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List of Presidents of the United States of America

Portrait President Term of office & elections Prior political and military experience Party Home state Vice president
1 George Washington
April 30, 1789 March 4, 1797 1788–1789
  • Member of the Virginia House of Burgesses
  • Delegate from Virginia to the Continental Congress
  • Commander in Chief of the Continental Army
  • Senior Officer of the United States Army
Unaffiliated Virginia John Adams
7 years, 308 days
John Adams A18236.jpg
2 John Adams
March 4, 1797 March 4, 1801 1796
  • Delegate from Massachusetts to the Continental Congress
  • Chairman of the Marine Committee
  • United States Envoy to France
  • United States Minister to the Netherlands
  • United States Minister to the United Kingdom
  • Vice President of the United States
Federalist Massachusetts Thomas Jefferson
4 years
Thomas Jefferson by Rembrandt Peale, 1800.jpg
3 Thomas Jefferson
March 4, 1801 March 4, 1809 1800
  • Delegate from Virginia to the Continental Congress
  • Governor of Virginia
  • Delegate from Virginia to the Congress of the Confederation
  • Minister Plenipotentiary for Negotiating Treaties of Amity and Commerce
  • United States Minister to France
  • United States Secretary of State
  • Vice President of the United States
Virginia Aaron Burr
1804 George Clinton[a]
8 years
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4 James Madison
March 4, 1809 March 4, 1817 1808
  • Delegate from Virginia to the Congress of the Confederation
  • U.S. Representative from Virginia
  • United States Secretary of State
Vacant after Apr. 20, 1812
1812 Elbridge Gerry[b]
Vacant after Nov. 23, 1814
8 years
James Monroe White House portrait 1819.jpg
5 James Monroe
March 4, 1817 March 4, 1825 1816
  • Delegate from Virginia to the Congress of the Confederation
  • U.S. Senator from Virginia
  • United States Minister to France
  • United States Minister to the United Kingdom
  • Governor of Virginia
  • United States Secretary of War
  • United States Secretary of State
Virginia Daniel D. Tompkins
8 years
John Quincy Adams 1815 Smithsonian.jpg
6 John Quincy Adams
March 4, 1825 March 4, 1829 1824
  • United States Minister to the Netherlands
  • United States Minister to Prussia
  • United States Minister to Russia
  • United States Minister to the United Kingdom
  • State Senator from Massachusetts
  • U.S. Senator from Massachusetts
  • U.S. Representative from Massachusetts
  • United States Secretary of State
Massachusetts John C. Calhoun[c]
4 years
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7 Andrew Jackson
March 4, 1829 March 4, 1837 1828
  • U.S. Representative from Tennessee
  • Justice of the Tennessee Supreme Court
  • Territorial Governor of Florida
  • U.S. Senator from Tennessee
Democratic Tennessee
Vacant after Dec. 28, 1832
1832 Martin Van Buren
8 years
Martin Van Buren by Mathew Brady c1855-58.jpg
8 Martin Van Buren
March 4, 1837 March 4, 1841 1836
  • Surrogate of Columbia County
  • State Senator from New York
  • Attorney General of New York
  • U.S. Senator from New York
  • Governor of New York
  • United States Secretary of State
  • United States Minister to the United Kingdom
  • Vice President of the United States
Democratic New York Richard Mentor Johnson
4 years
William Henry Harrison by James Reid Lambdin, 1835 crop.jpg
9 William Henry Harrison[d]
March 4, 1841 April 4, 1841 1840
  • Secretary of the Northwest Territory
  • U.S. Representative from the Northwest Territory
  • Governor of the Indiana Territory
  • U.S. Representative from Ohio
  • State Senator from Ohio
  • U.S. Senator from Ohio
  • United States Minister to Gran Colombia
Whig Ohio John Tyler[e]
31 days
10 John Tyler
April 4, 1841 March 4, 1845
  • U.S. Representative from Virginia
  • Governor of Virginia
  • U.S. Senator from Virginia
  • President pro tempore of the U.S. Senate
  • Vice President of the United States
Whig Virginia Vacant throughout presidency
3 years, 335 days
11 James K. Polk
March 4, 1845 March 4, 1849 1844
  • U.S. Representative from Tennessee
  • Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee
  • Speaker of the U.S. House of the Representatives
  • Governor of Tennessee
Democratic Tennessee George M. Dallas
4 years
12 Zachary Taylor[f]
March 4, 1849 July 9, 1850 1848
  • Major general of the United States Army
Whig Kentucky Millard Fillmore[g]
1 year, 127 days
13 Millard Fillmore
July 9, 1850 March 4, 1853
  • Comptroller of New York
  • U.S. Representative from New York
  • Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee
  • Vice President of the United States
Whig New York Vacant throughout presidency
2 years, 238 days
14 Franklin Pierce
March 4, 1853 March 4, 1857 1852
