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Talk:List of unusual deaths/Sourcing issues

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This is a holding tank for content requiring additional sourcing, either because the given sources do not refer to the death as "unusual" (or some synonym thereof), or because the death has only one source and requires a second. Per WP:STALEDRAFT, any content not sourced within 6 months from addition should be removed. If proper sourcing can be found, please add to the main page and remove from the holding tank.

When adding to this page, please place the death under the appropriate header for ease of sorting.


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Middle Ages

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Early modern period

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Bhai Mati Das, Bhai Sati Das and Bhai Dayala 11 November 1675 The trio are revered as early Sikh martyrs. By order of the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb, Bhai Mati Das was executed by being bound between two pillars and sawn in half,[1] while his younger brother Bhai Sati Das was wrapped in cotton wool soaked in oil and set on fire,[2] and Bhai Dayala was boiled in a cauldron full of water and roasted over a block of charcoal.[3] As the three sources are not online, there is no clear evidence that any were described as "unusual". Await check of print copies or alternative source(s). Martinevans123 (talk) 14:35, 4 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I used Google Books' "search inside" feature on all three sources, looking first for the martyrs, then the specific pages mentioned, and then for "unusual", "strange", etc. None of these were described as such; the sources are actually quite matter-of-fact about the incident. I'd prefer to have physical copies of the books so I can check more thoroughly, but by local library and its lending partners don't have any of these available. NekoKatsun (nyaa) 17:31, 5 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Col. John Stewart
March 1783 A former Revolutionary War colonel and prisoner of war was killed in a similar manner to Barber. Stewart was riding home after a dinner with George Washington along with several other officers. Stewart's horse fell, throwing Stewart into a ditch and fatally dislocating his neck.[4]

19th century

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John Cummings
March 1809 After seeing a circus knife-swallower, seaman John Cummings began actually swallowing knives. On one occasion, he swallowed four knives, and quickly passed three with no ill-health. He later swallowed 14 knives, and after some days with abdominal pain, he passed all of them. He finally swallowed 20 knives and a clasp knife case, but after a few days, he had only passed the case; he died after four years in pain. On autopsy, a knife blade and spring were found in his intestines, and between 30 and 40 fragments of metal, wood, and horn in his stomach.[5]
William Huskisson
15 September 1830 The 60-year-old British statesman, financer, and MP was crushed to death by the Stephenson's Rocket after a failed attempt to put the locomotive in reverse.[6]
Unknown man 3 April 1838 A horse keeper was killed when a blood horse bit him in the jugular vein.[7]
Unknown slave
16 August 1841 A young slave of Pierre de Puerto was fishing in the bayou of New Orleans and fell asleep while the fish line was wrapped around his leg. The next day his body was found on shore, drowned, with the hook of the line in the mouth of a 6-foot (1.8 m) long alligator gar, which was also dead.[8]
George Yugle 16 March 1860 A young charcoal burner sustained a serious hip injury while drunk. He repeatedly stated that he was going to die, which Mr. Schardin, the proprietor of a billiard saloon where Yugle was resting, said that it would be impossible for Yugle to do. In response, Yugle made a bet with Schardin, which Schardin accepted, that he would die in 15 minutes. Schardin and others returned to the room 40 minutes later and found Yugle dead.[9]
Jim Creighton
18 October 1862 The 21-year-old American baseball player from Manhattan died from abdominal pain, possibly caused by throwing his own ball which likely gave him a ruptured bladder or a ruptured hernia.[10]
John Sedgwick
9 May 1864 In the midst of battle, the Union officer said, "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance," before being shot and killed by a Confederate sniper.[11]
Unknown woman 1869 A woman in a village in Lincolnshire, England, became severely ill and later died after consuming her own hair for 12 years.[12]
Two Iranian maids
1870 In Iran, a wealthy woman's house was set ablaze while her cats were still inside. The woman sent two maids to retrieve her cats, who proceeded to kill the two maids.[12]
Henry Taylor
November 1872 The pallbearer at Kensal Green Cemetery, in London, was crushed by the coffin he was helping carry after he tripped on a stone. The widow of the man in it reportedly "nearly went into hysterics".[12]
James Alfred Dagwell 9 July 1874 While in a state of delirium tremens, the 23-year-old member of the Victorian Artillery Corps jumped out of a window and hit a lamp, falling 20 feet (6.1 m). The impact of the fall fractured his skull.[13]
James A. Moon
10 June 1876 The 37-year-old blacksmith, self-proclaimed inventor, and American Civil War veteran killed himself with a makeshift guillotine.[14]
Unknown French man Summer 1879 Two Frenchmen made a bet that they would fast for a day, then drink 17 glasses of wine and walk from Pamplona to a village 6 miles (9.7 km) away. The younger man carried 16 pounds (7.3 kg) of dirt, one pound for each year by which he was younger than his friend. The older man died and his friend "escaped death only by the skin of his teeth".[12]
Joseph Huebner 1882 The Austrian immigrant had been drinking whiskey, and accidentally drank a bottle of kerosene, after which he collapsed. The people who found him could not tell if he had died or just passed out; regardless, he was buried and is now said to haunt the house he collapsed in.[15]
Louisa Cruikshank July 1882 The 18-year-old girl in Brooklyn committed suicide by ingesting Paris green paint, which is arsenic-based. Cruikshank "frequently expressed a wish to die" and ultimately bought the paint at a hardware shop, instead of buying arsenic at a pharmacy, which would have raised questions. The next day, Cruikshank was playing the piano when she fell ill because of the paint. Her last words were reportedly, "Mama I may as well tell you. I have taken Paris Green. I have done what I said I would do."[16] This had two sources, but the first source was for a completely different person. NekoKatsun (nyaa)
Mrs. O'Reilly 30 September 1883 The 36-year-old servant from the West Clive Hotel in New Zealand was found on the side of a road by a boy carrying milk. It is said that O'Reilly had been walking in the middle of the night in the rain until she could not go on any longer and decided to wait for a man named Hall. O'Reilly died half an hour later.[17]
Allan Pinkerton
1 July 1884 The founder of the Pinkerton Detective Agency tripped on the pavement and severely bit his tongue, which became infected with gangrene.[18]
Julian Smith 23 September 1887 The patient at the Kew Asylum died after swallowing a silver dinner fork in February 1887. An autopsy revealed that the fork's handle was in Smith's stomach, with the prongs embedded in his liver; part of a needle was also in the body.[19]
Unknown Iraqi male 22 August 1888 At around 8:30 pm, a shower of meteorites fell "like rain" on a village in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq (then part of the Ottoman Empire). One man died and another was paralyzed. His death is considered the only credible case of death-by-meteorite.[20]
Andrew Westlake 27 May 1890 The wealthy rancher from Golden, Colorado, was riding in a buggy with his friend Nicholas Keating. Westlake's horse bucked the men into a ditch with the buggy on top of them after being frightened by a passing train. The train stopped, and its crew got Keating out of the ditch, but Westlake's head had been pinned under one of the buggy's wheels, and he drowned in 1 foot (0.30 m) of water.[21]
Isaack Rabbanovitch 1891 In Vilna, Russia (now part of Lithuania), a bear walked into Rabbanovitch's inn and picked up a keg of vodka. When Rabbanovitch attempted to take the alcohol, he was hugged to death by the intoxicated bear along with his 2 sons and daughter. Villagers shot and killed the bear.[12]
Three members of the Building family 21 April 1891 The 6-person family was traveling from Tipton, Tennessee, to Texas. While camping in Boone County, Arkansas, the mother and 2 of the children died from drinking coffee made with water that had been contaminated with a large centipede. The father and 2 other children survived.[22] There are multiple instances of people being lethally poisoned via centipede coffee; pretty sure I'll be able to find another source for this one. NekoKatsun (nyaa)
Unknown sailor 1892 A sailor in Bermuda was arguing with other sailors, but the argument turned into a fight and the sailor was pushed into the water. A marine began undressing for a rescue attempt, but an officer ordered him to stop because there was a boat nearby that had ladies on it. As the sailor continued struggling in the water, five men volunteered to save him, but he had already drowned.[12]
Walter Cowle November 1893 In Soho, London, Cowle made a bet with one of his friends that he could fit a whole billiard ball inside his mouth and close his lips around it. However, when he attempted to do so, Cowle choked on the ball. One of his friends tried to hang him upside down and slap him on the back to get it out, but without success. Cowle later died from suffocation.[23]
Count Andrassy A. Bokros 1 October 1893 The Hungarian count was killed in Budapest when he was looking out of his window and fell into the street.[24]
James Wilson 23 January 1894 The man in Bloemfontein, South Africa, died when he fell off his horse. He was buried in the same coffin that he had playfully tried out for size the day before.[25]
George Howell 7 September 1895 A mechanic from Florida died in a hospital of starvation because he was unable to eat or drink due to an injury caused by a peach pit.[26]
Dominick Abbanez November 1895 In Columbus, Ohio, an Italian painter called upon a physician named Dr. J. H. Kistler to examine his arm due to an unnatural growth that had appeared. Dr. Kistler claimed that it was most likely a cancerous tumor, although this could not be confirmed. Abbanez died of his mysterious illness soon afterward. The coroner found that the temperature of Abbanez' corpse was 109 °F (43 °C), and the body turned red soon after death. The coroner believed the cause of death to be uremia, but Abbanez' widow refused an autopsy for him.[27]
Isaac Woods 31 January 1896 The 55-year-old well digger was working inside a 25-foot (7.6 m) deep well in Randolph County, Georgia, when a layer of dirt and sand spilled into the well, burying him alive.[28]
Thad Jackson 6 June 1896 A 19-year-old man was plowing a field when he received a serious blow to his stomach from the plow's handles and died of internal injuries.[29]
Salomon August Andrée, Knut Frænkel, and Nils Strindberg
October 1897 The group of men died of exhaustion on the island Kvitøya while trying to reach the North Pole by hot air balloon.[30]
Louisa Maria Langridge Spring 1898 The wife of a horse-keeper died when she moved a bottle of ammonia which burned her face. The doctor who treated her, Dr. Edward Fish, claimed that the bottle exploded because of its close proximity to a hot fire. Langridge died of bronchitis due to inhaling the ammonia vapors.[31]
Michael Schwab
29 June 1898 The German-American labor organizer and supporter of the Haymarket Square Incident died of starvation induced by tuberculosis in Chicago, Illinois.[32]
Joseph Gril 29 July 1899 According to The Anaconda Standard, a saloon keeper named Joseph Gril was electrocuted by 102 volts of electricity and died in his bar in Anaconda, Montana.[33]
Unknown Pennsylvania farmer October 1899 A unknown man fell from an apple tree and broke 2 of his ribs. A splinter pierced his heart, and he died.[34]

