the families of the victims and the people of Poland[58][dead link]



Dutch Demissionary Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende was shocked and horrified and said it was "a black day for Poland".[59]



Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said: "It is with sadness I have received the message of the tragic demise of Poland's President Lech Kaczynski. My thoughts go to the Polish people and to all of those who have lost loved ones in this tragic accident." He also noted that Norway and Poland have close cooperative ties in NATO and in the EU through EEA.[60]

King Harald V of Norway sent a telegram to the Polish National Assembly, which stated: "I was shocked and saddened by the news of the terrible plane-accident today that caused the death of your president HE Lech Kaczynski, his wife, and so many persons from Poland’s public life and other citizens of Poland. On behalf of myself and the Norwegian people, I wish to convey to you and to the people of Poland my heartfelt sympathy and deepest condolences."[61]



The Portuguese President Aníbal Cavaco Silva said: "Mr Acting President and Chairman of the Sejm, It was with deepest regret that I received, this morning, news of the tragic death of President of the Republic of Poland and his Wife. We had, in recent years, the opportunity to meet several times. I recall in particular the State visit I made to Poland, at his invitation, in September 2008 and the warm and friendly way that myself and my wife were welcomed by the presidential couple. We knew about his commitment to the visit to Portugal that would take place in May, together with his Wife, that we waited with much anticipation. I recall President Kaczyński as a personality who has made a major contribution to consolidating democracy and the rule of law in his country and for the construction of the modern Poland, integrated in the European Union. In this difficult time, I want to express to the authorities, the people of Poland and to the bereaved family, on my behalf and on behalf of the Portuguese, the feelings of our deepest sympathy."[62] In an address to the Portuguese media, President Silva also express his sorrow and reminded that the Polish President was set to visit Portugal in May of 2010. He also mentioned that President Lech Kaczyński was a great man and did everything he could to make Poland a better country.[63] Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Socrates, and then later the President, both went to the Polish Embassy in Lisbon to express their condolences and to sign the book of condolences.[64]



The Romanian President, Traian Băsescu, stated that he had "received the news of the tragedy with profound sadness [...]". He also added that "in this moment of deep pain, the Romanian people [...] joins the Polish nation in mourning".[65] April 18 was declared national day of mourning by the Government.[66]

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that it "expresses its deep regret about the aviation disaster in which President Lech Kaczynski lost his life, together with other Polish public figures. In this tragic moment, we convey our condolences and solidarity with the bereaved families and the entire Polish people."[67]



Serbian President Boris Tadić expressed his deepest condolences in the name of the Serbian people saying that "The tragedy that occurred, in which President Lech Kaczyński and other state officials lost their lives, has effected us deeply" adding that Kaczyński was a true friend of Serbia and that he would never be forgotten.[68] Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković, President of the National Assembly Slavica Đukić Dejanović, Minister of Internal Affairs Ivica Dačić and Irinej, Patriarch of Serbia also expressed their condolences.[69] 15 April was announced to be a national day of mourning in Serbia.[70]



Slovakian President Ivan Gašparovič expressed his condolences and said that "It's shocking and beyond belief. We were personal friends with Mr. President. I still do not believe that it happened".[71] Prime Minister Robert Fico, chairman of the National Council Pavol Paška and political parties expressed their condolences, too. The day of funeral of Lech Kaczyński will be a national day of mourning.[72]



Slovenian President Danilo Türk was deeply shocked and saddened by the news of Polish President Lech Kaczyński's death in plane crash.[73] Prime Minister Borut Pahor has expressed his condolences to Poland at the death of their President.[74]

South Ossetia


South Ossetian President Eduard Kokoity has sent a telegram to Bronisław Komorowski, saying "I express my deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims, and the entire Polish people."[75]



Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero expressed in a telegram his condolences and described the death of the Polish president as an irreparable loss.[76]



Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt expressed his condolences in an official statement.[77]



