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Male-Only Presidency


Only men are allowed to become presidents in Iran. Why was my addition deleted.

--Geoff on 28 of October 2005

Put it back in.--Zereshk 16:34, 28 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

  • He and she are the same in Farsi. However, I am certain that it is written in the laws of the Islamic Republic that women cannot become Presidents. I lived in Iran the 1990s and everybody said that there was a ban on female Presidency. This follows from the principle that female cannot become imams, which is another leadership position. Remember that Iran is a theocracy.

-- 00:24, 10 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

It's actually stipulated in the constitution. The word "rejāl" is popularly interpreted as "men".--Zereshk 15:21, 10 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

that is right. there has been a debate for a long time that resurfaces at every presidential election year that whether the word "rejal" was actually meant to be taken literally as "men" or not. although it seems the guardian council interprets it as "men" but they have never officially anounced it. for every election they accept and register female candidates but then they (the guardian council) dont' let them pass through the qualification stage.

  • Plus, even though the Islamic people of Iran say that women can become physicians, lawyers, engineers, and so on, in practice most people don't expect women to go beyond high school. As far as I remember when I lived there more than a decade ago, the parents of women always worked energetically to sell their daughters to successful men. -- 03:32, 11 March 2006 (UTC)
women can and have become physicians, lawyers, engineers, and so on in Iran. Iran has a female vice president (vice president and head of enviromental protection organization) and there are also many female members of parliament. during Khatami's government, there was a female provincial governor and there are a few female mayors and hundreds of female city council members currently holding office in Iran. and about education, it has now been a few consecutive years that more female students (more than 50%) have entered universities than male students. All of this of course does not mean everything is well and ok for Iranian women, but nevertheless it proves your remarks are false.
  • rstepp@sw.rr.com* Not so much false as mistaken...
  • Iran's Vice President for Environmental Protection in 2006 is Fatemeh Javadi though she looks like a mullah protege with so much clothes that I wonder how she manages to walk up a few stairs without tripping. Nor can she push a small box across the table without getting strangled with the chador and scarves underneath secured in place with several safety pins. Honestly, what is with all this game?Patchouli 07:35, 27 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

حضور محترم جناب آقاى رییس جمهور

با سلام و احترام اینجانب محمد رضا اسماعیل پور  با عنایت به اینکه جناب عالی شایسته‌ترین در انتخابات ریاست جمهوری شدید پیش از هر چیز به شما تبریک گفته کرده و گرامیداشت عرض میدارم و از درگاه حق تعالی سرافرازی و پیشرفت روزافزون شما را آرزو دارم, از ید امیرالمومنین حضرت علی(ع) برای شما و اعضای محترم این دولت موفقیت را خواستارم; این نامه در خصوص برخی موضوع های اجتماعی و بخش اشتغال و تحصیل خودم است که عناوین آن به این شرح است : 1_خلاصه ی گذشته ام و جریانات رخ داده در زندگی ام

2_صحبتی مختصر و مفید از جریانات چهار سال گذشته ام

3_توضیحی مختصر و لازم درباره بیان فردی و دیدگاه شخصی ام که خوب است ذکر شود

4_توضیح درباره اهدافم که شامل چه بخش هایی در آینده خواهد بود

" خلاصه ی از گذشته ام و جریانات رخ داده در زندگیم "

اسمم محمد رضا، با نام خانوادگی اسماعیل پور، در سال 1367 در هجدهمین روز فروردین متولد شدم، بعد از گذراندن مقطع راهنمایی وارد هنرستان فنی و حرفه ای شدم، و توانستم دیپلم را در رشته مورد نظرم بگیرم، ودر یک هنرستان پیش دانشگاهی با نام کمال الملک به گذراندن این مقطع پرداختم، که بعد از چند ترم تحصیل در آنجا سرفصلی الحاق شد که میتوانستم بدون مدرک پیش دانشگاهی وارد دانشگاه شوم، از این رو وارد دانشگاه علمی کاربردی شدم و در واحد شهرداری این مرکز در رشته گرافیگ، به گذراندن واحدهای درسی خود پرداختم و تا مقطع کاردانی درس به دانشگاه رفتم البته پایان نامه خود را به دانشگاه تحویل نداده ام، که دلایل مفصلی برای آن هست، که با امید به هموار شدن شرایط برای این مهم و البته گذراندن مقطع کارشناسی اقدامات لازم را میکنم، که مسلاما از هدف های پر ارزشم است.

"صحبتی مختصر و مفید از جریانات چهار سال گذشته ام"

ثمره هشت سال مطالعه در رشته هنر (گرافیک) کار در موسسات تبلیغاتی، امور طراحی و نقاشی، و البته استخدام به عنوان یکی از مجریان نقاشی دیواری در سازمان زیباسازی شهرداری تهران است، که توانستم با مدد الهی چندین پروژه این سازمان را به همراه همکارانم به اجرا برسانم، وهمچنان پیگیر برای حضور در اجراهای بعدی هستم، مختصر از علایقم اگر بگویم، این است که در امور موسیقی و آهنگسازی هم مهارت دارم، چه به صورت گروهی و چه انفرادی، و اینکه با پدر و مادرم که به لطف حق تعالی در سلامتی به سر میبرند زندگی میکنم، و با توجهات والاترین قوای مادی و معنوی، حضور بزرگوار شما صحبتم را عارضم، انشاءالله بتوانم مسئولیتم را به بهترین شکل به عرصه ظهور برسانم.

