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Stampedes and crushes


(from Crush b 13 May 2021)
Stampede (animal) percieved threat ; urge to flee balanced by herd instinct to stay together dangers= falls, collisions with others, obstacles (yet compare murmuration; vast numbers of birds, fish, etc move together without colliding) under normal conditions (!) even stampeding animals will move to avoid others, obstacles, dangers etc; one means of controlling a stampede is to turn the herd until it is running in a circle. Critical factor is herd density. a herd will run until exhausted, or until it loses the will or impetus to do so. Other dangers include precipices, rivers, that front-runners may be unable to avoid

St (human) can refer to: Panicky flight, and Surge towards a desired goal. St a misnomer, even for panicked flight; humans are gregarious, but not herd animals. A panicked crowd does not flee in a mass, one/all following a leader; humans will turn to seek out friends and family, or drop and hide, as often as flee directly away from the source of danger. Will also tend to scatter, given enough space. Cf one police response to demonstrators is to corral them, to stop them scattering (see kettling); the danger to a fleeing crowd is constricted space, funnelling, or meeting a bottleneck Surges are theoretically more dangerous in that the crowd is focusing towards a goal, rather than away from a danger; contrariwise/conversely the impetus towards a goal is less urgent than fleeing from a threat; individuals in a surging crowd are more likely to stop if a danger is perceived, or to stop and help someone who has fallen. Even in these cases, fatalities are mostly when /due to asphyxiation due to crowd collapse or crush, /when the group become overcrowded/, rather than fractures or soft tissue injuries due to trampling. Most/All soi-disant/ so-called HS are / disasters referred to as are crowd collapses or crushes / occur when a flight has led to a crowd collapse or crush

Crowd collapses and crushes (? new article) Crowd collapse ; when a group of people already dangerously overcrowded; at densities of 6 persons per square meter of above, each individual is being / in contact with others on all sides

a triggering incident, such as someone falling or fainting leads to a loss of support to those around, leading to external pressure pushing them into the gap. That section of the crowd can fall in on itself, leaing to asphyxiation and death.

The other danger is crush; when crowd densities are 9 per sq m or above, individuals are so tightly packed they are unable to breathe.

Crushes and collapses occur when a moving crowd is funnelled into a smaller and smaller area, or meet a bottleneck or other obstacle; those at the front of he crowd are stopped, while those behind, unaware of the problem, continue to press forward.

(8) [https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2011/02/07/crush-point Seabrook New Yorker

(9) [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/03/hajj-crush-how-crowd-disasters-happen-and-how-they-can-be-avoided Benedictus Guardian

(10) [https://www.newsweek.com/what-caused-hajj-tragedy-376267 Moore Newsweek

Quotes (from Stampede b 13 may 2021)
search HS → human crush [https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/human+stampede

A human disaster which occurs during religious pilgrimages or professional sporting and music events, when crowds fall prey to mass panic due to an explosion, fire or other trigger event which causes a stampede. Death is caused by compressive asphyxiaton (crowd crush) rather than trampling, resulting from the combination of horizontal pushing and vertical stacking often against a closed exit or route of egress

[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30479244/ HS An updated review of current literature Alamieda, Schreeb Nov 2018

Conflicting definitions of human stampedes were found. The common belief that they result from an irrational and panicking crowd has progressively been replaced by studies suggesting that successive systemic failures are main underlying causes. (and) A start would be to decide on a common definition of stampede

[https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/disaster-medicine-and-public-health-preparedness/article/abs/human-stampedes-a-systematic-review-of-historical-and-peerreviewed-sources/9B4C484AD2847791984F36F7929AB9FC Human stampedes: A systematic review of historical and peer-reviewed sources Ngai et al Disaster medicine and public health preparednessCUP April 2013

Intro) ‘may be characterised as an impulsive mass movement of a crowd that often results in injuries and deaths. Another common feature /commonly associated term is trampling that leads to infliction of crushing injuries’ yet Gill & Landi concluded that th ‘people who succumb in these scenarios typically die standing up) in a vertical position’

Pathophysiology) the vast majority of .. casualties result from traumatic asphyxia caused by external compression S mechanisms) Classic escape panic ‘ a headlong rush away from something a craze is a rush towards something believed to be gratifying

OED [https://www.oed.com/view/Entry/188928?rskey=zSfwSn&result=1&isAdvanced=false#eid (noun)

2a) A sudden or unreasoning rush or flight of persons in a body or mass;
1a) . A sudden rush and flight of a body of panic-stricken cattle.

[https://www.oed.com/view/Entry/188929?rskey=zSfwSn&result=2&isAdvanced=false#eid (verb)

2a) Of a herd of cattle: To become panic-stricken and take to flight.
2b) Of a company of persons: To rush with common impulse. 
1b) To cause (a body of persons) to fly or rush away through fear or common impulse

[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20081418/ Epidemiological characteristics of human stampedes Hsieh et al Dec 2009 Pub Med National Library of Medicine A total of 215 human stampede events were reported from 1980 to 2007, resulting in 7069 deaths and at least 14,078 injuries from 213 events with available fatality information and 179 events with injury information.

