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The Civil War


The First battle of Bull run, and the second,

This was the first confederate Victory, it was in 1860-61
This is the union tearing up the railroad tracks
This is the confederate artillery
This is the union army training for battle.
A cannon

This was the first Battle in the Civil War Won by the confederates they also won the second bull run , it all started here when the confederates thought they were not treated fairly and this made them mad , they separated from the union and they called them selves the confederate states of America, this started here at Virginia, were union forces and confederate forces training young men but the union failed to give the union forces better training , because of that they lost and lost many more battles but they won the battle of Gettysburg witch is said to be the turning point for the civil war . but that's another story. Second Bull Run once again the union try once again but the same thing happens it was a confederate victory again . and again and again .

The Battle of Hampton roads


The Union was very worried about the south's new ironclad, The Merrimack a Union boat .left for the south to take after Virginia seceding from the Union ,

This is the two ironclads battling . Though they were metal you can still die inside it, from splinters the size of your foot and fingers.

they found the boat just sinking going into the waves , With the Merrimack for the south, they immediately started build when orders came that to make the boat with iron !.

it burned to the ground
The Congress burning on fire after The attack
March 1862, the new CSS Virginia was ready to attack the Union fleet stationed in Hampton Roads near Fortress Monroe. On March 8th,the Virginia went down the Elizabeth River into the roadstead where she sank The USS Cumberland and ran USS Congress aground and set her fire

Everybody knew what Mallory was making . the Ironclad a deadly boat armored in iron , these kind of boats can destroy forts (((that are wood))). When they were done with the task they launched .For Hampton road[1]s , there captain is Franklin Buchanan , They arrived at Hampton roads, Because the Virginia arrived early they started to attack union boats ((wood boats)) like the USS Cumberland and the congress ,The Virginia Set fire to there cannon balls and launched them at the congress while it was burning they rammed the Cumberland . and sunk it , Just three days later The Monitor comes into the shore and starts firing on the Virginia , then the Virginia fires back but no deaths on both sides the ironclads work and Victory for both sides The south sunk two union ships, and the monitor worked . They would never have a rematch again, because the Virginia was too light when they threw all the cargo out and they blew up there own ship, the monitor was at sea were its not supposed to be, when its at sea it sinks , they battled at the shallows were the Virginia could not get them,


This is a civil war cannon it is located around Pennsylvania Gettysburg
This is Gettysburg Pensilvania today

Now we come to Gettysburg, the first union victory of the civil war , the union arrived at the hill were a small town called Gettysburg, the union arrived first

this time they were prepared, and battle ready , this they stood waiting for the confederates ,

the confederates had the bad idea of charging , when the cannons stopped , the confederates charged for victory

only to meet the cannons again , they union had been pretending so the confederates come to them , this is how the union won Gettysburg . the confederates surrendered , but some of them escaped, so the confederates lived on until 1865, this next battle would be Vicksburg

this is the picture of the vicks burg statue


this is a picture of Grants statue

The Union's plan was to attack confederate Mississippi ,

this time the union brought lots of grenades, shelled cannonballs , and more men .

, it was so fierce the people of Vicksburg had to go into there bomb shelters,

both sides waiting for each other to attack, waiting in there trenches waiting for each side to surrender , but the union was better prepared , and better armed to attack,

this led to victory for the union another victory for the union and for most part almost winning the war.

  1. ^ "USS Montitor".