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Talk:Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist)

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The article on Socialist Unity Centre of India has a number of factual errors and subjective comments of the author. Readers are advised to refer to the official website of the party www.suci.in

An SUCI supporter 19th May 2005

so in such case; exactly which are the so-called "factual errors and subjective comments"? --Soman 15:40, 19 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Quote from the article: "The SUCI militants call themselves the vanguard of people, believing they will once overthrow capitalism and replace it with their aim, pure Communism."

Comment: I have not encountered a single SUCI militant (and I have met quite a few) that calls himself/herself the vanguard of the people. On the contrary what they say is that their party is the vanguard of the proletariat. Further, I have never heard them say that 'once (they) overthrow capitalism they will replace it with their aim, pure Communism'. What I have heard them say is that an anti-capitalist socialist revolution can alone overthrow capitalism and establish the dictatorship of the proletariat.

The SUCI has so many publications, periodicals and books, many of them in english. Why doesn't the writer of the article refer to those instead of making fanciful comments? Sabyashildeb 17:47, 15 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

This article is not in anyway a real depiction of SUCI and its activities. SUCI is the one and only genuine political party in India. Can you mention any other one who tries to defend people's rights in India? Who ever wrote this article has no idea of what SUCI does. And I plead to the gentleman that he better try to know SUCI by not through any hear and say or stuff that he might encounter accidentally, but by being along with it in its activities. Sekhar 22-06-06

Your contributions are valued, but at wiki one needs to try to write from an outside perspective. Claims needs to be backed up by sources. For example, the notion that "only communist party of the Indian soil" is of course something that is bound to be disputed by many other sections of the Indian left. In change, you could write "SUCI considers itself as the only genuine communist party in India". Moreover, the terms 'Comrade' is not a term to be used, as this is used within the party. The same goes for ephitets as 'Shri' (which followers of other Indian parties like to induct in other articles). Thirdly, the language cannot be as bombastic as in the current version (drops of blood, etc.). That is appropriate in a party pamphlet, but not in an encyclopedia. --Soman 10:57, 22 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Listed for deletion


After the counter-revolution in the erstwhile Soviet Union and other East European countries, our party in its endeavour to defend communism and Marxism-Leninism reinvigorated its ideological-philosophical movement, took powerful initiatives to regroup and rejuvenate the world communist movement and, as a first step, undertook the task of developing a mighty, militant anti-imperialist movement throughout the world with the real communist forces combining in its core as its driving force.

The SUCI vows to uphold the banner of socialist revolution and proletarian internationalism with every drop of blood of its leaders and cadres.

The current SUCI general secretary is Nihar Mukherjee. SUCI has a webpage and the party publishes Proletarian Era, where the imperialists and US warmoners are often criticised. The party has excellent contacts with international communist parties as well.

not only NPOV, but complete communist propaganda. --Constanz - Talk 13:45, 17 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

It would seem that the article is not well developed, and probably doesn't follow the desired goal of NPOV, however the article infers that there are members of the party that have been and are part of the sitting government, which would seem to estabilish notibility. If POV is the concern, my thought is it should be flagged as such and rewritten by someone with an objective viewpoint, not deleted. There's my two bits on the matter, for what it's worth. --Mr Minchin Canada 22:56, 20 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]



I don't see any problem with the article now in terms of NPOV/POV. —Sesel 17:08, 26 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Current Page


This page is officially being edited by SUCI and we assure that the information posted here will be according to Wiki style. However, at the moment, what ever has been posted is directly from the party website and needs editing. It will take time for us to edit it. In the mean time we request you not to change the content and we shall ourselves refine it. The only necessity is time. If edited by some one and not acceptable to SUCI, it will be changed. This is a party decision and will be executed. Regards SUCIIndia

Dear Kuntan, Don't be angry! It is of no use here as well. It will not help you in any way. It is a party decision and it will be executed. If you try to be constructive with us, we can maintain this page well, else you will spend all your time trying to revert it and we will definitely revert it to one that we feel like. So put in your comments here and we shall see what is acceptable to us and what is not. We are not worried of what press writes about us. If you need to know SUCI work for it, know it from inside and then try to creatively criticize. Anger is of now use, I must say! We are not ashamed of our stand as we are convienced of what we are doing. Neutrality is not carrying the propoganda of the capitalist media. Regards SUCI India

Self-identification of SUCI


User:Kuntan tries, for reasons difficult to understand, to remove a passage that specifies that SUCI considers itself as the only communist party in India. To understand the character of SUCI as a political party the thesis of SUCI that they are the sole communist party in India is highly relevant, since it conditions the relations of SUCI towards the rest of the Indian left. --Soman 14:53, 26 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

...isn't obvious that other communist groups in India would not agree to that thesis...? --Soman 15:07, 26 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I've rewritten the description of how the party positions itself and its ideology, with some extra details and a specific source citation. All of this is seems relevant to me; what good is an article about a political party that doesn't describe its political positions? Wikipedia doesn't need to rebut every claim described in an article, though if there are reliable sources describing a notable response to the party's platform, then including that might make sense. CDC (talk) 21:30, 26 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

SUCI India writes: We (our party) is interested in as well keeping up with the spirit of Wikipedia. But we will not be accomodating capitalist propoganda about us being highlighted as facts. Secondly we will as well want our political stand clear to public. Mr. Kuntan says that we are a cult group which simply not the fact. If you count the shear number of districts that SUCI has activities in, it will already prove to you that we are larger than many so called communist parties in power. And we are not at all worried of numbers, as our interest is in quality and not quantity. Mr. Kuntan may post the so called 'anti-thesis' on 'WHY SUCI' to our email address. We will clarify ourselves to you, if you are really interested. Thanks to Mr. Soman for understanding that we dont intent to use Wiki as a means of promulgation. Those who have observed us closely will know that the capitalist media does not write about us and it is only our publications through which you can know about our activities. For this we suggest you refer to PEra which is freely available in our website. Regards SUCI India.

