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User:MalnadachBot/Task 12/1201-1250

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1201) font color 6 digit hex with #

\< *font +color *\= *\" *(\#[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]) *\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="color:$1;">$2</span>

1202) font color 3 digit hex with #

\< *font +color *\= *\" *(\#[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]) *\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="color:$1;">$2</span>

1203) font color 6 digit hex without #

\< *font +color *\= *\" *([0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]) *\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="color:#$1;">$2</span>

1204) font color 3 digit hex without #

\< *font +color *\= *\" *([0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]) *\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="color:#$1;">$2</span>

1205) font color basic colors

\< *font +color *\= *\" *(white|silver|gray|black|red|maroon|yellow|olive|lime|green|aqua|teal|blue|navy|fuchsia|purple) *\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="color:$1;">$2</span>

1206) font color pink extented colors

\< *font +color *\= *\" *(mediumvioletred|deeppink|palevioletred|hotpink|lightpink|pink) *\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="color:$1;">$2</span>

1207) font color red extended colors

\< *font +color *\= *\" *(darkred|firebrick|crimson|indianred|lightcoral|salmon|darksalmon|lightsalmon) *\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="color:$1;">$2</span>

1208) font color orange extended colors

\< *font +color *\= *\" *(orangered|tomato|darkorange|coral|orange) *\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="color:$1;">$2</span>

1209) font color yellow extended colors

\< *font +color *\= *\" *(darkkhaki|gold|khaki|peachpuff|palegoldenrod|moccasin|papayawhip|lightgoldenrodyellow|lemonchiffon|lightyellow) *\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="color:$1;">$2</span>

1210) font color brown extended colors

\< *font +color *\= *\" *(brown|saddlebrown|sienna|chocolate|darkgoldenrod|peru|rosybrown|goldenrod|sandybrown|tan|burlywood|wheat|navajowhite|bisque|blanchedalmond|cornsilk) *\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="color:$1;">$2</span>

1211) font color green extended colors

\< *font +color *\= *\" *(darkgreen|darkolivegreen|forestgreen|seagreen|olivedrab|mediumseagreen|limegreen|springgreen|mediumspringgreen|darkseagreen|mediumaquamarine|yellowgreen|lawngreen|chartreuse|lightgreen|greenyellow|palegreen) *\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="color:$1;">$2</span>

1212) font color purple extended colors

\< *font +color *\= *\" *(indigo|darkmagenta|darkviolet|darkslateblue|blueviolet|darkorchid|magenta|slateblue|mediumslateblue|mediumorchid|mediumpurple|orchid|violet|plum|thistle|lavender) *\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="color:$1;">$2</span>

1213) font color white extended colors

\< *font +color *\= *\" *(mistyrose|antiquewhite|linen|beige|whitesmoke|lavenderblush|oldlace|aliceblue|seashell|ghostwhite|honeydew|floralwhite|azure|mintcreme|snow|ivory) *\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="color:$1;">$2</span>

1214) font color gray extended colors

\< *font +color *\= *\" *(darkslategray|dimgray|slategray|grey|lightslategray|darkgray|lightgray|gainsboro) *\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="color:$1;">$2</span>

1215) font color cyan extended colors

\< *font +color *\= *\" *(darkcyan|lightseagreen|cadetblue|darkturquoise|mediumturquoise|turquoise|cyan|aquamarine|paleturquoise|lightcyan) *\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="color:$1;">$2</span>

1216) font color blue extended colors

\< *font +color *\= *\" *(darkblue|mediumblue|midnightblue|royalblue|steelblue|dodgerblue|deepskyblue|cornflowerblue|skyblue|lightskyblue|lightsteelblue|lightblue|powderblue) *\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="color:$1;">$2</span>

1217) font face color 6 digit hex without #

\<font +face *\= *\"([\w \,]+)\" *color *\= *\"([0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f])\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="font-family:$1; color:#$2;">$3</span>

1218) font face color 6 digit hex with #

\<font +face *\= *\"([\w \,]+)\" *color *\= *\"(\#[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f])\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="font-family:$1; color:$2;">$3</span>

