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I am a college student currently majoring in chemistry (and maybe biology) in the Northwest. My main scholarly interests are chemistry, biology, as well as mechanical drafting. Chemistry and biology are where i wish to focus on in my career, the mechanical drafting is mostly just a hobby, that is a potential career opportunity. I enjoy reading a wide selection of books, mostly fantasy fiction, and historical fiction. I do selectively read some historical non-fiction. Outside of scholarly pursuits, i love to snowboard ,and paintball as well as trying to love and adopt as many dogs as possible. I'm a fan of 20th Century films, my favorite director/ writer is Alfred Hitchcock[1] .

I have been part of some form of wiki just not Wikipedia itself. I mostly lurk on the wikis and forums that i am a member of, there are a few I'm an active member of. The parts Wikipedia that I'm mostly interested in are 20th century films, fantasy books, as well as the forensic science or criminology parts. The films and books are just hobbies to me, but the Forensic science is the area of science that i want to pursue a career in.

Article Critique:


The Ego paintball marker platform is one of the most popular platforms in the sport. With many different models and editions spanning over a decade of use. This article does not cover most of the information about this marker platform. I visited the Planet Eclipse Ego page and found three aspects of it worth commenting on which are the lack of non-biased citations, missing important or helpful information, article has a lot of personal biased commentary and incorrect or misleading information.

The article in its current state contains just the most basic of information about a huge marker platform within the sport of paintball.  It barely lists the different type of markers that fall under the platform itself. It lacks any information about how each marker is distinct mechanically or ascetically from each other. Looking at previous editions of the page it had contained this information but was deleted due to the info not being cited. This info should not have been deleted instead should have been asked to be cited from proper sources such as certified marker technician or experts from a news source within the community. Without this information in the article it has a very broad overview of the platform.               

This article lacks almost any citations about the information that is in the article.   Most of the information in the article is just personal conjecture about what each individual writer feels about the marker. The writers themselves are random people with no prestige within the community, so their knowledge of the individual makers is probably incomplete. One of two links within the article does not work. The one working citation in the article is to the Planet Eclipse website, so this is a completely biased source of information about the product because the website is advertising selling their product.

It has already been established that this article does not contain enough information to be considered a complete over view of the subject, however some of the information within the article is not accurate or up to date. Examples of this are apparent at the top of the page. The picture on the right shows an Ego 08 and lists all the correct information for that particular marker but then lists the retail price for a LV1 marker. Not only is the misleading but LV1’s are not being sold retail anymore this is incorrect as well. The entire article needs work on correcting and checking facts within it by an expert in the field such as a Planet Eclipse certified technician.

 This article in general is a good start to the subject but needs a lot of work with support from experts in the field to get behind it and bring the overall quality of this article. The article is marked as a Top-importance for the WikaProject Paintball.  


  1. ^ "Alfred Hitchcock". Wikipedia. 2017-10-04.