20th century



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Dr. Arthur Calhoun Halbert 15 August 1908 While sitting inside a court house with several other people, a cable in the clock tower holding a 1,200-pound (540 kg) clock weight broke. The weight crashed through two floors before landing on Halbert, killing him instantly. No one else present was killed or seriously injured.[35] One of the other gentlemen present received a small scratch, and that's all; the odds of that happening must be astronomical. NekoKatsun (nyaa) 18:03, 5 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Leo Davis 26 August 1912 The harvest hand was holding the brake wheel of a passenger train when air was applied to it. The force of the wheel turning flung him off the train, over a fence, across a road, and through another fence. A blood vessel in his neck ruptured, and he bled to death.[36] Currently only one source calling it "one of the most peculiarly fatal accidents". Reads like something out of a Final Destination book; I'm hopeful I can find another source. NekoKatsun (nyaa) 18:03, 5 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
A. A. Hudgin 13 November 1913 The 66-year-old rancher died of blood poisoning, which he contracted the previous month when both his eyeballs were slit open by corn leaves as he walked through a cornfield.[37] I can only find one source calling this unusual (a "peculiar accident", specifically), but given the circumstances I'm hoping to find a second. NekoKatsun (nyaa) 18:03, 5 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Unknown woman February 1914 The middle-aged woman was found dead leaning over a copper with her "feet sprawled out in a curious manner" by a butchering establishment in North Sydney. The woman, who had been dead for 12 hours, had apparently choked while vomiting.[38]


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Vladimir Chelomey
8 December 1984 The 70-year-old Soviet engineer and missile designer was closing the garage door at his dacha when his Mercedes slipped into gear and crushed his leg. The injury did not seem life-threatening, but Chelomey died in the hospital of a massive thrombosis while on the phone with his wife.[39]


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21st century



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Bliss Scott
4 June 2000 The 7-year-old died after touching an African snail, from which she contracted meningoencephalitis caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis. This is the first reported case of a human fatality linked to the African snail.[40]
Gilbert Tinoso 22 December 2001 The 38-year-old died in Burbank, California, after the spare wheel from an oncoming Mack cement truck in the opposite stretch of the freeway broke loose and struck the cab of his Toyota Tacoma. The other passenger in the Tacoma received minor chest injuries from the crash, and the Mack driver had no injuries.[41][42] Second source is a database entry which says nothing about the death being unusual. ZionniThePeruser (talk) 07:11, 20 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Virginia Graeme Baker
June 2002 The 7-year-old was entrapped underwater due to the suction from a hot tub drain and drowned.[43] There is only one source provided, which doesn't even refer to the death as unusual. In fact, one source I found stated there were 94 similar incidents throughout the 2000s. ZionniThePeruser (talk) 07:11, 20 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Kyle McGarity
14 December 2002 After a drunken scuffle, the 25-year-old fell about 15 feet (4.6 m) into a manhole flooded with scalding hot water and filled with steam in Lower Manhattan. McGarity survived the fall without major injuries but was steamed alive, with emergency services unable to recover his body for several hours.[44]
Mildred Bowman and Alice Wardle August 2005 The two sisters, aged 62 and 68 respectively, died in Benidorm, Spain, after becoming trapped for four days when their fold-up Murphy bed collapsed.[45] Only one source; said source doesn't even call their deaths unusual, only easily preventable. ZionniThePeruser (talk) 08:15, 21 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Lydia Tsekova 2 February 2008 The Bulgarian teacher, with her husband Georgi and colleague Nadezhda Lyubenova, poured chemical waste into a drain cover in Sofia. The chemicals reacted with the gases in the sewers and caused an explosion. The drain cover decapitated Tsekova, and the blast injured her husband and Lyubenova.[46][47][verification needed]
Tony Leigh 13 October 2009 On October 7, 2009, the 47-year-old British gym owner and security guard was weightlifting at a gym in Tilbury when a barbell slipped and fell on his face. Leigh died in hospital 6 days later.[48]


