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User:Paleorthid/Sandbox/Pedogenesis Section Soil Article

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In soil, laterization is the intense tropical weathering, acidification, and demineralization of soils. More soluble products of weathering, silica-rich and carbonate minerals, are translocated out of the soil profile by leaching. Heavy leaching also causes these soils to have an acidic pH because of the net loss of base cations. The less soluble substances which remain, such as hydrous oxide clays, hydrated aluminum and iron oxides, are prone to irreversible ironstone formation.

In geology, laterization refers to the formation of laterite and plinthite, the cemented, sesquioxide-rich soil horizons or nodules produced by tropical weathering.[1] Iron oxides give tropical soils and laterite their unique reddish coloring.

Soil formation


Soil develops through a series of changes. The starting point is freshly accumulated parent material. Bacteria and fungi contribute to weathering through acidification, feed on simple compounds (nutrients) released by weathering, and leave behind transitory organic residues. New soils add depth by a combination of weathering, and from deposition. Gradually soil is able to support higher forms of plants and animals, starting with pioneer species, and progressing to complex plant and animal communities.

Soils deepen with accumulation of organic matter primarily due to the activities of higher forms of plants. Soils develop layers as organic matter accumulates and leaching takes place. Topsoil deepens through soil mixing.

Green plants, like lichens, pull carbon from the air. Combined with nitrogen fixed from the air, this leads organic matter buildup. <LV> Humification produces an organic matter fraction that is resistant to decomposition, allowing soil organic matter to accumulate and build in the soil.</LV> depth building= OM, accumulation of parent material being deposited by wind and water, and weathering. horizonation. bioturbation disrupts horizonation. ...

NASA version


It is probably fair to conclude, at least from his reputation today, that Jenny’s greatest scientific achievement is his classic book Factors of Soil Formation. A System of Quantitative Pedology. It is also probably his most misunderstood achievement, a fact reflected in that few people ever cite the full name of the publication (and the second sentence is an essential component of the book), and that many recent pedological texts continue to incorrectly state the premise of the book, and its famous equation: s = f(cl, o, r, p, t, ...)

where s - soil properties; cl - regional climate; o - potential biota, r - topography; p - parent material; t - time

Jenny left the ellipsis open to indicate that there might other variables in the function. As Jenny once remarked, ‘‘It looks easy, but it’s not.’’

This was in no way an original idea, since V. V. Dokuchaev, and others after had proposed and refined climate and biological factors for many decades prior. Jenny's achievment was to consolidate this thinking.

  • Jenny, Hans (1994) Factors of Soil Formation. A System of Quantitative Pedology. New York: Dover Press. (Reprint, with Foreword by R. Amundson, of the 1941 McGraw-Hill publication). pdf file format.
  • Amundsen, R., 2004, History of Soil Science: Hans Jenny, pdf format, in Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment. Hillel, D., J.L.. Hatfield, D.S. Powlson, C. Rosenweig, K.M. Scow, M.J. Singer and D.L. Sparks. Editors. (2004) Four-Volume Set, Volume 1-4, ISBN 0-12-348530-4

Although many of us don't think about the ground beneath us or the soil that we walk on each day, the truth is soil is a very important resource. Processes take place over thousands of years to create a small amount of soil material. Unfortunately the most valuable soil is often used for building purposes or is unprotected and erodes away. To protect this vital natural resource and to sustain the world's growing housing and food requirements it is important to learn about soil, how soil forms, and natural reactions that occur in soil to sustain healthy plant growth and purify water. Soil is important to the livelihood of plants, animals, and humans. However, soil quality and quantity can be and is adversely affected by human activity and misuse of soil.

Certain soils are best used for growing crops that humans and animals consume, and for building airports, cities, and roads. Other types of soil have limitations that prevent them from being built upon and must be left alone. Often these soils provide habitats for living creatures both in the soil and atop the soil. One example of soils that have use limitations are those that hold lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands. Humans don't normally establish their homes in these places, but fish and waterfowl find homes here, as do the wildlife that live around these bodies of water.

Natural processes that occur on the surface of Earth as well as alterations made to earth material over long periods of time form thousands of different soil types. In the United States alone there are over 50,000 different soils! Specific factors are involved in forming soil and these factors vary worldwide, creating varied soil combinations and soil properties worldwide:

The Five Soil Forming Factors

  1. Regional climate: Heat and moisture affect rates of biological activity and chemical reactions. Seasonal patterns of heat flux, water content and water movement influence the depth and pattern of removal (elluviation) and accumulation (illuviation) of soluble and colloidal constituents in soil. Climatic extremes, such as ice and wind, can cause physical weathering, soil erosion as well as deposition and accumulation of soil parent material. Stable, humid climates cause deep soil development.
  2. Potential biota: Each soil has a unique combination of microbial, plant, animal and human influences acting upon it. Microorganisms are particularly influential in the mineral transormations critical to the soil forming process. Additionally, some bacteria can fix atmospheric nitrogen and some fungi are efficient at extracting deep soil phosphorus and increasing soil carbon levels in the form of glomalin. Plants hold soil against erosion, and accumulated plant material build soil humus levels. Plant root exudation supports microbial activity. Animals serve to decompose plant materials and mix soil thrugh bioturbation. Man can import, or extract, nutrients and energy in ways that dramatically change soil formation. Aceelerated soil erosion, and manure input driven soil formation are two examples.
  1. Topography: The location of a soil on a landscape can affect how the climatic processes impact it. Soils at the bottom of a hill will get more water than soils on the slopes, and soils on the slopes that directly face the sun will be drier than soils on slopes that do not. Also, mineral accumulations, plant nutrients, type of vegetation, vegetation growth, erosion, and water drainage are dependent on topographic relief.
  2. Parent material: The primary material from which the soil is formed. Soil parent material could be bedrock, organic material, an old soil surface, or a deposit from water, wind, glaciers, volcanoes, or material moving down a slope.
  3. Time: All of the above factors assert themselves over time, often hundreds or thousands of years. Soil profiles continually change from weakly developed to well developed over time.

"Soil forming factors: The story of rocks and soil".

  1. ^ Helgren, David M.; Butzer, Karl W. Butzer (October 1977). "Paleosols of the Southern Cape Coast, South Africa: Implications for Laterite Definition, Genesis, and Age". Geographical Review. 67 (4). American Geographical Society: 430. doi:10.2307/213626. JSTOR 213626.