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VNA Objects and Fees 1871 John Wood Fleming’s copy of the VNA ( renamed ANA 1872) Minute Book Page 85

The Australian Natives' Association (ANA) was a mutual society founded in Melbourne, Australia in April 1871. The Association's objectives were to "raise funds by subscription, donations ... for the purpose of relieving sick members, and defraying expenses of funeral of members and their wives, relieving distressed widows and orphans and for the necessary expenses of the general management of the Society."[1]

The organisation had 95,000 members in 1976 and provided benefits to 250,000 people, members and their families.[2] While the ANA was legally required to have no affiliation with any political party, it was socially active. It provided strong support for the Federation of Australia, sport, afforestation, social well-being and the Federal Government's restricted immigration policy, later referred to as the White Australia policy. The ANA and Manchester Unity agreed to merge to form Australian Unity in 1990. After the merger, social and educative functions continue in the continuing ANA Fraternal organisation. The last remaining branch of the ANA closed in 2007 in Western Australia.[3]


Advertisement, 24 April 1871, that brought about the formation of the ANA

The formation of the Australian Natives Association was a multi stage process. It comes after the creation of the six Australian colonies, the discovery of significant quantities of gold with the wealth that brought and the increasing number of locally born citizens. The initial idea was to form a Friendly Society to provide help in sickness and distress solely for Melbourne born citizens.[4]

The initial advertisement said "Melbourne Natives" desirous of forming society for the protection and promotion of their interests are requested to attend a meeting Monday evening, 8 o'clock, Grimwood's Hotel, Elizabeth St. Formation of a Society.[4][5][6]

The 24 April 1871 meeting had 14 men in attendance who resolved to form a Friendly Society of Victorian Natives. A committee was formed and after a number of committee meetings and another public meeting, registration as a Friendly Society named Victorian Natives' Association (VNA) was gained on 4 May 1871. At the 5 June meeting it was agreed the objects were "To promote the social and intellectual improvement of its members; Benefits.- Medical Attendance and Medicine for members their wives and children under 18 years of age, Sick Pay when ill £1 per week; on Death of Member £20; on Death of Wife £10-. ".[7]

Initially all meeting were open to the public and no regalia was used, unlike other friendly societies. However during the first year some members of the Association moved motions to have a secret society[8] and to purchase regalia.[9] Both motions failed.

The next year , 1872, the name was changed to Australian Natives' Association and the scope of Membership was extended to men born in the other Australian colonies.[10]



Australian Natives' Association


The association started to grow forming two additional Branches in metropolitan Melbourne then in 1874 two more in the gold field towns of Ballarat and Sandhurst (now Bendigo) in 1874 and Neangor (now Eaglehawk) 1976.[11] In 1978 the Sandhurst branch initiated a motion that the Association allow having debates or essays at the meetings after the business had been completed.[12] The membership population centre of the Association moved to the gold fields towns west of Melbourne as the membership of these branches grew. The administration also moved West with th election of F. C. Wainwright, a member in Ballarat, as General Secretary in 1881.[13] In the same year the Census discovered that the native born were now a majority, 59%, of the population[14][15]

The branches encouraged presentations and discussions on contemporary issues. However the organisation was non-political and non religious. Rule No. 45 stated "That no member of the association shall introduce a subject bearing upon religion or allusion calculated to excite sectarian feelings and anyone guilty of such conduct shall be fined or suspended by the chairman then presiding."[16]

The association was a community organisation, that meet the needs of their community. Like all organisations, its members rejected the attitudes and beliefs of the community that they operate in. The association's meetings were open to the public, and as it grew in size and had gained more confidence, started represent community issues.[17]

Restricted Immigration and Race


With the backdrop of Victoria restricted Chinese immigration in 1955[18] before its formation, the association initially had no official policy on race and seems to have a conflicted and evolving view on race. In 1879 Camden introduced for debate "the Chinese Question" which took on a highly racial tone.[19] From about 1880 the Melbourne press expressed and interest in The Australian race[20] [21] In about 1885 some association members followed suit and are quoted as building themselves and Australians up "as the great Anglo-Saxon race in a new and distinct strain will evolve still further towards perfection".[22]

Speeches began to be made at annual conferences conferences about looming difficulties like Chinese Immigration. [23]



As the Association grew, it was decided in 1890 to move administration back to Melbourne.[13] The Association played a leading role in the movement for Australian federation in the last 20 years of the 19th century. In 1900 it had a membership of 17,000, mainly in Victoria.

The ANA provided sickness, medical and funeral cover. Membership in the ANA was restricted to men born in Australia, at a time when Australian-born people of British descent were rising to power in place of an older generation born in Britain. In the 1890s, for the first time, the native born became the majority of the population.[24][25]


There was little or no apparent discussion of aboriginals in the early days of the ANA. However its involvement developed overs time. Below are some instances where the ANA considered aboriginal people. Not all but most are are positive.

In 1901 the Brighton Branch received a lecture on the "Original Tribal Organisations and Beliefs of the Australian Aborigines" by Mr. Howitt. The proposal initially raised concern that the subject was not suitable for ladies and that they should be barred. As the ANA held all its meeting open to the public, this was opposed and the speech was delivered to be suitable to all.[26]

During the aboriginal settler conflict in Western Australia the local Subiaco ANA Branch in 1906 request press articles use "Aboriginal" or "black" but not "native" when reporting on atrocities against settlers.

