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University Challenge


Italian names

  • Shuttleworth, Christine (October 2006), "Italian names" (PDF), The Indexer, vol. 25, no. 2, Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers, pp. C15–16: "Modern surnames with prefixes (usually prepositions) are indexed under the prefix:"
"During the Middle Ages and Renaissance, surnames as we know them today were not universally used, the person [often] possessing only a given name, along with a phrase to distinguish between persons with the same name. [...] Surnames became increasingly used as they were needed, especially during the Renaissance and in early modern times, and names from this period often show a mixture of forms and usage."
"Before the modern period [...] prepositions such as de, de', degli, dei and de li [sic] were not usually part of the surname, so Lorenzo de' Medici is indexed as Medici, Lorenzo de'."
"Patronymics and names derived from those of associates": index by given name, including for Andrea del Sarto
"Geographic names Derived from the individual's birthplace or home town. Leonardo da Vinci, to use a well-known example, came from the town of Vinci (the word 'da' means 'from'). The artists Caravaggio and Correggio also took their names from their home towns, and the name of Perugino is derived from Perugia."

Historical Italian names containing a particle in lowercase (da, della, di, etc.) are most often sorted by the given name preceding the particle: {{DEFAULTSORT:Leonardo da Vinci}}. There are exceptions:

Artists, architects and patrons in the ULAN

  1. Antonello da Messina
  2. Antonio de Saliba
  3. Baccio da Montelupo (cf. his son Raffaello)
  4. Baglioni, Bartolomeo (Baccio d'Agnolo)
  5. Bartolomeo Veneto
  6. Benedetto di Pietro dal Mugello (Benedetto da Fiesole)
  7. Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da
  8. Castagno, Andrea del
  9. Chirico, Giorgio de
  10. Cima da Conegliano, Giovanni Battista
  11. Conti, Bernardino de'
  12. Correggio, Antonio da (Antonio Allegri da Correggio)
  13. Cossa, Francesco del
  14. Dal Pozzo, Cassiano
  15. De Fabris, Emilio
  16. Della Robbia family (but Robbia, Andrea della, Robbia, Luca della, etc.)
  17. della Vittoria, Gloria
  18. Desiderio da Settignano
  19. Di Matteo, Gabriele
  20. Domenico Veneziano
  21. Duccio di Buoninsegna
  22. Francesco di Giorgio Martini
  23. Gentile da Fabriano
  24. Giotto di Bondone
  25. Giovanni da Udine
  26. Jacopo della Quercia
  27. Leonardo da Vinci
  28. Lorenzo di Credi
  29. Maiano, Benedetto da
  30. Martini, Giovanni (Giovanni Martini da Udine; Giovanni da Udine)
  31. Melozzo da Forlì
  32. Menabuoi, Giusto de'
  33. Michelino da Besozzo
  34. Monaco, Lorenzo (Piero di Giovanni)
  35. Montelupo, Raffaello da (cf. his father Baccio)
  36. Moretto da Brescia
  37. Nanni di Bartolo
  38. Niccolò dell'Arca
  39. Oggiono, Marco d'
  40. Parmigianino (Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola)
  41. Perugino (Pietro Perugino)
  42. Pierino da Vinci
  43. Piero della Francesca
  44. Piero di Cosimo
  45. Polidoro da Caravaggio
  46. Pollaiuolo, Antonio
  47. Pollaiuolo, Piero
  48. Porta, Guglielmo della
  49. Predis, Giovanni Ambrogio de (et al.)
  50. Raffaelino del Garbo
  51. Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino)
  52. Romanino (Girolamo Romanino)
  53. Romano, Giulio
  54. Rossi, Properzia de'
  55. Rosso Fiorentino (Giovanni Battista di Jacopo Rosso)
  56. Sangallo, Antonio da, the elder (et al.)
  57. Santacroce, Girolamo da
  58. Sarto, Andrea del
  59. Sassoferrato (Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato)
  60. Sebastiano del Piombo
  61. Simone Martini
  62. Stefano da Verona
  63. Stella, Fermo da Caravaggio (sic)
  64. Veronese, Paolo
  65. Verrocchio, Andrea del
  66. Vignola, Jacopo da





Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian sculptors


Source; See also

  1. George Gammon Adams, 1821–1898
  2. John Adams-Acton, 1830–1910
  3. C. J. Allen, 1862–1956
  4. Henry Hugh Armstead, 1828–1905
  5. William Aumonier, 1841–1914
  6. Stanley Nicholson Babb, c. 1873–1957
  7. John Bacon the Younger, 1777–1859
  8. John Bacon the Elder, 1740–1799
  9. Charles Bacon, c. 1822–86
  10. Edward Hodges Baily, 1788–1867
  11. Thomas Banks, 1735–1805
  12. Harry Bates, 1850–1899
  13. Gilbert Bayes, 1872–1953
  14. William Behnes, 1791?–1864
  15. Edith A. Bell, fl. 1890–1910 ♀
  16. John Bell, 1811–1895
  17. Mary Bennett, active c. 1878 ♀
  18. H. C. Binney, active 1901–1913
  19. Charles Bell Birch, 1832–1893
  20. Ferdinand Victor Blundstone, 1882–1951
  21. Joseph Edgar Boehm, 1834–1890
  22. Frank Bowcher, 1854–1938
  23. William Brindley, 1832–1919
  24. Edward G. Bramwell, 1865–1944
  25. Abraham Broadbent, c. 1868–1919
  26. Eric Raymond Broadbent, fl. 1911–24
  27. Thomas Brock, 1847–1922
  28. William Brodie, 1815–1881
  29. Mortimer Brown, 1874–1966
  30. William Kellock Brown, c. 1856–1934
  31. Albert Bruce-Joy, 1842–1924
  32. Henry Bursill, fl. 1855–1870
  33. Alfred Buxton, 1884–1929?
  34. Thomas Campbell, 1790–1858
  35. Ruth Canton, active 1897 ♀
  36. John Edward Carew, c. 1782–1868
  37. Alexander Carrick, 1882–1966
  38. Ella Casella, 1858–1950 ♀ (a redirect)
  39. John Cassidy, 1860–1939
  40. Francis Chantrey, 1781–1841
  41. Léon-Joseph Chavalliaud, c. 1858–1921
  42. Benjamin Clemens, 1875–1957
  43. Ernest A. Cole, 1890–1979
  44. John Henry Cole, 1818–1874
  45. William Robert Colton, 1867–1921
  46. Walter Crane, 1845–1915
  47. Benjamin Creswick, 1853–1946
  48. T. Mewburn Crook, 1869–1949
  49. Jules Dalou, 1838–1902
  50. Andrew Davidson (1841–1925) and D. and A. Davidson
  51. John Daymond, 1821–98
  52. Evelyn De Morgan, 1850–1919 ♀
  53. William Reid Dick, 1878–1961
  54. Charles Doman, 1884–1944
  55. Edith Downing, 1857–1931 ♀
  56. Francis William Doyle-Jones, 1873–1938
  57. Conrad Dressler, 1856–1940
  58. Alfred Drury, 1856–1944
  59. Susan Durant, d. 1873 ♀
  60. Joseph Durham, 1814–1877
  61. Thomas Earp, 1828–1893
  62. Joseph Edwards, 1814–1882
  63. George Edwin Ewing, 1828–1884
  64. William Bateman Fagan, 1860–1948
  65. Thomas Farrell, 1827–1900
  66. William Farmer
  67. Henry Charles Fehr, 1867–1940
  68. Alexander Fisher, 1864–1936
  69. Percy Hetherington Fitzgerald, 1834–1925
  70. Thomas Fitzpatrick, active 1856–1870
  71. John Flaxman, 1755–1826
  72. John Henry Foley, 1825–1892
  73. Edward Onslow Ford, 1852–1901
  74. Stanley Mace Foster, active 1903–1934
  75. George Frampton, 1860–1928
  76. John Francis, 1780–1861
  77. J. L. Franklin
  78. William Silver Frith, 1850–1924
  79. Emil Fuchs, 1866–1929
  80. John Henry Monsell Furse, 1860–1950
  81. James Gamble, c. 1835–1911
  82. Richard Louis Garbe, 1876–1957
  83. Ada Freeman Gell
  84. John Gibson 1790–1866
  85. Alfred Gilbert, 1854–1934
  86. Margaret Giles, 1868–1949 ♀
  87. Ernest George Gillick, 1874–1951
  88. Lady Feodora Gleichen, 1861–1922 ♀
  89. Count Victor Gleichen, 1833–1891