  • Town meeting moderator for Hillsborough, New Hampshire
  • State Representative from New Hampshire
  • U.S. Representative from New Hampshire
  • U.S. Senator from New Hampshire
Democratic New Hampshire William R. King[h]
Vacant after Apr. 18, 1853
4 years
15 James Buchanan
March 4, 1857 March 4, 1861 1856
  • State Representative from Pennsylvania
  • U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania
  • Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee
  • United States Minister to Russia
  • U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania
  • United States Secretary of State
  • United States Minister to the United Kingdom
Democratic Pennsylvania John C. Breckinridge
4 years
16 Abraham Lincoln[i]
March 4, 1861 April 15, 1865 1860
  • State Representative from Illinois
  • U.S. Representative from Illinois
Republican Illinois Hannibal Hamlin
1864 National Union Andrew Johnson[j]
4 years, 42 days
17 Andrew Johnson
April 15, 1865 March 4, 1869
  • Mayor of Greenville, TN
  • U.S. Representative from Tennessee
  • Governor of Tennessee
  • Military Governor of Tennessee
  • U.S. Senator from Tennessee
  • Vice President of the United States of America
National Union Tennessee Vacant throughout presidency
3 years, 323 days
18 Ulysses S. Grant
March 4, 1869 March 4, 1877 1868
  • Commanding general of the U.S. Army
  • United States Secretary of War
Republican Illinois Schuyler Colfax
1872 Henry Wilson[k]
Vacant after Nov. 22, 1875
8 years
19 Rutherford B. Hayes
March 4, 1877 March 4, 1881 1876
  • U.S. Representative from Ohio
  • Governor of Ohio
Republican Ohio William A. Wheeler
4 years
20 James A. Garfield[l]
March 4, 1881 September 19, 1881 1880
  • State Senator from Ohio
  • U.S. Representative from Ohio
  • Chair of the House Appropriations Committee
Republican Ohio Chester A. Arthur[m]
199 days
21 Chester A. Arthur
September 19, 1881 March 4, 1885
  • Quartermaster General of the New York Militia
  • Inspector General of the New York Militia
  • Engineer-in-Chief of the New York Militia
  • Collector of the Port of New York
  • Chair of the New York Republican Party
  • Vice President of the United States
Republican New York Vacant throughout presidency
3 years, 167 days
22 Grover Cleveland
March 4, 1885 March 4, 1889 1884
  • Sheriff of Erie County
  • Mayor of Buffalo, NY
  • Governor of New York
Democratic New York Thomas A. Hendricks[n]
Vacant after Nov. 25, 1885
4 years
23 Benjamin Harrison
March 4, 1889 March 4, 1893 1888
  • U.S. Senator from Indiana
Republican Indiana Levi P. Morton
4 years
24 Grover Cleveland
March 4, 1893 March 4, 1897 1892
  • Sheriff of Erie County
  • Mayor of Buffalo, NY
  • Governor of New York
  • President of the United States
Democratic New York Adlai Stevenson I
4 years
25 William McKinley[o]
March 4, 1897 September 14, 1901 1896
  • U.S. Representative from Ohio
  • Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee
Republican Ohio Garret Hobart[p]
Vacant after Nov. 21, 1899
1900 Theodore Roosevelt[q]
4 years, 183 days
26 Theodore Roosevelt
September 14, 1901 March 4, 1909
  • Member of the New York State Assembly
  • Minority Leader of the New York State Assembly
  • President of the New York City Board of Police Commissioners
  • Assistant Secretary of the Navy
  • Governor of New York
  • Vice President of the United States
Republican New York Vacant through Mar. 4, 1905
1904 Charles W. Fairbanks
7 years, 172 days
27 William Howard Taft
March 4, 1909 March 4, 1913 1908
  • Solicitor General of the United States
  • Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
  • Governor-General of the Philippines
  • Provisional Governor of Cuba
  • United States Secretary of War
Republican Ohio James S. Sherman[r]
Vacant after Oct. 30, 1912
4 years
28 Woodrow Wilson
March 4, 1913 March 4, 1921 1912
  • Governor of New Jersey
Democratic New Jersey Thomas R. Marshall
8 years
29 Warren G. Harding[s]
March 4, 1921 August 2, 1923 1920
  • State Senator from Ohio
  • Lieutenant Governor of Ohio
  • U.S. Senator from Ohio
Republican Ohio Calvin Coolidge[t]
2 years, 151 days
30 Calvin Coolidge
August 2, 1923 March 4, 1929
  • State Representative from Massachusetts
  • Mayor of Northampton, MA
  • State Senator from Massachusetts
  • President of the Massachusetts Senate
  • Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts
  • Governor of Massachusetts
  • Vice President of the United States
Republican Massachusetts Vacant through Mar. 4, 1925
1924 Charles G. Dawes
5 years, 214 days
31 Herbert Hoover
March 4, 1929 March 4, 1933 1928
  • Director of the United States Food Administration
  • United States Secretary of Commerce
Republican California Charles Curtis
4 years
32 Franklin D. Roosevelt[u]
March 4, 1933 April 12, 1945 1932
  • State Senator from New York
  • Assistant Secretary of the Navy
