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Final Submission for Wikipedia - Groundwater Recharge Article addition


Factors Affecting Groundwater Recharge

Natural processes of groundwater recharge are visible, and also at risk of change due to human and natural events.

Climate Change

The future of climate change introduces the opportunity of implications regarding the availability of groundwater recharge for future Drainage basin. Recent Studies explore different results of future groundwater recharge rates based on theoretical moist, medium, and arid climates. The model projects a series of various rainfall patterns. From the results, it is predicted that groundwater recharge rates will have the smallest impact on a climate of equal Humidity and dryness. Research predicts the insignificant impact of groundwater recharge rates on a medium climate due to predictions of decreased basin size and rainfall [1]. Precipitation trends are predicted to relay minimal change quantitatively in the near future, while groundwater recharge rates are subject to increase as a consequence of Global warming [1]. This phenomenon is explained through the physical attributes of vegetation. With increasing temperature as a result of global warming, Leaf area index (LAI) decreases. This leads to higher rates of infiltration into the soil and less interception within the tree itself. A direct result of increasing infiltration into the soil is elevated rates of groundwater recharge [1]. Therefore with increasing temperatures and insignificant changes of precipitation patterns, groundwater recharge rates are subject to increase.

Other research initiatives also reveal that different mechanisms of groundwater recharge have different sensitivities in response to climate change. Increasing global temperatures generate more arid climates in some regions, and this can lead to excessive pumping of the Water table. When rates of pumping are greater than the rate of groundwater recharge, there is an enhanced risk of Overdrafting [2]. The depletion of groundwater is evidence of the water table’s response to excessive pumping. Severe consequences of groundwater depletion include lowering of the water table and depleting water quality [2]. The quantity of water in the water table can change rapidly depending on the rate of extraction. As the level of water decreases in the aquifer, there is less available water to be pumped. If the rate of potential groundwater recharge is less than the rate of extraction, the water table will be too low for access. A consequence of this includes drilling deeper into the water table to access more water. Drilling into the aquifer can be a costly endeavor and it is not guaranteed that the quantity of available water will be exact to previous yields [2].  


Further implications of groundwater recharge are a consequence of Urbanization. Research shows that the recharge rate can be up to ten times higher [3] in urban areas compared to rural regions. This is explained through the vast water supply and sewage networks supported in urban regions in which rural areas are not likely to obtain. Recharge in rural areas is heavily supported by precipitation [3] and this is opposite for urban areas. Road networks and infrastructure within cities prevents surface water from percolating into the soil, resulting in most surface runoff entering storm drains for local water supply. As urban development continues to spread across various regions, rates of groundwater recharge will increase relative to the existing rates of the previous rural region. A consequence of sudden influxes in groundwater recharge includes enhanced risk for a Flash flood [4]. The ecosystem will have to adjust to the elevated groundwater surplus due to groundwater recharge rates. Additionally, road networks have less Permeability (earth sciences) compared to soil, resulting in higher amounts of surface runoff. Therefore, urbanization increases the rate of groundwater recharge and reduces infiltration [4], resulting in flash floods as the local ecosystem accommodates changes to the surrounding environment.

Reflective Essay


It is with confidence that my writing abilities are strengthened through using Wikipedia. Through evaluating articles, my awareness of bias in text and overall tone in my writing has improved. To elaborate, the Wikipedia module “Evaluate Wikipedia” provides an exceptional guideline to understanding Wikipedia’s guidelines which I previously did not have knowledge of. This module benefitted myself in regards to critiquing my selected article as I was now prepared to look for mistakes independent of grammar. While evaluating my article, I took the time to digest the information and interpret if it was relevant and unbiased. This process assisted me in adding a new section to my article regarding the natural consequences of groundwater recharge. This section provides the reader with content regarding the implications of the topic.  

Additionally, Wikipedia’s modules regarding the editing process provide a simple method of ensuring quality content on their website. By following the modules, I was able to correct grammatical mistakes, insert citations, enhance the lead statement, and create a new subheading of content within the article. Prior to my edits, the author did not implement citations where necessary and failed to introduce the topic with a strong lead. The article was also missing a key section regarding the factors affecting groundwater recharge. My edits did not take away previous content, but rather enhanced the text which previously existed.

Another process involved in the making of the Wikipedia articles includes the Peer-review process. I contributed two peer evaluations to my classmates. A key factor which I looked for in their article was the importance of their lead statement. When reading an article, the opening sentences capture the reader’s attention the most, and I find it very important to have a strong lead statement. I provided my peers with feedback regarding the strength of their lead statement and the overall tone of the article since Wikipedia requires a neural perspective of the topic. In addition, the feedback I received regarding my article included praise for my lead and neutral tone, while a suggestion made was to incorporate additional content regarding estimation methods of groundwater recharge.

Throughout my contributions to Wikipedia, I only received positive feedback from the original author of the article. This article is in its early stages of creation (start), and the author thanked me for adding more content. It is with gratitude that I appreciate the positive acknowledge from the Wikipedia community that my edits are appreciated.

