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Keep track of your questions

Wikipedia has many places to ask questions, such as the:

Sometimes, a user will post a question and forget all about it. It is easy to forget about these unless you keep a record of the questions you posted to refer back to later. One useful method for doing this is to set aside a section of your User page or Talk page, to keep a list of links to your queries. In this list, you can place section links which lead directly to the subheadings (AKA sections) under which you posted your queries.

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To add this auto-updating template to your user page, use {{totd}}
Tip of the moment...
Tagging pages for problems
Tagging pages for problems

"Tags" are often used to indicate problems. Some Wikipedia editors object to the practice of tagging instead of fixing, but there is value in pointing out an article's problems. Tagging allows editors to specialize, teaches editors and warns readers about subpar or problematic content. It is better if people solve the problems they encounter themselves, but not everyone may be able to. Editors are sometimes obliged to justify inclusion of tags, such as in the case of Template:POV.

Constructive criticism given in a civil, respectful manner is a vital part in a collaborative project like Wikipedia, and it should be welcomed rather than discouraged. Wikipedia values contributions from everyone—novices and experts alike. It is important to listen to readers who find an article biased, confusing or unconvincing. They might not have the expertise to fix those problems, but the fact that they report them probably means that an article needs improvement.

To add this auto-randomizing template to your user page, use {{totd-random}}
1201 pending submissionsThis user is a participant in WikiProject Articles for creation. You can help!

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Articles_with_example_code Category:Articles_with_example_code

padding:0.1em 0.25em 0.2em;line-height:1.2em;">Brandybradham
apostrophe  '
brackets [ ]  ( )  { }  ⟨ ⟩
colon :
comma ,  ،  
dash ‒  –  —  ―
ellipsis  ...  . . .
exclamation mark !
full stop, period .
hyphen-minus -
question mark ?
quotation marks ‘ ’  “ ”  ' '  " "
semicolon ;
slash, stroke, solidus /  
Word dividers
interpunct ·
General typography
ampersand &
asterisk *
at sign @
backslash \
caret ^
dagger † ‡
degree °
ditto mark
inverted exclamation mark ¡
inverted question mark ¿
number sign, pound, hash, octothorpe #
numero sign
obelus ÷
multiplication sign ×
ordinal indicator º ª
percent, per mil % ‰
plus and minus + −
equals sign =
basis point
section sign §
tilde ~ Or, if you wish to use the userbox, add
List alt font awesomeThis user proudly participates in WikiProject Lists.

ListThis user proudly participates in WikiProject Lists
to your user page instead as it includes the above wikicode.
underscore, understrike _
vertical bar, pipe, broken bar |    ¦
Intellectual property
copyright ©
sound-recording copyright
registered trademark ®
service mark
generic currency symbol ¤

฿¢$ƒ£ ¥

Uncommon typography
index, fist
irony punctuation
reference mark
In other scripts

This user is a member of the
Counter-Vandalism Unit.
This user has been on Wikipedia for 15 years, 9 months and 6 days.
This user tries to do the right thing. If they make a mistake, please let them know.
This user is a member of the Welcoming Committee.
This user is a member of the Wikipedia Department of Fun.
Kindness CampaignThis user is a member of the Kindness Campaign.
Indian WikipedianThis user is an Indian Wikipedian.
This user hails from Madhya Pradesh.
This user hails from Indore.
RGPVThis user attends or attended RGPV
DAVVThis user is a student/alumnus of DAVV


