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Joseph David Hendrix
BornFebruary 25, 1984
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Residence Dayton, Ohio
Other namesJoe, Joey
OccupationSoftware Engineer
EmployerNorthrop Grumman
Political party
Nationality American
Home town Xenia, Ohio
Ethnicity German, Irish, 1/32nd Cherokee
Parent(s)Deborah Lee Hunter and David Morgan Hendrix (divorced)
Denomination1984 - 2012 Lutheran
2012 - Present Catholic
BaptisedApril 29, 1984
Wright State University
MS in Computer Science
July 26, 2018
Wright State University
BS in Computer Science
June 9, 2012
Sinclair Community College
AS in Automotive Technology
August 2005
Xenia High School
Diploma with Honors
May 29, 2002
Central Junior High School
Cox Elementary School
Around the Web
Social MediaFaceBook
Wright Statepeople.wright.edu
GitHub Pagehendrixjoseph.github.io

Joseph D Hendrix (born February 25, 1984) is the third and final child Deborah Lee Hunter and David Morgan Hendrix. His parents were divorced shorty before he was born. His mother and two older brothers moved from Michigan to his childhood home just south of Xenia, Ohio. Both his parents remarried and each parent had two more children.



"Joseph Hendrix['s] programming and computer skills are the envy of all." [1]

Quick Message


um. this is me, joe. i'm just experimenting with the me page right now.

Hendrixjoseph (talk) 01:57, 18 March 2009 (UTC)

10 years, 8 months and 27 days

Hendrixjoseph (talk) 14:14, 16 June 2015 (UTC)



Joseph means "God shall provide." I was born in St. Joseph Hospital. My paternal grandfather's first name was "Joe."

David means "beloved." My father's first name is David.

Hendrix is another spelling of Hendricks (which, by the way, people are always misspelling it as), which is short for Hendricksen. Hendricksen means "Son of Henry," and, where " Henry" means "king," thus making it mean "son of the king." "Hendrix"/"Hendricks"/"Hendricksen" come from "the pre 7th century German personal name 'Heim-ric', meaning 'home rule.'" [2]

Understanding that God is King, "Hendrix" can be understood to mean His son and thus, putting the names together, "Joseph David Hendrix" means "God will provide for His beloved son."

Personal Philosophies


My opinions and ideas on things are in a constant state of flux. They are extremely dependent on new information, data, and realizations.

My core philosophy is that anything I know may be wrong. This extends even to simple things, like "2+2=4", although I do find that unlikely. It also extends to itself - it is possible that everything I know is not wrong.



I believe in the essential elements of the Nicene Creed and Apostles' Creed - that there is one God, in the form of a Trinity. I'm not sure exactly what the Trinity is - the creeds state "God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit." I'm not sure if God is Trinity because that's just how he is or if that's how he chooses to be. Any attempt to explain the Trinity without inventing words - words such as consubstantial or even Trinity (which itself is an invented word - the concept but not the word exists in the Bible) - always fail. For instance, there's modalism, where God takes on one role at a time.

I do not believe the Bible to be inerrant or infallible in that it is free of error. It can be easily seen just by comparing the first two chapters of Genesis. The first chapter people are created on the sixth day ("Then God said: Let us make human beings in our image, after out likeness" Genesis 1:26). Not this is after God created plants on the third day ("Then God said: Let the earth bring forth vegetation" Genesis 1:11). In the second chapter, God creates the first man before any plants ("When the LORD God made the earth and the heavens - 5there was no field on earth and no grass of the field had sprouted, for the LORD God had sent no rain upon the earth and there was no man to till the ground" Genesis 2:4-5). I do think it is inspired by God, in particular the Holy Spirit. I'm not sure if other Holy Works, such as the Quran or Book of Mormon, are inspired as well.

The fact that there are many Christian denominations reminds me the the story of the Tower of Babel. I think there is a reason they exists, even if it makes no sense to us, in a similar reason as to why many languages exist.