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Elizabeth Nass and Rose Mayr 21 August 2012 The 19-year-olds died after more than 20 coal cars (out of 90) from a CSX Transportation freight train derailed in Ellicott City, Maryland, while they were walking alongside the train tracks late at night. Reports said that the two women were found buried in a pile of coal. The derailment was possibly caused by a broken rail according to the National Transportation Safety Board.[49]
Ilda Vitor Maciel 28 September 2012 The 88-year-old died in a hospital in Barra Mansa, Rio de Janeiro, allegedly as a result of nursing technicians injecting soup through her intravenous drip instead of her feeding tube.[50]
Palmerina Pires Ribeiro October 2012 The 80-year-old died in a Rio de Janeiro clinic when an untrained nurse injected coffee in her intravenous drip. The nurse reported the incident had occurred because the blood drip and feed drip were directly next to one another.[51]
Takuya Nagaya 18 January 2013 The 23-year-old from Okazaki, Aichi, Japan started to slither on the floor and claimed he had become a snake. He died after his father spent the next two days head-butting and biting him "to drive [out] the snake that had possessed him".[52]
Jeffery Bush 28 February 2013 The 37-year-old from the Tampa, Florida, area was killed while he slept when a giant sinkhole measuring 15 feet (4.6 m) wide and 20 feet (6.1 m) deep opened below and swallowed his entire bedroom. His body was never recovered.[53][54] Neither source refers to his death as unusual. Heck, The Guardian states that over 500 sinkholes had been reported in the county since 1954. ZionniThePeruser (talk) 23:39, 17 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Roger Mirro 30 July 2013 The 56-year-old man in Chicago was crushed by a trash compactor while looking through a dumpster for his phone.[55][56] Neither source refers to his death as unusual. ZionniThePeruser (talk) 23:39, 17 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Peng Fan August 2014 The chef in Foshan, China, was bitten by a cobra's severed head, which he had cut off 20 minutes earlier while preparing soup.[57][58] Per WP:NYPOST, the New York Post ain't reliable, which leaves us with one source calling it unusual from the Daily Mirror, which itself is WP:MREL. ZionniThePeruser (talk) 23:39, 17 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Heval Yıldırım 3 October 2014 The 13-year-old from Turkey was killed when a sacrificial goat bought for Eid al-Adha jumped off the roof, over a protective fence, and fell onto him. His father had placed it on the roof of the building where he lived because he could not find another suitable place to keep it.[59]
Peter Biaksangzuala 19 October 2014 The 23-year-old Indian football player from Mizoram state died after sustaining spinal cord injuries while awkwardly landing a somersault, celebrating a goal.[60][61] First source does not refer to his death as unusual. ZionniThePeruser (talk) 23:39, 17 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Stephen Whinfrey 1 January 2015 The 50-year-old became trapped and asphyxiated when rabbiting near Doncaster, England, after his head became stuck down a rabbit hole.[62]
Jaylon Rippy 2 July 2015 The 5-year-old was killed by a leaping sturgeon while she was boating with her family near Fanning Springs, Florida. Her mother and brother were also injured and needed facial reconstruction surgery.[63]
Steven Baker 25 October 2016 The 56-year-old British brand manager died when a 100-kilogram (220 lb) bench press machine fell on him in his garage in Leicester, England, compressing his neck and causing a fatal heart attack.[64]
Heidi Fay Taylor 6 April 2017 The 40-year-old mother was stabbed and shot to death by her 14-year-old adoptive son Donovan Austin Nicholas,[65] who claimed that he was influenced by Jeff the Killer, saying, "It was Jeff. Jeff is inside me."[66][67] Only one source refers to her death as unusual. ZionniThePeruser (talk) 23:39, 17 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Jasmine Beever 7 September 2017 The 16-year-old from Skegness, England, died of peritonitis brought about by Rapunzel syndrome. She had a long-time habit of chewing and swallowing her own hair (trichophagia) which formed a hairball in her stomach, leading to an infection in her abdomen damaging her vital organs.[68]
Samen Kondorura 15 June 2018 The 40-year-old from the North Toraja Regency of South Sulawesi, Indonesia, was killed after the coffin of his mother fell on him during her funeral. As is tradition, Kondorura and the other pallbearers were carrying the coffin up a bamboo ladder into a temple, when the ladder collapsed beneath them. As everyone fell off, the coffin hit Kondorura in the head. He died on the way to hospital and was buried next to his mother.[69]
Daniel S. October 2018 A 32-year-old from Morelia, Mexico, died after his microwave exploded while he was making popcorn in it.[70][71] Neither source refers to his death as unusual. ZionniThePeruser (talk) 23:39, 17 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Elena Struthers-Gardner 22 November 2018 The 60-year-old from Broadstone, Dorset, England, was carrying a mason jar-style drinking glass when she collapsed. Its 10-inch (250 mm) stainless steel straw entered her left eye socket and pierced her brain.[72][73][74] None of the sources provided refer to her death as unusual. ZionniThePeruser (talk) 23:39, 17 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Zafer Kuzu 2019 The 24-year-old from Erzurum, Turkey, attempted to escape a community service sentence for inflicting injury by getting himself hospitalized. He asked a friend to shoot him in the back with a shotgun through two pillows to reduce the shot's power. He was killed and the friend arrested.[75] Not only is there only one source, said source is Daily Sabah, which is generally unreliable per WP:DAILYSABAH. ZionniThePeruser (talk) 23:39, 17 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Samuela Cirivakayawa 8 September 2019 The 40-year-old Fijian emigrant to Australia was killed while working as an arborist at Lindfield in the north of Sydney. When his two co-workers left briefly to ask a motorist to move their car, Cirivakayawa, then working alone, was sucked through a woodchipper.[76] Although Cirivakayawa's ex-wife in Fiji later suggested the incident may have been a complication of depression,[77] the coronial report was never released to the public. Neither source refers to his death as unusual. ZionniThePeruser (talk) 23:39, 17 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Pamela Kreimeyer 27 October 2019 The 56-year-old from Marion County, Iowa, was killed during an explosion at a gender reveal party. Members of her family filled a steel umbrella stand with gunpowder, intended to emit a shower of sparks. However, the metal pipe failed to contain the overpressure, and the device acted as a pipe bomb instead. Kreimeyer was struck in the head by a metal fragment and was killed instantly.[78]