    Prince Victor of Hohenlohe-Langenburg
  90. Edward Godwin, 1876–1957
    Misleading redirect to his father
  91. Basil Gotto, 1866–1954
  92. Richard Reginald Goulden, 1876–1932
  93. Lord Ronald Gower, 1845–1916
  94. Mary Grant, c. 1830–1908 ♀
  95. James Milo Griffith, 1843–97
  96. Elinor Hallé
  97. Frederick James Halnon, 1881–1958
  98. Emmeline Halse
  99. Lilian Vereker Hamilton, 1865–(?)1939
  100. Herbert Hampton, 1862–1929
  101. John Hancock, c. 1825–1869
  102. Alfred Hardiman, 1891–1949
  103. Charles Leonard Hartwell, 1873–1951
  104. Adèle Hay, fl. 1890–1910 ♀
  105. Percival M. F. Hedley, d. 1921
  106. Ralph Hedley, 1848–1913
  107. Amelia Robertson Hill (née Paton), 1820–1904 ♀
  108. Vincent Hill, active 1900–1946
  109. Nathaniel Hitch, 1845–1938
  110. Albert Hodge, 1875–1918
  111. Alfred Hodges, fl. 1909–1911
  112. John Holmes, 1890–1928
  113. Henry Richard Hope-Pinker, 1850–1927
  114. Charles Sargeant Jagger, 1885–1934
  115. Frank Lynn Jenkins, 1870–1927
  116. William Goscombe John, 1860–1952
    BLB:  Done
  117. Adrian Jones, 1845–1938
  118. Samuel Joseph, 1791–1850
  119. Charles J. Samuel Kelsey, c. 1820–1888
  120. Eric Henri Kennington, 1888–1960
  121. John Lockwood Kipling, 1837–1911
  122. Thomas Kirk, 1781–1845
  123. Edwin Landseer, 1802–1873
  124. Helen Langley, fl. 1890s ♀
  125. Édouard Lantéri, 1848–1917
  126. John Lawlor, 1820–1901
  127. George Anderson Lawson, 1832–1904
  128. Charles W. Layzell, fl. 1910–1918
  129. Thomas Stirling Lee, 1857–1916
  130. Alphonse Legros, 1837–1911
  131. Frederic Lord Leighton, 1830–1896
  132. Alexander J. Leslie, 1873–1930
  133. Ruby Levick, fl. 1890s ♀
  134. John Graham Lough, 1798–1876
  135. Richard Cockle Lucas, 1800–1883
  136. Andrea Carlo Lucchesi, 1860–1925
  137. Augustus Lukeman, fl. 1890s
  138. Charles Henry Mabey, c. 1836–1912
  139. Patrick McDowell, 1799–1870
  140. David McGill, c. 1864–1947
  141. James Pittendrigh MacGillivray, 1856–1938
  142. Edgar Bertram Mackennal, 1863–1931
  143. Thomas Eyre Macklin, 1863–1943
  144. Samuel Manning Jr., 1815–1866
  145. Sydney March, 1875–1968
  146. Carlo Marochetti, 1805–1867
  147. William Calder Marshall, 1813–1894
  148. Edith C. Maryon, 1872–1924 ♀
  149. Eleanor Mercer, fl. 1890–1910 ♀
  150. Leonard Stanford Merrifield, fl. 1909–1935
  151. Hubert Miller, active 1905–1930
  152. Thomas Milnes, 1813–1888
  153. Horace Montford, active 1898–1912
  154. Paul Raphael Montford, 1868–1948
  155. John Mossman, 1817–1890
  156. Edwin Roscoe Mullins, 1848–1907
    BLB:  Done
  157. Alexander Munro, 1825–1871
  158. W. G. Nicholl, 1796–1871
  159. Thomas Nicholls, fl. 1853–1895
  160. Matthew Noble, c. 1817–1876
  161. Herbert W. Palliser, 1883–1963
  162. Charles A. Palmer
  163. Harold Parker, 1873–1962
  164. George Henry Paulin, 1888–1962
  165. Alfred Bertram Pegram, 1895–1939
  166. Henry Alfred Pegram, 1862–1937
  167. John Birnie Philip, 1824–1875
  168. Joseph Phillips, fl. 1924
  169. Theodore J. B. Phyffers, c. 1820–1876
  170. Edward James Physick, 1820–1906
  171. Charles James Pibworth, 1878–1958
  172. Henry Poole, 1873–1928
    BLB:  Done
  173. Frederick W. Pomeroy, 1856–1924