Attention Soman

I really don't see any reason to change the term 'mural' in the text. At least not to 'graffiti'. 'Graffiti' generally refers to something quite different, implying that it is a form of vandalism. Usually, 'wall-paintings' is the general term in Indian politics, but for me 'mural' is more or less synomynous to that. --Soman 15:09, 26 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
You may read the article mural, and find out that it refers to the exact same phenomenon. --Soman 10:03, 27 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Well, we obviously have different interpretations of this. Of course boundaries are not always exact. For me [1] is a mural, whereas [2] is graffiti. For me the SUCI wallpaintings fall in the former category. --Soman 13:02, 28 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]



The neutrality aspect. At the given moment what we have posted is a very brief description about SUCI. We have also not put in our party website material straight away. The flag will be repalced with a static one soon. SUCI India

We are we as though it is an individual who is editing the text at the moment, it is as a collective decission. So Mr. Kuntan don't worry about the grammer. SUCI India

I have put the NPOV back. User:SUCIIndia deleted it without any discussion. After the edit of User:SUCIIndia it is a clear POV article. Statements like "This led him to organize SUCI strictly following the Marxist methodology with a handful of compatriots", "These preconditions being fulfilled in the course of a relentless ideological, philosophical, political and cultural struggle over several years, the SUCI emerged through a founding convention on the 24th April, 1948" , "As the continuer of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao Zedong, Shibdas Ghosh contributed to the growth and development of the world communist movement; a fact asserted by the international collaborations that SUCI has with other communist parties world wide.", "As with every revolutionary party, innumerable SUCI cadres and leaders have been victims, are still being victims of state terror, brutal repression, imprisonment, and assassination. "etc. are not only POV but not verified as well. You can say SUCI claims so and so, but this is different. Please revert this to an earlier acceptable version and remove the tag. Clt13 10:04, 27 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

It does not make a POV article because that it is posted by activists of SUCI. The paragraph that you have mentioned is very factual and any one who needs to verify can do so by going detailed into our website. A claim is to be varified by the reader and not you. Well you read E=MC^2 and it is upto you to verify it, not upto Einstein to prove it to you every time you ask for a proof. SUCI India.

You are right when you say "It does not make a POV article because that it is posted by activists of SUCI." But one cannot verify the claim that "SUCI strictly following the Marxist methodology " or " Shibdas Ghosh contributed to the growth and development of the world communist movement" or the claim that "SUCI is a revolutionary party" by looking at SUCI website. You very well know that many political parties in India claim to be communist or revolutionary but you may not accept it by visiting their website. Please do not present your claims as facts. As you mentioned, whether a party is revolutionary or not is to be decided by the reader; not by me nor by you. It is not decided by publishing a research paper as well. SO there is no comparison with E=MC^2 nor is it appropriate to put such claims in an encyclopedia. Please also understand that, in a discussion you should listen to others. If you remove the POV tag, immediately after adding some comments, it might appear that you are not willing to listen to others and you are merely interested in an edit war. Keep the tag until a consensus is evolved. It means that there is a debate going on this dispute Clt13 12:03, 27 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

There is a percpective difference here. You don't consider science as part of marxist ideology; whereas for us Marxism is the science of all sciences and thus it has direct relationships to E=MC^2. The existance of a communist party as a communist party can be varified as objectively as any scientific principles. If not, then it is not a communist part and thus we say that there are preconditions for even forming a real communist party. So one can verify whether SUCI strictly follows Marxist methodology and whether Com. Ghosh contributed to the growth and development of the world communist movement. His analysis of world wide political situation during his time of existance and the continuence of his idiology and philosophy but his followers and how they are appreciated world over is enough as varifications for such claims. SUCI is a revolutionary party and this is more than a claim. Our cader strenght proves and the fact that we are not ready to accept the registration as a formal party in India by signing up to defend Indian constitution is already well enough for any one to suggest that we are for revolution and we don't believe in this so called 'democracy' which is more of hipocracy. A reader has no choice of deciding whether the party is revolutionary or not, unless he/she gets to see an organization from inside. So we say that if you need to know us more come to us, work with us and then critically assess. Else don't be a carrier of the capitalist media. If some one is determined to propogate about us, things that are not facts, we will not let it happen just like that. As being new to this, we were not sure of what this POV tag was about. As now we are clear, we will keep it there till a consensus is evolved. But for sure, till then we will maintain what has been decided by us collectively. So I suggest please dont try to alter the present shape as we dont think that it is propoganda material. The statments are factual and as concise as possible. We as well don't intent to fight with any one including CPI (M). If any deaths have occured due to some issues, irrespective of which side has been killed we value the human life involved. So we are not trading charges with CPI (M) for any claims to the number that they killed or what ever. These are minor issues which diviates the attention from what we want to really communicate to the masses. We are no more a minor party. You must understand that our trade union is already India's 4th or 5th largest and in cader strenght we are far bigger than many so called communist parties in India. We are not interested to be a registered party and thus you may not see us listed with membership numbers. SUCI India

Infact it is you who does not deserve any comments. We visited your page and found how much you are worth of replying. And thus sorry we dont entertain comments from you any more. SUCI India

Regarding Kuntan's comment, he should study the electoral archives at [3]. SUCI were registered for some elections, but not at this point. Currently the party contests elections only through independent candidates. Furthermore Kuntan seem to have no idea of the irony of first stating that a comment is not worth replying and then write a reply. --Soman 09:35, 28 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

user:SUCIIndia is welcome to wikipedia. Please understand that an encyclopedia is not the place to settle questions like whether a party is the only communist party or whether fascism is better than communism. You can try to put " Marxism is a science of all" in the page for Marxism and perhaps even claim that it was formulated by Mr. Ghosh. But it is not part of any wikipedia policy and any discussion cannot be made based on that. Please also see the policy "Wikipedia is not a publisher of original thought"WP:NOT. I think that your comparison with E=MC^2 is silly. Einstein did not publish his result in his personal website and asked everyone to accept it as proof. No one with any familiarity with the process will not expect any to believe such claims. Results are subjected to peer review, submitted to independent expert referees and is then published in independent journals which is again open for review. I think this issue cannot be subjected to such a process. If you think otherwise, please give its details. It would then be a very interesting wikipedia article. Clt13 04:45, 28 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I have changed the sentence "As with every revolutionary party, innumerable SUCI cadres and leaders have been victims, are still being victims of state terror, imprisonment and assassination." as the citation that was provided does not establish that
1. innumerable SUCI cadres and leaders have been victims, are still being victims of state terror, imprisonment and assassination.
2. These terror acts occur because SUCI is a revolutionary party
3. Such terror acts occur against every revolutionary party.
I have also given a few more citations to show that the description in an earlier version of the page is more appropriate. Clt13 08:12, 28 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Formation of SUCI


User:Suciindia has claimed in his/her last series of edits that SUCI was not formed out of a split from RSP, which is in contradiction to my own understanding of the history of the party. It would be interesting if User:Suciindia could share more details about the pre-history of the party, since it could not have emerged out of a political vacuum. --Soman 15:03, 27 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

So it is wise that you don't write what you are not aware of? You should have written an email to us earlier and asked what we are before you started off writing this about us. However, we are happy that you started a string on us and invited so much attention about the party. You will receive a formal clarification from our side on these issues in a short time. SUCI India

My understanding still is that Ghosh came from the same Anushilan Marxist stream as the RSP, and that some of his initial criticism of the official CPI goes in line with those of the RSP. Furthermore, my point of view is based on that UTUC-LS emerged out of a break-up of the RSP union, UTUC. --Soman 09:26, 28 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Minor party?