version=pmwiki-2.2.0-beta6 ordered=1 urlencoded=1 agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686 (x86_64); en-US; rv: Gecko/20060728 SUSE/ Firefox/ author=Pm csum=add blocklist host= name=PmWiki.DocumentationIndex rev=261 targets=PmWiki.BasicEditing,PmWiki.CreatingNewPages,PmWiki.Links,PmWiki.Images,PmWiki.TextFormattingRules,PmWiki.Uploads,PmWiki.Tables,PmWiki.TableDirectives,PmWiki.WikiStyles,PmWiki.WikiStyleExamples,PmWiki.PageDirectives,PmWiki.IncludeOtherPages,PmWiki.InterMap,PmWiki.ConditionalMarkup,PmWiki.PageVariables,PmWiki.MarkupMasterIndex,PmWiki.SimultaneousEdits,PmWiki.WikiStructure,PmWiki.WikiGroup,PmWiki.GroupHeaders,PmWiki.WikiTrails,PmWiki.PageHistory,PmWiki.Passwords,PmWiki.Categories,PmWiki.PageLists,PmWiki.DeletingPages,PmWiki.Installation,PmWiki.InitialSetupTasks,PmWiki.LocalCustomizations,PmWiki.Skins,PmWiki.Upgrades,PmWiki.BackupAndRestore,PmWiki.PerGroupCustomizations,PmWiki.PasswordsAdmin,PmWiki.AuthUser,PmWiki.UploadsAdmin,PmWiki.Internationalizations,PmWiki.WikiFarms,PmWiki.CustomInterMap,PmWiki.CustomMarkup,PmWiki.CustomWikiStyles,PmWiki.Blocklist,PmWiki.Notify,PmWiki.WebFeeds,PmWiki.RefCount,PmWiki.AvailableActions,PmWiki.Troubleshooting,PmWiki.UrlApprovals,PmWiki.Variables,PmWiki.Functions,PmWiki.PageFileFormat,PmWiki.ChangesFromPmWiki1,PmWiki.UpgradingFromPmWiki1,PmWiki.Audiences,PmWiki.Contributors,PmWiki.MailingLists,PmWiki.PmWikiPhilosophy,PmWiki.DesignNotes,PmWiki.Glossary,PmWiki.AccessKeys,PmWiki.BasicVariables,PmWiki.EditVariables,PmWiki.FilePermissions,PmWiki.FmtPageName,PmWiki.I18nVariables,PmWiki.LayoutVariables,PmWiki.LinkVariables,PmWiki.OtherVariables,PmWiki.PagelistVariables,PmWiki.PathVariables,PmWiki.Requirements,PmWiki.Security,PmWiki.SitePreferences,PmWiki.SkinTemplates,PmWiki.SpecialCharacters,PmWiki.UploadVariables,PmWiki.WikiAdministrator,PmWiki.WikiPage,PmWiki.WikiWikiWeb,PmWiki.WikiWord text=The pages below describe various aspects of using, administering and troubleshooting a PmWiki installation, as well as aspects of the PmWiki community.%0a%0aAs you can see, the documentation is still incomplete. Feel free to help yourself and others by completing it! Just edit the pages on %25newwin%25pmwiki.org. You might want to follow or contribute to the documentation guidelines.%0a%0a!! #contents Table of Contents%0a%0a* Beginner Topics for Creating/Editing Pages%0a* Intermediate Editing Topics%0a* Wiki Structures: Organizing and Protecting Pages%0a* PmWiki Site Administration%0a* About PmWiki%0a%0a----%0a%0a!! #using Beginner Topics for Creating and Editing Pages%0a%0a* Basic editing - Examples of common PmWiki page markup%0a* Creating new pages - How to add a page to the site%0a* Links - Creating links to other places in the site or to an external URL%0a* Images - Placing images in pages%0a* Text formatting rules - A large list of available PmWiki markup%0a%0a!! #intermed Intermediate Editing Topics%0a* Uploads - Allow authors to upload files, also known as page attachments%0a* Tables - How to use the original type of table markup%0a* Table directives - Newer, more advanced type of table markup%0a* WikiStyles - Modify the color and other CSS style attributes of a page's contents%0a** WikiStyle examples - More wikistyle demonstration%0a%0a* Page directives - Specify page titles, descriptions, etc., and display of various components%0a* Include other pages - Insert the contents of other pages into a wiki page%0a* InterMap links - System for defining links among (usually wiki) sites%0a* Conditional markup - Use the [=(:if:)=] directive to include or exclude portions of a page%0a* Page variables - Variables that can be used in page markup%0a%0a* Markup master index - Everything you wanted to know about wiki markup but were afraid to ask%0a* Simultaneous edits - Handling multiple attempts to edit a page nearly simultaneously%0a%0a!! #struct Organizing and Protecting Pages%0a* Wiki structure - Some options for organizing pages on the site%0a* Wiki Groups - Organizing pages into wiki groups%0a* Group Headers - Add content to the beginning of all pages in a WikiGroup%0a* WikiTrails - Create navigation paths (trails) through pages%0a* Page history - View/recover previous versions of a page%0a%0a* Passwords - Password protect pages and groups%0a* Categories - Organize pages into categories (like "tags" and "labels")%0a* Page lists - Get lists of pages using [=(:pagelist:)=] and [=(:searchresults:)=]%0a* Deleting pages - How to remove pages from the site%0a%0a!! #admin PmWiki Site Administration%0a* Installation - How to download and install PmWiki%0a* Initial setup tasks - First steps following a fresh installation%0a* Local customizations - Customize your installation%0a* Skins - Change your site's overall look and feel%0a* Upgrades - Upgrade your site to a newer version of PmWiki%0a%0a* Backup and Restore - Be prepared for disaster recovery%0a* Per-group customizations - How to customize a subset of your wiki%0a* Passwords administration - Apply passwords to pages, wiki groups, or the entire site%0a* AuthUser - Identity-based authorization system (usernames and authorization groups)%0a* Uploads administration - Configure your site for file attachments%0a%0a* Internationalizations - How to use translation pages and the XLPage() function%0a* Wiki Farms - Run multiple sites using one copy of [=PmWiki=]%0a* Custom InterMap - The default InterMap links, and how to create more of them%0a* Custom markup - Create custom wiki markup as a local customization%0a* Custom WikiStyles - The predefined WikiStyles and how to define your own%0a%0a* Blocklist - Avoid wikispam by blocking phrases or IP addresses %0a* Notify - Send email messages when pages are changed (but see also web feeds)%0a* Web feeds - Provide RSS, Atom, and Dublin Core syndication feeds%0a* RefCount - Find orphaned and missing pages%0a* Available actions - A list of descriptions for what ?action=XXX does%0a* Troubleshooting #trouble - Advice for troubleshooting an installation%0a%0a* Url approvals - Discourage "link spamming" with urlapprove.php%0a* Variables - Variables available for local customization%0a* Functions - How some functions in pmwiki.php work%0a* Page file format - Create wiki formatted pages in bulk and for upload to your pmwiki site%0a%0a* Changes from PmWiki 1 - Features of PmWiki 1.0 that have been changed or eliminated%0a* Upgrading from PmWiki 1 - Suggestions for upgrading a PmWiki 1.x installation to PmWiki 2%0a%0a!! #misc About PmWiki%0a* Audiences - Describes the "audiences" for which PmWiki was designed%0a* Contributors - Some contributors to PmWiki's development and improvement%0a* Mailing lists - The email discussion lists available and their archives%0a* PmWikiPhilosophy - Some of the ideas that guide the design and implementation of PmWiki%0a* Design notes - Some of the features and notes about PmWiki's design decisions%0a%0a* (PmWiki:)References - Places where PmWiki has been written about%0a* Glossary - Descriptions of various terms related to PmWiki%0a%0a>>comment%3c%3c%0aNote: The following pages are listed here so that they can include a #faq section and have the questions appear on the FAQ page. %0a%0a* AccessKeys%0a* BasicVariables%0a* EditVariables%0a* FilePermissions%0a* FmtPageName%0a* I18nVariables%0a* LayoutVariables%0a* LinkVariables%0a* OtherVariables%0a* PagelistVariables%0a* PathVariables%0a* Requirements%0a* Security%0a* SitePreferences%0a* SkinTemplates%0a* SpecialCharacters%0a* UploadVariables%0a* WikiAdministrator%0a* WikiPage%0a* WikiWikiWeb%0a* WikiWord%0a time=1159595670