  174. Percy Portsmouth, 1873–1953
  175. Mary Pownall, active 1904–1911 ♀
  176. Edward John Poynter, 1839–1919
  177. Hugues Protat, active 1835–1871
  178. James Redfern, 1838–76
  179. William Reynolds-Stephens, 1862–1949
  180. William Birnie Rhind, 1873–1933
  181. Edward Richardson, 1812–1869
  182. Charles de Sousy Ricketts, 1866–1931
  183. John Wenlock Rollins, 1862–1940
  184. Dorothy Anne Aldrich Rope, active 1910–1916 ♀
  185. Ellen Mary Rope, 1855–1934 ♀
  186. Louis Frederick Roslyn, 1878–1934
  187. Thomas Rudge, 1868–1942
  188. Charles Rutland, 1859–1943
  189. Henry Thomas Schafer, 1851–1915[?]
  190. F. E. E. Schenk, active 1873–1920
  191. Kathleen Scott, 1878–1947 ♀
  192. Reuben Sheppard, fl. 1906
  193. Robert Sievier, 1794–1865
  194. George Blackall Simonds, 1843–1929
  195. Lilian Simpson, 1871–97 ♀
  196. Theodore Spicer Simson, 1896–1923
  197. Benjamin Edward Spence, c. 1822–1866
  198. Oscar Spalmach, 1864–1917
  199. Edward Caldwell Spruce, 1849–1923
  200. Phoebe Gertrude Stabler, 1879–1955 ♀
  201. John Steell, 1804–1891
  202. Florence Harriet Steele, 1857–1948 ♀
  203. Edward Bowring Stephens, c. 1815–1882
  204. Alfred Stevens, 1817–1875
  205. W. Grant Stevenson, 1849–1919
  206. Charles Robinson Sykes, fl. 1912
  207. Godfrey Sykes, 1824–1866
  208. Thomas Tarran, 1851–1933
  209. Frank Mowbray Taubman, 1868–1946
  210. John Edward Taylerson, 1854–1942
  211. John Ternouth, 1796–1848
  212. William Theed, 1804–1891
  213. Frederick Thomas, 1860–(?)1924
  214. John Thomas, 1813–1862
  215. John Evan Thomas, 1810–1873
  216. Hamo Thornycroft, 1850–1925
  217. Mary Thornycroft, 1814–1895 ♀
  218. Thomas Thornycroft, 1815–1885
  219. George Tinworth, 1843–1913
  220. Albert Toft, 1862–1949
  221. Reuben Townroe, 1835–1911
  222. Henri de Triqueti, 1803–1874
  223. John Lucas Tupper, 1824?–1879
  224. Alfred Turner, 1874–1940
  225. John Tweed, 1869–1933
    BLB:  Done
  226. Thomas Tyrell
  227. George Edward Wade, 1853–1933
    BLB:  Done
  228. William Wheatley Wagstaff, fl. 1908–1919
  229. Arthur George Walker, 1861–1936
  230. Musgrave Watson, 1804–1847
  231. George Frederic Watts, 1817–1904
  232. Reginald Fairfax Wells, 1877–1933
  233. Oliver Wheatley, 1868–1931
  234. Charles Wheeler, 1892–1974
  235. S. M. Wiens, fl. 1912
  236. Henry Weekes, 1807–1877
  237. James Sherwood Westmacott, 1823–1900
  238. Richard Westmacott, 1775–1856
  239. Richard Westmacott, Junior, 1799–1872
  240. Oliver Wheatley
  241. Arthur Charles White, c. 1874–1924
  242. John Whitehead, active 1889–95
  243. Onslow Whiting, active, 1903–12
  244. G. A. Williams, c. 1890–1910
  245. Lucy Gwendolen Williams, 1870–1955 ♀
  246. Francis John Williamson, 1833–1920
  247. John Warrington Wood, 1839–1886
  248. William Frederick Woodington, 1806–1893
  249. Francis Derwent Wood, 1871–1926
  250. Marshall Wood, active 1856–1878
  251. James Arthur Woodford, 1893–1976
  252. Thomas Woolner, 1825–1892
  253. Frank Arnold Wright, 1874–1961
  254. Matthew Cotes Wyatt, 1777–1862
  255. Richard James Wyatt, 1795–1850
  256. Edward William Wyon, 1811–1885
  257. William Wyon, 1795–1851
  258. A. Stanley Young
  259. H. Young, fl. 1859