"توضیحی مختصر و مفید درباره بیان فردی و دیدگاه شخصی ام که خوب است بیان شود"

بارها شده که برایم یک جریان اجتماعی یا بهتر بگویم چالش اجتماعی اتفاق افتاده که انحصارٱ بیان میکنم، این تنها یک نامه یا مطلب در خصوص خواسته ام از شما نیست، اما گزارشی از زندگی است از جریان غیر مطلوبی که اسم آن را تالع بینی، یا بینش اجتماعی با عنوان ماه تولد و تاثیر آن در این نوع روابط، یقین دارم از سوی شرق آسیا شکل گرفته و در سالهای گذشته جوری تاثیر گذاشته که ناخواسته بر ذهن عموم در جریان بوده است؛ دلیل آن چیست که روز یا برج تولد یک شخص، در روابطش با اجتماع یا امور اقتصادی، خانوادگی، محیط های دوستانه و تحصیل و غیره به این صورت تاثیر گذار باشد؟ مادرم گاهی اوقات از گروهک فرقان یا ستون پنجم در اوائل انقلاب اسلامی ایران میگوید که نکته ی آن روند زیر پوستی و غیر محسوس عوامل ضد انقلاب در آن روزها بوده، سوال من این است ( اگر برجی که من در آن پا به این زندگی نهادم با شخصی که لازم است با آن به نوعی تعامل داشته باشم، تطبیق کافی نداشته باشد باید منتظر لطمه خوردن از این باور باشم؟) یا بهتر بگویم، اگر کسی از برجی که در آن به دنیا آمده، ذهنیت جالبی نداشته باشد، و ناخداگاه در شرایطی باشد که او به ارتباط بالقوه نیاز داشته باشد، با زحمت به بالفعال درمیاید؟؟، دوست دارم حقوقی برابر آنچه که به یک شخص با شرایط من در این کشور و شهری که در آن، به گذران زندگی ام میپردازم اختصاص داده شود، امید بر این اعتماد به نفس مرا تقویت میکند، انشاءالله.

"توضیح درباره نوع اهدافم، که شامل چه بخش هایی میشود"

اهدافم شامل سه بخش است، که مختصر از هر کدام از آنها سخنی خواهم داشت؛

1.اهداف بلند مدت 2. اهداف کوتاه مدت 3. اهداف روزانه که شامل برنامه های روز جاری و رور آینده میباشد.

از هدف هایی که مسلما آنرا برای امروز یا فردای خود در زمانبندیم جای داده ام بگویم، امروز 3/7 کار مهم امروزم چند تماس است اما برای تکمیل دکراسیون داخلی واحد مسکونی پدرم، که در فاز ششم پرند است به شهرک پرند میروم تا با کمک پدرم این کار را به اتمام رسانده و برای شروع سکونت در آنجا محیا سازیم.

اهداف کوتاه مدت، که شامل بهترین نتایج عملکرد روزانه ام تا انتهای هفته و یا چند هفته ی آینده میباشد، مثل افتتاح حساب در یک بانک یا موسسه ی مالی معتبر، و آنکه اتمام پروژه های مربوط به هنرم که در دست اجراست؛ واما اهداف بلند مدتم، که به اختصار از آنها میگویم، 'ازدواج' البته با شخصی که بتواند شرایط اجتماعی و فکری مناسبی بامن داشته باشد، به دست آوردن اتومبیل خوب، داشتن یک کارگاه هنری، اینها مواردی از این نوع اهدافم هست که با همت خودم، والبته نگاه پروردگار به دست خواهد آمد، انشاءالله

در آخر این عراعضم، جا دارد بار دیگر تبریک بگویم، انتساب شما رئیس جمهور محترم و عالی قدر را، به آنچه که هستید، و بودید، و از والاترین مراتب معنوی سلامتی پایدار شما و همکاران محترمتان را خواهانم، سرافراز باشید . محمد رضا اسماعیل پور 96/3/6 Mohamadreza esmaeilpur (talk) 00:00, 28 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]

... Imanyazdany (talk) 15:19, 20 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]



Vince Mcmahon isnt the president of iran, someone fix that—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

  • "One of the officially recognized efforts for this process is to race against a elephant, the winner being one step closer to being accepted as a candidate." What the hell...—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)
Please be bold and remove obvious vandalisms! see: Wikipedia:Be bold in updating pages --Gerash77 20:23, 5 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
While I am opposed to vandalism and encourage all individuals to remove it promptly...that made me chuckle. Vince McMahon...racing an elephant... Peter Deer (talk) 11:42, 30 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

"In contrast with most republics [...]"


