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User:Mhatopzz/List of sultan of Aceh

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Sultan of Acèh Darussalam
Flag of the Sultanate of Aceh
Alauddin Muhammad Da'ud Syah II, last sultan of Aceh
First monarchAli Mughayat Syah
Last monarchAlauddin Muhammad Da'ud Syah II
Formationc. 1514
Abolition10 January 1903

The monarchs of Aceh were the Muslim rulers that ruled Aceh, some parts of Sumatra, and the Malayan peninsula from 1514 to its conquest and the subsequent capture of the last sultan by the Dutch authorities in 1903. The rulers of Aceh came from different dynasties and different genders as there were male rulers (Sulṭān) and female rulers (Sulṭānah).[1]



Aceh sultanate was one of the earliest Muslim kingdom in pre-colonial Nusantara since the spread of Islam, existing alongside the Sultanate of Malacca, Sultanate of Mataram, Sultanate of Ternate, and the Sultanate of Banten.

The origins of Aceh are disputed. According to the Hikayat Aceh two bidadaris (heavenly nymphs) married two princely brothers from Lamuri and gave rise to the royal dynasty. Other stories speak of Minangkabau, Arab or even Seljuq origins for the royal line. According to the Sejarah Melayu a prince of Champa called Syah Poling (Pau Ling), the son of the King of Champa Syah Pau Kubah, fled Champa when the Le dynasty sacked the capital, Vijaya in 1471. He founded the royal line in Aceh.[2]

The first sultan of Aceh was Ali Mughayat Syah who reigned between 1514 to 1530. Although the time when Sultan Ali Mughayat Syah came to the throne is not certain, later chronicles give him 15, 16, or 18 years which would place his accession at c. 1512–1515.[3] He may have reigned earlier than that since his reign reportedly overlapped with that of Sultan Ma'arif Syah of Pidie (d. 1511).

Sultan Zainul Abidin of Aceh was the last sultan of Aceh from the dynasy of Meukuta Alam, the descendants of Sultan Ali Mughayat Syah.[4] Zainul Abidin was replaced by Alauddin Mansur Syah from a Malay Perak dynasty, he reigned from 5 October 1579 to 1585/1586. He married Abdul Khana who was either the widow of a previous sultan or a relative of the Ali Ri'ayat Syah I family, after he brought him to Aceh. After the death of Zainul Abidin, there were probably no more adult descendants of Ali Mughayat Syah. As a descendant of the old Melaka sultans, Prince Mansur was considered eligible. He was placed on the throne under the name Sultan Alauddin Mansur Syah, in about October 1579.[5]

Another Sultan who did not belong to the Ali Mughayat Syah dynasty (Meukuta Alam) was Sultan Buyung or Ali Ri'ayat Syah II (r. 1585/86–1589),he was originated from the Inderapura dynasty on the west coast of Sumatra. His background is known from epigraphic data: he was the son of Munawwar Syah, son of Muhammad Syah, son of Almalik Zainuddin.[6] This indicates that Indrapura had been ruled by a Muslim dynasty since at least 1500. The sister of Sultan Buyung, Raja Dewi, was married to Sultan Mughal alias Sri Alam who was the sultan of Aceh for a brief period in 1579. At a time the prince went to Aceh to be with his widowed sister. When he had stayed there for two months the current sultan Alauddin Mansur Syah was murdered. This happened in early 1585 according to the chronicles but in 1586 according to a Portuguese account.[7]

There are also other sultans who did not belong to the Ali Mughayat Syah dynasty (Meukuta Alam), like Alauddin Ri'ayat Syah Sayyid al-Mukammal (r. 1589–1604) from the Darul Kamal dynasty where he rose to power by overthrowing previous rulers,[8] although from him the rule of Meukuta Alam dynasty returned to Aceh through Sultan Iskandar Muda, in which his great-grandfather Sultan Alauddin al-Kahar, whom his grandson Abdul Jalil married the daughter of Alauddin Ri'ayat Syah.[9] The daughter of Iskandar Muda, Taj ul-Alam, who would be the future sultanah was married to Sultan Iskandar Thani from Pahang dynasty, the 13th sultan of Aceh, upon the death of Sultan Iskanda Thani, she became the ruler of Aceh.[10]

Aceh was ruled by four sultanas (female rulers) in succession between 1641 to 1699.[11] The sultanas were replaced by a male monarch after a fatwa was issued and deemed female rule incompatible with the sharia. Badr ul-Alam Syarif Hasyim Jamaluddin became the first sultan of Aceh since 1699, [12] he was an Arab of sayyid descent.

The last dynasty to rule Aceh was from a Bugis clan originated from South Sulawesi, the dynasty ruled from the mid-early 18th century to the early 20th century,[13] The Bugis from South Sulawesi migrated to all parts of the East Indian Archipelago after 1667 and were well regarded as traders, sailors and soldiers. Alauddin Ahmad Syah the 1st sultan from this dynasty, came from a respected family, his father Abdurrahim and grandfather Mansur had been respected men in the kingdom.[14] Alauddin Ahmad Syah rose to power during the late and troubled reign of Jamal ul-Alam Badr ul-Munir, and took the throne upon the dethronement of the former sultan.[15] Through this Bugis dynasty, Sultan Alauddin Muhammad Da'ud Syah II became the final ruler of Aceh, in which his reign ended after his surrender to the Dutch during the Aceh War in 1903.[16]





This is the list of sultans and sultanas that ruled Aceh from the 16th century to 20th century.