User:Suciindia has objected to the description of the party as a 'minor party'. I think that such an assertion should be looked at the backdrop of a comparison between major parties in Indian politics (BJP, Congress, CPI(M), BSP, etc.) and minor ones. However, the intention of my wording was to point that although SUCI is not a part of the political mainstream (it lacks MPs at the moment, has MLAs only in one state), it is highly active in a variety of states. --Soman 15:06, 27 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Well having MPs and MLAs if is the consideration then we must ask how many of the parties other than those mentioned by you can stand alone and win any election? For example CPI, RSP, Forward Block and so on. The real strength of a communist party is in how many cader full time professional organizers it has. And in that sense SUCI is far ahead of those and you must also take into account the amount of activity that we have through out India and the simple number of states and even districts that we are present in and able to undertake activities. So to compare it with the so called big parties of India is not fair to be accepted. This is why we say that to know us you need to work with us. Our count of strength is not in MPs and MLA but in the integration that we have an organization and the ability to function as a single organ throughout the country. So we are not accepting the statement that SUCI is minor and as we already mentioned our trade union strength is more than an indication to our strength: SUCI India.



see [4]. --Soman 15:46, 27 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

What is your point here? That there is mutual killing? Well then why don't you place it in the CPI(M) page? Our point is that we are not interested in any blood shed and that it is not our main agenda to embarge upon killing every one who criticizes us. And we are not interested to state that we are being killed by CPI (M). We restrain ourselves by stating that as every revolutionary party in the world is subjected to state terror we are as well. Whether it is CPI (M) government or x or y or z we are not bothered. For us they are all bulls tagged to the same cart and those who are favouring capitalism. We don't want to divert our attention or a reader's attention to such issues. For us it is all part of our struggle. SUCI India

There is definatively relevant to discuss the situation in Joynagar in the SUCI article, since the area is the single area in entire India where SUCI is the dominant political force. It is also highly notable that, perhaps not to yourselves but to a wider readership, that there is a conflict between the locally governing communist party and the communist party in control of the state government. Why not put it on CPI(M) article? Well, CPI(M) loses hundreds of cadres every year all around India, the Joynagar feuds is just one of many violent confrontations the party is involved in. However, its bad that the comments on Joynagar are only focused on negative issues. More should be written about the recent political history of the area, and how SUCI developed into the local dominant political force there. --Soman 09:23, 28 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

And how do you think SUCI developed its political force in Joynagar? SUCI India

Well, i hoped you could shared some light on the issue. --Soman 12:49, 28 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
User:SUCIndia, please don't try to hide criticism. Please do not remove verifiable relevant content. This is an encyclopedia. You cannot say that "We don't want to divert our attention or a reader's attention to such issues". Let the reader decide where to focus attention.

Dear Mr Soman, It is just not criticism that you are posting here. According to Wiki it is supposed to be an encyclopedia, which implies that it gives brief and relevant information about what ever is there in. And the mishaps in Joynagar or else were is just irrelevant an info. If you insist, then you should have the same attitude to all political parties and should have a section Political Violence in all those pages. From your previous message it is evident that you consider the loss of CPI (M) as part of their so called path to revolution while ours us some politically motivated act to gain what ever you thing that we gain. We are not happy that we lost lifes, whether it is of our own party members or that of any one. If such mishaps could have been averted we would have. Your own citation about SUCI's denouncment of naxal movement is an excellent example for this. --Suciindia 06:14, 18 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Bengal education issue


This passage should be introduced in the article at some point: "One of the major campaigns of the party in West Bengal has been its agitations against the educational policy of the Left Front state government. The decision of the Left Front government to remove English from primary education in xxx (1981? 1982?) sparked a mass movement led by the SUCI for the reinsertion of English." With some further elaboration of the current stand on the issue. Related links: [5], [6], [7], [8] --Soman 12:48, 28 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

We are working on preparing a document in these regards and soon will be posted here. SUCI India

History of SUCI


Much more needs to be written about the history of SUCI. Some topics that ought to be covered are:

  • Its early history, pre-foundation history
  • Electoral history, 1952 electoral understanding (see [9], material at www.eci.gov.in)
  • SUCI during 1962 Indo-China war (see [10])
  • SUCI in United Front governments in West Bengal
  • SUCI and developments in China (analysis of Cultural Revolution, response to emergence of Naxalite movement)
  • SUCI during Emergency.

--Soman 12:55, 28 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

We are working on preparing a document in these regards and soon will be posted here. SUCI India



An article, out of which material could be added to this wikiarticle, at www.cgnet.in/N1/suci/html2pdf. --Soman 14:28, 3 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

For favour of the reading of other Editors


Dear Comrade Soman, Our party has noted that you are doing great service to the communist movement by gathering and presenting valuable informations here. We are very much and deeply thankful for your committed efforts. But our party has now taken care of this article and decided to have it state truth in simple and clear way. So our comrades all over the country will be adding and improving informations here. So please don't remove informations thus gathered by our comrades through painstaking struggles and studies. Although comrade Soman is deeply involved in his heart in communist history and practice our party noted that he is still having some misconception about our great proletarian party, SUCI and its great leader Comrade Shibdas Ghosh. Please contact our comrades to get correct information about us. We expect comrade Soman to cooperate with us. Thank you. Khudiram