Statues (etc.) of peers

Article Parent article Needs dab?
Earl Haig Memorial Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig No
Equestrian statue of the Duke of Wellington, City of London Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington Yes
Equestrian statue of the Duke of Wellington, Glasgow Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington Yes
Equestrian statue of the Duke of Wellington, Hyde Park Corner Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington Yes
Equestrian statue of the Duke of Cambridge, Whitehall Prince George, Duke of Cambridge No
Equestrian statue of the Earl Roberts, London Frederick Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts No
Equestrian statue of the Viscount Wolseley Garnet Wolseley, 1st Viscount Wolseley No
Equestrian statue of Viscount Combermere Stapleton Cotton, 1st Viscount Combermere No
Joseph Lister Memorial Joseph Lister No
Statue of Benjamin Disraeli, Parliament Square Benjamin Disraeli No
Statue of David Lloyd George, Parliament Square David Lloyd George No
Statue of Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben No
Statue of Horatio Nelson, Birmingham Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson Yes
Statue of Lord Nelson, Bridgetown Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson Yes
Statue of Lord Palmerston, Parliament Square Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston No
Statue of Margaret Thatcher (London Guildhall) Margaret Thatcher Yes
Statue of Margaret Thatcher (Palace of Westminster) Margaret Thatcher Yes
Statue of Richard Grosvenor, Second Marquess of Westminster Richard Grosvenor, 2nd Marquess of Westminster No
Statue of Robert Baden-Powell, London Robert Baden-Powell Yes
Statue of Robert Baden-Powell, Poole Robert Baden-Powell Yes
Statue of Robert Clive, London Robert Clive No
Statue of Robert Gascoyne-Cecil Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury (others of the same name) No
Statue of Sidney Herbert, London Sidney Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Lea (others of the same name) No
Statue of the 1st Marquess of Westminster, Belgravia Robert Grosvenor, 1st Marquess of Westminster No
Statue of the Comte de Rochambeau Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau No
Statue of the Duke of Devonshire, Whitehall Spencer Cavendish, 8th Duke of Devonshire No
Statue of the Earl Kitchener, London Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener No
Statue of the Earl Mountbatten, London Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma No
Statue of the Earl of Derby, Parliament Square Statue of the Earl of Derby, Parliament Square No
Statue of the Marquis de Lafayette (Lafayette College) Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette Yes
Statue of the Marquis de Lafayette (New York City) Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette Yes
Statue of the Marquis de Lafayette (Washington, D.C.) Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette Yes
Statue of the Viscount Alanbrooke, London Alan Brooke, 1st Viscount Alanbrooke No
Statue of the Viscount Montgomery, London Bernard Montgomery No
Statue of the Viscount Slim, London William Slim, 1st Viscount Slim No

