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User:Mirarteaga/History project

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Man drinking from a "Colored" drinking fountain.

All throughout the history of men there has been separation between groups, and it is all because one is more powerful. No one really knows when it started. like what happen in the 1900s separation between whites and blacks. Whites believed that they were more powerful than the african americans since there was a time that blacks were used as slaves. After some years of slavery the blacks became really tired of being treated like they were. After years of fighting for their freedom they got to a point where they were considered "equal"

KKK burning cross



Segregation means separation of people because by race [1] Many Americans did not like the idea of interacting with African Americans. Only a few were in favor, but did not really say anything because they were scared that their own people would hate them. As Afican Americans begain to have more social interaction a lot of people started to hate the idea of them being treated like whites. The hysterical atmosphere of the red Scare was also partly responsible for the revival of the Ku KLUX kLAN in the 1920s [2] Basically what they were was a hatred group towards the African Americans and every one who wasd on their favor. They would dress in white robs and go to peoples houses at night, sometimes they would start shooting or they would bur a cross.The Ku Klux Klan used the fiery cross because they believe that the fiery cross was an ancient symbol which was used to refer to an unconquered race of men. Also in the olden times when a chieftain summoned the clan, on a mission of life and death, the fiery cross, extinguished by sacrificial blood, was sent by swift courier from village to village.



  1. ^ Prentice Hall: America: Pathways to the Present. Andrew Cayton, Elizabeth Perry, Linda Reed, and Allan Winkler. 2007 by Pearson Prentice Hall, Boston. Page 565.
  2. ^ The American Spirit. Thomas A. Bailey and Trinity Partners. (1984) Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Health and Company. Pg. 704
  3. ^ Ask.com article http://www.ask.com/question/why-does-the-kkk-burn-crosses Accessed 21 march 2014