Dear Editors, We are not interested in having anything about violent mishaps that we went through in this document. It is just part of our struggle and if we had any chance to avert them we would have. Our approach towards blind violence in the name of revolution is clear from our denouncment of the naxalite movement itself (see the article cited by Mr. Soman in the previous section). The reason for not agreeing to that piece of text is that it will divert the attention of any new reader who is trying to understand us. Our purpose of contributing to this article itself is that we want it to serve as a simple but good enough text for readers to be introduced to SUCI. Such minute details of our struggle will be known to people irrespective of it being stated here, once they are ready to know us closely. So please don't try to put the text back. Hope you will understand this. --Suciindia 20:45, 17 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I think that a passage about Joynagar ought to be included in the SUCI article, as it is the only place in India where this party has MLAs and control over municipal administration. In that context local conflict with CPI(M) cannot be avoided to be mentioned. However, I have previously stated that it is sad the the current text focuses only on negative aspects on the Joynagar situation. I would appreciate if user:suciiindia could expand the passage on Joynagar in a way that the text would look more balanced, and give an historical background. However, simply removing the passages (with its sources) is not the way forward. --Soman 06:45, 18 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Dear Mr Soman, Wiki is supposed to be an encyclopedia, which implies that it gives brief and relevant information about what ever is there in. And the mishaps in Joynagar or else were is just irrelevant an info for the reason that it is part of revolutionary struggle. The history of a true revolutionary party is not devoid of loss of life, though it alone does not make a party revolutionary. If you insist in keeping those lines, then you should have the same attitude to all political parties and should have a section 'Political Violence' in all those pages. We are not happy that we lost lifes, whether it is of our own party members or that of any one. If such mishaps could have been averted we would have. Your own citation about SUCI's denouncment of naxal movement is an excellent example for this. --Suciindia 14:28, 18 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Fair use rationale for Image:Sucipe.jpg


Image:Sucipe.jpg is being used on this article. I notice the image page specifies that the image is being used under fair use but there is no explanation or rationale as to why its use in this Wikipedia article constitutes fair use. In addition to the boilerplate fair use template, you must also write out on the image description page a specific explanation or rationale for why using this image in each article is consistent with fair use.

Please go to the image description page and edit it to include a fair use rationale. Using one of the templates at Wikipedia:Fair use rationale guideline is an easy way to insure that your image is in compliance with Wikipedia policy, but remember that you must complete the template. Do not simply insert a blank template on an image page.

If there is other other fair use media, consider checking that you have specified the fair use rationale on the other images used on this page. Note that any fair use images uploaded after 4 May, 2006, and lacking such an explanation will be deleted one week after they have been uploaded, as described on criteria for speedy deletion. If you have any questions please ask them at the Media copyright questions page. Thank you.BetacommandBot 12:00, 6 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

recent edits


regarding [11], some things should be noted;

  • Whilst it would be preferable to have independent academic sources rather than the suci website, replacing suci website sources with no sources at all is not an improvement. For the statements 'suci considers itself the only genuine communist party in india', 'It rejects political ideas such as glasnost and perestroika as revisionist' or the Nihar Mukherjee became GS in 1976, are claims were I'd say the suci publications can function as source.
  • There is absolutely nothing wrong with providing lists of publications, state committee secretaries, historical events, etc.

--Soman (talk) 12:31, 24 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

The hatred of the User talk: towards SUCI is known from the words above. This user should be banned from Wikipedia. We believe he was once banned. --Suciindia (talk) 16:39, 24 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Edit Warring


There have been numerous reverts by two editors over the past day. Can I remind both editors that this is extremely unhelpful, and may get one or both editors blocked? For the life of me I fail to see any significance difference between the two versions, and I consider myself fairly well attuned to the subtle nuances of left-wing politics! I have previously attempted to suggest a compromise between the two editors, and would be happy to do so again - can I suggest that we discuss a compromise wording on the talk page (i.e. here) and then place it on the main article page when there is consensus?

Fraternal regards,  This flag once was red  21:43, 28 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Dear Editor, this issue is being dealt in the edit war administrators section. You must notice that Suciindia is only reverting to the agreed versions by reputed editors like User: Soman. It is a puppet of User: Kuntan who was banned from wiki, who is causing trouble. This puppet is also abusive as you may see in the comments that he has made. Please refer to the edit war administrators page for the ongoing discussions. You will notice that most other editors have agreed to the stand of User: Suciindia regarding the issues dealt with. --Suciindia (talk) 21:47, 28 March 2008 (UTC)

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:This_flag_once_was_red" —Preceding unsigned comment added by Suciindia (talkcontribs) 21:49, 28 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

My apologies, I understand the matter is being discussed at [12]. I have removed the 3RR warning from both editors' talk pages.
Best wishes,  This flag once was red  22:40, 28 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

silly statement


"SUCI denounced the court ruling as a 'conspiracy of CPI(M)." As if CPI[M] made the verdict. How can people insert such silly allegations in an article and pretend that they are balancing it? Lujaven (talk) 18:47, 2 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Because the silly allegation is cited. Presumably SUCI made the allegation, so (no matter how silly you believe it is) it can be referenced. By way of example, if Joe Bloggs blamed a US Supreme Court ruling on "a conspiracy by elements of the New Zealand government" that could be cited in the Job Bloggs article, even though it should be clear to anyone with any understanding of (a) the USA and (b) New Zealand that the New Zealand government has minimal influence over any aspect of US law. Put another way, people read this article and see that SUCI made this allegation; readers do not automatically believe the allegation. Hope that helps,  This flag once was red  18:58, 2 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Oops, I have been trolled. I was replying to a sock-puppet of a banned user.  This flag once was red  19:56, 2 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]



regarding the labelling of suci as "small", it is still a matter of judgement, even if that judgement is expressed by a journalist. Fact remains that SUCI has tens of thousands of activists throughout india. in india that is small compared national parties like BJP or INC, but in absolute numbers SUCI is bigger than many other communist parties around the world. --Soman (talk) 23:22, 14 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Without really going in to the big or small debate, I am curious to know the source behind SUCI's tens of thousands of activists. My idea was tens of hundreds of activists would be a better appropriation. Shovon (talk) 07:07, 15 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Vanadalism by a Puppet of Banned User:Kuntan


Hey all, I see this (User: who ever it is, to be editing an mutilating this page about SUCI by pasting personal vengance against this party. I wonder why he is doing so. I am not personally associated to this party, but know them through the Nandigram events (please see my edits in the Nandigram issue). I suspect this person to be a puppet of User: Kuntan. I am not an experienced editor so, please see to it that he is stopped from putting up simply defaming statements. Everything reported by the media is not truth any ways. --Radhakrishnansk (talk) 10:47, 13 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]

The IP editor has acknowledged being a banned editor, probably User:Kuntan. Please ignore comments by banned editors, and especially do not be baited into becoming uncivil yourself. Tendentious contributions to this article from the IP range may be presumed to be from that editor and may be removed on sight, likewise such edits to Talk showing similar behavior. --Abd (talk) 04:26, 15 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Expose SUCI; the only pseudo communist party in India

Friends now we are presenting to you in this August forum of The Socialist Alumni the theories and practices of Socialist Unity Centre of India in which we all once worked and which we left as we; in the perception of the SUCI central leadership; did not possess the required cultural standard to be members or state leaders of the SUCI and also continue to work in it; for which reason some of us were expelled and/or sidelined. SUCI has always claimed that it is the only genuine communist party in India and all other left parties are pseudo communist parties. But contrary to this we are going to see that SUCI is the only pseudo communist party in India and all other left parties in India are genuine left parties.