Images : (from Stampede, 4 May 2021)

Image Lyons bridge disaster 1711 [[File:Le Lyon de nos pères, Vingtrinier et Drevet, 1901, page 015, dessin de Joannès Drevet, la catastrophe du 11 octobre 1711 au pont du Rhône.jpg HS & C new article, illustration ? To get away from the surging cattle when moused)

YT etc Riot scenes [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMWMq4AEyjU Odessa Steps from Battleship Potemkin

[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWiDciPuSW4 Slaughter scene from Strike (intercut with graphic images of animal slaughter; not for the faint-hearted!)

[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sq9vpgaBgzY “...live report as crowd runs in panic” Matt Frei reports live on Channel 4 News (15 November 2015) from the Place de Republique when crowds surge towards him in panic.

[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Tetcf2NpSg “panic leads to stampede in ...Penn Station” 16 people were injured when crowds of waiting passengers panicked and fled after thinking they heard gunfire

[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRQyu66zGE4 “Panic in Times Square…” There was widespread panic in Times Square on Tuesday night after a motorbike backfiring was mistaken for an active shooter.

[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpuztBy-veg “mad scramble after shot fired” Man found guilty of reckless endangerment for firing shot in New York mall during 2016 Christmas shopping season

Odds (from Crush 4 May 2021)
search crowd crush → WP:Stampede

[https://theconversation.com/ten-tips-for-surviving-a-crowd-crush-112169 Love parade 2010

[https://uknowledge.uky.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1030&context=klj How US law leaves American crowds unprotected THP/Tracy Hresko Pearl Univ Kentucky 2015

[https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2011/02/07/crush-point the dangerous power of crowds New Yorker J Seabrook 30 Jan 2011

[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/03/hajj-crush-how-crowd-disasters-happen-and-how-they-can-be-avoided The Guardian Leo Benedictus 3 Oct 2015 Mass panic? Stampedes? Nonsense, say the experts . ? title Crush disasters [https://ttu-ir.tdl.org/bitstream/handle/2346/72475/Far%20From%20the%20Madding%20Crowd.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y Far from the madding crowd THP?Tracy Hresko Pearl Hastings Law Journal vol68:159 p.160 (pdf)

Comparison (from Kop Experience, 13 May 2021)
Compare Kop experience to Crowd crush

search “old Kop experience [https://www.thisisanfield.com/2013/10/memories-old-kop/ Humour, loyalty & passion – Memories of the old Spion Kop 22 Oct 2013 ‘Pete’ . ...was no place for the fainthearted. A confidence was needed to literally stand your ground. .. I suppose that there must have been many times when I was crushed and Bruce and I lost touch, but because of our height we would push and move back together to enjoy the game. The Kop functioned as a single entity. You literally went with the flow. It was like a natural force and was an amazing experience.

(I) remember an occasion when I was leaving the Kop after a game and, having had too much beer, fell over. What could have been a disastrous situation was averted by someone quickly shouting that someone had fallen and people stood firm around me until I was safely back on my feet. These two examples show that although the environment was not ideal from a safety perspective, nevertheless, there was a high degree of commonsense and camaraderie that prevailed which negated any problems. It was quite common for fans to faint in such a large crowd. If someone fainted in the Kop they would carefully be passed over the heads of the crowd ...until they reached the awaiting St John’s Ambulance for first aid

see also [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwFtdHV-oUc YT: The Story Of The Kop [BBC Video, John Motson] (unavailable; copyright issue)

[https://www.lfchistory.net/Articles/Article/38 Kop memories I have a Norwegian friend, called Runar, ...´Come with us to the Kop. When we score don’t worry you’ll always end up where you used to stand’ You could go 20 yards but you would always come back to your same place. Liverpool scored a second goal and it was a massive surge and Runar who was standing in front of me disappeared. (We) started shouting ´Runar, Eventually this guy about 10 steps down, popped up, … no flag, no scarf, no cap, no programme. (I) said ´Are you ok?´ And he goes ´Oh my god, This is wonderful´. He thought this experience was just out of this world.

Links (from Crowds 31 May)

(Seabrook: New Yorker)

.[https://genius.com/a/a-crowd-safety-expert-explains-why-people-mosh /Paul Wertheimer

. search: Crowd Safe Paul Wertheimer

Stampedes and crushes b


(from Stampede b 13 May)
Human stampedes and surges


(Hsieh et al)
[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20081418/ Epidemiological characteristics of human stampedes Hsieh et al Dec 2009  Pub Med National Library of Medicine A total of 215 human stampede events were reported from 1980 to 2007, resulting in 7069 deaths and at least 14,078 injuries from 213 events with available fatality information and 179 events with injury information.