"In contrast with most republics, the effective head of Iran's political establishment is not the president [...]" I consider this sentence quite problematic. I for one am living in a parliamentary republic in which the role of the president is more ceremonial than executive. Compared to that, the president of Iran holds immense power in his hands. I guess that the sentence was written by an American who had a presidential republic in his mind, unaware that there are many parliamentary republics around the world where the executive power of the president - either "de iure" or "de facto" - is very limited. -- 20:07, 25 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

  • The issue with that is that is your personal preference. The fact of the matter is in most presidential governments the President is considered the de-facto Head of State. Frankly, I have more issue with the part at the top calling him the head of state, as it is established later in the article that he really isn't. Peter Deer (talk) 11:40, 30 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
The President is in many systems head of state, but the office is also usually divorced from the political process and constrained by it, except in the US where two roles are apparently combined. It seems to me the office of Iranian President is more analogous to a Prime Minister in a typical democratic system (so comparisons would be with Sarkozy, Brown, etc). Hakluyt bean (talk) 20:31, 9 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Head of Government


I have issue with the accuracy of the term "Head of Government" at the top of the page, especially considering it is directly contradictory with the first paragraph of the article. I have no expertise on the government of Iran personally, so I would invite someone with greater knowledge on this issue to clarify this or to replace the statement with something more accurate. Peter Deer (talk) 11:50, 30 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Iranian elections box


I've readded the {{Iranian elections}} box that's been removed a few times [1] [2] [3] and then readded by me. The reasoning of the editor that removed it is "no other template put a country's elections with the President. There is a separate section for this and it belongs in Elections in Iran". My reasoning is that it directly addresses the article as it has a list of "Iranian presidential elections". Another article that has an elections box in the presidents article is President of the United States which has {{Uspresidentialelections}} in it. I've invited the editor to this page to discuss it. Ha! (talk) 07:19, 19 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Request for comment (tag removed)

  • Does {{Iranian elections}} a) belong in the article as per this edit [4] or b) not belong, as per this edit [5]
It seems clearly related. No substantial reason has been provided for not having it (what other articles do is a questionable basis, and has been shown to not be a uniform standard in any case). Hgilbert (talk) 16:29, 21 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I agree with Hgilbert. The subjects are definietely related, so I don't see a reason to exclude it. Happyme22 (talk) 17:43, 18 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

There president is not "directly voted"


It says that the president is directly voted by the people as here:[The President is elected for a four-year term by the direct vote of the people and may not serve for more than two consecutive terms.] this contradicts with the protests and the letters leaked by groups. Aryattack (talk) 19:41, 5 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Orphaned references in President of Iran


I check pages listed in Category:Pages with incorrect ref formatting to try to fix reference errors. One of the things I do is look for content for orphaned references in wikilinked articles. I have found content for some of President of Iran's orphans, the problem is that I found more than one version. I can't determine which (if any) is correct for this article, so I am asking for a sentient editor to look it over and copy the correct ref content into this article.

Mistake in the Beginning of the Article


Appointing governors and ambassadors is not subject to the Parliament ratification. so I will omitted it. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 11:33, 1 March 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Reference named "free":

  • From Iranian presidential election, 2009: "Ahmadinejad defiant on 'free' Iran poll". BBC News. 13 June 2009. Retrieved 13 June 2009.
  • From Elections in Iran: "Ahmadinejad defiant on 'free' Iran poll". BBC News. 13 June 2009. Retrieved 13 June 2009. {{cite news}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)

Reference named "tele":

Reference named "daily":

I apologize if any of the above are effectively identical; I am just a simple computer program, so I can't determine whether minor differences are significant or not. AnomieBOT 11:08, 7 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

This is now fixed. - Salamurai (talk) 22:21, 11 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Living former Presidents


I think the "Living former Presidents" section should be moved to the List of Presidents of Iran article. twitter.com/YOMALSIDOROFF (talk) 15:56, 15 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Unnecessarily Repeated paragraph


Not sure what's up with this but this paragraph is repeated either verbatim or slightly modified no less than 3 times in the article, and even basically given its own section. What's up with that?

"The President carries out the decrees, and answers to the Supreme Leader of Iran, who functions as the country's head of state.[3][4] Unlike the executive in other countries, the President of Iran does not have full control over anything, as these are ultimately under the control of the Supreme Leader.[5][6]"

Not to be too harsh but we get the point. (talk) 15:37, 23 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]


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Hassan rouhani


president of iran Imanyazdany (talk) 15:19, 20 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

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Compromise with sport


Peace 2601:245:4600:7FA0:E1FA:9998:46DC:D795 (talk) 19:00, 21 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Death of the Iran President, why is this not a bigger part of the page?


There is almost nothing about the helicopter crash, but from today there seems to be much more evidence 2601:589:4F80:2F50:49F6:5B79:2CAE:6EA9 (talk) 21:19, 20 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Because the article is about the office of president , not the individual holding it AlexBobCharles (talk) 19:46, 17 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]