I think most miracles have a rational explanation, but that they are miracles nonetheless. If God can do something within the rules of His Creation, then that is the way he will do it.



I'm Libertarian, meaning I believe in freedom. Essentially, I don't think the government should tell people what to do or how to live their lives. I'm a minarchist, which means minimum government, as opposed to an anarchist, which means no government. I don't think government is necessary, but rather inevitable - if the people don't form a government, then there will always be someone, some bully or group of bullies, that will try to impose their will on everyone else.

I take the rights listed from the United States Declaration of Independence - Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness - as if the order was intentional. That is, everyone has the right to life. Everyone has the right to liberty, so far as it does not restrict the life of others. And everyone has the right to the pursuit of happiness, so far as it does not restrict the liberty and life of others. For instance, you are not free to kill, and you cannot keep someone a slave if it makes you happy.



For every experiment, there is an infinite set of variables. Most of these variables are uncontrollable and change at every repeated experiment. For instance, each time someone does the same experiment, they're doing it at a different time, the Earth has changed in its orbit, and a different set of neutrinos are going through the experiment and experimenter. Most of the time, these variables do not change the outcome of a repeated experiment. But every now and then, they will - for instance, a neutrino might collide with the experiment, causing an unexpected and (almost) unrepeatable outcome.



I believe in treating everyone with respect, regardless if they deserve that respect.

Three Rules for telling a joke

  1. Never laugh at your own joke.
  2. Never explain a joke.
  3. If the joke is not funny, pretend as if it wasn't a joke to begin with.

Education History


Post-Secondary Education


Wright State University Master of Science


Computer Science

Summer Semester 2018
Course CEG 7370 Distributed Computing
Instructor Soon M. Chung (Google search)
Description Semaphores: weak and strong, split-binary, distributed. Distributed Algorithms. Communicating sequential processes. Distributed Tuple Space. Clients and servers, RPC, RMI, Hadoop.
Spring Semester 2018
Course CEG 6750 Information Security
Instructor Meilin Liu (Google search)
Description A comprehensive study of security vulnerabilities in information systems and the basic techniques for developing secure applications and practicing safe computing.
Fall Semester 2016
Course CS 7830 Machine Learning
Instructor Tanvi Banerjee (Google search)
Description Reviews the development of machine learning paradigms. Introductory topics include parameter adjustment methods, signature tables, and the application of genetic algorithms to artificial intelligence problem domains.
Summer Semester 2016
Course CS 7840 Soft Computing
Instructor John C. Gallagher (Google search)
Description This course explores soft computing from a historical, theoretical, and an application viewpoint. Techniques including evolutionary computation, neural computation, fuzzy set theory and approximate reasoning applied to problems in control, optimization, and classification are presented.
Spring Semester 2016
Course CS 7140 Advanced Software Engineering
Instructor Prabhaker Mateti (Google search)
Description This course covers advanced topics in software engineering. Aspects of problem specification, design, verification, and evaluation are discussed. We will focus on design methods, including software patterns and software architecture, plus some advanced topics involving formal methods of software specification or evaluation using software metrics. Students will participate in team projects to apply the methods discussed.
Fall Semester 2015
Course CS 7720 Data Mining
Instructor Eric Saunders (Rate My Professor page) (template)
Description Data mining is concerned with the extraction of novel and useful knowledge from large amounts of data. This course studies the fundamental and advanced concepts, principles, issues, tasks and techniques of data mining. Topics include data preparation, data mining for various knowledge types, data mining from various data types and applications, evaluation and validation, scalability.
Summer Semester 2015
Course CS 7700 Advanced Database Systems
Instructor Eric Saunders (Rate My Professor page) (template)
Description Introduction of design concepts, operating principles, current trends, and research issues in database systems.
Spring Semester 2015
Course CS 7220 Computability & Complexity
Instructor Thomas A. Sudkamp (Rate My Professor page) (template)
Description Fundamentals of computability theory. Undecidability. Time and space complexity. Cook's Theorem and NP completeness. Approximation strategies for intractable problems.
Fall Semester 2014
Course CS 6850 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
Instructor Nikolaos G. Bourbakis (Wikipedia page) (Rate My Professor page) (template)
Description Problem-solving methods in artificial intelligence (AI) with emphasis on heuristic approaches. Topics include knowledge representation, search, intelligent agents, planning, learning, natural language processing, logic, inference, robotics, and case-based reasoning.