Let us start with the incident that initiated SUCI activities in Tamil Nadu as far back as 1977 when all of us were students in different colleges in Madurai city. There were political classes by one of the front rank leaders of SUCI notoriously known among the erstwhile party workers as superman revolutionary or C.K He starts the discussion with

“matter can neither be destroyed nor created “ or “ quantitative change leads to qualitative change or qualitative change leads to quantitative change, vice versa; light is corpuscular and so many facts from the science of physics and gradually weaves a logic that SUCI is the only genuine communist party in India and all other left parties are pseudo communist parties.

It was all right and finally three youths accepted that SUCI is definitely a different party with zeal to work for a working class movement in India. So they were asked to sign way back in June 1978 applicant membership forms and start work for the party and build the party in Tamil Nadu. The three youths expressed a doubt that they do not possess the cultural standard of which the superman revolutionary spoke. To which the latter replied with encouragement that the required standard will come during the course of the movement and also some more disagreements that we have with SUCI will also clear during the course of the struggle of building up the party i.e. SUCI. The three youths nay the three musketeers started the struggle of building SUCI in T .N from June 1978.

What followed after that June 1978 was something unexpected and shocking for SUCI central leadership. S U C I in T.N grew rapidly and had strong pockets in several districts. The organization was next only to that in west Bengal. The party unit in T N was also victorious in building the party’s frontal organizations AIDSO; UTUC (LS) and KKMS. Finally when the party went for its first party congress in April 1988 prior to that the party organization in T N had district conferences in 3 districts and state conference of the party.

The climax of the revolutionary movement of SUCI in T.N happened with expulsion of the three youths who founded SUCI in T N and who were expelled from party for not possessing the cultural standard required and expected of revolutionaries. What went wrong with the three youths. Did they deviate from revolution? To know this we have to analyze certain theories and practices of SUCI in general and the deeds of Mr. C K notoriously known as superman revolutionary. Let us list them here below and discuss the same.

1. The concept of full time revolutionary having only party work and nothing else. 2. The save language movement of SUCI in T.N 3. A southern GB of party to promote the leadership of K C. an unconstitutional exercise as per the parameters of SUCI and the opposition to it by the pioneers in T N. 4. Making alliance with other parties for electoral victory and capturing some seats in the state assembly. 5. Comparison of revisionism of china with that of Russian revisionism in the 1st party congress of SUCI.

1. The concept of full time revolutionary having only party work and nothing else.

Let us first take up this issue. Friends the basic thing is party work is voluntary and not some thing imposed upon. The central leadership sidelined the three youths who founded the organization and instigated other junior party cadres against them with the argument that the three state organizers though started the party in T N have got the weakness for their jobs and hence not the right kind of leaders to lead the party. The central leadership misappropriated T N state party funds; purchased a Flat in Chennai for a novice individual and made him the central figure of the party saying that he is in party commune and others staying in the Flat are full time revolutionaries.(The central leadership also purchased a property for Bangalore party unit with T N party fund) As a result of this the party started dwindling and disappearing. All Trade Unions founded by the pioneers officially disassociated their organizations from UTUC(L.S) and got disaffiliated.(But SUCI central leadership has got the quality of manipulating figures for remaining as a recognized Trade Union and keep afloat the balloon of UTUC(L.S).

Now you after all these years you can see the full time revolutionaries had slept full time and the full time revolutionaries could not build the only genuine communist party as job holders did. The same is the case with states of Kerala, Karnataka and A P where all SUCI units with full time workers did nothing but remained stagnant.

2. The save language movement of SUCI in T.N

WE will study the Save language movement conducted by SUCI. Suddenly Mr. C K the superman revolutionary in charge of T N discovered that two language policy is a principle much favored by the people of T N. He started discussing the necessity of conducting district level and state level conferences to high light the two language formula and fight to save the same. We all; as you know, accepted his theory and got deeply involved in the movement which culminated in a great gathering at Chennai wherein all cadres from all over India participated. After all this a review meeting of the state leaders of SUCI was convened in which the superman revolutionary explained that DMK has ditched the two language policy and we will pursue it and in that course we will contest elections and win many assembly seats defeating DMK.

WE ; you may recall ; pointed out that DMK is the mother of two language policy and this policy is in practice only in T N the superman refused to accept saying that now (then) he has become an institution by himself and his stand cannot be questioned and no dialectics on that. When we further pointed out that this save language movement should be extended to adjacent states in south like Kerala; Karnataka and A.P he became furious and explained that people in other southern states have become receptive to 3 language policy and hence no question of extending the Save Language movement to other states. But we all can recall how much labour and energy we put in for the Save Language movement. Have we saved any language? No we have wasted our time and deviated from revolutionary movement under the guidance of the only pseudo communist party i.e. SUCI.

3. A southern GB of party to promote the leadership of C. K an unconstitutional exercise as per the parameters of SUCI and the opposition to it by the pioneers in T N.

Then there was this habit of convening a General Body of 4 southern states. SUCI had 4 tier system as claimed by it. Local committee, District committee; State committee and finally the supreme falsehood called the central committee. There can be meeting of these bodies and General Body of all the cadres and members under these different bodies. But our old friend had the habit of convening a GB for the 4 southern states and brings his brother in law general secretary to address the same. In this process he projected himself as a future national leader or hero. He always fought for leadership and fought over leadership; a trait against which Shibdas Gosh (founder of SUCI) warned. This trait became the central characteristic of SUCI. You cannot see this trait in any other left party. That is why we observe today after so many years that SUCI is the only pseudo communist party and all others are genuine in their belief of communism.

4. Making alliance with other parties for electoral victory and capturing some seats in the state assembly

We came across opportunities to forge alliance with like minded left parties in general elections. The suggestion to forge alliance came from the state organizers who were pioneers of SUCI in T N and also from our old friend as we affectionately called him the superman revolutionary. Now recall and compare the two different suggestions.