  • Governor of New York
Democratic New York John Nance Garner
1940 Henry A. Wallace
1944 Harry S. Truman[v]
12 years, 39 days
33 Harry S. Truman
April 12, 1945 January 20, 1953
  • Judge of Jackson County, MO's Eastern District
  • Presiding Judge of Jackson County, MO
  • U.S. Senator from Missouri
  • Vice President of the United States
Democratic Missouri Vacant through Jan. 20, 1949
1948 Alben W. Barkley
7 years, 283 days
34 Dwight D. Eisenhower
January 20, 1953 January 20, 1961 1952
  • Military Governor of the U.S. Occupation Zone in Germany
  • Chief of Staff of the Army
  • Supreme Allied Commander Europe
Republican Kansas Richard Nixon
8 years
35 John F. Kennedy[w]
January 20, 1961 November 22, 1963 1960
  • U.S. Representative from Massachusetts
  • U.S. Senator from Massachusetts
Democratic Massachusetts Lyndon B. Johnson[x]
2 years, 306 days
36 Lyndon B. Johnson
November 22, 1963 January 20, 1969
  • U.S. Representative from Texas
  • U.S. Senator from Texas
  • Senate Majority Whip
  • Chair of the Senate Democratic Caucus
  • Senate Minority Leader
  • Senate Majority Leader
  • Vice President of the United States
Democratic Texas Vacant through Jan. 20, 1965
1964 Hubert Humphrey
5 years, 59 days
37 Richard Nixon[y]
January 20, 1969 August 9, 1974 1968
  • U.S. Representative from California
  • U.S. Senator from California
  • Vice President of the United States
Republican California Spiro Agnew[z]
Vacant, Oct. 10 – Dec. 6, 1973
Gerald Ford[aa]
5 years, 201 days
38 Gerald Ford
August 9, 1974 January 20, 1977
  • U.S. Representative from Michigan
  • Chair of House Republican Conference
  • Leader of House Republican Conference
  • House Minority Leader
  • Vice President of the United States
Republican Michigan Vacant through Dec. 19, 1974
Nelson Rockefeller
2 years, 164 days
Portrait of Jimmy Carter by Ansel Adams (1979).jpg
39 Jimmy Carter
(born 1924, age 100)
January 20, 1977 January 20, 1981 1976
  • State Senator from Georgia
  • Governor of Georgia
Democratic Georgia Walter Mondale
4 years
40 Ronald Reagan
January 20, 1981 January 20, 1989 1980
  • Governor of California
Republican California George H. W. Bush
8 years
41 George H. W. Bush
January 20, 1989 January 20, 1993 1988
  • U.S. Representative from Texas
  • U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
  • Chair of the Republican National Committee
  • Chief of the U.S. Liaison Office to the People's Republic of China
  • Director of Central Intelligence
  • Vice President of the United States
Republican Texas Dan Quayle
4 years
42 Bill Clinton
(born 1946, age 78)
January 20, 1993 January 20, 2001 1992
  • Attorney General of Arkansas
  • Governor of Arkansas
  • Vice Chair of the National Governors Association
  • Chair of the National Governors Association
Democratic Arkansas Al Gore
8 years
43 George W. Bush
(born 1946, age 78)
January 20, 2001 January 20, 2009 2000
  • Governor of Texas
Republican Texas Dick Cheney
8 years
44 Barack Obama
(born 1961, age 63)
January 20, 2009 January 20, 2017 2008
  • State Senator from Illinois
  • U.S. Senator from Illinois
Democratic Illinois Joe Biden
8 years
45 Donald Trump
(born 1946, age 78)
January 20, 2017 January 20, 2021 2016 No prior political or military experience. Republican New York Mike Pence
4 years
Joe Biden presidential portrait.jpg
46 Joe Biden
(born 1946, age 81)
January 20, 2021 Incumbent 2020
  • Member of New Castle City Council
  • U.S. Senator from Delaware
  • Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee
  • Chair of the International Narcotics Control Caucus
  • Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
  • Vice President of the United States
Democratic Delaware Kamala Harris
3 years, 271 days


  1. ^ Died in office.
  2. ^ Died in office.
  3. ^ Resigned from office.
  4. ^ Died in office. See Death of William Henry Harrison.
  5. ^ Ascended to presidency.
  6. ^ Died in office. See Death of Zachary Taylor.
  7. ^ Ascended to presidency.
  8. ^ Died in office.
  9. ^ Died in office. See Assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
  10. ^ Ascended to presidency.
  11. ^ Died in office.
  12. ^ Died in office. See Assassination of James A. Garfield.
  13. ^ Ascended to presidency
  14. ^ Died in office.
  15. ^ Died in office. See Assassination of William McKinley.
  16. ^ Died in office.
  17. ^ Ascended to presidency.
  18. ^ Died in office.
  19. ^ Died in office. See Death of Warren G. Harding.
  20. ^ Ascended to presidency.
  21. ^ Died in office. See Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  22. ^ Ascended to presidency.
  23. ^ Died in office. See Assassination of John F. Kennedy.
  24. ^ Ascended to presidency.
  25. ^ Resigned from office.
  26. ^ Resigned from office.
  27. ^ Ascended to presidency.