Wright State University Bachelor of Science


Computer Science
Visualization Option
Mechanical Engineering (ME) Application Area
Graduated June 9, 2012

Spring Quarter 2012
Course CS 466 Introduction to Formal Languages
Instructor Krishnaprasad Thirunarayan (a.k.a. "T.K. Prasad") (Rate My Professor page) (template)
Description Introduction to the theory of formal languages and automata. Emphasis is on those classes of languages commonly encountered by computer scientists (e.g., regular and context-free languages).
Course CEG 481 Scientific Visualization & Virtual Environment
Instructor Thomas Wischgoll (Rate My Professor page) (template)
Description Covers various visualization approaches for different data types. These visualization approaches are discussed using real-world data sets. Different usage modalities will be discussed, including non-traditional input devices and display types.
Course CEG 479 Computer Animation
Instructor Thomas Wischgoll (Rate My Professor page) (template)
Description Covers transformations, interpolation, morphing, camera control, hierarchical kinematic modeling, rigid-body animation, controlling groups of objects, collision detection, image-based rendering. Students develop three programs and a final project relating to animation.
Winter Quarter 2012
Course CS 317 Applications of Numerical Methods for Computational Science
Instructor Ronald F. Taylor (Rate My Professor page) (template)
Description Applications of computing for solving scientific and engineering problems. Numerical solution of initial value and boundary value problems for ordinary and partial differential equations are covered. Applications involving numerical optimization methods are included.
Course CEG 477 Computer Graphics II
Instructor Thomas Wischgoll (Rate My Professor page) (template)
Description Continuation of CEG 476. Covers surface rendering, midden line and surface removal, illumination models, texture and mapping, color models, geometric modeling, and graphical interface design. Students develop programs and a final project.
Course EGR 335 Technical Communications for Engineers and Computer Scientists
Instructor Brandy Foster (Rate My Professor page) (template)
Description A modular approach to oral and written communication of complex technical information to an expert audience. Includes describing technical mechanisms and processes; designing and using tables, graphs, charts, and figures; producing technical proposals, progress reports, feasibility reports, and formal reports; and doing technical briefings.
Course ME 317 Fluid Dynamics
Instructor Chung-Jen John Tam (Rate My Professor page) (template)
Description Study of fluid properties, fluid statics, incompressible flows, real fluid flows, and flow measurement.
Fall Quarter 2011
Course CS 316 Survey of Numerical Methods for Computation Science
Instructor Michael Linger (Rate My Professor page) (template)
Description Introduction to numerical methods used in the sciences. Methods of interpolation, data smoothing, functional approximation, integration, solutions of systems of equations, and solutions of ordinary differential equations.
Course CEG 476 Computer Graphics
Instructor Thomas Wischgoll (Rate My Professor page) (template)
Description Contents: raster graphics algorithms, geometric primitives and their attributes, clipping, anialiasing, geometric transformations, structures and hierarchical models, input devices, and interactive techniques. Students develop interrelated programs to design a three-dimensional hierarchical model, manipulate, and view it.
Course CHM 121 Submicroscopic Chemistry
Instructor Regis B Komperda (Google search)
Description Structure and properties of atoms and molecules and the macroscopic consequences thereof.
Summer Quarter 2011
Course CS 480 Comparative Languages
Instructor Krishnaprasad Thirunarayan (a.k.a. "T.K. Prasad") (Rate My Professor page) (template)
Description Basic concepts and special-purpose facilities in programming languages examined through several representative languages.
Course ME 315 Thermodynamics I
Instructor H. Daniel Young (template)
Description Classical thermodynamics which focuses on thermodynamic properties of fluids, conservation of mass, conservation of energy, and the second law of thermodynamics. These principles are applied to engineering problems.
Spring Quarter 2011
Course CS 415 Social Implications of Computing
Instructor Leo Finkelstein, Jr. (template)
Description Examines the impact of computers and computing on society. Topics include privacy, dangers introduced by computers performing critical tasks, the effect of robots on the work force, the impact of computers on education, and the new legal issues introduced by computing.
Course CS 214 Visual Basic Programming
Instructor Eric Saunders (Rate My Professor page) (template)