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Sergio Millán 14 January 2020 The 59-year-old was alone in his apartment in Torreforta, Tarragona, Spain, when an explosion in a petrochemical plant 3 kilometres (2 mi) away launched a one-ton iron plate into the apartment above him, causing the ceiling to collapse, killing him.[79]
Valentin Didenko, Natalia Monakova and Yuri Alferov 28 February 2020 The trio died while celebrating Didenko's wife's birthday in Moscow. During the party, a guest dumped 25 kilograms (55 lb) of dry ice into the sauna pool, which resulted in a large amount of carbon dioxide being released. Didenko, Monakova and Alferov, along with several others jumped into the pool, only to quickly lose consciousness from hypercapnia.[80] The three deaths came as a result of asphyxia due to lack of oxygen. This was all captured on video.[81][82] Sources do not appear to describe this as unusual. Aoidh (talk) 17:53, 8 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Unknown man
May 2021 The body of a 39-year-old man was found wedged inside the hind leg of a papier-mâché statue of a stegosaurus in Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Catalonia, Spain. Initial police reports did not suspect foul play. A police representative hypothesised that the individual may have crawled inside headfirst to retrieve a lost mobile phone before his leg became stuck, trapping him inside. Firefighters had to cut the statue apart to extract the body; police observers believed that he may have been trapped in there for "a couple of days". Local media claimed that the family of the victim had reported him missing only hours prior to the discovery. The body was discovered when a man and his son noticed an unusual smell from the statue, and saw the body through a crack in the statue.[83][84] While one source calls it bizarre, the other does not call it unusual in any way. Aoidh (talk) 17:53, 8 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Salman Mirza June 2021 The resident of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, died after using epoxy resin as a contraceptive instead of a condom, while intoxicated from using the same resin as an inhalant. The man was found unconscious outside a hotel the following morning, but died of multiple organ failure after being hospitalised.[85][86] One calls it bizarre, the other does not. - Aoidh (talk) 17:53, 8 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Tony Eyles 9 September 2021 The 42-year-old died at a McDonald's drive-through in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, after partially opening his car door to retrieve a dropped payment card. His car rolled forward and collided with the restaurant's structure, pinning him between the car door and the vehicle's frame. Despite attempts to revive the victim, he died on scene.[87][88]
Laila Zahrul Maisaroh 14 January 2022 The 20-year-old late pregnant woman from Banjarmasin, Indonesia, was killed instantly when a concrete barrier from an elevated parking lot fell onto her. A car in the parking lot had collided with the barrier.[89][90] Neither source calls this death unusual, and I haven't found any others which do so far (except for the occasional Wikipedia mirror). ZionniThePeruser (talk) 04:12, 14 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Unknown man 20 February 2022 A 28-year-old man in Rancho Bernardo, San Diego, California, is believed to have been using a knife to mix protein powder into a container of water while driving. He lost control and crashed into a parked car. The car's airbag propelled the knife into his neck, fatally injuring him.[91]
Phen Channy 3 April 2022 The 27-year-old was killed during a workout outside his home in Phnom Penh when a weightlifting bar fell on his neck.[92]
Dolores Olive Boschert 22 May 2022 The 23-year-old paramedic was exercising alone on a Smith machine at a Planet Fitness gymnasium in St. Charles, Missouri, when she was pinned by a barbell due to unknown circumstances. Another patron found her 30 minutes later and she was pronounced dead at the scene.[93]
Maya Murmu 20 June 2022 The 68-year-old woman was trampled by an elephant in Odisha, India. Later, at her funeral, the same elephant came back and attacked her corpse by picking up her body and throwing her in the air.[94]
Klil Kimhi 21 July 2022 The 32-year-old fell to his death when a sinkhole opened under a swimming pool he was in at a house party in Israel.[95][96] Only one of the sources describes this as unusual, and it's a quote from a paramedic. - Aoidh (talk) 01:51, 9 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Muthukumar 2 August 2022 A 54-year-old man in Tamil Nadu, India, died 4 days after falling into a pot of freshly-prepared porridge that was still boiling, suffering 65% burn injuries in the process. The man had lost his balance and leaned against the pot, toppling backwards into it. His wife claimed he suffered from epilepsy which may have triggered the fall.[97][98] New York Post is not reliable per WP:NYPOST, and the India Today article does not describe it as unusual. - Aoidh (talk) 01:51, 9 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Unknown man 7 August 2022 A 65-year-old man was hit in the head by a hammer throw used at a Highland games event in the Netherlands. The thrower lost his balance and the hammer, a metal ball with a stick attached to it, flew over a hedge and struck the man in the head, killing him instantly.[99]
Leandro Mathias de Novaes 6 February 2023 The 40-year-old activist for the right to keep and bear arms in Brazil was assisting his mother in the MRI suite of Cura Laboratory in the central region of São Paulo on 16 January while wearing a registered firearm on his waistband. The gun, affected by the magnet, was pulled away from him and subsequently discharged, shooting him in the stomach. He remained in intensive care for 21 days before dying of his injuries.[100][101] New York Post is not reliable per WP:NYPOST, and the second reference does not describe it as unusual. - Aoidh (talk) 01:51, 9 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Shivdayal Sharma 19 April 2023 The 82-year-old was urinating next to a train track in the region of Alwar, India, when a cow was hit by the Vande Bharat express train. The animal was launched 100 feet (30 m) into the air before landing on Sharma, killing him instantly.[102]
Lynn Ann Fleming 16 May 2023 The 68-year-old was a passenger in the front seat of a car travelling on the I-75 in Whitfield County, Georgia, U.S., when a cargo winch bar came through the windshield and impaled her. She died at the scene.[103]
Unknown boy 26 June 2023 An 11-year-old boy was killed in Wayne County, Ohio, in a freak accident while riding in a side-by-side, after a dog who was riding in the SSV with him jumped onto the vehicle's accelerator pedal, causing it to accelerate, veer off the road and fly over the edge of an embankment. The boy died at the scene of the accident, while his 12-year-old brother, who was also in the SSV, sustained minor injuries and was admitted to hospital. The driver of the vehicle, an 18-year-old family friend, also survived.[104]
Giacomo Chiapparini 6 August 2023 The 74-year-old died when a shelf in his warehouse in Romano di Lombardia, Italy, broke and crushed him under thousands of wheels of Grana Padano cheese, with each wheel weighing approximately 40 kilograms (88 lb).[105] His body was recovered from the wreckage after 12 hours.[106][107] While The Telegraph describes it as a freak accident, the BBC does not appear to call it unusual. - Aoidh (talk) 01:51, 9 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Dorothy Louise Downey 27 November 2023 The 83-year-old woman arrived at her daughter's house in Salem, South Carolina, to visit and assist with a move. As she was walking in the kitchen, Downey broke through a weakened patch of floor, falling 48 ft (15 m) into a hidden well shaft. She was extricated by rescue services, but died from her injuries.[108][109] Only one source calls it unusual ("freak fall"). - Aoidh (talk) 01:51, 9 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Yogish 25 March 2024 The 24-year-old Bengaluru man died due to a burst colon after his friend blew air into his rectum with an electric high-pressure blow-dryer used for vehicles. The friend was playfully blowing air at him, and when he turned to shield his face, the force of the air was such that it entered his rectum and severely damaged his colon.[110]
Unknown male tourist 13 April 2024 A 30-year-old tourist was killed in a freak accident at a church in El Pinell de Brai, Tarragona, Spain, during the festival of Santa Magdalena. The tourist, part of a group from Terra Alta, Catalonia, had climbed the church's tower during the celebrations and was killed instantly when the church bell, which was ringing at the time of the accident, swung forward and hit him.[111][112] While it's two separate references, they are the same exact article written by the same journalist; the Yahoo! News reference is a reprint of the article in The Standard. - Aoidh (talk) 01:51, 9 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Lucy Morgan 5 June 2024 The 6-year-old girl was with her family on vacation in Limerick, Maine, on 1 June when, whilst playing badminton with her family, her brother's aluminum racket shaft broke and pierced her in the skull. She was taken to the hospital where she died from her injuries four days later.[113]
Tony Knight 7 June 2024 The 54-year-old British comedian died after he was struck by a large tree branch while attending the Rock&Cars festival in Lavaur, Tarn, France.[114][115] Both sources are quoting the same source, the family's GoFundMe page. A tree branch falling and causing a fatality is not uncommon or unusual. - Aoidh (talk) 01:51, 9 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Andrew Pontious 14 June 2024 The 53-year-old Los Angeles County firefighter was killed while spraying water on a burning construction vehicle when one of the vehicle's tires exploded.[116]
Unknown woman 18 June 2024 A 22-year-old woman using a treadmill at a gym in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia, died after she stumbled off the end of the treadmill and fell through the window behind her, falling three stories to her death.[117] The local police commissioner reported that the gym's safety standards were insufficient, as the glass was not thick enough, while the treadmills were placed too close to the window.[118]
Margherita Lega 4 July 2024 The 41-year-old woman from Trentino, Italy, was killed in a freak accident in Calasca-Castiglione, Piedmont, when she was caught by the cables of a cargo cable car and dragged over the edge of a cliff overlooking the Anzasca Valley. After holding on for a few moments, Lega lost her grip and fell 492 feet (150 m) to her death in front of her family, who were visiting the area with her.[119]
Ayres Sasaki 13 July 2024 The 35-year-old rock singer from Brazil was electrocuted while performing at a hotel in the city of Salinópolis, Pará. Those watching the performance said that a person hugged him with wet clothes. At the time the contact occurred, he received an electric shock and died before being rescued.[120]
Maga 15 August 2024 The 74-year-old woman from Palopo, South Sulawesi, was constricted to death by a 4.5-metre (15 ft) long reticulated python. The python regurgitated her body after being unable to fully swallow her.[121][122] The CNN source does not mention it being unusual, and the CBS source says the opposite, giving examples of other similar deaths in the past few months alone - Aoidh (talk) 01:51, 9 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Animal deaths