Swiss Federal Councillor Micheline Calmy-Rey expressed her condolences in an official statement.[78]



Turkish President Abdullah Gül sent a letter of condolence to the Acting President Bronisław Komorowski saying that he "deeply regrets having to lose dear friend President Lech Kaczynski and his honorable spouse Maria Kaczynski, together with the high-level Polish officials. Mr. Kaczynski's absence will be felt all the time, the Turkish people remember him with love, respect and the fostering of our country. We share this great pain of our friends and allies of Poland in our hearts."[79] Prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan expressed condolences to the people of Poland and Russian Federation and he said that "We hope that was an accident. I want to express my condolences in the name of myself and in the name of the Turkish nation".[80]



Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych expressed his condolences.[14] 12 April was declared a official day of mourning in Ukraine.[81][82]

United Kingdom


In the [United Kingdom]], Queen Elizabeth II sent her "deepest sympathy" to the Polish people.[83] Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the "whole world would be saddened" by the death of Kaczyński.[84]

The Polish community of Northern Ireland held a vigil at Belfast City Hall on 10 April 2010 and President Kaczyński will be remembered at a Mass at St Anthony's Church in East Belfast on 11 April 2010.[85]

On April 17th the Northern Ireland Assembly held a memorial tribute to the victims of the crash with speaker William Hay saying "As a mark of respect to our Polish neighbours and friends as well as to show our profound sympathy to the Government of Poland, we felt that it was only fitting to hold such a Memorial Service."[86]



In a telegram sent by the Secretary of State of the Holy See Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone to Bronisław Komorowski (Acting President of the Republic of Poland) Pope Benedict XVI expressed his sadness and solidarity with the Polish people.[87]





Abdelkader Bensalah offered Algeria's condolences in the Polish embassy in Algiers[88] The party's general secretary has Workers' Party (Algeria) Louisa Hanoune, sent his condolences to the families and offered them support.[citation needed]



Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos expressed his consternation because of death of Polish President[89]



Botswanan President Ian Khama conveyed a message of condolence to the people of Poland.[90]



Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak send his condolences.[91][dead link]



Ghanaian President John Atta-Mills expressed his condolences[92]



Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki has sent a letter of condolence.[93]



King Mohammed VI of Morocco sent his condolences.[94][dead link]



Nigerian Acting President Goodluck Jonathan sent his condolences.[95] Information and Communications Minister, Prof. Dora Akunyili issued a statement which said "Government views the plane crash which claimed the lives of all the 97 people on board, including the Polish President, as a very unfortunate tragedy. Government also hopes that despite this sad incident, the government and people of Poland will recover from the shock and resume the march towards the progress of their nation. May the souls of all those who lost their lives in the plane crash rest in perfect peace".[96]



Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali sent a condolences message to Polish acting President Bornisław Komorowski.[97]

South Africa


South African president Jacob Zuma has expressed his condolences to the people of the Republic of Poland, saying "Our prayers and thoughts go out to the Polish nation during this difficult and trying time".[98]





The President of Abkhazia, Sergei Bagapsh expressed his condolences to the citizens of Poland.[99]



Afghan President Hamid Karzai expressed his deep sorrow and condolence over the sudden death of Polish President and his entourage on Saturday.[100]



Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan and RA Parliament Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan sent a letter of condolences to Polish Sejm Marshal Bronislaw Komorowski.[101][102]



Bangladeshi President Zillur Rahman expressed shock beacause of Polish president death.[103]



Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen expressed his condolences.[104]



Chinese President Hu Jintao sent his condolences to Bronislaw Komorowski over the death of Polish President Lech Kaczyński. He said in the message that he was shocked and grieved to learn of the death of Kaczynski and his Polish state delegation in a plane crash in the Russian city of Smolensk. "On behalf of the Chinese people and in my own name, I express my deep condolences to President Kaczynski and all other victims, as well as sincere sympathies to their families and the Polish people," Hu said. Premier Wen Jiabao and Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi also sent their condolences to Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski over the plane crash.[105]



President of India Pratibha Patil condoled the death of Polish President Lech Kaczynski and others in a plane crash and said in his loss India had lost a friend who was committed to strengthen bilateral relations between two countries. In her condolence message to Marshall Speaker of the Sejm (Lower House) Bronislaw Komorowski, the President said, "I am deeply shocked and saddened by the news of the death of President Lech Kaczynski, Madam Kaczynski and others in a plane crash today.