Working with Wikipedia is a unique method of developing writing skills. Through this activity, I learned to develop writing abilities without bias, while keeping formality. This is unlike any other writing activity as I have never had my work available for the public to critique. Through the use of Wikipedia, those passionate about Earth Systems are able to communicate their knowledge at no cost to the general public. By spreading the knowledge of this field on Wikipedia, there is potential for millions of readers to gain insight into this field, as Earth systems are constantly changing.

Alexis Polidoro's Peer Review of Ellinap/sandbox


- posted on the talk pages of the users sandbox as well

It is great that you relate environmental geology to hydrogeology. By doing this, you have created relevance to the topic as it is related to a large sector of the geoscience field. Some improvements that could be made to this article could be adding relevant examples to the listed applications of environmental geology. By adding subheadings of each application, you will be providing further insight into the content of the article. For example, an example of your topic suggests "performing associated activities, often involving litigation". If you add an example of what this truly means, you are enhancing the value of the topic and enriching the reader with more information regarding the topic. Overall, this article is on a great path. It is easy to read with little bias. From reading this article I will work harder on my own article to tie relevancy of my own topic to related topics as you have done. Excellent work.

Alexis Polidoro's Peer Review of Camillegiuliano/sandbox


- posted on the talk pages of the users sandbox as well

This article does an exceptional job of detailing the fundamentals of paleoendemism. It is great that your lead communicates a definition of the topic, followed by both headings. I am impressed that you went into detail with an example, incorporating the 'kiwi' into this article provides a great application of the topic which provided insight for myself, as I not have great knowledge of paleoendemism, however, I am familiar with the kiwi bird. Some changes I suggest for this article include more information in your lead. Provide further insight on the early origins of the discovery of paleoendemism in addition to the different environments these phenomena are observed. This would benefit your article as you are adding more information to the lead of your article, where the reader is focused. Overall, your article is great. Your heading of causes and examples are headings which I am considering to use for my article as well. Keep up the great work. Polidoroal (talk) 21:39, 10 March 2019 (UTC)

Draft (Groundwater Recharge)


Factors Affecting Groundwater Recharge

This photo will be added into the article as well. (found using CC search of "groundwater recharge")

Climate Change Impacts

The future of climate change can have implications on the availability of groundwater recharge for future drainage basins. Recent Studies explore different results of future groundwater recharge based on a future of moist, medium, and arid climates. The model projects a series of primarily rainfalls patterns and the results are least impactful on a medium climate in the future. Research predicts the impact of groundwater recharge on a moderate climate is not significant due to a projection of decreased basin size and rainfall [1] resulting in a ratio of insignificant results. As the quantity of annual rainfall is not drastically changing over the period of projected study, an increasing rate of recharge is expected to occur as a consequence of global warming [1]. This phenomena is explained through the physical attributes of the vegetation. Leaves decrease leaf area index (LAI) with increasing temperature, leading to more infiltration into the soil and less interception in the tree itself. A direct result of more infiltration into the soil is increasing groundwater recharge [1]. Therefore as temperature rises and rainfall does not significant decrease there is potential for increasing groundwater recharge in progressively warmer climates.

Urbanization Impacts

The rate of recharge in urban areas is higher than that of rural regions. Research shows that the recharge rate can be up to ten times higher [3]. This is explained through the vast water supply and sewage networks supported in urban regions which rural areas are not likely to obtain. Recharge in rural areas is heavily supported by precipitation [3] and this is opposite for urban areas. Road networks and infrastructure within cities prevents surface water from percolating into the soil, resulting in most surface runoff entering storm drains for local water supply.

Implications of Groundwater Recharge

Other research initiatives also reveal that different mechanisms of groundwater recharge have different sensitivities to response of climate change. Increasing global temperatures generate more arid climates in some regions, and this can lead to excessive pumping of the water table. When the rate of pumping is greater than the rate of groundwater recharge, there is risk of groundwater depletion [2]. The depletion of groundwater is evidence of the water table’s response to excessive pumping. Severe consequences of groundwater depletion include lowering of the water table and depleting water quality [2]. The quantity of water in the water table can change rapidly depending on the rate of extraction. As the level of water lowers in the water table, there is less water available for access to be pumped. If the rate potential groundwater recharge is not sufficient enough to replenish the supply of groundwater to the aquifer, the water table will be too low for access. A consequence of this includes drilling deeper into the water table to access more water. Drilling deeper can be a costly endeavour and it is not guaranteed that the quantity of available water will be exact to previous yields [2].  

Finalizing Topic


The topic for my review will be groundwater recharge. I will be adding to an existing article seen here: Groundwater recharge

CopyEdit an Article Exercise


Article of use: Groundwater Recharge. All edits I made are bolded in the article

- added comma in opening sentence
- added comma in third sentence of lead paragraph

- properly added references 4,5,6,7 in the article. They were in-text citations which I converted to proper wikipedia citations

- added period directly after 6th reference

Adding Citations Exercise


Added citation from http://science.sciencemag.org/content/296/5575/1985/tab-pdf as an in-text citation within the first sentence below the "estimation methods" heading in the "groundwater recharge article. Seen here: Groundwater recharge. The sentence is " Rates of groundwater recharge are difficult to quantify", and is bolded in the article.