Name of person/s Date Details Notes


  1. ^ Gupta, Hari Ram (1978). History of the Sikhs: The Sikh Gurus, 1469–1708. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers. p. 376.
  2. ^ Singh, H. S. (2005). The Encyclopedia of Sikhism. New Delhi: Hemkunt Press. p. 180. ISBN 8170103010.
  3. ^ Siṅgha, Guraprīta (2003). Soul of Sikhism. New Delhi: Fusion Books. p. 100. ISBN 978-8128800856.
  4. ^ Rolph, Daniel (2012-12-19). "The Ironic Deaths of Revolutionary War Soldiers…After the War!". Hidden Histories. Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Retrieved 2024-09-17.
  5. ^ Goddard, Jonathan Charles (2003). "A seaman's wager". Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 96 (7): 359–360. doi:10.1177/014107680309600718. PMC 539548. PMID 12835457.
  6. ^ "The Death of William Huskisson". 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2024-08-17. It is impossible to figure to one's self any event which could produce a greater sensation or be more striking to the imagination than this, happening at such a time and under such circumstances: the eminence of the man, the sudden conversion of a scene of gaiety and splendour into one of horror and dismay; the countless multitudes present, and the effect upon them-crushed to death in sight of his wife and at the feet (as it was) of his great political rival-all calculated to produce a deep and awful impression.
  7. ^ "Strange Death". The Phenix. Bristol, Rhode Island. 1838-04-21. Page 1, column 1. Retrieved 2024-08-31 – via Chronicling America.
  8. ^ "Strange death". Litchfield Enquirer. Litchfield, Connecticut. 1841-12-02. Page 2, column 5. Retrieved 2024-08-31 – via Chronicling America. A negro boy belonging to Pierre de Puerto, in Colcasine, come [sic] to his death on the 16th Aug., in a very strange manner.
  9. ^ "A Strange Death". The Hydraulic Press. North San Juan, Nevada County, California. 1860-03-24. Page 3, column 1. Retrieved 2024-08-21 – via Chronicling America. A young man named George Yugle, a charcoal burner and much addicted to drunkenness, died in this place last Friday night, the 16th inst., under peculiar circumstances.
  10. ^ Schweber, Nate (2012-10-18). "Recalling a New Pitch and a Strange Death". Local History. The New York Times. Retrieved 2024-09-05. Despite the pitch that Creighton introduced, he is best known for his mysterious death.
  11. ^ Steve (2019-08-07). "20 Unusual Deaths from the History Books". History Collection. Retrieved 2024-09-05.
  12. ^ a b c d e f Clay, Jeremy (2013-12-25). "10 truly bizarre Victorian deaths". BBC News. British Broadcasting Corporation. Archived from the original on 2018-05-19. Retrieved 2024-09-02.
  13. ^ "STRANGE DEATH IN THE MILITARY BARRACKS". The Argus. Melbourne. 1874-07-11. Page 8, column 1. Retrieved 2024-08-27 – via Trove. The orderly in charge of the deceased and three other patients, between 2 and 3 o'clock on Thursday morning, took the deceased at his own request into the passage, where the night stool was, and went to get a light to light the gas.
  14. ^ Kriebel, Bob. "The unusual, tragic death of James Moon". Journal & Courier. Retrieved 2024-09-01.
  15. ^ Garcia, Erica Hernandez, Adrian (2016-10-10). "Does the ghost of Joseph Huebner haunt the Huebner-Onion Homestead?". KSAT. Retrieved 2024-08-14. Huebner, said to be a bit of a drinker, died an unusual death in 1882.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  16. ^ "Strange and Unusual Deaths in the 19th Century". C.A. Asbrey. 2018-06-04. Retrieved 2024-08-01. Death by Paris Green was one of the stranger causes of death in the 19th century.
  17. ^ "A STRANGE DEATH". Grey River Argus. 1883-10-02. p. 2. Retrieved 2024-08-27 – via Papers Past. A shocking death is reported from West Clive, six miles from here. Early on Sunday morning a boy going out with milk found a woman lying in a ditch at the side of the road.
  18. ^ Lanis, Edward Stanley (1949). Allan Pinkerton and the Private Detective Institution. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin, Madison. p. 170.
  19. ^ "Strange Death of a Lunatic". Morwell Advertiser and Weekly Chronicle. Morwell, Victoria. 1887-10-01. Page 3, column 3. Retrieved 2024-08-27 – via Trove.
  20. ^ Stubley, Peter (2020-04-25). "First credible evidence emerges of person being killed by meteor". Science. The Independent. Retrieved 2022-02-21. The odds of being struck and killed by a meteorite are said to be as low as one in 250,000.
  21. ^ "Drowned in One Foot of Water". The Forrest City Times. Vol. XIX, no. 34. Forrest City, Arkansas. 1890-06-07. Page 1, column 7. Retrieved 2024-09-01 – via Chronicling America. Andrew Westlake, a wealthy ranchman, met death in an unusual manner this morning.
  22. ^ "Mother and Children Poisoned". St Paul Daily Globe. 1891-04-22. Retrieved 2024-08-14 – via Chronicling America. Particulars of a shocking poisoning were received here to-day.
  23. ^ Fernando, Gyan C. A. (October 1989). "A Case of Fatal Suffocation during an Attempt to Swallow a Pool Ball". Medicine, Science and the Law. 29 (4): 308–310. doi:10.1177/002580248902900409. PMID 2586274. Retrieved 2024-08-18 – via Sage Journals. An unusual case of accidental death from suffocation during an attempt to 'swallow' a pool cue ball is presented.
  24. ^ "High Officer's Strange Death". St. Paul Daily Globe. Vol. XV, no. 275. Saint Paul, Minnesota. 1893-10-02. Page 1, column 7. Retrieved 2024-09-02 – via Chronicling America. A sensation was caused here today by the strange death of the vice president of the lower house of the Hungarian diet, Count Andrassy A. Bokros.
  25. ^ "STRANGE FATALITY". Grahamstown Journal. 1894-01-25. Retrieved 2024-08-27 – via eGGSA Library.
  26. ^ "A Peculiar Death. A Former Arizonian Starved to Death. A Peach Stone Lodges in His Throat and He Is Unable to Swallow Food". The Arizona Republican. Phoenix, Arizona. 1895-09-08. Page 4, column 3. Retrieved 2024-08-06 – via Chronicling America.
  27. ^ "Strange Death of an Italian". Phillipsburg Herald. Phillipsburg, Kansas. 1895-11-14. Page 3, column 1. Retrieved 2024-08-21 – via Chronicling America. There is much excitement in Italian circles here over the strange death of a son of sunny Italy... Director of Safety Williams declined to allow an autopsy, in view of the objections of Mrs. Abbanez, and the real cause of the death is a mystery.
  28. ^ Blakley, Bennett (1896-02-05). "BURIED ALIVE. Isaac Woods, a Well Digger, Meets a Horrible Death". The Dawson News. Dawson, Georgia. Page 3, column 3. Retrieved 2024-07-31 – via Chronicling America. News reached the city Friday of a very sudden and unusual death over in the Fourth district of Randolph county.
  29. ^ "A Strange Death". Birmingham State Herald. Birmingham, Alabama. 1896-06-14. Part One, Page 3, column 4. ISSN 2692-4250. Retrieved 2024-08-31 – via Chronicling Anerica. A strange but fatal accident happened on Maj. H. A. McLane's plantation (the old Will Copeland place) last Thursday.