Description An introductory course to the use of graphic objects in a windows event-driven environment providing a case study of object-oriented programming with Visual Basic in Microsoft Windows to develop simple graphic user interfaces. Need to be familiar with programming concepts.
Course CEG 460 Introduction to Software Engineering
Instructor Nikolaos G. Bourbakis (Wikipedia page) (Rate My Professor page) (template)
Description Concepts of software engineering. Analysis, design, and implementation of software engineering concepts that comprise structured programming and design. Case studies serve as examples illustrating the software life-cycle model.
Course ME 213 Dynamics
Instructor James J. Olsen (a.k.a. "Jim") (Rate My Professor page) (template)
Description Vector treatment of the kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies, based on Newton's laws and including work-energy and impulse-momentum techniques.
Winter Quarter 2011
Course ME 212 Statics
Instructor Victor Y. Perel (Google search)
Description Forces, resultants, components, equilibrium of particles, equilibrium of rigid bodies, centroids and centers of gravity, analysis of structures, friction, and moments of inertia.
Course PHY 244 General Physics
Instructor Jerry D. Clark (template)
Description Introductory survey of thermodynamics, oscillations and waves, sounds, fluids, gravity, and optics.
Course WMS 200 Approaches to Women's Studies
Instructor Prathim Maya Dora-Laskey (Google search)
Description Introduces historical and contemporary feminist thought and explores the importance of gender as a category of analysis to understand social, cultural, political, and economic forces.
Course HPR 100 Hiking
Instructor Barbara A. Hartman (Google search)
Fall Quarter 2010
Course CS 405 Introduction to Data Base Management Systems
Instructor Keke Chen (template)
Description Survey of logical and physical aspects of database management systems, including entity-relationship and relational data models; physical implementation methods; query languages; SQL, relational algebra, relational calculus, and QBE; experience in creating and manipulating databases.
Course ME 102 Engineering Programming with MATLAB
Instructor Rory Andrew Roberts (Google search)
Description Introduces a broad range of programming concepts using Matlab. Covers concepts such as functions, loops, logic control, graphical user interface generation, computer IO, and communication between disparate languages.
Course MTH 253 Elementary Matrix Algebra
Instructor Phan Loi (template)
Description Elementary course in matrix theory covering matrices, linear equations, determinants, linear transformations, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors.
Course PHY 242 General Physics
Instructor Jerry D. Clark (template)
Description Introductory survey of electricity and magnetism. Uses calculus in interpreting physical phenomena. Topics include electric field and potential, currents, DC circuits, magnetic fields, and Faraday's law.
Summer Quarter 2010
Course CEG 433 Operating Systems
Instructor Bin Wang (template)
Description Overview of operating systems internals. File-system usage and design, process usage and control, virtual memory, multi user systems, access control. Course projects use C++ language.
Course MTH 231 Calculus III
Instructor Chao Cheng Huang (a.k.a. "黄超成") (template)
Description Applications of the definite integral, polar coordinates, and parametric equations. Infinite series, power series, and vector algebra in the plane and space.
Spring Quarter 2010
Course CS 400 Data Structures and Algorithms
Instructor Guozhu Dong (template)
Description Study of the implementation of data structures and control structures in professional computer programs. Introduction to the fundamentals of complexity and analysis. Study of common standard problems and solutions (e.g., transitive closure and critical path). Emphasis on high-level language software design.
Course CEG 320 Computer Organization
Instructor Michael L. Raymer (Rate My Professor page) (template)
Description Organizational and sequential operation of digital computers. Program control, memory organization and hierarchy, stacks and parameter passing, interrupts and traps, I/O devices, program structure, machine code and assembly language.
Course MTH 230 Calculus II
Instructor Anthony B. Evans (Google search)
Description Definite integral, antiderivatives, fundamental theorem of calculus. Derivatives of logarithmic, exponential, and inverse trigonometric functions. L'Hoital's rule. Integration techniques. Applications of the definite integral.
Course PHY 240 General Physics
Instructor Michael I. Wier (Google search)
Description Introductory survey of mechanics for science and engineering students. Introduces the use of calculus in interpreting physical phenomena. Topics include vectors, kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum, rotation, and statics.
