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User:ProfGray/312/Lesson plan week 4

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Lesson plan: Week 4.' Religions of the Hebrew Bible. Return to the course page


Reading for today
  • From last week: Coogan. Ch. 6. 73-79 (Source criticism)
  • For today: Coogan. Ch. 6. 89-92 (History and religion)
Objectives for today
  • Review Coogan
  • The sources for Genesis 12-50.
  • History or legend?
  • What do the texts reveal about Israelite religion?
  • Wife-sister exercise (for weeks 4-5). Everyone needs a proper citation, with info or claims in their Sandbox (to be paraphrased)
  • Worksheet
  • Review Coogan
  • User:ProfGray/312/Key terms
  • Biblical texts + ancient history ==> early Israelite religion ?
  • (Time-permitting) Covenants and God's relationship with Israel
  • Threefold promise
  • Sacrifice
  • Circumcision
Wife-sister narratives
  • Questions about the Biblical texts
  • Team discussion of points from articles and allocate peer review (tell HG)
  • Thinking about the WP article
Readings for Wednesday

This is the syllabus schedule. Remember that optional items are marked *

  • Wife-sister narratives: Form criticism (e.g., Nicol)
  • Coogan. Ch6, 79-83 (Form criticism). (* Genesis 32:22-32, Jacob wrestling)
  • Genesis 34 (Dinah)
  • Genesis 47:28 - 48:22; 50:15-26
  • (*Joseph narrative, Genesis ch. 37, 39:1 - 47:27)
  • (*Coogan. Ch6, 83-85, Joseph)



BRE and review. 20 minutes

  • Covenant

Coogan, incl.Form criticism 10 minutes

  • Example
  • Repetitions

Sources: competing not only diverse 10 minutes

WP exercises (3:10 pm)

  • Grading
  • Teams and peer review
  • Progress with the wife-sister article
    • Citations. Paraphrases.
    • How would you present unrelated sources? Or competing sources?
    • What kind of point are you making? That is, under what sub-heading would you put your point?

Next week's readings, optional as marked:

JSB. Exodus skim chapters 1-4 (incl. Zipporah), (*5-12:28), 12:29-14 (exodus), 16:1-36 (manna and murmur), 17:8-16 (Amalek), 18:1-12 (Jethro)

Coogan. Ch. 7: 94f. (intro). Box 7.3 (Y name), *100ff. and *Box 7.5 (Passover). Coogan, Ch. 7. 105-108, 110-112 (Exodus history and religions)