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All about me!


Welcome to my page! I am a young college student who loves to write! Ever since I was young, writing my own creative stories has always been a passion of mine. As I've grown older I've dug into the foundations of screenwriting, learning that this is something I could potentially see me doing with my life. Other than that, I have no idea what I want to do- I don't even have a major! When I am not at school I am usually working...I work at a gym and it is the best job--very accommodating to my busy schedule. I work three different positions there: pool attending (basically a life guard), playing in the playroom (makes sense- right? Here I babysit and have fun with kids ages 0-12 while their parents work out!), and finally I also teach swim lessons(the pool is SO cold!). I also am very athletic and love to work out (hence why I chose to work at a gym! As I am your classic broke college student, getting a free gym membership really helps!). I love indoor soccer, I play Saturday nights when it works out, and I also run Track and Field. The 400 meter dash is my main event, but I also do shorter relays like the 100 and 200 meter dash. Last year I also began to learn how to pole vault!

I'm honestly rather excited to learn how to use Wikipedia better! I really would like to create a new page, I just have no idea on what topic! As I mentioned, I love to write, so this is another cool opportunity for me to learn and grow as a writer and try something new and see how I do! When I have time, I love to read (mainly dystopian or realistic novels) so this will definitely be something new to try reading! At one point I thought about trying to become an editor, but thought that I would rather be the one creating the stories, so my hope is that Wiki will help me expand my horizon as an editor and see if I am any good at it, or maybe I'll learn that I actually love it!

City of Bones Article Critique


We all have something that we love: a person, a movie, or even a gift we have received. But love isn't a word that just gets thrown around with every item or living thing. So when I say I love the story City of Bones by Cassandra Clare, it is not a loose term. This honestly is my favorite book. When I found myself visiting it's Wikipedia page I was rather upset with what I found: it was actually lacking lots of content, the most recent reference was from over 5 years ago, and some of the content that was there was irrelevant.

Lacking Content


For a book that is 585 pages, this Wiki page is sure lacking information about it. At first glance I saw that there was eight different subsections which I thought was a pretty good amount. But once I started clicking on each individual one...boy was I shocked at how few sentences were actually there for each one. There is a category titled "Film Adaptations" with only two sentences. There is no juice or information about the movie, or how well it did, etc. Not to mention that this book was also adapted into a full on T.V. show with no mention of this what so ever. This is something that really needs to be added, proving that the sources of information are in fact old...



As I just mentioned, there is no new sources. 2012 is the most current! Yes I know this is a book that was written eleven years ago and there isn't new information to add every hour, but there is plenty more that could easily be found and added. Even though the article, as I already mentioned, is on the shorter side, there is only seven references! That is not even one for everything listed in the table of contents! There should definitely be some more facts added to this article, with proper citations of course.



Out of all the things that could've been added to improve this page, most are rather irrelevant, or repetitive. There is a tiny section about "Shadowhunter Position" which for one instead of clearing things up actually makes the reader confused on what it's talking about, but two, also makes no sense why it is listed. Why did the author of this section feel the need to insert a definition right here, that is already talked about throughout the article? I would take this section out.



For such a popular book, as of 2013 twenty-four-million copies were sold, there really isn't much content in the article. This is probably because there isn't many good sources listed, or very many for that matter. With not many new sources, that leads to repetition and irrelevant points. I would rate this article, pretty badly. Four out of ten even. In my free time, this is something I would like to fix and spend some time improving.

Check out the talk page to see my suggestion!