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Nikesha Potter

About Me


My name is Nikesha Potter and I created this page for my English class in order to learn more about Wikipedia and how to use it. I am 19 years old. I am a freshman at the University of Pikeville where I am working my way to a bachelors degree in Social Work. When I am not in class or doing homework, you can find me at Dr. Robinette's dentist office. I have been working there for 2 years and I love it. I never imagined myself ever getting a job like that at my age, but what can I say? I am blessed. I was born and raised in Dorton, Kentucky. I am a follower of Christ and my faith is extremely important to me. I come from a very tight-knit family. I can't go at least 5 hours without hearing from one of my parents. My brother is my best friend. I am an aunt to 3 wonderful kids that constantly keep me busy. I really enjoy helping people, which is what made me decide that Social Work was the best field for me to go into. I was born with a condition called Hemihypertrophy. Basically, the right side of my body is slightly bigger than my left side. I spent 16 years of my life traveling back and forth to the Shriner's. Watching them help people who were in need for no charge also played a big part of making me the person that I am today.

I am a huge animal lover. I like my cat more than I like most people. I currently have 2 dogs, a cat, a guinea pig, 2 turtles and a fish. My free time is usually spent reading or watching my favorite TV show, The Golden Girls. My favorite authors are JK Rowling, Chris Crutcher and John Green. I spend a lot of time on GoodReads looking for book recommendations. I am probably one of the biggest Harry Potter nerds you'll ever meet in your life, but I am completely okay with that. When I was younger, I was obsessed with sports. I played almost every sport that was available for a kid around here to play: basketball, softball, soccer, volleyball, track and field and golf. When I was in 5th grade, my AAU basketball team went to the national championship tournament in Florida. We got to spend an entire week in Disney world just plying basketball and just hanging out. It was incredible and it is one of my favorite memories. Since I started college and got a job, however, there is simply no time for these sort of things. So now I just try my best to catch my favorite teams on TV when they play. My favorite football team is the Baltimore Ravens. My favorite basketball team is the Kentucky Wildcats (you can't be from Kentucky and not be a cats fan, right?) I really couldn't imagine myself trying to do sports today. After I get home from school and work, I usually go straight to the fridge, eat and then take a nap.

Overall, I am not that interesting of a person. I would just consider myself as a typical American college student who doesn't get enough sleep and indulges in copious amounts of coffee.

This user prays.
This user cares about animals
This user prefers the topping-free purity of cheese pizza.
This user likes to sleep.
S This user is a Slytherin.
This user respects The Boss.
G This user's favourite colour is Green.

Embracing Technology


I was exposed to technology as a young child. My brother is 8 years older than me, so I grew up playing games on his systems and using all of his devices. I can remember playing Sega, Nintendo 64, Gameboy, Gamecube, Playstation, XBox. You name it and we probably had it. I feel like being exposed to that at a young age played an important role on my view of technology. Our family first purchased a computer when I was about 7 or 8 years old. Learning how to use the computer at home really prepared me a lot for school because in about second or third grade we had to take typing classes to teach us how to write papers and get familiar with the keyboard. Of course, since my family had a computer I was already one step ahead of some of the kids in my grade. Even as an adult I really couldn't picture myself without technology. The pieces of technology that I own are like my prized possessions. I don't think that I could function properly without them. I currently have an hp laptop, iPad, iPod and iPhone. I rarely go anywhere without some sort of combination of those items. I also couldn't live without my XBox, but that's a whole other story. So, personally speaking, I love technology. I am intrigued and fascinated at how much simpler things are becoming. I am very willing to embrace technology.

Wikipedia Viewpoints


Ever since I was a young child, I was trained by my teachers to think that Wikipedia was terrible and corrupt. You were told to never go there for information or sources because the information is false and inaccurate. If you did use Wikipedia for information on one of your papers and your teacher found out about it, you received a zero on said paper. It was seriously like they were all Wikipedia Nazi's or something of that sort. So, of course, I began to think that Wikipedia was the absolute worst thing in the world. I mean, who wouldn't? That's what the teachers were drilling into your mind. Once I started high school they began telling me that if I used Wikipedia in college that my professors would fail me and other nonsense similar to that. It's sort of ironically funny though because I am almost finished with my first year of college and all of my professors LOVE Wikipedia. They encourage you to use it to get your information! It took me quite a while to come to terms with the fact that Wikipedia didn't originate from the devil himself. However, now that I have created my own Wikipedia page I am much more favorable of it now. It is very useful to me and I really enjoy learning more about this website.