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Elymus trachycaulus


Slender wheatgrass (Elymus trachycaulus) ideally grows in habitats that contain a balanced supply of moisture. The species can also tolerate higher salinity in the soil, making it easier to grow in more diverse habitats. [1] Studies in soil salinity tolerance have grown in interest due to changing environments and agricultural maintenance. In an experiment performed to assess the growth of slender wheatgrass and stressful salt levels, the results were “superior”. This cultivar can be established in a high-saline habitat over other grass cultivars. “Salt-tolerant, perennial forage crops capable of establishing on saline soils will provide protection against erosion, compete with weeds, utilize excess soil moisture, and in some situations provide forage for animals.” [2] Along with saline-stress tolerance, slender wheatgrass can also successfully grow in shallow or deep soils and in areas that aren’t limited by drift. They can inhabit an area and produce a stable living situation quickly. Generally this cultivar will persist between 5 and 10 years and produce a substantial seed count. [3]

Tephrosia candida


Different taxa of the genus Tephrosia underwent analysis for the possible success of intercropping. Intercropping with maize can continually nourish the soil. Specifically, T. candida was proven to successfully grow in conditions of high population density, yet further research into this growth option is required. [4] To further investigate the genus Tephrosia and its effective growth in stressful habitats, researchers at the University of Zimbabwe studied carbon and nitrogen mineralization patterns of this legume. Mineralization, or the decomposition of organic matter, provides fixed nitrogen for other plants to use. They found that Tephrosia released nitrogen at a slow rate. This pattern could be due to nitrogen binding to polyphenols, or natural organic molecules. This prevents subsequent loss of nitrogen and promotes crop uptake along with nitrogen release. [5] Polyphenol to nitrogen ratios within plants can give evidence toward the quality of biomass and can predict the nitrogen release pattern. While there exist several Tephrosia taxa that exhibit slow nitrogen release, many possess rapid rates of nitrogen release as well. Rapid release is not necessarily compatible with intercropping because it does not share this pattern with maize. However, the slow release of nitrogen in the T. candida species is able to synchronize with the nitrogen demand of maize, benefiting the remaining maize in the following season. [4]. Other benefits of T. candida include higher biomass production, nematode resistance, closed canopy growth and weed suppression. [4].


  1. ^ Glover, D. E., et al. “Agronomic characteristics and nutritive value of 11 grasses grown with irrigation on a saline soil in southwestern Saskatchewan”. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 84(2004): 1037-1050.
  2. ^ Acharya, S. N., et al. “Salt stress tolerance in native Alberta populations of slender wheatgrass and alpine bluegrass”. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 72(1992): 785-792.
  3. ^ Perryman, B. L., Laycock, W. A., Koch, D. W. “Investigation of Herbaceous Species Adapted to Snowfence Areas”. Journal of Range Management. 53(2000): 371-375.
  4. ^ a b c Mafongoya, P. L., et al. “Tephrosia species and provenances for improved fallows in southern Africa”. Agroforestry Systems. 59(2003): 279-288.
  5. ^ Nezomba, H., et al. “Indigenous legumes biomass quality and influence on C and N mineralization under indigenous legume fallow systems”. Symbiosis. 48(2009): 78-91.