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Talk:The Crackdown

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EP track sequence


While many online guides give the order of the last two tracks as "Badge of Evil" then "Moscow", this seems to be the fault of a CD issue that had the names of those tracks switched, but not the tracks themselves (confusingly, some online discographies and MP3 sites do the opposite - keeping the titles in their original sequence, but swapping the audio tracks). The Doublevision Presents Cabaret Voltaire video release, which featured these tracks before the album, supports the "Moscow"/"Badge of Evil" order, and this was done in-house by the Cabs so can be assumed to be accurate. The recent DVD reissue of the video preserves that titling. Similarly, the original LP/EP release gives M/BoE, as does the cassette. The official discography at Brainwashed is M/BoE, and I believe the Cabaret Voltaire and the Art of the Sixth Sense discography stated that order as well. Now maybe all the earlier releases/references, including the Cabs' own, got the order mixed up and the later order is a correction (but not corrected for the new Doublevision), but that seems less likely than a mistake being made on a single release (which didn't use the original liner notes, but instead a simple typed list of the songs) that was then propagated through largely amateur channels. Given that the initial releases and solid sources use M/BoE, I feel that should be the order used until official clarification turns up; in the meantime, I'll make mention of the difference between some of the releases. Ergative rlt (talk) 02:55, 9 November 2012 (UTC)[reply]