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Ed Wild (Dr Edward Wild, MRCP, PhD) is a prominent neurologist, neuroscientist in the field of Huntington’s disease and advocate for scientific outreach to the public. He co-founded the Huntington’s research news platform HDBuzz and featured in the documentary feature film The Inheritance. He was the recipient of the Huntington’s Disease Society of America 2014 Researcher of the Year Award, the Huntington Society of Canada 2013 Community Leadership Award and the 2015 Huntington Study Group ‘Insight of the Year’ Award. Wild is a Clinician Scientist at UCL Institute of Neurology.



Wild trained in medicine at Christ’s College, University of Cambridge. He undertook a PhD at UCL Institute of Neurology, Queen Square, London [1]. His doctoral work established magnetic resonance imaging measures of brain atrophy in Huntington’s disease and disclosed a novel pathogenic pathway of immune activation in Huntington’s [2] [3] [4] . His PhD work was awarded the 2009 Queen Square Prize in Neurology [1].

Since 2011 Wild’s postdoctoral research at UCL Institute of Neurology has focused on the study of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). In 2015 he published the first successful detection and quantification of mutant huntingtin protein – the known cause of Huntington’s - in human CSF, using a novel ‘single-molecule counting’ immunoassay [5]. This development won Wild the 2015 Huntington Study Group ‘Insight of the Year’ award [2].

In 2015 Wild was awarded an MRC Clinician Scientist Fellowship and appointed Honorary Consultant at the National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery. He has authored some 40 peer-reviewed publications and 5 book chapters [6].

Public engagement work


Wild is an outspoken advocate for public engagement and outreach by scientists. Alongside US neuroscientist Dr Jeff Carroll and Emmy award-winning journalist and HD patient advocate Charles Sabine, delivering plain-language digests of research news for patients and family members at major international scientific conferences including the World Congress on Huntington's Disease [7], the European Huntington's Disease Network Congress [3] and the Conventions of the main US [4], Canadian [5] and UK [6] Huntington’s Disease patient associations. In 2013 he addressed the 2013 GET Conference alongside Steven Pinker [7]. In 2010 Wild and Carroll founded HDBuzz, an online source of accessible news about Huntington's disease research, written by scientists. [8] [9] HDBuzz was awarded the HD Association of Northern Ireland's 2011 Award for Scientific Communication [8], the 2012 Community Development Award from the Huntington Society of Canada [9], and the 2014 Huntington’s Disease Society of America Research Award [10]. Wild appeared in the documentary feature film The Inheritance [11]. HDBuzz was the subject of an article in the scientific journal Trends in Molecular Medicine in October 2011 entitled 'HDBuzz: empowering patients through accessible education'.[9]

  1. ^ "Dr Edward Wild Consultant Profile". University College London Hospitals NHS Founation Trust. Retrieved 30 March 2016.
  2. ^ Wild, E. J. "Identification and evaluation of biomarkers for Huntington's disease". UCL Discovery. UCL. Retrieved 30 March 2016.
  3. ^ Björkqvist, M; Wild, EJ; Thiele, J; Silvestroni, A; Andre, R; Lahiri, N; Raibon, E; Lee, RV; Benn, CL; Soulet, D; Magnusson, A; Woodman, B; Landles, C; Pouladi, MA; Hayden, MR; Khalili-Shirazi, A; Lowdell, MW; Brundin, P; Bates, GP; Leavitt, BR; Möller, T; Tabrizi, SJ (4 August 2008). "A novel pathogenic pathway of immune activation detectable before clinical onset in Huntington's disease". The Journal of experimental medicine. 205 (8): 1869–77. PMID 18625748. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  4. ^ Dalrymple, A; Wild, EJ; Joubert, R; Sathasivam, K; Björkqvist, M; Petersén, A; Jackson, GS; Isaacs, JD; Kristiansen, M; Bates, GP; Leavitt, BR; Keir, G; Ward, M; Tabrizi, SJ (July 2007). "Proteomic profiling of plasma in Huntington's disease reveals neuroinflammatory activation and biomarker candidates". Journal of proteome research. 6 (7): 2833–40. PMID 17552550. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  5. ^ Wild, EJ; Boggio, R; Langbehn, D; Robertson, N; Haider, S; Miller, JR; Zetterberg, H; Leavitt, BR; Kuhn, R; Tabrizi, SJ; Macdonald, D; Weiss, A (May 2015). "Quantification of mutant huntingtin protein in cerebrospinal fluid from Huntington's disease patients". The Journal of clinical investigation. 125 (5): 1979–86. PMID 25844897. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  6. ^ "Dr Edward Wild Iris Profile". Institutional Research Information Service. Retrieved 30 March 2016.
  7. ^ "HD Buzz". YouTube.
  8. ^ "Huntington's disease research news. In plain language". HDBuzz.
  9. ^ a b Wild, Edward J; Carroll, Jeffrey B (January 2012). "HDBuzz: empowering patients through accessible education". Trends in Molecular Medicine. 18 (1): 1–3. doi:10.1016/j.molmed.2011.09.003.