1219) font face color 3 digit hex without #

\<font +face *\= *\"([\w \,]+)\" *color *\= *\"([0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f])\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="font-family:$1; color:#$2;">$3</span>

1220) font face color 3 digit hex with #

\<font +face *\= *\"([\w \,]+)\" *color *\= *\"(\#[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f])\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="font-family:$1; color:$2;">$3</span>

1221) font color 3 digit hex with # and face

\<font +color *\= *\"(\#[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f])\" *face *\= *\"([\w \,]+)\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="color:$1; font-family:$2;">$3</span>

1222) font color 3 digit hex without # and face

\<font +color *\= *\"([0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f])\" *face *\= *\"([\w \,]+)\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="color:#$1; font-family:$2;">$3</span>

1223) font color 6 digit hex with # and face

\<font +color *\= *\"(\#[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f])\" *face *\= *\"([\w \,]+)\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="color:$1; font-family:$2;">$3</span>

1224) font color 6 digit hex without # and face

\<font +color *\= *\"([0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f])\" *face *\= *\"([\w \,]+)\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="color:#$1; font-family:$2;">$3</span>

1225) font face

\<font +face *\= *\"([\w \,]+)\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="font-family:$1;">$2</span>

1226) font size 1

\<font +size *\= *\"1\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="font-size:x-small;">$1</span>

1227) font size 2

\<font +size *\= *\"2\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="font-size:small;">$1</span>

1228) font size 3

\<font +size *\= *\"3\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="font-size:medium;">$1</span>

1229) font size 4

\<font +size *\= *\"4\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="font-size:large;">$1</span>

1230) font size 5

\<font +size *\= *\"5\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="font-size:x-large;">$1</span>

1231) font size 6

\<font +size *\= *\"6\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="font-size:xx-large;">$1</span>

1232) font size 7

\<font +size *\= *\"7\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/ *font *\>

is replaced with

<span style="font-size:xxx-large;">$1</span>

1233) font style

\<font style *\= *\"([^"]+?)\" *\>([\w (),?[\.!@#$%^*'";:{}|+]+)\<\/font\>

is replaced with

<span style="$1">$2</span>

1234) User:Active Banana

Fix 1 missing end tag and 4 obsolete html tag errors

Full signature - [[Special:Contributions/Active_Banana|''<font color="black">Active</font>'']] [[User:Active Banana|<font color="gold">'''Banana</font>''']] <font color="gold"> ''' ('''</font> [[User talk:Active Banana|<font color="gold">''bananaphone''</font>]]

[[Special:Contributions/Active_Banana|''<font color="black">Active</font>'']] [[User:Active Banana|<font color="gold">'''Banana</font>''']] <font color="gold"> ''' ('''</font> [[User talk:Active Banana|<font color="gold">''bananaphone''</font>]]

is replaced with

[[Special:Contributions/Active_Banana|''<span style="color:black;">Active</span>'']] [[User:Active Banana|<span style="color:gold;">'''Banana'''</span>]] <span style="color:gold;"> ''' ('''</span> [[User talk:Active Banana|<span style="color:gold;">''bananaphone''</span>]]

1235) User:BlueAg09

Fix 1 missing end tag and 1 obsolete html tag errors

Full signature - <span style="background-color: navy; color: white">[[User:BlueAg09|'''<font color="white">Blue</font>'''</span><span style="background-color: maroon; color: white">'''Ag09''']]</span> ([[User talk:BlueAg09|Talk]])

<span style="background-color: navy; color: white">[[User:BlueAg09|'''<font color="white">Blue</font>'''</span><span style="background-color: maroon; color: white">'''Ag09''']]</span>

is replaced with

[[User:BlueAg09|'''<span style="background-color:navy; color:white;">Blue</span><span style="background-color:maroon; color:white;">Ag09</span>''']]