Burdett-Coutts Memorial Sundial, Cheylesmore Memorial, Shaftesbury Memorial Fountain

For a visual arts manual of style

  • Article naming conventions
    • "General rules"
      • Capitalization (and italicization)
        • Artworks. "Generic and non-generic name" distinction in WP:NCMUSIC may be helpful here; they always italicize non-generic names except for those of MINORWORKS. Do not use italics and sentence case together, except perhaps in languages other than English.
          • When to use title case and italics. Majority of paintings? Portraits. Many sculptures. Drawings, photographs and prints.
          • When to use title case without italics. Often include words such as "Memorial", "Monument", "Tomb".
          • When to use sentence case. Descriptive names which are not titles; these can be identified by their inclusion of generic terms such as "bust", "statue". But perhaps not "altarpiece" or "portrait"?
          • Foreign-language titles
        • Series of artworks (including cycles of paintings?)
          The Disasters of War
        • Movements and styles. Classical and classical, Impressionist and impressionist, Mannerism and mannerism, Realism and realism, Symbolism and symbolism. Lower case for "school".
        • Exhibitions: title case. No italics for large-scale or recurring exhibitions; italics for others. Individual instances of these exhibitions follow the capitalization and (lack of) italicization of the series. What of First Impressionist Exhibition?
          Large-scale/recurring: Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, Venice Biennale, Documenta.
          Temporary "special exhibitons", monographic, etc.: Hajj: Journey to the Heart of Islam
      • Construction of article titles for artworks
        • The. Often a redirect with or without an initial "The" is likely to be useful.
        • Consistency with other artistic treatments of the same subject
          • Saints?
        • Portraits (primarily painted ones)
        • Public commemorative sculpture
      • Disambiguation
        • Artists
        • Artworks
          • Usually by artist (short form of the name, usually a surname), then by location (e.g., a city rather than a museum). Usually not by artform, medium, year or museum – but one of this group may be needed if artist and city are not sufficient. Accession numbers should probably not be used as disambiguation. When artists' names are ambiguous or obscure, is there a need to give full names?

  • Consistency with MOS:SAINT – and check existing art FAs on this.
  • Should the titles of exhibitions be in italics?
  • Per WP:CONCISE, "Madonna" and "Virgin" need not be preceded by "The" at the beginning of an article title? Would this also apply to more modern works, e.g. Dalí's The Madonna of Port Lligat?
  • Title case for titles of artworks? Including ones from French, etc. (e.g. La Belle Ferronnière, Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe)? Follow usage in sources?
  • Standard format (template) for captions?

Nice things people have said about the list of public art in the City of Westminster


"This list is great! ... It's a model for what other cities could be doing!" ... "Very thorough, well-written, sourced, and would make an excellent travel companion" ... "Nice list: many sources, many images, good structure" ... "Delighted to see this" ... "A phenomenal and fascinating list and an astonishing body of work." ... "An impressive list – I was playing a little game with myself about how many artworks I had seen." ... "You have put a lot of work into this" ... "This is a prodigious article, of which Wikipedia can be proud. There's nothing to match it anywhere else that I can find online." ... "Happy to support this very fine page for promotion to Featured status. It gave me enormous pleasure, taught me a lot, and meets all the Featured List criteria in my view. Bravo!" ... "A very extensive and interesting list." ... "Wow, congratulations! What an undertaking... It is wonderful to have an example to use for similar lists... Very, very well done!" ... "That's a lovely list."