WE observed in 1991 that in a particular parliamentary constituency a popular left party CPI contested and the rival candidate was from AIADMK. We suggested that CPI had no big organization in that constituency and we can help them in campaign. Such a strategy will help us develop closeness with that party and help us build a united movement of the working class. The superman who by that time became (in his own words) an institution by himself strictly rejected this idea of supporting CPI or CPI (M)

Now see his suggestion of alliance. N T Rama Rao ministry was dissolved and a Nadendla Bhaskar Rao ministry was sworn in AP. Our old friend went to N T R’s studio to help him start a movement against the then central Govt. He used to boast that he went to N T Rama Rao and was about to start a joint movement of SUCI and Telugu Desam. But what N T R did; he compromised with the then Prime Minister. To avoid meeting our great revolutionary NTR switched off all the lights of the studio and all around 5 K M’s and under cover of darkness escaped from C K who other wise would pressurize for a joint movement against the then central Government. But real fact was NTR did not know who this Don Quixote was.

Next suggestion for alliance still greater a comedy.

There was the demise of T N chief Minister M G R. There were two protégées for his legacy. One faction was headed by Mrs.MGR i.e. Janaki Ramachandran. Our superman revolutionary had the courage to meet some body very close to Mrs...Janaki Ramachandran and advised them to take his support in the ensuing election. He also told they will share platform with a great national level communist leader like Chakra Krishnabarthy. To this they enquired who Chakra krishnaborhty is. Our friend proudly replied “ I myself I am Chakra krishnaborthy”(with a little bent head , of course) They simply laughed and told that even MGR did not him self claim to be the revolutionary leader, others told and referred to him as revolutionary leader which got established. They also added that he is trying to utilize their platform and suggested to get away. These are the kind of alliances our old friend wanted to have and failed.

What was the claim of SUCI in respect of alliances? The central leadership of falsehood used to explain that CPI (M) is forging opportunistic alliances with bourgeois parties. We will not do that. We will first have alliance in a peoples’ movement for the welfare of the people and in course of that joint struggle if election comes then we will align with such parties in elections as we are already in alliance with them in a movement. What was the movement in which SUCI aligned with NT Rama Rao or Mrs Janaki Ramachandran’s ADMK? But SUCI’s blue eyed boy opposed our suggestion and poured cold water on our zeal to forge left unity. He being a brute authority and accredited representative of the central falsehood committee we were left with no other choice other than abandoning our strategy.

Now the same Don Quixote and his central falsehood committee have successfully aligned with TMC in west Bengal, it was an alliance with Indian National congress led by Mrs. Sonia Gandhi. TMC led by Mrs Mamatha Banerji and BJP led by L K Advani. Is it not a grand alliance of SUCI with all these parties? It was an alliance of SUCI against all other left parties. Why? Because all other left parties are genuine left parties and SUCI is only false communist party. In its endeavor to build a strong anti communist movement SUCI has reached a milestone when it forged alliance with Indian National Congress which is the most trusted agent of Indian Capitalist class in the words of Shibdas Gosh (founder of SUCI)

All other left parties some time or other had aligned with congress type of bourgeois parties and they gave a reason for aligning with such parties or for opposing such parties. In a backward to developing economy like India bourgeois parties are under a compulsion to be sometimes people friendly and sometimes to be anti people. Exactly for this reason CPI (M) type of left parties sometimes opposed congress when it was anti people and supported when it did favour to the people. You can take the example of Late Mrs.Indira Gandhi abolishing Privy Purse to erstwhile Kings and nationalizing the private banks. No one can dare to say that nationalization did not do anything good to the people. It has changed the basic life style of many sections of the people through Government sponsored directed credit. Nationalization has not brought in socialism because that was not the aim of party like congress. It was a reform with in capitalist economy. It is a welfare measure and is also favoring ruling class politicians with popularity. But it has done some good to a section of people. It has awakened the people as to their right to get bank credit. Yes availing bank credit is introduced as a right of people. CPI and CPI (M) welcomed it as they also demanded nationalization. But SUCI described nationalization as private capital emerging as state capitalism. A genuine theory of a genuine communist party. But SUCI now has aligned with Indian National congress and its offshoot TMC with no valid reason. It is sheer hypocrisy and opportunism of SUCI. In the latest general elections to parliament all left parties are in one side and SUCI is under the feet of INC-TMC combine. Now you may know why we say that SUCI is the only false communist party and all other left parties are definitely real revolutionary parties.

Again in this connection look at the false theory of SUCI describing that Indian capitalism has reached the stage of two party systems. The theory runs like this; One party rules and becomes unpopular and so the next party comes to power and again this party becomes unpopular paving way for the other. This phenomenon normally seen in developed western capitalist countries has entered India; thus goes SUCI false theory. Now you have seen that there are at least four combinations of political parties. Alliance politics has started long back. Only a group of parties forming an alliance comes to power at centre. It is a style showing the maturity of Indian politics and also the assertion of different sections of people spread across the big nation categorized by their several and different ambitions. If SUCI theory argues that two party system; a fascist design, is at work in India then definitely that two parties could be INC and TMC with which it has aligned to defeat all other left parties going in the correct working class path. Again will SUCI be honest to its alliance partners by seating its MP in the treasury benches?

5. Comparison of revisionism of china with that of Russian revisionism in the 1st party congress of SUCI

In addition to the lower cultural standard possessed by the pioneers of SUCI in T N that caused their expulsion from party there was one more dimension to the falsehood of Central false hood committee which discovered more revisionism in china and least revisionism in erstwhile Soviet Union. The argument of the central falsehood committee in the 1st party congress was that revisionism in China was posing a greater danger as the revolution is China was a peoples’ democratic revolution with contents of nationalism; whereas revisionism in soviet Union was not so much dangerous due Stalin’s interpretation of Leninism and also the Bolshevik revolution of Soviet Union was a socialist revolution without contents of nationalism. This was the analysis of SUCI’s central falsehood committee. But this theory was not accepted by the pioneer state organizers from T N. One of them went to the dais much to the displeasure of Don Quixote and argued that it is soviet revisionism that is more dangerous than revisionism in China because Stalin’s thoughts were removed from the soviet land as far back as 1956 through a de-Stalinization move introduced by Kurushev and Comrade Mao though conducted a peoples’ democratic revolution later initiated a cultural revolution which still then contained revisionism in china and so the revisionism of Soviet was more dangerous than that in China. This point put forth by T N state organizers contradicting the Central falsehood committee was not liked and this also played a role in expelling the state leaders and cooking up a new state committee with stooges of Central falsehood committee. This new state committee could successfully put an end to the big party organization in T N and make it an association of a very handful of few; a trend that was the conspiracy of SUCI to reduce left movement and pour cold water on the zeal of left minded youths. When questioned on this the central falsehood committee explained that it was Shibdas Gosh who said”fewer and better fewer”, so we should have only few people in the party and not too many and big strength, a clear conspiracy to scuttle left/revolutionary movement.