Winter Quarter 2010
Course CS 302 Introduction to Oracle/SQL Databases
Instructor Karen Meyer (Rate My Professor page) (template)
Description Relational client server database design and access techniques. Includes building database tables, writing SQL statements/programs, and developing user interfaces and reports for data retrieval using the internet.
Course MTH 229 Calculus I
Instructor Lop-Fat Ho (Rate My Professor page) (template)
Description Conic sections, functions, limits, continuity, the derivative, derivatives of algebraic and trigonometric functions, and applications of the derivative.
Course ART 214 Visual Art in Western Culture
Instructor Frank O. Eguaroje (Google search)
Description Introduction to the visual arts focusing on selected major works of art throughout history. Discusses comparisons across time, basic art media, and the formal characteristics of art.
Course CST 232 Comparative Nonwestern Religions
Instructor Judson B. Murray (Google search)
Description An introduction to the academic study of some of the major non-Western religious traditions of the world, examining their historical development, fundamental doctrines and beliefs, practices, institutions, and cultural expressions.
Fall Quarter 2009
Course CS 242 Computer Programming III
Instructor Mateen M. Rizki (Google search)
Description Advanced concepts of computer programming are explored. Emphasis is on use of data structures and tools that facilitate programming.
Course CEG 210 PC Networking I
Instructor Chris P. Fickert (Google search)
Description Introduction to PC networking hardware, concepts, and technologies. Focus is on LAN administration and hardware and software configuration using in class hands-on exercises. Internet resources, from the PC network perspective, are utilized.
Course MTH 131 Trigonometry
Instructor Alexander J. Kaplan (Google search)
Description Trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions.
Course HST 101 Ancient and Medieval Europe
Instructor Gregory Matthew Adkins (Google search)
Description Examination of the character of the premodern world from prehistory through the 14th century with special attention to those aspects of ancient and medieval life that had the greatest effect on the development of Western society, politics, and culture.
Spring Quarter 2009
Course CS 241 Computer Programming II
Instructor Travis E. Doom (Google search)
Description A continuation of CS 240. Emphasis is on solving more complex problems using object oriented programming.
Course CEG 233 Linux and Windows
Instructor Prabhaker Mateti (Google search)
Description Linux and Windows; GUI; files, directories, permissions; programs, processes; system calls, libraries; loading; dynamic linking; command line shells; scripting languages; regular expressions; clients and servers; Web browsers; secure shell, sftp; SSl/TSL; system administration.
Course MTH 130 Precalculus
Instructor Linda A Snellings (Google search)
Description Functions and graphs, polynomial and rational functions, conics, systems of equations, exponential and logarithmic functions, geometric series, binomial theorem.
Winter Quarter 2009
Course CS 240 Computer Programming I
Instructor Vanessa Lynn Starkey (Google search)
Description Basic concepts of programming and programming languages are introduced. Emphasis is on problem solving and object oriented programming.
Course EC 200 Economic Life
Instructor D.R. Fannin (Google search)
Description Introduction to basic economic concepts such as resource allocation, costs, supply, demand, and public goods. Topics include American capitalism, market failures, unemployment, inflation, and taxation.
Course ENG 102 Writing in Academic Discourse
Instructor Stephanie Jo Dickey (Google search)
Description Adapts principles introduced in ENG 101 to typical university writing tasks. Stresses writing effectively within various contexts, reading critically, and using source materials effectively in argumentative and research writing.
Fall Quarter 2008
Course MTH 257 Discrete Math for Computing
Instructor Xiaoyu Liu (Google search)
Description Discrete mathematics useful in computing. Emphasis on mathematical induction, recurrence relations, asymptotic behavior of functions, and algorithm analysis.
Course PLS 200 Political Life
Instructor Elizabeth Carol Brads (Google search)
Description Examination of political power relationships in contemporary society. Emphasizes the origins and forms of power and the key social structures exercising power with contemporary public issues. Provides case studies of the consequences of political relationships.
Course SOC 200 Social Life
Instructor Azadeh Jahanbegloo (Google search)
Description Introduction to the processes through which individuals become members of groups, organizations, institutions, and societies, and how human social interactions lead to changes in social life and structures.