Sforza Monument


The mercenary Francesco Sforza had been elected Duke of Milan in 1450 and died in 1466; his son Galeazzo Maria Sforza sought to commemorate him with an equestrian statue. In 1472 two Milanese sculptors, the brothers Mantegazza, were commissioned to produce a memorial, but they seem to have turned the commission down. Galeazzo Maria's brother Ludovico Sforza ("il Moro") took an active interest in the project after he succeeded to the lordship of Milan in 1479. [Pope-Hennessy 207] Two drawings by the Florentine Antonio del Pollaiuolo survive for a scheme which envisaged a rearing horse, something hitherto unprecedented in equestrian statuary. [Pope-Hennessy 208 ?] In 1482 Leonardo da Vinci wrote a letter to Ludovico il Moro, for which a draft survives, in which he outlined his expertise in engineering, architecture, sculpture and painting, and recommended himself for the project of the memorial. There is no further mention of the statue until the summer of 1489, [Pope-Hennessy 210] when the Florentine agent in Milan wrote to Lorenzo de' Medici, asking for some Florentine sculptors either to assist Leonardo or to replace him. Nothing is known to have come from this letter, and in April 1490 Leonardo wrote that "I began the horse afresh". [Pope-Hennessy 211]

By 1493 a clay model of the horse was finished, and was shown in the courtyard of the ducal residence, but owing to the French invasion it was never cast. [Pope-Hennessy 211]

Tate Britain


Tate Britain is an art gallery in Millbank, London, housing the United Kingdom's national collection of British art. It was founded as the National Gallery of British Art in 1897 and was financed by the sugar magnate Sir Henry Tate. Known informally at first, and then officially, as the Tate Gallery, it began to collect modern European art alongside British works. The modern collection moved to a new site at Tate Modern in 2000, when the gallery at Millbank received its current name. Tate Britain's collection includes works from J. M. W. Turner's bequest to the nation. These are housed in the Clore Gallery, an extension built in 198X by Sir James Stirling. Since 1984 Tate Britain has hosted the Turner Prize, an often controversial annual exhibition of contemporary art. It is the senior institution in the Tate network of galleries in England, which also includes Tate Modern, Tate Liverpool and Tate St Ives.


  1. London: 867 results
    1. Greenwich: 71 results
    2. Bromley: 33 results
    3. Kingston upon Thames: 26 results
    4. Westminster: 26 results
    5. NEW: Richmond: 24 results
    6. Bexley: 20 results
    7. Sutton: 13 results
    8. Havering: 12 results
    9. Merton: 12 results
    10. Newham: 10 results
      1. West Ham: 10 results
      2. East Ham: 5 results
    11. Croydon: 9 results
    12. Hounslow: 7 results
    13. Tower Hamlets: 7 results
    14. Hackney: 6 results
    15. Waltham Forest: 6 results
    16. Wandsworth: 5 results
    17. Camden: 4 results
    18. Ealing: 4 results
    19. Redbridge: 4 results
    20. Islington: 1 result

New York City

Image Statue Location ?
Cristofer Columbus Central Park Wendy A. MacLeod
Harriet Tubman Harlem Terry McMillan
Joan of Arc Eastside Marc Acito
Frederic Douglass New-York Historical Society Terry McMillan
Abraham Lincoln New-York Historical Society
George Washington Federal Hall Wendy A. MacLeod
Peter Stuyvesant New York Marc Acito
Statue of Abraham Lincoln Union Square
Robert Burns Central Park Wendy A. MacLeod

See image
Confucius Chinatown Jean Kwok