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Articles considering for Wikipedia project:

  1. Criminology- I have always been interested in the who idea of criminology and how it works. I have always wanted to research what makes people do certain criminal acts. Criminology
  2. Military Sociology- this topic seems very interesting and I had no idea that sociology is used in the military. I love watching the History channel and learning about certain wars and what tactics were used on how to get the upper hand on the enemy. Military sociology
  3. Economic Sociology- I am currently a business major so I figured this would be a good topic to research and better my knowledge on how the economy works through the study of sociology. Economic sociology
  4. Sociology of the Family- thankfully I was raised in a very decent and respectful household but some of my friends have not been as fortunate. My parents have both been sober for over 25 years now and have always been there for me and provided me with everything I could ever want. I have been in other households in my lifetime and have seen some things happen that really made me wonder how a parent could bring themselves to do something like that. I would love to find out what causes certain people to do certain things. Sociology of the family

Articles from Sociology Stubs

  1. Gold digging
  2. Crowd control
  3. Drugs and prostitution
  4. Clique
  5. Sociology of disaster

Outline of Additional Information


Types of Disaster and what causes them

  Natural, terrorist attacks and global warming 

Natural Disaster- a natural disaster is an event that occurs on its own due to the earth's regular processes. Some natural disasters can be predicted while others happen very suddenly. Injury, death and damage to personal or commercial property often occurs during these events. A few examples are tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. Certain areas around the globe are prone to certain natural disasters.

Man Made/Technological Disaster- these types of disaster are caused by the human race but can also be prevented by the human race. Advancements in technology are a wonderful thing but some uses of it can be very hazardous to life on earth. Extreme precautions must be taken in order to avoid most of these types of disasters. A few examples are chemical/nuclear, mass power outages and cyber attacks such as computer hacking.

Terrorist Attacks- a terrorist attack is an act of crime or violence that is directed towards a certain group or belief system. These attacks are usually provoked by political or religious reasons. These events usually include the use of violence that often occur in bodily injury and even loss of life. Some examples are 9/11, Boston marathon bomber and the beheading of multiple American reporters by ISIS

Global Warming- not sure whether or not this should be included in the final product as a type of disaster

Emergency Response Organizations

  List of organizations, how do they help, do they succeed or fail? 

List of Organizations

  • Local Police and Fire and Rescue is one of the first responders when it comes to receiving help when disaster strikes. Many of the people that work for these organizations are skilled in many ways from protection against danger/threats all the way to emergency medical help.
  • The American Red Cross is one of the best know organizations when huge disasters occur. This organization is known world wide for their disaster relief contributions. They have been involved in many of the world's most recent large scale disasters, providing those affected with food, shelter, water, medical assistance and much much more.
  • The armed forces is another huge contributor to helping those who have been affected by disaster. The armed forces are often called upon because of their professionalism and ability to adapt and move very quickly. Time is key when it comes to disaster relief.

What do people do before, during and after disasters occur?

  How do we as humans adapt? 

In the sociology of disaster, we as human beings are naturally inclined to prepare for the odd event of disaster to strike our community. We buy supplies such as nonperishable foods, bottled water, basic medical supplies, sources of light and heat and batteries to operate such things. We stow these things away in an accessible place but we also have predetermined evacuation routes and ways of transportation to escape the area that will be affected in the coming hours or days if a reliable prediction of catastrophe is presented to us.

During the event of disaster humans usually panic and become stressed out. This is predictable because of we have seen the destruction that certain natural disasters can do. We often contact loved ones and try to seek shelter if we can not avoid the upcoming disaster. Sometimes nearby societies will prepare and gather supplies to help the people that are being affected by the disaster. Some organizations will try to help the best they can during the disaster and get people out of harms way.

After disaster strikes people tend to act in many different ways. The community in a whole tries to help the affected victims but sometimes a few people can act out of the norm and act in criminal ways. Looting and shootings are often associated with disasters. Many organizations band together and provide relief. Communities eventually learn to adapt to the situation at hand and eventually start to thrive again.


  early detection, preparation advice, evacuation 

Specific disasters and how they affected the community invloved

  September !!, Hurricane Katrina 

Social Inequality

  Race, ethnicity, income, location 

Who benefits or loses?

  income levels, race 

"All groups, classes, ethnic groups are equally affected, and the boundaries between people fall


  what do they do to help the affected population? Certain programs and agencies

Types of measurement of people in statistical studies

  different measurement systems used by statisticians 

Possible economic effects


Useful Quotes


"the existence of a classless, conflictless society which is untroubled by catastrophes, is nonviolent, and resembles an idyllic extended family" schorr

"almost immediately after the impact of the destructive agent, a disaster system arises spontaneously to meet the human problems and to restore a social equilibrium" schorr


  • Kammerbauer, M. (2013). 'Schismo-urbanism': Cities, natural disaster, and urban sociology. Disasters, 37(3), 401-419. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/disa.12005
  • Clausen, L., Conlon, P., Jager, W., & Metreveli, S. (1978). New aspects of the sociology of disaster: A theoretical note. Mass Emergencies, 3(1), 61-65. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.fiu.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/60648289?accountid=10901
  • Fischer, H. W. (2003). The sociology of disaster: Definitions, research questions, and measurements. continuation of the discussion in a post-september 11 environment. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 21(1), 91-107. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.fiu.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/60461618?accountid=10901
  • Murphy, R. J. (2006). The chronic burden of mitigating disaster under global climate change: Integrating environmental sociology and disaster sociology Retrieved from http://ezproxy.fiu.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/61789922?accountid=10901
  • Fischer,Henry W., I.,II. (1994). RESPONSE TO DISASTER: FACT VERSUS FICTION AND ITS PERPETUATION. THE SOCIOLOGY OF DISASTER University Press of America. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.fiu.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/60047580?accountid=10901
  • Schorr, J. K. (1987). Some contributions german katastrophensoziologie can make to the sociology of disaster. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 5(2), 115-135. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.fiu.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/61052018?accountid=10901
  • Rosenthal, U. (1988). Studies in holland flood disaster 1953: An essay on the proto-sociology of disaster. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 6(3), 233-251. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.fiu.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/61023275?accountid=10901
  • Dynes, R. R. (1988). Cross-cultural international research: Sociology and disaster. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 6(2), 101-129. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.fiu.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/61045414?accountid=10901