(Cambridge: A systematic review)

(pubmed: Alamieda, Schreeb) (medical dictionary)
[https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/human+stampede search HS → human crush  A human disaster which occurs during religious pilgrimages or professional sporting and music events, when crowds fall prey to mass panic due to an explosion, fire or other trigger event which causes a stampede. Death is caused by compressive asphyxiaton (crowd crush) rather than trampling, resulting from the combination of horizontal pushing and vertical stacking often against a closed exit or route of egress

[https://www.smartadvocate.com/News/Blog/the-27-most-deadly-human-stampedes 27 most deadly

Types of incident (all described as ‘stampedes’

Pont de Barcas, too large a group on a bridge causes it to collapse. The fact that people were ‘fleeing’ was incidental to the cause of death see also Pnomh Penh

Iroquois theater : outbreak of fire caused people to flee, emergency doors were locked, and fire escapes dangerous. Flight was again incidental to a lethal venue see also Cocoanut Grove, Brooklyn theatre, Kiss nightclub, Collingwood school, Hartford Circus, 2003 Station nightclub

Accra stadium unrest led to police firing tear gas; fleeing spectators/fans trapped in constricted passageways see also ? Lima Stadium,

True stampede, majority trample injuries; 2016 Ethiopian protests, ? Lima football, Fireworks for Louis XVI

Surges: Khodynka, 1954 Kumbh Mela, 2008 Jodhpur, Victoria Hall, rush led to funnelling, crush against obstructions

Wrong (and pejorative) descriptor: ...2006 Hajj (tripped over luggage, ‘triggering a stampede’ (!) .. Mandardhevi some pilgrims slipped, ‘this led to a s..’ .. 2004 Hajj: ‘caused pilgrims to trip, leading to a lethal st’




[[File:19170704 Riot on Nevsky prosp Petrograd.jpg

[http://soviethistory.msu.edu/1954-2/succession-to-stalin/succession-to-stalin-texts/mourners-crushed-at-stalins-funeral Stalin’s funeral Evgenii Evtushenko 1963

Stampedes and crushes c

  • Personal space

[http://psychology.iresearchnet.com/social-psychology/self/personal-space/ . [https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/personal-space-between-us-graziano-peripersonal-dyspraxia (need to register)

[[Proxemics intimate space ( <1 in/close, 6-18in/far radius = 1-2cm, 15-46cm … around body, poss elliptical floor area 12in by 24 in (30 x 60 cm) .: r = 15, 30 ...[https://www.wikihow.com/Calculate-the-Area-of-an-Ellipse = area = pi (3.14) x a x b compare area of circle (pi r2 = pi x r x r ) … = 3.14 x 15 x 30 = 1.413 sq cm = 0.14 sq m .: av max density = 100/14 = 7.14 per sq m … intimate/far max density = 3.14 x (15+15) x (30+15) =

personal space = 1 ½ – 2 ½ ft (46-76 cm) …. personal/close max density = 3.14 x (15x45) x 30+45) = . search: calculate surface area of an ellipse

  • Crowd collapse b

Refs from Stampede

  • Crowd crushes and collapses

Latest crush/stampede incident --> split discussion at Stampede replied this am consolidated notes to User:Moonraker12/Sandbox k #Stampedes and crushes

previous posts Crowd crush 27 Oct (not done) Crowds b 11 June (not done) Crowds 31 May (not done) Shiloh 25 May (not done) Kop experience 13 May (done) Stampede b (13 May) (done) Crush b 13 May (done) Crush 4 May (done) Stampede 4 May (done)

  • Crowd crush etc 27 Oct

Crowd crush/lift specs 

[[Crowd collapses and crushes . standard lift capacities (by weight load; for comparison) [https://avison-young.foleon.com/covid-19/occupancy-planning/guidelines-for-lifts-and-escalators/

  • 8 person – 1.1 x 1.4

    • 13 person – 1.6 x 1.4     • 17 person – 2 x 1.4     • 21 person – 2 x 1.6

= 1.54 sq m (ie. cabin size 1.1(width) x 1.4 (depth)


also [http://vintecelevators.com/standard-lift-sizes-dimensions/ X 4 person = 0.9 x 1.0

X 6 person = 0.95 x 1.3

x 8 person = 1.1 x 1.4

=  0.9 sq m

= 1.235

= 1.54

.and [https://www.stannahlifts.co.uk/products/passenger-lifts/passenger-lifts-range-sizes and [https://www.stannahlifts.co.uk/download-area/filter/26-passenger-lifts (technical data)

also [https://www.dimensions.com/element/one-single-elevator-lift with layout diagrams (eg. 7x5 ½ (2.14x1.68m) cabin with 9 people (max load 18-20) … ie. area 38 ½ sq ft/ 2.5952 sq m)