"I warmly recall my meeting with President Kaczynski during my visit to Poland in April last year. President Kaczynski was a true friend of India and was personally committed to strengthening bilateral relations between our two countries."

At this sad moment, India shares Poland's grief, the message said.[106]



President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has expressed condolences over the Polish President's death.[107]



Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast expressed his heartfelt condolences on Saturday over the incident and extended sympathy to the bereaved families.[108]



Israeli President Shimon Peres sent a letter of condolence to the Polish people saying that "Israel is shocked by the grave disaster and bemoans the loss along with the Polish people and the entire world. The announcement that the Polish President, his wife, and dozens of top Polish officials died in the crash struck us with pain, shock and disbelief, Israel bows its head in sorrow and shares in your loss and grief."[109] Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman extended condolences and said that Kaczyński was a true friend of Israel.[14]



Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama sent a telegram and expressed his deepest condolences to Bronislaw Komorowski and the Polish people.[110]



President of the Maldives Mohamed Nasheed sends condolences to the Acting President of Poland.[111]



Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj offered his and the Mongolian people's commiserations to Bronisław Komorowski as well as the families and friends of the deceased, saying that President Kaczyński, his wife, and all who perished were friends of the Mongolian people, and that the Mongolian people would always remember the contributions they made to improving the friendship between Poland and Mongolia.[112]

Nagorno-Karabakh Republic


President of Nagorno Karabakh, Bako Sahakyan, sent a condolence letter to Acting President Bronislaw Komorowski.[113]

North Korea


Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of North Korea, Kim Yong Nam sent his condolences[114]



Omani Sultan Qaboos bin Said has send his condolences[115]



Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari expressed his deep grief and shock over the tragic death of Polish President Lech Kaczynski and his wife. The President in a message to the Polish government and the Polish people said he was shocked to know about the crash of President Kaczynski’s plane, while landing in the western Russian city of Smolensk. The President expressed his grief over the death of President’s wife and others who lost their lives in the crash.[116]



In a statement made by the Philippines government, the late President Kaczynski was praised for "making his mark in modern Polish history and will be remembered for his keen sense of nationalism by people all over the world." It also added, "The Philippines offers its prayers and sympathy to Poland in this very difficult time and hopes that it will be able to recover quickly from this political tragedy."[117]



President of Singapore S R Nathan and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong have sent condolences to Polish leaders to convey their sympathies to the government and people of Poland over the tragic death of Polish President Lech Kaczynski, his wife Maria, and many others who were killed in a plane crash earlier on Saturday. President Nathan wrote to Polish Marshal of Parliament Bronislaw Komorowski, saying he was 'deeply shocked' over the 'unexpected tragedy'. 'Our hearts go out to all the families of the bereaved and the people of Poland as you mourn their loss,' he said in his condolence letter. Separately, PM Lee wrote to Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk to convey Singapore's deepest condolences. 'Our thoughts are with your people, especially those who lost their families and loved ones, during this sorrowful time,' said Mr Lee.[118]

South Korea


South Korean President Lee Myung-bak expressed his condolences to Prime Minister Donald Tusk about the tragic loss of the president and others.[119][120]

Sri Lanka


Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa sent his and Sri Lanka's condolence through a message to Bronisław Komorowski. "The Government and the people of Sri Lanka join me in conveying our heartfelt sorrow on this sad occasion to the Government and People of Poland and to the bereaved families."[121]



Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have sent condolences to the Speaker of the Lower House of the Polish Parliament.[122]



The Economic and Cultural Office Taipei, Taiwan, in Poland sents the condolence to Polish people on behalf of the President Ma Ying-jeou, Vice President Vincent Siew, Premier Wu Den-yih and the Foreign Minister Timothy Yang.[123]



The Tibetan government-in-exile sent their condolences[124]



Their Majesties the King Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit of Thailand expressed thier condolences in an official statement.[125]



Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has sent his condolences to Marshal of Polish Sejm Bronislaw Komorowski[126]



Uzbek President Islom Karimov expressed his condolences.[127]



vietnamese President Nguyen Minh Triet send his condolences[128] |}

Australasia and Oceania




Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd offered his condolences to the people of Poland. "Members of the Australian Polish community, along with people from around the world, will be mourning the loss of the president and so many other innocent lives," Mr Rudd said in a statement on Sunday. "The Australian government expresses its deepest condolences to the Polish government and people following this tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers are with them."[129]



The Prime Minister of Fiji Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama has sent a message of sympathy to the Acting President of the Republic of Poland, His Excellency Bronislaw Komorrowski. Commodore Bainimarama said that the Government and people of the Republic of Fiji are shocked and saddened by the sudden and tragic death of the late President of Poland, His Excellency, Lech Kaczynski and his wife, in a plane crash along with a Polish delegation on the 10th of this April.[130]

New Zealand


Acting Prime Minister of New Zealand Bill English offered his condolences. Acting Prime Minister Bill English said that it was a tragic event and the New Zealand Government had sent a message of condolence to the Polish Government and the people of Poland[131]

North America




Governor General of Canada Michaëlle Jean and the viceregal consort commented that "we wish to extend our sincere condolences to the families and friends of the deceased. Our thoughts are with Canada's Polish community, which is in shock and which we know had great affection and admiration for President Kaczynski."[132] Prime Minister Stephen Harper expressed his profound sadness Saturday over the deaths of Poland's president, his wife and several senior officials. "On behalf of the government of Canada and all Canadians, I wish to express my deepest sympathy, and my sincere condolences, to the government and people of Poland on this very sad day".[133] The Governor General subsequently declared Thursday, April 15, 2010 a national day of mourning.[134]

Dominican Republic


Dominican Republic President Leonel Fernández expressed great pain and solidarity with Polish People.[135]



The Government of Guatemala sent a letter of condolences[135]



Jamaican Prime Minister Bruce Golding send his condolences[136]



The Government of Mexico expressed its condolences[137]



Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega expressed his solidarity with Poland[135]



Paraguaian President Fernando Lugo send his condolences. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hector Lacognata expressed: “This day of deep dolor of Poland for the air catastrophe which did cost the life of President Lech Kaczynski and his wife, the Vice Minister Andrzej Kremer and a high number of persons which did accompany them to the place of the Katyn masscacre remembrance, I transmit the solidarity and the condolence in the name of Paraguayan Government and the people to the Polish Government and people.” [135]

United States


American President Barack Obama called the death of Kaczynski and other senior government officials "devastating to Poland, to the United States, and to the world" and said that "Today, there are heavy hearts across America. The United States cherishes its deep and abiding bonds with the people of Poland. Those bonds are represented in the strength of our alliance, the friendships among our people, and the extraordinary contributions of Polish-Americans who have helped to shape our nation." in a statement released by the White House.[138]

South America




Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner said: "the Argentine people and government accompany the families of the victims and the great Polish nation in their anguish."[139]



President Evo Morales sends condolences over death of president of Poland in plane crash. "With great sorrow that I got to know about the plane crash in which President Lech Kaczaynski died, his wife and senior members of the Polish government. At this time of mourning and dismay, I wish to express on behalf of the people of Bolivia, from my Government and of myself, our heartfelt condolences to the people of Poland ".[140]



