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User:DaveAnthony13/St. Paul School Barotac Viejo

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St. Paul School Barotac Viejo is a Catholic school found in the municipality of Barotac Viejo, Iloilo. It's Grade School Department is found beside the Roman Catholic Parish of Saints Peter and Paul Church in Balleza St., Poblacion, Barotac Viejo while the new High School Department building is situated in Brgy. Natividad of the same town. It is run and administered by the nuns of the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres. Most of the students came from the town itself while others come from the nearby municipality of Banate, San Rafael and Ajuy specifically Brgy. Culasi. It is one of the 39 Paulinian schools in the Philippines. Its patron is St. Paul the Apostle.



The origin[1] of St. Paul School in Barotac Viejo, Iloilo would bring us to our former cradle of founder in Levesville, La-Chenard in a small village southeast of Chartres, France. The mission apostolate of the Sisters of St. Paul of Most Rev. Frederick Rooker, Bishop to Jaro to the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres. They arrived in Dumaguete, our first foundation, in 1904. From there, the mission apostolate of the sisters spread throughout the country. In 1988, Fr. Tobias Los Banes, parish priest of the town, through the Sisters of St. Paul in Barotac Nuevo, made a request of having the sisters to help him in this apostolate, by giving children of this town a Catholic education. Sr. Agnes Therese Teves , SPC accepted and responded to the invitation. Thus, the Kindergarten School was opened in this community as an extension of St. Paul School Barotac Nuevo. The sisters housed the kindergarten at the Youth Encounter for Christ Movement Center beside the church while waiting for a new building. there were 30 Kinder 1 and 28 Kinder 2 pupils, a total of 58 pupils as to start this apostolate. On the other hand, the sisters were based in Barotac Nuevo and commuted everyday to Barotac Viejo until such time, they had formed their own community with Sr. Virginia Taguinod, SPC as the first Superior of the House and Principal. 1990 was the beginning of a new horizon in their apostolate when a government permit was issued to operate the Elementary Department. The seed of the SPC Mission in the town, blossomed and had gone a long way of trials and survivals. After several years, the High School Department was established upon the demand of the parents, which was later approved by Sr. Mary Magdalene, the Superior and her Council, to continue the Christian Education in the town. Now, it is the fourth year operation of the high school and it was transferred to its new site in Brgy. Natividad last June 2006.

Paulinian Prayer


God our loving father, You called us to participate in your saving mission And to make you known and loved throughout the world.

We thank You for our Paulinian identity, That inspires us to be like Christ And to walk in the truth.

Help us to stand firm in our daily struggles and to live our Christocentric Paschal Spirituality, Forgive our failures to witness Your compassionate love And to surrender to your holy will.

Grant us the grace to grow in Your love, For the good of the church and service of neighbor and to remain faithful to You. Through Your Son, Jesus Christ, In the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever. Amen.

Mary, our mother and model, Pray for us. St. Paul, our patron, Pray for us. Our Holy Founders, Intercede for us.

May the Love/Charity of Christ, Impel/Urge us , now and forever. Amen.

Vision-Mission Statement



Paulinian Education, reflective of the charism and spirituality of the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres, envisions, INTEGRATED CATHOLIC FILIPINO MEN AND WOMEN, BUILDERS OF CHRIST-CENTERED COMMUNITIES, witnessing to the primacy of final union with God, serving the church and the nation.


Thus, with Mary, our model, and Paul, our patron, we, the Paulinians, sharers in the apostolic mission of the church to proclaim Jesus Christ as the Good News of Salvation, commit ourselves, in cooperative endeavour, to:

  • form responsible, competent persons who are Maka-Diyos, Makatao, Makabayan, Maka-Buhay and Maka-kalikasan;
  • permeate the school systems and processes with gospel values and;
  • uplift the quality of life, locally and globally.

Paulinian Mission Song


My goal, as a Paulinian, is this: To proclaim Jesus Christ As the Good News to all In response to the need for total salvation From materialism, Unjust structures and apathy Through education and care for the sick.

Thus life seems rough And the way is dark I will remember this goal: To proclaim Christ at all times like Mary and Paul For I believe what Jesus said "I am with you till the end of time."

And so each day, as I travel on I will remember That I'm a Paulinian Commited to Jesus Christ my Lord To love and serve one another Till in Him, we unite.

Paulinian Hymn


Hark! Sons and Daughters/Children of St. Paul Come listen to His call; O children of this loving school, The loving nurse of all... Rejoice in God, do work and pray; Be true from day to day... Beloved school of mine... My pains and joys are thine; My childhood's early dreams Are closely linked with thee, The hope that Heaven brings Thou dust unfold to me... Thou dust unfold to me...


Sweet are the days of childhood When friends we love and care, Those golden links of childhood Whose sympathy we share... Do stay and while the hours away With us in work and play; And when we leave our dear old school These mem'ries we'll recall These mem'ries we'll recall

Paulinian Writing


During elementary days, paulinians are taught to write a different way of writing in cursive called "Paulinian Writing" who was made by also, a sister of St. Paul.


  1. ^ St. Paul School Barotac Viejo, Students' Diary, 2009-2010.