Sultan of Aceh Reign
Ali Mughayat Syah c. 1514–1530
Salahuddin 1530–c. 1537/39
Alauddin al-Kahar c. 1537/39–1571
Ali Ri'ayat Syah I 1571–1579
Sultan Muda 1579
Sri Alam 1579
Zainul Abidin 1579
Alauddin Mansur Syah 1579–1585/86
Ali Ri'ayat Syah II, Raja Buyung 1585/86–1589
Alauddin Ri'ayat Syah Sayyid al-Mukammal 1589–1604
Ali Ri'ayat Syah III 1604–1607
Iskandar Muda 1607–1636
Iskandar Thani 1636–1641
Ratu Safiatuddin Tajul Alam 1641–1675
Ratu Nurul Alam Naqiatuddin Syah 1675–1678
Ratu Inayat Zaqiatuddin Syah 1678–1688
Ratu Kamalat Syah 1688–1699
Badr ul-Alam Syarif Hasyim Jamaluddin 1699–1702
Perkasa Alam Syarif Lamtui Syah Johan Berdaulat 1702–1703
Jamal ul-Alam Badr ul-Munir 1703–1726
Jauhar ul-Alam 1726
Syamsul Alam 1726–1727
Alauddin Ahmad Syah 1727–1735
Alauddin Johan Syah 1735–1760
Alauddin Mahmud Syah I 1760–1781
Badr ul-Alam Syah 1764–1765
Sulaiman Syah 1773
Alauddin Muhammad Syah 1781–1795
Alauddin Jauhar ul-Alam Syah (first reign) 1795–1815
Syarif Saiful Alam Syah 1815–1819
Alauddin Jauhar ul-Alam Syah (second reign) 1819–1823
Alauddin Muhammad Da'ud Syah I 1823–1838
Alauddin Sulaiman Ali Iskandar Syah 1838–1857
Alauddin Ibrahim Mansur Syah 1857–1870
Alauddin Mahmud Syah II 1870–1874
Alauddin Muhammad Da'ud Syah II Johan Berdaulat 1874–1903

Genealogical tree

Sultans and Sultanas of the Sultanate of Aceh Darussalam
Makota Alam
Ali Mughayat

r. 1514-1530
r. 1530-1537/9
Riayat Syah

r. 1537/9-1579
Darul Kamal
House of
Ali Riayat
Syah I

r. 1571-1579
Sri Alam
r. 1579
♀ Raja DewiAli Riayat
Syah II

r. 1585-1589
AbdullahAbdul JalilAlauddin
Riayat Syah

r. 1589-1605
Mansur Syah

r. 1579-1585
Sultan Muda
r. 1579

r. 1579
Mansur Syah♀ Putri Raja
Ali Riayat
Syah III

r. 1604-1607

r. 1607-1636
House of
Syarif Ibrahim
Nurul Alam

r. 1675-1678

r. 1678-1688
Kamalat Syah

r. 1688-1699
Iskandar Thani
Mughayat Syah

r. 1636-1641
Tajul Alam

r. 1641-1675
Badrul Alam
Syarif Hasyim

r. 1699-1702
Perkasa Alam
Syarif Lamtui

r. 1702-1703
Jauharul Alam

r. 1726
Jamalul Alam
Badrul Munir

r. 1703-1726
Child of
Bugis Dynasty
of Aceh
Ahmad Syah

r. 1727-1735
Syamsul Alam
r. 1726-1727
Johan Syah

r. 1735-1760
Syah I

r. 1760-1781
Johan Syah

r. 1764-1765

r. 1773

r. 1781-1795
Alam Syah

r. 1795-1815,
Syarif Saiful
Alam Syah

r. 1815-1819
Daud Syah I

r. 1823-1838
Mansur Syah

r. 1857-1870
Sulaiman Ali
Iskandar Syah

r. 1838-1857
Zainal Abidin
Syah II

r. 1870-1874
Daud Syah II

r. 1875-1903

See also



  1. ^ "4 Perempuan Pemimpin Kesultanan Aceh". Kompas. 3 August 2022. Retrieved 3 January 2023.
  2. ^ Djajadiningrat (1911), p. 145.
  3. ^ Djajadiningrat (1911), p. 149-50.
  4. ^ Encyclopaedie (1917), Vol. 1, p. 74.
  5. ^ Encyclopaedie (1917), Vol. 1, p. 74.
  6. ^ Genealogical table in Encyclopaedie (1917), Vol. 1, between p. 88 and 89.
  7. ^ Djajadiningrat (1911), p. 162.
  8. ^ Djajadiningrat (1911), p. 162-8.
  9. ^ LOMBARD, Denys. Kerajaan Aceh: Zaman Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607-1636). Jakarta: Kepustakan Populer Gramedia, 2006. ISBN 979-9100-49-6
  10. ^ Djajadiningrat (1911), pp. 183, 187-8.
  11. ^ "4 Perempuan Pemimpin Kesultanan Aceh". Kompas. 3 August 2022. Retrieved 3 January 2023.
  12. ^ Crecelius and Beardow (1979), pp. 54-5.
  13. ^ REID, Anthony. Asal Usul Konflik Aceh: Dari Perebutan Pantai Timur Sumatra hingga Akhir Kerajaan Aceh Abad ke-19. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, [[2005. pp. 335. ISBN 979-461-534-X
  14. ^ Zainuddin (1961), p. 427, alleges that a lady of the family, Alauddin Ahmad Syah's grand-aunt Puteri Sani, was the main consort of Sultan Iskandar Muda.
  15. ^ Djajadiningrat (1911), p. 197-8.
  16. ^ Rep (1996), p. 88.


  • Djajadiningrat, Raden Hoesein (1911) 'Critisch overzicht van de in Maleische werken vervatte gegevens over de geschiedenis van het soeltanaat van Atjeh', Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 65, pp. 135–265.