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  • List of properties sultan Baybars distributed among his his amirs in 1265.


  • Ibn al-Furat (1971). Jonathan Riley-Smith (ed.). Ayyubids, Mamluks and Crusaders: Selections from the "Tarikh Al-duwal Wal-muluk" of Ibn Al-Furat : the Text, the Translation. Vol. 2. Translation by Malcolm Cameron Lyons, Ursula Lyons. Cambridge: W. Heffer. pp. 208-210

  • Beyer, G. ‘Das Gebiet der Kreuzfahrerherrschaft Caesarea siedlungs- und territorialgeschichtlich untersucht’, in Zeitschrift des deutschen Palastinavereins, LIX (1936). pp. 1-91
  • Beyer, G. Die Kreuzfahrergebiete Sudwestpalästinas’, Beitrage zur biblischen Landes- und Altertumskunde, LXVIII (1951). pp. 152-8, 178-84, 277-9
  • Abel, F.-M. (1939–40). "La Liste des Donations des Baibars en Palestine d'apres la Charte de 663 H. (1265)". Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society. XIX: 38–44.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: date format (link)

The list

  1. User:Huldra/HA#p.137, Ifrasin, Firasin
  2. Akhsas??
  3. Ar'ara
  4. Attil
  5. Baqa al-Gharbiyye
  6. Baqa ash-Sharqiyya
  7. Burayka
  8. Zemer Ibthan
  9. [[]]
  10. Burin : Fr. Casal Neuf : mod. Khirbat Burin, according to map West of 33, Tulkarm, Kh Burin, Bir Burin 148/190?
  11. Fr. Tour Rouge al-Burj al-Ahmar. according to map West of 10, Kh. al Burj 145/191 Burgata commons Dauphin, p. 761, Guerin, 1875, p. 349, SWP II, 178, Pringle 1983, El Burj El Ahmar, Pringle, 1997, pp. 38 39 destroyed by the Mamluks in 1265
  12. Deir al-Ghusun
  13. Dhinnaba
  14. Far'un
  15. Fardisya, according to map just SW of 14, Far'un
  16. Hableh
  17. Hanuta : Fr. ? : mod. Khirbat Hanuta. According to map S, SW of 32, Tayibe 148/180
  18. Illar, Tulkarm
  19. Irtah
  20. Jaljulia
  21. Al-Jalama, Tulkarm
  22. Kafr Ra'i
  23. Kasfa: Fr.?: mod. Khirbat Kasfa. According to map S, SE of 16, Hableh
  24. Qaffin
  25. Qalansawe
  26. [[]]
  27. Iktaba
  28. Seida, Tulkarm
  29. Khirbat al-Sarkas??? al-Sair al-Fauqa : al-Sufra : Fr. ? : mod. al-Sufra. According to map S of Caesarea
  30. Shweikah
  31. Tubras, according to map just NE of 28, Seida, Tulkarm, Jami Tubrus, on 165/200??
  32. Tayibe Tayyibat al-Ism : Fr. ? : mod. Tayyibat al-Ism. According to map just SE of 25, Qalansawe
  33. Tulkarm
  34. Umm al-Fahm
  35. Zemer Yamma
  36. Zeita, Tulkarm According to map just NE of 8, Zemer Ibthan: OK