Brazilian President Lula and Minister of Foreign Affairs Celso Amorim sent condolence messages to, respectively, Prime Minister Tusk and President Komorowski, and Minister Radosław Sikorski. Brazil and Poland "are united by a big community of immigrants and deep ties of friendship and cooperation", expressed Minister Amorim. President Lula decreed three days of official mourning due to the disaster [141]



The Chilean Government expressed its condolences[142]



Colombian President Alvaro Uribe Velez sent the following message "We send a message to the people of Poland, the Polish authorities, to voice our heartfelt condolences over the death a few hours ago, in a plane crash of President Lech Kaczynski, his wife Mary and a delegation of the Government of Poland and the polish Armed Forces."

"We accompany the great Polish people in this hour of tragedy. Feel the affection of the people of Colombia and I invite my fellow Colombians to observe a minute of silence to express the affection for the people of Poland, solidarity in this day of mourning."

"We accompany with all our hearts the brotherly people of Poland"[143]



Ecuadorian]] Vice-President Lenin Moreno expressed his condolences: "In the name of my government and country Ecuador, I wish to express my deepest sympathy, and my sincere condolences, to the government and people of Poland."[144]



Peruvian Minister of Foreign Affairs José García Belaúnde expressed condolences to the Polish people after the fatal crash: “We are shocked by the death of president Kaczynski and express our solidarity and affection for this outstanding jurist and figure of the Polish democracy". The minister also said flags in public buildings will be flown at half-mast in mourning and that President Alan García has signed a letter expressing grief and solidarity with the Polish people[145]



Venezuelan Foreign Ministry send a condolence letter,[17] also president Hugo Chavez sent his condolences.[146]

Other reactions


International organizations


Council of Europe


Secretary-General of the Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland expressed his condolences.[57]

European Union

European Parliament

Jerzy Buzek of Poland, the President of the European Parliament, expressed his condolences. The European Conservatives and Reformists Deputy Chairman Timothy Kirkhope MEP and Jan Zahradil MEP, Vice-President said: "We are deeply shocked and saddened to hear of this tragic loss. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of President Kaczynski and those onboard the plane, and to the Polish people who mourn the loss of so many public servants and dignitaries. The Polish people have lost a great man who played a pivotal role in the nation's history, helping to bring an end to the dark days of Communism. He played a major part in the post-Communist reconstruction of democracy and freedom in Poland. While we mourn his loss, we also celebrate his remarkable achievements during a lifetime of service to his nation."[147]

European Commission

José Manuel Barroso of Portugal, the President of the European Commission said: "I express my deep condolences to Poland for the passing away of President Kaczyński, his wife and all those with them under such tragic circumstances on their way to mark the 70th anniversary commemoration of the Katyn massacres. I have worked very closely with President Kaczyński, in a spirit of loyalty, and I respected in him a very determined Polish patriot who at the same time was very committed to our European Union and to the values of freedom and solidarity. The European Commission joins me in this moment in the expression of sympathy and tribute."[148]

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton of the United Kingdom expressed her condolences to Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski. She told Sikorski: "I would like to send my heartfelt condolences to the people of Poland and express our solidarity with you at this very difficult and sad time. In particular, I want to express my sympathies to the family and friends of those who died."[149]

European Council

Herman Van Rompuy, the President of the European Council, said: "I am deeply upset by the news of the death of President Lech Kaczyński, his spouse and several senior Polish officials and representatives in a plane accident this morning. I knew President Kaczyński personally from several meetings in the European Council and in Warsaw and am saddened by his death. Poland lost a great patriot and head of state. His political commitment was to serve the Polish people." He added: "I want to express my heartfelt condolences to the families of the president and of the other victims, to Prime Minister Tusk and to the Polish people. I wish to convey to them the support of the European Union in these extremely painful circumstances."[150]