  30. ^ Cross, Wilbur; Hellbom, Thorleif (August 1962). "Last Balloon to Nowhere". True Magazine. There was no reason at all why the explorers should have perished when and where they did..., cited in "Solomon August Andrée - Sweden: The First Attempt of a Flight to the North Pole". The Aviation History On-Line Museum. 2007. Retrieved 2024-09-06.
  31. ^ Pinheiro, Maria (2016-12-09). "9 of the Strangest Victorian Deaths Reported in the Newspapers". Bizarre. The Lineup. Retrieved 2024-08-18.
  32. ^ "A Bad Man Is Dead. Passing of Michael Schwab, Anarchist. Died a Painful and Unusual Death—Noted Ex-Anarchist Dies of Starvation, Due to Consumption—The Haymarket Murders Recalled". The Wray Weekly Times. Vol. 1, no. 6. 1898-07-30. Page 2, column 4. Retrieved 2024-08-17 – via Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection.
  33. ^ "A Most Unusual Death – Investigation of the Death of Joseph Gril – Shock Was a Light One – Any Healthy Man Should Have Been Able to Have Taken It Without Fatal Results — A Low Voltage Current On". The Anaconda Standard (Morning ed.). Anaconda, Montana. 1899-08-01. Page 7, column 2. Retrieved 2024-07-21 – via Chronicling America.
  34. ^ "An Unusual Death". The Manning Times. Manning, Clarendon County, South Carolina. 1899-10-25. Page 4, column 4. Retrieved 2024-08-20 – via Chronicling America. A Pennsylvania farmer died in an unusual manner the other day.
  35. ^ "Weight Falls, Kills Doctor". The Mongomery Advertiser. 16 August 1908. Retrieved 4 September 2024 – via Chronicling America. Unusual accident causes a death.
  36. ^ "Hurled From Train". Decorah Public Opinion. 28 August 1912. Retrieved 4 September 2024 – via Chronicling America. One of the most peculiarly fatal accidents that has occurred in this vicinity was that at Lansing yesterday afternoon.
  37. ^ "Peculiar Accident Results in Death". Rogue River Courier. 14 November 1913. Retrieved 4 September 2024 – via Chronicling America.
  38. ^ "A STRANGE DEATH". The Leader. Orange, New South Wales. 1914-02-28. Page 6, column 5. Retrieved 2024-08-24 – via Trove. A strange death has been discovered to have taken place at North Sydney.
  39. ^ Wade, Mark. "Chelomei, Vladimir Nikolayevich". Encyclopedia Astronautica. Retrieved 2024-09-11. He was still in good health when he suffered a bizarre accident at his dacha in December 1984.
  40. ^ "Doctors confirm parasite killed girl". The Japan Times. 2000-06-11. Archived from the original on 2023-12-05. One or two cases of the disease are reported annually in Okinawa, but it is the first death linked to the parasite.
  41. ^ "11 Died in Car Wrecks Over Holiday Weekend". Los Angeles Times. 2001-12-28. Among those killed on county roads was Gilbert A. Tinoso, 38, of Norwalk, who died Saturday in a freak accident on the Golden State Freeway in Burbank.
  42. ^ "Large Truck Crash Causation Study Database Entry". NHTSA.
  43. ^ "'She Died in My Arms': A Mother's Mission for Safe Pools". ABC News. 2008-07-23.
  44. ^ Polgreen, Lydia (2002-12-16). "Man Is Charged With Murder In Friend's Fall Into Manhole". The New York Times.
  45. ^ "Sisters died after folding bed collapsed entombing them for four days". The Daily Telegraph. 2009-12-18. Archived from the original on 2022-01-11.
  46. ^ "Woman Dies, 2 Injured in Sofia Blast". Society. Novinite. 2008-02-01. Retrieved 2024-09-02.
  47. ^ "2008 Darwin Award: Chemistry Went To Her Head". Darwin Awards. Retrieved 2021-04-06.
  48. ^ KentOnline reporter (2009-10-20). "Tankerton businessman Tony Leigh killed in freak accident". KentOnline. Retrieved 2024-09-19. A Tankerton gym owner has died after suffering severe head injuries in a freak weightlifting accident.
  49. ^ "Possible deaths after CSX derailment". The Washington Post. 2012-08-21. Retrieved 2012-08-21. Days before they were due back at college, two friends on a midnight stroll across a train trestle in Ellicott City died in a freak accident in which a passing freight train derailed, dumping thousands of tons of coal down from the raised tracks.
  50. ^ Moye, David (2012-10-16). "Ilda Vitor Maciel, 88, Dies After Allegedly Being Injected With Soup". HuffPost. Retrieved 2019-12-18.
  51. ^ "'Anyone Can Get Confused': Nurse Allegedly Injects Patient With Coffee". HuffPost. 2012-10-23. Retrieved 2023-09-11.
  52. ^ Billones, Cherrie Lou (2013-01-21). "Father bites his own son to death for being 'possessed by a snake'". Japan Daily Press. Archived from the original on 2014-07-14. Retrieved 2014-07-03. In a most bizarre twist of events in Okazaki City in the Aichi Prefecture, 23-year-old Takuya Nagaya was killed at the hands of his own father, Katsumi Nagaya, on Friday, January 18.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link)
  53. ^ "Florida man swallowed by sinkhole under bedroom feared dead". The Guardian. Associated Press. 2013-03-02. Retrieved 2022-07-31.
  54. ^ Izadi, Elahe (2015-08-19). "Florida sinkhole reopens two years after it swallowed a sleeping man and killed him". The Washington Post. Retrieved 2022-07-31.
  55. ^ Sobol, Rosemary (2013-08-01). "Man crushed to death while looking for cell phone". Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 2022-03-24.
  56. ^ Bouboushian, Jack (2014-02-13). "Widow Sues for Her Husband's Horrible Death in a Dumpster". Courthouse News Service. Archived from the original on 2016-04-18. Retrieved 2016-04-04.
  57. ^ Rkaina, Sam (2014-08-22). "Chef cooking snake dies after cobra bites him - 20 minutes AFTER head was cut off". Mirror. Archived from the original on 2015-08-01. Retrieved 2024-09-18. A police spokesman said: "It is a highly unusual case but it appears to be just an accident."
  58. ^ O'Neill, Natalie (2014-08-24). "Chinese chef dies after severed cobra head bites him". Weird But True. New York Post. Archived from the original on 2017-12-05. Retrieved 2024-09-18.
  59. ^ "13-year-old killed after goat falls from roof of building in Turkey". Hürriyet Daily News. 2014-10-05. Archived from the original on 2018-02-03. Retrieved 2018-02-03. An investigation has been launched into the incident, with a prosecutor describing it as "unprecedented."
  60. ^ Augustine, Bernie (2014-10-20). "Indian soccer player dies after goal celebration goes awry". New York Daily News. Retrieved 2019-03-23.
  61. ^ Reddy, Sujata (2014-10-23). "Mizo footballer death: ISL says no warning to players on back flips". Panache. The Economic Times. Retrieved 2024-09-10. It was a freak incident and at the end of the day a player knows his body better than anyone else.
  62. ^ Agency (2015-06-02). "Rabbit hunter died in freak accident after getting his head stuck in a hole on New Year's Day". The Daily Telegraph. Archived from the original on 2022-01-11. Retrieved 2024-09-16.
  63. ^ "Jumping sturgeon kills 5-year-old girl boating with family". USA TODAY. 2015-07-04. Retrieved 2020-06-29.
  64. ^ Wells, Andy (2017-11-09). "Fitness addict, 56, crushed to death by his own gym equipment in freak accident". Yahoo News. Retrieved 2024-09-19.