Sinclair Community College Associate of Applied Science


Automotive Technology
Graduated August 2005

Spring Quarter 2005
Course AUT 215 Auto Service Operations
Course AUT 115 Engine Performance I
Course AUT 111 Automotive Management
Winter Quarter 2005
Course AUT 165 Auto Brake Systems
Course AUT 125 Electrical / Electronic II
Course AUT 108 Engine Systems

Public Education


Xenia High School


Attended school here from eleventh grade until I graduated with honors in 2012. "Graduated with honors" mostly means I have a golden sticker on my diploma that says "With Honors."

I actually started at Sinclair while I was in high school (senior year I believe). Really, it was just one class that was a part of an engineering class I took both my junior and senior year.

Central Junior High School


I attended this school from seventh grade through ninth grade. In the seventh grade I was in honors math, but felt I could be in the more advanced math. In the final quarter of the year, I was both in seventh-grade math and eight-grade math. I "failed" eight-grade math with a B, but was allowed to take ninth-grade math (Algebra I) in eight grade anyway.

A year or so after I completed ninth grade, Central Junior High School was renamed Central Middle School.

Cox Elementary School


I attended this school from kindergarten to sixth grade. I was in the XTAR program starting in the fourth grade. Coincidentally, I got my first "B" in fourth grade - before that I got only "A's" or, if the grading system did not use the normal letter system, whatever the highest mark was (I think it was "S" for Satisfactory in kindergarten).

Notable Ancestors




World War II

Gilbert Hunter
Born November 4, 1907
Roane County, Tennessee
Died October 22, 1986
New Lebanon, Montgomery County, Ohio
Allegiance  United States of America
Service/branch United States Army
Rank Private First Class
Spouse(s) Beverly Sara Anderson

Civil War

John E Miles
Born August 16, 1832
Roane County, Tennessee
Died March 31, 1904
Roane County, Tennessee
Allegiance  Union
Rank Private
Unit Co. C, 7th Tennessee Regiment Infantry
Spouse(s) Susan Hughs Thomas
Nancy Jane Shubert
William Zenos Thoroman
Born March 4, 1827
Died January 29, 1900
Buried at Jacksonville Cemetery, Jacksonville, Adams County, Ohio [3]
Allegiance  Union
Years of service September 8, 1864 - June 3, 1865
Rank Private
Unit Co. H, 182nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry [4]
Spouse(s) Susan Thomas




Richard McGee
Born 1837
Spouse(s) Rebecca Elder
Rebecca Elder
Born 1837
Spouse(s) Richard McGee
James Anderson
Born August 1838
Spouse(s) Sarah A