HISTORY OF SUCI IS THE HISTORY OF BARKING AT CPI(M) Ever since its inception SUCI made it a point to bark at and accuse all other left parties calling them pseudo communist parties and only they the SUCI the only genuine communist party.

Friends let us think scientifically. Is communism a divine thought to evolve in one place and then spread to all other places through religious fanatics? NO. You will see in the history of mankind that civilizations standing apart divided by distance, language and culture developed in their respective places different revolutionary thoughts and succeeded in overthrowing oppressive rules. Communist thought that evolved in a particular local condition miserably failed when it was imposed on a different situation. Not only internationally even with in a nation due to plurality of language and culture and different degrees of exploitation emergence of a large number of working class organizations is a realistic phenomenon. It is for this reason we see many left parties in our country. But SUCI has always claimed that it is the only genuine communist party and all other left parties are false communist parties. But fortunately reverse is the truth. The latest alliance of SUCI with the most trusted agents of capitalist class is a proof to show that SUCI has forged an alliance only for elections and not for any peoples’ movement though it claims in its theory that it will have alliance only with left and democratic parties and the electoral alliance will be only as a consequence to a joint peoples’ struggle.

What was the struggle that SUCI got involved in with TMC in Bengal? It was a movement against large scale industrialization. It was a movement to keep the small and marginal farmers in their downtrodden status. It was a movement against large scale creation of employment. It became a popular peoples’ movement that unknowingly went against the interest of the people of West Bengal.

There could have been some lapses in giving compensation to small land owners who had to give their land to build industry. But this problem could be solved by all the parties without exaggerating the issue and politicizing it. Finally the loser is the state as the proposed car manufacturing unit shifted elsewhere.

All socialist economies as a first step started large scale industries creating large scale employment and mechanized agriculture; removed small and marginal farming. SUCI will jump and reply that it is alright in a socialist economy but India is a capitalist economy where large scale industrialization will help capitalist class. Friends large scale industrialization helps not only capitalist class but also the working class who are brought together under Trade Union movement. It removes the wavering classes like small and marginal farmers whose condition is worse than workers and who are suppressed under feudal beliefs. It polarizes a social composition comprising the elevated working class and the laid bare capitalist class. It crystallizes the classes. So large scale industrialization not only helps capitalist class but also the working class. Then it is the bounden duty of a left party’s government to create more employments. That is why it is a progressive party.

When we talk of progress there are two things that are progressive. One is economy and the other one is the thought or philosophy. An economy that is for more production is progressive. An economy that opens more and more industries is progressive. But the ruling thought or philosophy in that society may be reactionary. Progress in the economy of a capitalist society is a temporary feature. This progress is decided by market conditions. That is why US economy is closing car factories and Indian economy is opening car factories. When an under developed country opens large scale car factories it is not liked by two kind of people; one kind is imperialism and the other kind is SUCI-TMC combine. Now you can see that CPI (M) and like parties are genuine left parties and SUCI is the only false/sham/pseudo communist party.

CPI (M) the largest real left party in India has always played a role that a left party should play in a capitalist society. SUCI always played a role that a clown will play in a circus. SUCI always barked at CPI(M), rather the entire history of SUCI is history of barking at CPI(M) Reason given by SUCI is that CPI(M) is a petty bourgeois party or a pseudo communist party. Why, because CPI(M) had alliance with parties of capitalist class. But SUCI has miserably failed to note that CPI or CPI(M) or CPI(ML) for that matter utilized the parliamentary and democratic forums in the capitalist society exhausted them or exposed them in their working class struggle. They do not have any romantic idea of revolution as SUCI has. Revolution is not a dream. It is a reality necessitated by logical events. Without exposing the existing bourgeois system in all its forms you can not skip and jump to revolution. In order to expose the present system you have to use the present system for all good things; you have to prove that how much you can use them for the good of the working class and how much of it is obsolete. This is exactly what all left parties are doing except SUCI. That is why we realize today as to why SUCI is the only false communist party whereas all other left parties are genuine working class movements.

Jute grows in water that has got anti water quality. You can not accuse jute that you are living in your enemy or growing in your enemy. A kind of green leaf that chills you with coldness grows in the extreme heat of desert. A revolutionary party grows in a society which it is going to over throw. But it has to establish with valid reasons the necessity to over throw a social order and usher in new order. Such an order can never be a dream. It is creation of logical history; stages of movement with out skipping any step stone of development. Each step is a proof that it is a step used ; exhausted; found obsolete and hence skipped for a higher level step. All left parties in India are going step by step. But SUCI wants to fly and reach revolution, a genuine revolution it is attempting tying itself with a heavy dream stone. In this process it has aligned with a party like TMC an offshoot of Indian National Congress, which in words of Shibdas gosh is the most trusted agent of Indian Capitalist class.

Exposing and fighting imperialism.

IN the Unipolar world as the world is described after the fall of Soviet Union there is one force which is exposing and fighting imperialism. The fight of this force is well known to the entire world as this force known as CPI (M) opposed Indian Govt’s nuclear policy and its treaty with USA in this regard. CPI (M) went to the extent of withdrawing support to the congress Government because of its nuclear policy. This opposition of CPI(M) is known to the entire world and welcomed by people all over the world.

Friends, what is the fight against imperialism. How do we fight imperialism? Like SUCI fanatics if you go and stage a slogan shouting in front of US Embassy will it amount to a fight against Imperialism or like CPI (M) you do not allow the Government to sign the treaty and maximum possible length prolong the signing of the treaty. Whose voice against imperialism was heard in the world forum, that of SUCI or the voice of CPI(M) and like trended parties. You know the truth. Mr Nihar the architect of anti communism movement in India will proclaim “Hands off USA” in his Proletarian Era. This “Hands Off” is a slogan repeated quite often in their party organ without any meaning.