  65. ^ Sanctis, Matt (2017-04-11). "8th grade murder suspect's revealing 9-1-1 call: Read full transcript". Local News. Springfield News-Sun. Retrieved 2024-09-01.
  66. ^ Carlson, Adam (2018-09-06). "Boy Executes Woman Who Raised Him Then Blames Alternate Personality Based on 'Jeff the Killer'". Serial Killers. People. Retrieved 2024-09-01.
  67. ^ Carlson, Adam (2023-12-03). "At 14 he slaughtered the woman who raised him and at 21, he walked free. What now?". ABC News. Retrieved 2024-09-01. No one who spoke with ABC News for this story said they had ever seen anything quite like it.
  68. ^ Reslen, Eileen (2017-09-19). "16-Year-Old Girl Dies From A Rare Condition After A Hairball Is Found Inside Her Stomach". Seventeen. Retrieved 2022-02-01.
  69. ^ "Man crushed to death by his own mother's coffin". The Independent. 2018-06-18. Retrieved 2022-06-19.
  70. ^ "Mexicano muere por palomitas de maíz en microondas" [Mexican dies from microwave popcorn]. El Diario La Prensa (in Spanish). 2018-10-30. Retrieved 2024-09-01.
  71. ^ "Man killed when microwave explodes while making popcorn". Yahoo News Australia. 2018-11-10. Retrieved 2024-09-01.
  72. ^ Winter, Alex (2019-07-09). "Coroner's warning after retired jockey died when she fell on metal drinking straw which impaled her eye". Bournemouth Echo. Retrieved 2020-09-15. Mrs Struthers-Gardner was fatally injured at her home in Cannon Close on the evening of November 22 last year.
  73. ^ "Woman dies after being impaled through the eye by a metal straw". The Independent. 2019-07-09. Retrieved 2022-02-01. Medical workers "had never seen an injury like that", said Detective Inspector Wayne Seymour of Dorset Police.
  74. ^ "Metal drinking straw fatally impales woman through her eye after fall". USA Today. 2019-07-09. Retrieved 2022-02-01.
  75. ^ Compiled from wire services (2019-07-04). "Man dies in bizarre plot to ditch job". Daily Sabah. Retrieved 2024-09-18.
  76. ^ Brook, Benedict; Scanlan, Rebekah (2019-09-08). "Man, 40, dead on Sydney's north shore after being dragged into woodchipper". News.com.au. Retrieved 2022-02-01.
  77. ^ Piotrowski, Daniel (2019-11-02). "'How could he have fallen in?'". Fiji Sun. Retrieved 2022-02-01.
  78. ^ Griffith, Janelle (2019-10-28). "Family 'inadvertently' created a pipe bomb at fatal gender reveal". NBC News. Retrieved 2022-02-01.
  79. ^ Palomo, David (2020-01-15). "La plancha de una tonelada que voló 3 km antes de matar al frutero Sergio en Tarragona" [The 1 ton plate that flew 3 km before killing fruit seller Sergio in Tarragona] (in Spanish). Retrieved 2022-02-01. Porque, ¿qué probabilidades había de que se produjera una explosión en la planta petroquímica de IQOXE? ¿Y de que una chapa de hierro (conocida como una plancha) de una tonelada volara tres kilómetros y matara a alguien?... "Es un caso inverosímil" –tanto como que es el único fallecido que no trabajaba en la planta–, reconocía Pau Ricomà, alcalde de Tarragona. Pero, sin duda, es "la principal hipótesis" que mantiene la investigación. Surrealista, sí, pero cierto. [Because how likely was there to be an explosion at the IQOXE petrochemical plant, and that a one-ton sheet of iron (known as a plate) would fly three kilometers and kill someone?... "It is an implausible case" – as much as he is the only deceased who did not work at the plant – acknowledged Pau Ricomà, mayor of Tarragona. But, without a doubt, it is "the main hypothesis" that maintains the research. Surreal, yes, but true."]
  80. ^ "Three die in dry-ice incident at Moscow pool party". BBC News. 2020-02-29. Retrieved 2023-09-20.
  81. ^ Тихонова, Саглара. "Муж блогера Екатерины Диденко скончался в реанимации после вечеринки с сухим льдом" [Blogger Ekaterina Didenko's husband dies in intensive care after dry ice party]. www.starhit.ru (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-03-11.
  82. ^ АБРАМОВ, Андрей (2020-02-29). "На вечеринке блогера Екатерины Диденко из-за сухого льда погибли три человека: что известно на данный момент" [At the party of blogger Ekaterina Didenko, three people died due to dry ice: what is known at the moment]. kp.ru (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-03-11.
  83. ^ "Missing man found dead inside Spanish dinosaur statue". The Guardian. 2021-05-24. Retrieved 2021-05-29.
  84. ^ "The Body of a Missing Man Was Found Inside a Stegosaurus Statue". VICE. 2021-05-24. Retrieved 2021-06-01. As of now, a number of questions regarding the bizarre and tragic incident remain unanswered.
  85. ^ Davis, Rebecca (2021-08-26). "Man, 25, dies after using glue when he failed to find condom". Yahoo News. Retrieved 2024-06-05.
  86. ^ Santora, Sara (2021-08-25). "Man Uses Adhesive Instead of Condom, Dies". Newsweek. Retrieved 2021-08-26. In a bizarre turn of events, an Indian man died after using epoxy resin in lieu of a condom during intercourse with his former fiancée. His family is now asking for police to conduct a more thorough investigation into their son's death.
  87. ^ Hollan, Michael (2021-09-10). "McDonald's customer dies in drive-thru after 'freak accident'". Fox News. Retrieved 2021-09-15. A bizarre accident occurred at a McDonald's in Vancouver that resulted in the death of a customer
  88. ^ Gleeson, Scott (2021-09-15). "Man reaching for card crushed to death by his own car in McDonald's drive-thru". USA Today. Retrieved 2021-10-12. The Vancouver Police Department confirmed Tuesday that a Canadian man was crushed to death by his own car in a McDonald's drive-thru last week.
  89. ^ Masrida, Noor (2022-01-14). "Kronologi Calon Ibu Muda Meninggal Tertimpa Beton Pembatas Parkiran Pasar Antasari Banjarmasin" [Chronology of Young Mother-to-be Dies Crushed by Concrete Barrier parking at Antasari Banjarmasin Market]. Tribun News (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2022-07-23.
  90. ^ Kurniawan, Endra (2022-01-15). "Ibu Hamil 8 Bulan di Banjarmasin Tewas Tertimpa Beton, Berawal Mobil Box Tabrak Pembatas Parkir" [8-Month Pregnant Woman in Banjarmasin Killed by Concrete, Starting with Box Car Crashing into Parking Barrier]. Tribun News (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2022-07-23.
  91. ^ "Bizarre fatal accident in Rancho Bernardo causes six-car crash". Pomerado News. 2022-02-20.
  92. ^ Newsflare content partner (April 2022). "Fitness fanatic, 27, killed on front driveway when weightlifting bar falls onto his neck". Newsflare. Retrieved 2024-09-19. Phen Channy, 27, was alone in the house when the freak gym accident happened on his weights bench outside his front door in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on April 3.
  93. ^ Greenwald, Dan; Van de Riet, Emily (2022-05-26). "23-year-old paramedic dies when machine falls on her at gym". WWNY-TV. Retrieved 2024-08-29. Police said the freak accident happened around 2:50 a.m. when no one else was in the gym.
  94. ^ Spurs, Terrian (2022-06-20). "Elephant kills woman and returns to her funeral to attack her corpse". KRIV-TV. Bizarre animal stories are heard often, but none are quite like the latest vicious and deadly elephant attack of a 68-year-old woman in India.