European Central Bank

Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank expressed his "sincerest condolences to the families of all the victims of this terrible accident" on behalf of the ECB’s General Council, the ECB’s Executive Board and in his personal capacity. He said his thoughts are with the people of Poland and "The General Council of the ECB deeply regrets the loss of its highly esteemed member, Mr Sławomir Skrzypek, President of Narodowy Bank Polski. We will remember Sławomir as a good friend and a dedicated professional, who made valuable contributions to the work of the General Council.”[151]



FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter expressed his sadness and said "On behalf of the worldwide football family, I have extended my condolences and deepest sympathy to the Prime Minister of Poland, the President of the Polish Football Federation, the Secretary General of the Polish Olympic Committee at this harrowing time, and wish them strength and fortitude for the challenging days that lie ahead." The flag of Poland as well as the flags of FIFA and UEFA have been lowered to half-mast at the home of FIFA.[152]

International Labour Organization


Director-General of ILO Juan Somavía expressed his deep shock and sorrow after death of Polish President.[153]

International Monetary Fund


International Monetary Fund Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn issued statement that he is shocked and saddened by this terrible news and that IMF thoughts and deepest condolences are with the people of Poland[154]

International Olympic Committee


International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge expressed his sincere condolences to all members of the Polish Olympic Committee and sport movement in Poland. He said the IOC lost sport enthusiast and a great friend, Piotr Nurowski.[155]



Interpol Secretary General Ronald K. Noble expressed his condolences to people of Poland on behalf of the world police community[156]



Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen stated: "On behalf of all of NATO, and myself personally, I express my most profound condolences to the people of Poland, and to the families of President and Mrs Kaczynski and all those who have died in this terrible accident. This is a tragedy for them and for Poland. My thoughts are with them today."[26]



Secretary General of OECD José Ángel Gurría expressed his condolences[157]



OSCE Chairperson-in-Office expressed his condolences[158]



UEFA president Michel Platini has expressed his sadness at the death of Poland's president Lech Kaczyński and Polish government officials. Mr Platini said: "I was shocked and saddened to hear of the tragic accident. I wish to express my support at this difficult time to our football partners the Polish Football Federation and its president Grzegorz Lato, with whom we are preparing the organisation of UEFA Euro 2012 together with the Polish government."[159]

United Nations


United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was shocked and extended his deep and heartfelt condolences to the people of Poland and the families of those who perished. Ban said President Kaczyński had served his country and people with distinction and conviction. He called the fact that he was en route to an event marking a new level of reconciliation between Poland and Russia particularly poignant.[160]

World Bank


World Bank Group President Robert B. Zoellick expressed his condolences to Poland[161]

World Customs Organization


World Customs Organization Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya expressed his great sadness over the tragic plane crash near Smolensk which took the life of the Polish President and so many compatriots. He expressed his sincere condolences and those of the international Customs community to the people of Poland at this very sad time.[citation needed]



Victims of the airplane crash were also commemorated by minute of silence before several football matches throughout Europe, including El Clásico Real Madrid C.F. – FC Barcelona in Spain;[162] or FC Baník Ostrava – 1. FC Slovácko[163] and Prague derby AC Sparta Prague – SK Slavia Praha in the Czech Republic.

Official mourning

Countries with official mourning
Country Number of days
Brazil 3[164]
Bulgaria 1[165]
Canada 1[166]
Cape Verde 1[167]
Croatioa 1[16]
Czech Republic 2[19]
Estonia 1[164]
Georgia 1[168]
Germany 1[169]
Hungary 1[170]
Latvia 1[164]
Lithuania 3[164]
Maldives 2[171]
Moldova 1[164]
Montenegro 1[172]
Poland 9[173]
Romania 1[66]
Russia 1[3]
Serbia 1[174]
Slovakia 1[175]
Spain 1[176]
Turkey 1[164]
Ukraine 1[164]


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