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Talk:Philippine Carabao Center

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i think there are many sites that talk generally about the carabao, and as such this is typical and a good one, but while the philippine government is striving to increase the use of this oft called "underused" powerful draft animal and to help the low income farmer, by assisting in the increase, or rejuvination of the past populations of the carabao,also often spelled karabao, as there is no "C" in the tagalog language, or kalabaw its often called in the philippines,and trying to make more of them available to the farmers, i find it odd that nowhere on the internet, including the marami (sorry, many and varied)sites whos name suggests they would be the source of all information on the carabao, not one gives any clue what one might be expected to pay to purchase a carabao, for use in this very endeavour. i wonder are there indeed any statistics whatever available on the average cost to purchase a carabao, for a poor farm needing one to pull a cart with produce of the farm, and to become a well treated wllfed farmhand, basically a member of the family. this animal is the most widely used and best adaptd animal in th philippines for this purpose, and has the disposition for it, as long as he also get his leisure time to soak in the water and to graze on grass and lie in the shade,as he has no sweat glands and must use the water and shade to cool himself, and is, i think underutilized for the simple reason that it is difficult for buyers and sellers to get together. i mean think about it, the internet is the single best source of information on any subject any of us can think of am i right? and would be the perfect forum to assist in joining farmer and domesticated carabao for increased production on the farm and to insure both the caribao and the farmer will not go hungry, and yet i have searched for 2 months for any information on purchasing a carabao, and came up empty. the last last rather obscure listing of a price for a carabao, was in 1998, ten years ago, when the internt was basically in its infantsy compared to today. it said the average price of an adult male carabao was 1,000 peso. someone told me on the street, that the price is now would buy a whole heard at 1998 cost. and yet the internet is silent on this matter, for the past ten years. even the livestock sales pagses have absolutely zero carabao, while listing marami pigs goats and other animals of lesser importance in the philippine economy. i wonder, wherein lies the basis for this virtual boycott of information on such a critical part of the equation to help reverse the "underutilization" of the majestic carabao, and the relatively low economic state of the philippine farmer, and put more food on the tables throughout the philippines. the simple increased availability and usage of the already present carabao would drastically improve both of these conditions,and to impliment this idea would simply require the sellers and buyers to be able to communicate and to look online and see the average cost a buyer might be expected to pay, and to create a little compitition in pricing as a seller wanting to sell might want to charge slightly less than the average price, and volia a whole new era and improved economy for the philippine farmer might be born, through this simple act.will this change alone stamp out poverty in the philippines, well no i doubt it. no one act alone has ever made a complete reversal of such a national problem, but it would help trememduously, inconjunction with the implimntation of the idea currently being batted around in the philippine government of allowing forigners to actually own the land they pay for there and develop, thus encouraging them to invest more, as thier investments might stand a chance of helping the investor also. those interested would all do themselves and the carabao a service of they would ad even a small amount of information on this subject to the best selling forum on the planet, the internet.

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