  95. ^ Berg, Raffi (2022-07-22). "Man killed as sink hole opens under swimming pool in Israel". Middle East. BBC News. Retrieved 2022-07-22.
  96. ^ SAGI/WALLA, Karin; Jerusalem Post Staff (2022-07-21). "Body of man who fell into sinkhole under pool found by rescue teams". jpost.com. Retrieved 2024-08-07. MDA paramedic Uri Damari said: "This is a very unusual incident. When I got to the scene I saw a pit that had opened at the bottom of the empty pool. People who were at the site told me that the pit opened suddenly and within a few seconds all the water from the pool was pulled in."
  97. ^ "Man dies after accidentally falling into vat of hot porridge". New York Post. 2022-08-05. Retrieved 2023-10-09. Upon witnessing the freak accident, bystanders rush in to try and extricate Muthuswamy (sic) but to no avail.
  98. ^ "Man dies of burn injuries after falling into pot of boiling porridge in Tamil Nadu's Madurai". India Today. 2022-08-02. Retrieved 2023-10-09.
  99. ^ "Man (65) komt om bij bizar ongeval Highland Games in Geldrop: 'Atleet struikelde en verloor evenwicht'" [Man (65) dies in a bizarre accident Highland Games in Geldrop: 'Athlete stumbled and lost balance']. Brabants Dagblad (in Dutch). 2022-08-07. Retrieved 2023-01-25.
  100. ^ Murphy, Hannah (2023-02-09). "Lawyer accidentally shot by own gun in MRI suite dies of his injuries". Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Health Imaging. Innovate Healthcare. Retrieved 2024-08-29.
  101. ^ Cost, Ben (2023-02-09). "Lawyer dies after gun triggered by hospital MRI scanner". Weird But True. New York Post. Retrieved 2024-08-29. The freak accident occurred on January 16 while the gun-loving lawyer, named Leandro Mathias de Novaes, was taking his mother to get scanned at the Laboratorio Cura in São Paulo, Jam Press reported.
  102. ^ Samuel, Chris (2023-04-24). "Pensioner urinating on train tracks killed by flying cow launched 100ft into the air by carriage". Retrieved 2023-04-24. A pensioner was killed in a freak accident when he was struck by a flying cow launched 100ft into the air by an express train.
  103. ^ News Staff, WSBTV.com (2023-05-18). "Pipe crashes through SUV windshield on I-75, impaling and killing Buford woman in passenger seat". WSB-TV.com. Archived from the original on 2023-05-19. Retrieved 2024-05-09. A woman died in a freak accident after she was impaled by a pipe that went through a windshield.
  104. ^ Blanco, Andrea (2023-06-29). "Eleven-year-old boy dies in freak ATV crash after dog jumped on gas pedal". The Independent.
  105. ^ "Italian man crushed to death under falling cheese wheels". The Guardian. Agence France-Presse. 2023-08-07. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 2023-08-07.
  106. ^ "Italian man crushed to death under falling cheese wheels". BBC News. 2023-08-07. Retrieved 2023-08-07.
  107. ^ Squires, Nick (2023-08-07). "Italian man crushed to death under thousands of falling cheese wheels". The Telegraph. Retrieved 2023-08-07. He was working alone and no one saw the freak accident or was able to help him.
  108. ^ Chandler, Alvieann (2023-11-27). "Woman dies after falling 48 feet through floor of home into hidden well shaft". WCSC-TV. Retrieved 2023-11-27.
  109. ^ Limon, Janice (2023-11-27). "Freak accident leads to death of 83-year-old South Carolina woman, coroner says". WYFF. Retrieved 2023-11-27. An 83-year-old Oconee County, South Carolina, woman died Sunday afternoon from injuries secondary to a fall in an apparent freak accident, officials said Monday. "I have not had a death like this occur in my 31-year career as Oconee County coroner," coroner Karl Addis said.
  110. ^ "Prank gone wrong! Bengaluru man dies after friend fills air into his rectum with compressor". WION. 2024-03-29. Retrieved 2024-03-29. In an unusual incident, a 24-year-old Bengaluru man lost his life to a prank that was supposed to be fun and harmless.
  111. ^ "Tourist, 30, killed after being struck on head by church bell in freak accident". Yahoo News. 2024-04-14. Retrieved 2024-04-14.
  112. ^ Mata, William (2024-04-14). "Tourist, 30, killed after being struck on head by church bell in freak accident". Evening Standard. Retrieved 2024-04-14.
  113. ^ Richards, Bailey (2024-06-10). "6-Year-Old Girl Dead After 'Freak Accident' Involving Her Brother's Badminton Racket". Human Interest. People. Retrieved 2024-08-28. New Jersey native Lucy Morgan was on a family vacation in Maine on June 1 when the incident — which her father later dubbed a "freak accident" — occurred, according to a news release from Maine State Police.
  114. ^ Petski, Denise (2024-07-05). "UK Comedian Tony Knight Dies In "Freak Accident" At 54". News. Deadline.com. Retrieved 2024-08-28. UK comedian Tony Knight, also known as the Dog Listener, has died after a freak accident at a festival in France.
  115. ^ Kang, Esther (2024-07-05). "Comedian Tony Knight Dies at 54 After 'Terrible' Accident Involving a Fallen Tree Branch". Celebrity Deaths. People. Retrieved 2024-08-28. "We are beyond devastated that his life was taken by a freak accident ... an accident that we are all still trying to comprehend," his family said
  116. ^ Ellis, Rebecca (2024-08-24). "'Like a bomb': Exploding tire that killed L.A. County firefighter was a little-known risk". California. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2024-08-28. In the niche world of vehicle safety engineers, it was a known risk — rare but lethal. To firefighters across California, the threat was essentially unheard of until highlighted by Pontious' death... "There was no knowledge that these kinds of big tires could blow in such a way that could kill someone," said David Pontious, 55. "It was just a freak accident."
  117. ^ Lee, Jeremy (2024-06-21). "Woman in Indonesia dies after falling out of window from treadmill, gym under investigation". Must Share News. Retrieved 2024-06-24. A young woman has died in a freak accident during her workout at a gym in Indonesia.
  118. ^ Supharta, Keyla (2024-06-21). "Woman in Pontianak, Indonesia, dies after stumbling off treadmill & falling out of 3rd floor gym window". Mothership. Retrieved 2024-06-24.
  119. ^ "Mother dies in freak accident after clothes snag on cable car over Italian valley". The Independent. 2024-07-04. Retrieved 2024-07-09.
  120. ^ "Cantor de 35 anos morre no palco após receber descarga elétrica" [35-year-old singer dies on stage after receiving electrical shock]. Metrópoles (in Brazilian Portuguese). 2024-07-15. Retrieved 2024-07-16.
  121. ^ "Nenek di Sulsel Tewas Ditelan Ular Piton" [Grandmother in South Sulawesi dies from being swallowed by a python]. CNN Indonesia (in Indonesian). 2024-08-16. Retrieved 2024-08-18.
  122. ^ "Woman dies in python attack after being swallowed up to her shoulders, Indonesia officials say". CBS News. 2024-08-16. Retrieved 2024-08-19. Deaths by large constrictors are considered rare, but several people in Indonesia have been killed by pythons in recent years — including two other women since June.