1236) strike strike

Fix 1 obsolete html tag error


is replaced with


1237) ''Center tag in footer parameter of US Census population template

Fix 1 obsolete html tag error

(\| *footnote *\= *)\<center\>([a-zA-Z0-9\. <=">{|:\/,}]+)\<\/center\>

is replaced with


1238) The Encyclopedia of Popular Music

Fix 1 missing end tag error

(rev[0-9] *\= *)(\[\[The Encyclopedia of Popular Music\]\]\'\')

is replaced with


1239) Tech News 2019-03

Fix 2 missing end tag errors≈

(\* \[\[File\:Octicons-sync\.svg\|12px\|link\=\|Recurrent item\]\] The \[\[mw\:MediaWiki 1\.33\/wmf\.13\|new version\]\] of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki\.org from January 15)( \<section end\=\"technews-2019-W03\"\/\> [0-9][0-9]\:[0-9][0-9], 14 January 2019 \(UTC\))

is replaced with


1240) ACMajority

Fix 2 missing end tag errors

\'\'( *\{\{ *ACMajority *\|[^}]+\}\} *)\'\'

is replaced with


1241) User:Essjay

Fix 2 missing end tag errors

Full signature - [[User:Essjay|'''Essjay]] [[Wikipedia:Esperanza|·]] [[User_talk:Essjay| Talk''']]

[[User:Essjay|'''Essjay]] [[Wikipedia:Esperanza|·]]  [[User_talk:Essjay| Talk''']]

is replaced with

'''[[User:Essjay|Essjay]] [[Wikipedia:Esperanza|·]]  [[User_talk:Essjay| Talk]]'''

1242) User:PC-XT

Fix 1 obsolete html tag error

Full signature - <tt>[[User:PC-XT|—PC]][[User talk:PC-XT|-XT]][[Special:Contribs/PC-XT|+]]</tt>

<tt>[[User:PC-XT|—PC]][[User talk:PC-XT|-XT]][[Special:Contribs/PC-XT|+]]</tt>

is replaced with

<span style="font-family:monospace, monospace;">[[User:PC-XT|—PC]][[User talk:PC-XT|-XT]][[Special:Contribs/PC-XT|+]]</span>

1243) User:Madman

Fix 1 obsolete html tag error

Full signature - <strong><tt>[[User talk:Madman|madman]]</tt></strong>

<tt>[[User talk:Madman|madman]]</tt>

is replaced with

<span style="font-family:monospace, monospace;">[[User talk:Madman|madman]]</span>

1244) Links for Wikipedians interested in India content

Fix 1 obsolete html tag error

<center>'''Links for Wikipedians interested in India content'''</center>

is replaced with

{{center|'''Links for Wikipedians interested in India content'''}}

1245) This image may be deleted

Fix 1 obsolete html tag error

<center><big>This image may be '''deleted'''.</big>

is replaced with

{{center|{{big|This image may be '''deleted'''.}}}}


<center><big>This media may be '''deleted'''.</big>

is replaced with

{{center|{{big|This media may be '''deleted'''.}}}}


<center><big>This image may be '''deleted'''.</big></center>

is replaced with

{{center|{{big|This image may be '''deleted'''.}}}}


<center><big>This media may be '''deleted'''.</big></center>

is replaced with

{{center|{{big|This media may be '''deleted'''.}}}}

1246) Misnested i u

Fix 1 misnested tag error

\<i\>\<u\>([0-9a-z \.,]*)\<\/i\>\<\/u\>

is replaced with


1247) Misnested u b

Fix 1 misnested tag error

\<u\>\<b\>([0-9a-z \.,]*)\<\/u\>\<\/b\>

is replaced with


1248) Misnested b u

Fix 1 misnested tag error

\<b\>\<u\>([0-9a-z \.,]*)\<\/b\>\<\/u\>

is replaced with


1249) Misnested i b

Fix 1 misnested tag error

\<i\>\<b\>([0-9a-z \.,]*)\<\/i\>\<\/b\>

is replaced with


1250) Misnested b i

Fix 1 misnested tag error

\<b\>\<i\>([0-9a-z \.,]*)\<\/b\>\<\/i\>

is replaced with
