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Emilien Dutang

06-82-43-41-97 (french mobile phone)

email : e DOT dutang AROBASE gmail DOT com

Hello visitor.

If you came here searching information about me via google, i may give you a fair warning first : This is a very old "page" that i made when i was really young, and that i only keep out of nostalgia.

As well, this page has been edited by friends, thus some non sens here and there.

Anyway, to the junkyard :-)

Hi ! my full name is Emilien DUTANG.

Usually i am online trought the nickname "emi" but here i had no choice but to call myself E.dutang unless i would prefer _Emi7804 or some other wonderful nickame

I know my english skills are somehow bad but my mother tongue is french.

Finally, i want to add that i REALLY love wikipedia. I dont really know how such a thing can exist and actually work that well but it is a wonderful step towards knowledge for all and everyone.

And also, i think that most of the stuff is really nicely writen, much better than most of the article of the encyclopedias i usually read

Emi prime number generator


Coprime : Having no commun primes factor. Exemple : 7 and 4 = 2 * 2 are coprimes. 15 = 3 * 5 and 14 = 7 * 2 are coprimes. 21 = 7 * 3 and 6 = 2 * 3 are not coprimes.

Formula required : If (X = A - B) and (A and are B coprimes) then neither of the prime factor of A or B can be a prime factor for X. Consider any prime factor of A called P, and P/A = P' : We have then X = (P * A') - B. Then X / P = (P') - B / P But here B is a coprime of A so he can't be divided by P : hence B / P is no more an integer value and then X can't be one. Conclusion : formula is true.

I have invented a simple but slow prime number generator.

To generate a new prime number, you need to dispose of a list of the N first prime.

Then you can construct X such that X = ( product of some prime of the list ) - ( product of all the other prime of the list )

Now if you choose X such that it is inferior to the square of the highest prime number of the prime number list you used, then X is a prime number !

[Kris] Humm... What about 17*13*11*7*5 - 3*2 = 85079 = 149 * 571 ?

[Emi] 85079 is > to 17² thus it can not be a prime. If you however use the formula in this way it still create number with high probability for primality, since it removes the most probables divisor, as can be seen in your example.

I conjecture that all primes can be expressed in this way. Here a list of the first primes generated this way, assuming 1 & 2 are the first primes.

3 = (2*2) - 1

5 = (2*3) - 1

7 = (2*5) - 3

11 = (3*5) - (2*2)

Glodbach conjecture


Recall : prime numbers start with 2 (and not 1, which is just a "weird" number)

Goldbach's conjecture : Can every even integer greater than 2 be written as a sum of two primes?

That mean, for any even number X, we can write : X = P1 + P2 where P1 and P2 are both primes numbers.

Since X is even, there is a number Y such that 2Y = X = P1 + P2.

We can even say that for each number Y >= 2 there are two primes such that : 2Y = P1 + P2 so Y = (P1 + P2) / 2 so Y is halway betwen P1 and P2, for every Y

Ma vie sur WGT


J'ai longuement combattu le vil TITEUX. Après de nombreux débats sans fin, j'ai finalement triomphé lorsqu'il m'a avoué son homosexualité. Par ailleurs, même si d'aucuns ont prétendu qu'il était "MORT ... Oui, MORT !", il n'en fut jamais rien.