George Genslinger
Born June 1821
Bavaria, Germany
Died April 29, 1874
Miami County, Ohio
Spouse(s) Barbara Anna
Barbara Anna
Born May 3, 1822
Bavaria, Germany
Died April 19, 1898
Miami County, Ohio
Spouse(s) George Genslinger
Henry Specht
Born 1824
Braunschweig, Germany
Spouse(s) Rachel



Publications & Projects


Current Projects


FamilyTree Web App & Database


FamilyTree is a simple web application using JavaServerFaces, Java EE, and a SQL database to load, display, edit, and examine a family tree. It was initially created as a project for CS7700 Advanced Database Systems at Wright State, and is currently being used for CS7720 Data Mining at the same school.

Jekyll Blog @ GitHub


Previously known a "Joe's GitHub Blog", I rebranded the site in August of 2019 to "JoeHx Blog" in addition to buying a domain from Google.

The old domain was https://hendrixjoseph.github.io/, which will provide a 301 redirect to the new domain at https://www.joehxblog.com.

Puppy Snuggles Blog


Puppy Snuggles is a blog / web design project. The blog part is just articles (blog posts) about dog-related topics. There's also a t-shirt section and a shopping section.

Defunct Projects


Some of the following no longer exist on the net. If they are on the Wayback Machine then they will link to the most recent page there.



Hendrices.com at the Wayback Machine (archived December 28, 2011). This mostly served as my blog from 2009 to 2012 (I think). The most recent archive in the Wayback Machine appears to be 2011, though.

I was the web director for most of the time I was in "WEC" as well as the Treasurer or "Director of Finance" for a single school year. This was during my undergrad at Wright State. Apparently the web site hasn't been updated since I graduated in 2012, and today's date is June 15, 2015. I probably could change it if I remembered how to log in. I also started the WEC Facebook page but it is pretty much dead now too. There is also a WEC Facebook group that I am a member of, but I did not create it.

Joe Hendrix World


This was a simple portfolio page I made while I was still living at home (maybe still in high school even - Netcraft says that the date first seen - the url http://www.joehendrixworld.com - was October 2001). The site really wasn't at "www.joehendrixworld.com" but rather at "www.geocities.com/jhw45385". I used some free service that allowed me to have one domain with one page that could point anywhere.

Wayback Machine didn't seem to archive it -

Mentions in Publications


The complete quote seen at the top of this page is "The computational effort would have never been successful without the daily support of Joseph Hendrix whose programming and computer skills are the envy of all." When I interned at AFIT I helped the writer complete his master's. Supposedly he also submitted a paper with my name as one of the authors, but I have been unable to find that paper.

Templates used or modified on this page


Wikipedia Templates


Template:Birth_date_and_age (which is part of the "Infobox person" template)

Custom Templates


User:Hendrixjoseph/Ancestor Box
User:Hendrixjoseph/User Box
User:Hendrixjoseph/User Box/School Info
User:Hendrixjoseph/Advanced Birth Date
User:Hendrixjoseph/School Year
User:Hendrixjoseph/School Year/Term

Custom Templates No Longer in Use


These may be deleted in the future via deleting page in user space.

User:Hendrixjoseph/Ancestor Box/Table/Row (currently redirects to User:Hendrixjoseph/Table/Row)


  1. ^ Ekholm, Jared (March 2012). 3-D Scene Reconstruction from Aerial Imagery (PDF) (Master of Science in Applied Physics thesis). p. xiii.
  2. ^ "Hendrix Last Name Origin". Surname Database. Name Origin Research.
  3. ^ Dave (October 14, 2007). "Pvt William Zenos Thoroman (1827 - 1900)". Find a Grave. {{cite web}}: External link in |last= (help)CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  4. ^ 182nd Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry (PDF) (Report). p. 686. Mustered out June 3, 1865 at Nashville, Tenn. by order of War Department