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User:Codingwithkittens/sandbox/The festival of St. Jan(e)us

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The festival of Jan(e)us



On the first day after the 1st full moon in the year our our lord MMXVII, a day of loss befell the land beyond trade, (colloquially referred to as Post). A great schism occurred, as half of the members of the Peruvian tribe, abandoned their homeland in search of zoos in quieter lands.

To mourn the loss of their comrades, the members of post trade Peru, constructed a great fort, where they could retreat far from the lights and noises of the world. They waited for 7 days and 7 nights, but on the 7th day, the loss was too greatly felt, and they decided they too must abandon their home, and venture west to join their sibling tribe in the green lands. This unification of the tribes was a joyous event, and all of the members of Post Trade rejoiced.

To remember both the loss of their comrades, the keepers of zoos, and the joy of re-unifying the with the lost tribe of the west, the people of Post trade created a the festival of St. Jan(e)us.



The first day of the festival is celebrated on the First Friday after the first Full moon of the year. Known colloquially as V-day, the tribe mourns the loss of their former compatriots with the following acts.

  • V-day is a day of mourning when ties were snipped with those of our group who maintained the zoo. As such when you great people, do not wave or say hello. Instead make your hand into a scissors and mimic the cutting of a string. That is in fact, definitely the only reason that this is called v-day. Because your hand make a v.
  • Another tradition is to walk in a silly manner. Where this comes from, who can say. Observances and festivals are things built up over time. Some hypothesize that it was because of the strained way that one of the members of our group walked away from us when the time came. Others say it was just a way to stave off the sadness. Either way, silly walking is permitted and encouraged.
  • Ritualistic clothing: Sweatpants are considered the ritual garb for V-day

During the week that follows, the members of post-trade must construct a structure which they will maintain through the week as an ever present reminder.

On the following Friday, the festival ends in a joyous celebration known as Unification day.