There are other issues like evolving a

1. Strategy, 2. Elevating members to higher levels and 3. Loyalty of such elevated members.

All left parties have got long term goal of working class revolution and they develop a strategy for short term when they build movement for the welfare of the people to redress certain life problems created in capitalist society. Irrigation is an acute problem faced by farmers in India. One issue centering this is utilization of Kavery water that originates in Karnataka and Kerala but flows through Tamil nadu. When all other left parties accepted the forums that came up involving all concerned state Goverments and eminent people and tribunal SUCI wanted a new expert committee to be set up. The logic put forth was that as the only genuine communist party it is demanding an expert committee to be set up and it will not accept the one already set up. Then SUCI’s Karnataka state leader made the following observation in his journal published in English.

Referring to a Gazette notification of T N Government which showed that paddy production in T N has exceeded target fixed.(The Government of T N had given certain figures also to show that paddy production has exceeded the target) the state leader of SUCI in Karnataka argued in SUCI’s organ that the fact that paddy is produced more than the target fixed shows T N has no water problem and it shall not demand more water; what ever water Karnataka is releasing is enough as it is has produced paddy beyond the target.

Friends you know what is target in a capitalist economy. This is known to every student of socialist economy. Target in a capitalist economy is related to and based on sales achievable by sale to a section of people having adequate purchasing power. Target is not aimed to satisfy the need of the entire people/society as it is there in a socialist economy. This is a basic and elementary fact which is not learnt or understood by a state level leader of SUCI. Inspite of keeping large tracts of lands in Tanjore district barren and inspite of keeping large number of farmers unemployed T N achieved the target in paddy production because that target is related to what the T N state Government wanted to produce which is not to meet the entire need of the people. When all other left parties wanted the concerned states to solve the kavery river water issue amicably SUCI leadership uttered such false theory and wanted a new committee to solve the kavery water dispute which the then SUCI leaders (who were subsequently expelled from SUCI) opposed.

One more view generally accepted world over is that who can produce more food should get more water. In other words which state can produce more paddy(or food) should get more water. Is it not basic agriculture science also? Is not communism science oriented? But the real problem is SUCI is not communism oriented. But all other left parties in India are communism oriented.

2. Elevating members to higher levels

Now we will see how SUCI is promoting its cadres. It has got stages of membership which it claimed is based on the development of individual party members. The stages are 1. Applicant member; 2. Regular members and 3. Staff members. This is a practice almost in all left parties. While all other left parties have got a realistic approach SUCI has got abnormal practices. Periodically SUCI organizes all India meet of its cadres to select and elevate some of the members to higher level i.e. applicant to regular and regular to staff members. When some of us from T N attended one such meeting in their Ghatsila centre at Bihar they were screening a documented film showing the last journey of SUCI founder Shibdas Gosh wherein the final funeral procession and cremation of their leader could be seen. When the funeral movie was going on suddenly many people started crying out (we thought) of emotion. Some body from behind (Sourao Bose) pulled us by shirt and whispered “you comrades also cry, then only you will get staff membership” We were struck with thunder. What type of sentimental party we have joined that they give importance to crying and that too false cry for a dead leader; are they not making fun of their founder leader Shibdas Gosh. But we also started crying for having joined such a party, but we were also ranked for staff membership of the party as we cried. Later we learnt that Mr.Sourao Bose who suggested us to cry himself became a cause for our real emotional cry as he committed suicide unable to bear the mental torture meted out to him by central falsehood committee.

3. Loyalty of such elevated members

As we already pointed out two things gained importance in SUCI; one is being a full time party worker or to say in their words to be a professional revolutionary and the other thing is loyalty to higher leadership. This is a deeply ingrained strait in SUCI. In the early days of the formation of the party the present general secretary of the party used to full time mop and sweep the floor of the house where late Shibdas Gosh and sachin Banerji stayed. Mr Sachin Banerji was in some type of regular Job and was also a successful organizer. However Sachin Banerji was not a full time revolutionary and also not sweeping and mopping the floor where Shibdas Gosh walked and lived. It is for this reason Sachin Banerji was ignored and our old friend Nihar was elevated to General Secretary Post after the demise of Shibdas Gosh.

We published SUCI’s Tamil monthly and for that we wanted to publish the speech of Mr.Nihar,. One of our then state organizers was deputed to translate the speech of Nihar. So he also took a tape recorder and recorded the entire speech of Nihar as it was delivered on the occasion of the open session of the first party congress in April 1988. The same was published in Tamil organ of the party. But the party National organ Proletarian Era also published a speech of the Nihar purported to have been delivered on the same occasion which read totally different. When we brought it to the attention of a central figure like our superman revolutionary he pointed out that due to old age Nihar will do some blab bla in his speech and we always write some good and revolutionary speech and publish the same in his name. When we argued how such a bla bla speaker will be an all India leader he became furious and thus spoke

“ due to old age he speaks bla bla; inspite of all that weakness he is my leader. I mean leader of the leader. When Lenin was in death bed and was unconscious even then Stalin told that Lenin is his leader. The same way Nihar is my leader and your leader. Cultivate loyalty towards leader.”

Can you see that why we call him superman revolutionary. He compares himself to Stalin and Nihar to Lenin. Can you see this style in any other left party? In all other left parties seniors retire and pave way for the next line to lead the party and from outside they advise if possible and necessary.

Let us take the question of full time or professional revolutionary. The time put in by a employed party worker and an unemployed party worker is equal as we have seen it in practice. Some times the work is related to the ability of a party organizer and that ability is not dependant on whether he is a full time or part time worker. The question is whether a person is a successful party organizer or not. This is the approach of all left parties but not that of SUCI. What is the net result? Youths and students are driven out by SUCI whereas other parties try hard to bring in youths and students into left movement. How?

SUCI meets youths and students (particularly SFI members, all pioneers in T N SUCI were earlier members of SFI) and urges them to join the only genuine communist party in India. After they join they explain that achieving communist moral standard is no ordinary task, you cannot achieve it, see me look at me I am at the highest level of communist moral standard and so are all our senior leaders. You cannot achieve it , but you must try. Listening to this youths and students in India get baffled and go away from left movement. SUCI also has got the rare quality of containing growth. In some of their state organizations the strength has remained the same over a period of 30 years. Because their ambition is not growth of their party but a campaign to see that maximum possible youths and students in India get deviated away from left movement. In this task they are successful. But all other left parties try and campaign to bring maximum possible youths and students into left movement.

Now we hope that we have amply explained to you as to why SUCI is the only false communist party in India and all other left parties like CPI, CPI (M), RSP, and CPI (ML) are all genuine in their endeavor.

By The Socialist Alumni (An association of former expelled state leaders of SUCI in T N) who now counsel for Trade Unions, working class and Dalit organizations.

The author may be contacted at mapally@gmail.com — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:03, 23 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]


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