Potential topics for my article editing assignment include three following options:

Groundwater Recharge

Harmful Algal Blooms


Evaluating an Article Exercise


Evaluation of "Groundwater Recharge"


Quality of the opening statement: Easy to follow, and informative, however, there is great room for improvement to discuss the impact of gravity on groundwater flow. It is logical for an environmental sciences student to understand the role gravitational forces play in the flow of water, but I believe this article needs more attention regarding the topic in the opening --> this leads to a suggestion that a section of gravitational force could be added in this article

Evaluation of Structure: Fonts progressively decrease amongst subheadings in the 'processes' section of the article. Why does this happen?

Figures: The author(s) of this article did not provide a figure caption for the only figure in the photo --> more pictures should be added. The article is lacking information regarding the processes within the figure (runoff, evaporation, transpiration). Perhaps this figure should be changed to a direct diagram of groundwater recharge. By having an example of other processes within the figure without further explaining them in the article, those reading the article who lack knowledge might be confused. I suggest changing the figure to something more specific, or adding more figures throughout to assist with wordy explanations of hydrological processes

Balancing of the content: The lead of the article states that groundwater recharge is an anthropogenic and hydrological processes, but does not have sections in the article explaining these processes. In my opinion, this is a critical component of the article that needs to be added

Sourcing: The article only has 3 sources --> Although each article appears to be sources from a scientific journal, I suggest looking into more research papers, theses, and articles from Nature or Science regarding this topic. In addition, I recommend finding more articles that have been published over the last 10 years only.

Evaluation of "Harmful algal bloom"


Quality of the opening statement: Chance organisms to micro-organisms, and the author(s) need to be more in depth about the sources of algal blooms. There is also minor bias in the opening, " a fact that many experts attribute to global climate change" does have some bias to it and should be removed, this appears to be a fact-statement and this should have a citation added also. This article needs review in the opening statement in terms of eliminating bias and adding sources.

Evaluation of Structure: I really enjoy the structure of this article, but there should be subheadings regarding more in-depth analyses of the causes of harmful algal blooms. Perhaps the author(s) can add a section under causes elaborating on the causes and their origin. The fact that this article lists multiple examples of harmful algal blooms is a valid and excellent way to visualize he reality of Harmful algal blooms. The monitoring and reporting section near the bottom of this article is a great way to keep updated about the current initiatives to combat algal blooms, and more information could be added here. Perhaps one could find out if there are initiatives to stop HAB's internationally as well.

Figures: Figure captions are good, but the first photo depicts a dog swimming in algal blooms, this should be changed to a picture of an algal bloom without anything else in the photo

Balancing of the Article: the article handles most aspects of algal blooms quite well, however I suggest more input on the root causes of algal blooms. I find the root cause to be an important factor that deserves its own subheading

sourcing: The author is using several sources and content that is relatively recent (within 10 years) this ensures data is current and relevant to those researching information on wikipedia. Most articles appear to be from primary sources as well which is important to note.

Evaluation of "Snowsquall"


Quality of opening statement: The opening statement is quite short and should have more information added to it. Poor grammar as well --> "but is localized in time or in location " this should be formalized within the article. The use of the word "localized" appears too casual and informal for a wikipedia article. Reformatting is suggested.

Evaluation of the structure: There are 2 sections to the article "types" and "dangers" . The types section should have the first sentence removed, as it is not important and is already described within the subheadings. Additionally, the "dangers" section does not even include subheadings. There should be input and subheadings regarding environmental/economical/ and social dangers to the threats of snowqsqualls. Although the dangers might be minor, this is valuable information to the article that should be added

Figures: Figures in the article are quality and add insight for the reader, however, I suggest that the three photos that are clustered together should be spaced out to add visual enhancement throughout the entire article.

Balancing of the Article: As stated before, the second portion of the article does not have subheadings, this is critical to the article and proves there is little balance between information that matters and what does not. Each portion of the article should have about equal information as causes and dangers are both equally important to know about. A section could also be added regarding past historic snow squalls and it's impacts on the city.

Sourcing: Some of these sources in this article are from popular sources like weatherprediction.com or firefighternation. This is not information that I would trust when putting an article together. This article also has sources from Science , therefore the author needs to acknowledge the difference in quality between sources.

  1. ^ a b c d e f Crosbie, Russell S.; McCallum, James L.; Walker, Glen R.; Chiew, Francis H. S. (2010-11-01). "Modelling climate-change impacts on groundwater recharge in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia". Hydrogeology Journal. 18 (7): 1639–1656. doi:10.1007/s10040-010-0625-x. ISSN 1435-0157.
  2. ^ a b c d e f "Groundwater depletion, USGS water science". water.usgs.gov. Retrieved 2019-03-05.
  3. ^ a b c d "ScienceDirect". www.sciencedirect.com. Retrieved 2019-03-05.
  4. ^ a b "Effects of Urban Development on Floods". pubs.usgs.gov. Retrieved 2019-03-22.