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Welcome to Wikipoem! Wikipoem is a version of Wikistory that involves typing in one word of a poem, and and then another Wikipedian typing in a second one, etc. to form a funny poem. Anyone may participate.


  1. You can only type in one word until another another word is typed by someone else. In the edit summary, you should type the word that you added.
  2. You cannot add to or change words that have already been type. You can only add to the end of the poem.
  3. Try to make the poem rhyme, all right? I don't care what some people say, poems need to rhyme.
  4. Turning your words into links is recommended, but not required.
  5. Set a "poem rhythm" by starting new lines. Each line should have eight syllables.
  6. Overall, be funny, be weird, and be creative! If I get a bizarre poem on this page, then I'll be pleased.
  7. I might be forgetting some other obvious rules. If I think of anything, I'll add it here.
  8. I thought of one: If you feel like starting a new poem in addition to or instead of adding to the first one, feel free.

NOTE:If you wish to come back to the poem and add more words, I suggest that you add this page to your watchlist so that you know when words have been added.

Poem 1


There will come a time when people
Will start to eat a big blue moon
At my house they'll see a cake that flies
John won't be eating his apple pie
Why? Because he doesn't cry
When everyone poats their poatfaces
Nobody dances when wolves eat aces
Somebody will find three kings in
Refrigerators and then take gin
To their posterior - "Owch!"
Everyone screams that there's no couch
Although he will play Monopoly and win.
With a piece made out of tin
And shaped his part of cows, begin!
Cheese-flavored panties win,
But meerkats dance if soap Ceaser.
Idiosyncrasy Bowser hobo
where bananas sing, because frojo
Ordered weird fries Blinded my poor eyes

Poem 2


See my vest, see the way, and never
Ever die eating grenades ever
Think about how God is trying to
Make everyone eat pie, it's true
But the grotesque Slitheen will chew
Your sexy face in Ouagadougou
See flying mice, they're quite fast
Spongmonkeys are simply harassed
Llamas masticate sassafras
Majestic munchkins go fight
On a Monopoly night
When the light is bright
Werewolves contemplate snakebite
Fear slithers throughout the twilight
Hope glides upwards with jugular might
Seeking a plurality
For the nationality
Sans isn't fortunately
Crazy with untapped

Poem 3


Shining men with swords shall snore
Ravishing llamas smelling four doors
Unabomber drinking his Coors
Singing Wiki anthems evermore.
Yet twinkling stars cannot restore,
The boobie will never shot the door!
Nor has Rayquaza of Doom!
Yet seen sprockets boom!
However, I ate two fudgey rooms!
So, beware of hippos that
Wibble cantankerous fat,
Can purple vultures
Snape kills dumbledore
Integrals are fustrating
While Jayfeather finds Ming! George aswing

Poem 4


There was everything
Yet the cactus was no king for Steffany
There could be freddled Brittany
whoopdy doopdy dignity
Now where thinking
Leads to splinking
I know
It's a

Attention Wikipoem Writers!


Just for fun, I am going to begin an article entitled, "Things of the World". It'll basically be a Wikipedia-style article in which anyone can type whatever they want. It's basically a Wikipedia article without any of the rules that are applied to the editing of normal articles.

See also