In 1908 Rev. Father O'Donnell asked Mr. McDowall, ANA General Manager,. What the ANA, being purely an Australian body, what are they doing to alleviate the suffering and distress .which exists amongst the aboriginals — the true Australian natives ?'' He replied, nothing up to the present but he would give the question carful consideration on return to Perth and see that it was brought forward and dealt with.[27]

Aggie Edwards an aboriginal woman who passed away in 1928 was well respected and the local ANA Branch erected a monument for her. [28]

Almost 30 years after William Barak died in 15 August 1903 the local Australian Natives' Association started collecting money and in 1934 erected a monument to him in Healesville's main street. The marble for the monument donated by Mrs Bon. This was defaced by vandals, stored in the shire offices, and later placed above his grave at Coranderrk.[29]

In 1937 the organisation received a letter of criticism from Aboriginal leader and activist William Cooper over the appropriation of the term 'native' claiming it was for white Australians.[30] While there were no race or colour restrictions on membership in the rules of the Association, the cost of joining would have been a barrier to many aboriginal people.


In 1928, former Chief President James Hume Cook described as “three great principles” of the A.N.A:[31]

The maintenance of a White Australia[31]

The Made-in-Australia movement.

The broadening of the Commonwealth Constitution.

An Australian Natives' Association banquet held in 1901 to honour Prime Minister Edmund Barton, following his return from the United Kingdom.



Around the end of the 19th century, the Victorian association advocated for a kind of forerunner of what is today Australia Day, to be celebrated on January 26 as a public holiday and the national day. This subsequently became known as ANA Day in Victoria, but was not taken up by the other states until 1935, and renamed Australia Day.[32][33]

"...What the people celebrate on Australia Day is not the coming into being of the Australian Commonwealth, for that befell on New Year’s Day; and not May 9, when the first Parliament of the Commonwealth commenced its sittings; or even or the passing of the Australia Act in 1986 declaring Australia as a sovereign, independent and federal nation, but January 26, the day in 1788 when the first permanent white settlers, being Captain Arthur Phillip’s officials, marines and transported convicts from England, landed on the shores of Sydney Cove."[31]

Chief Presidents


With the establishment of a growing number of branches including some outside Melbourne a conference was held in 1874 to plan for centralised administration of the ANA. From 1877 the ANA was placed under the control of a board of directors to be presided over by a chief president. From 1877 onwards the ANA elected a chief president at their annual conference held at different cities each year.[34] There were four instances when the conference was not annual and the Chief President served for two years — the first two terms and twice due to the Second World War. Occasionally Chief Presidents were elected for two seperated terms.


Australian Natives' Association Membership Certificate 1891

In 1885 the ANA committed itself to the federation of the Australian colonies, in response to what was seen as the threat of foreign incursion into the Pacific.[35] The organisation avoided party politics, but they soon adopted the rising liberal politician and ANA member Alfred Deakin[36] as their candidate for leadership of the federal movement. The membership certificate of 1891 shows many of the emblems of federation such as the Australian Flag, the words, Prosperity, Unity, Peace and Federation, a globe of the world showing Australia as a single entity, self sufficiency through successful industry and ANA coat of arms featuring the kangaroo and emu.[37]=

ANA intercolonial conference 1890

In 1891, when the Victorian Parliament was considering the federation bill, the ANA organised public meetings around the colony to rally support for the bill, many of them addressed by Deakin. The ANA continued to campaign following the failure of the 1891 bill. From 1893 the association provided much of the organisational and financial support for the Federation Leagues which led the campaign, particularly in Victoria. When the movement revived after 1897, the ANA campaigned for the referendums to approve the proposed constitution. With federation achieved in 1901, the ANA withdrew from political activity, although it continued other activities such as promoting the observance of Australia Day. Other national issues supported by the ANA included afforestation,[38] an Australian-made goods policy, water conservation, the celebration of 'proper and meaningful' citizenship ceremonies following the increased levels of migration after World War II, and the adoption of the wattle as the national floral emblem in 1912.[39]

Female membership


The ANA was wary of admitting female members, on the basis that at the time males were predominately the primary income earners. At the 1896 Daylesford Conference the Clifton Hill branch presented a motion instructing the Board to take steps for form a Friendly Society similar to the ANA for Australian born females. At the 1897 Castlemaine Conference a detailed report was provided that showed:

  • 168,757 native born women between the age of 15 and 40 years;
  • an estimate of 109,000 women eligible to join a Society was given.

A motion to allow women to join the ANA was defeated.

The 1899 Port Fairy Conference heard that between the 1871 and 1891 censuses female primary income earners had increased from 52,243 to 114,804. In November 1899 the Board supported the creation of a Friendly Society for women. In August 1900 the Constitution and Bye Laws for the society were approved and registered in September.[40]

In November the Australasian Women's Association (AWA) was formed. The ANA absorbed all the expenses of setting up the Association. The ANA and AWA worked closely together and at times jointly published document listing key office holder.[41]

The changing circumstances after WW2 and the greater involvement of the Federal Government in providing social supports started to challenge Friendly Societies including the AWA. In 1955 the ANA began taking steps to enable AWA members to transfer to the ANA, this came to fruition in 1964. A past AWA Chief President, Mrs. I. V. Meagher, became the first woman Chief President of the ANA in 1977.[41]

1910 badge produced by the ANA, showing the use of the slogan "White Australia"[42]

Immigration policy


While the associations membership requirements were for Australian born men (and their families) they never had any restriction race or colour. Their position on the restrictive immigration policy began to evolve in the mid 1800s. In an opposition to undercutting Australian living conditions and our wages there was position to Kanaks and Chinese.**Aveling P 282, 283

White Australia*** Alongside the Returned and Services League, the ANA was one of the last Australian groups to support the White Australia Policy. While this policy was wound down in the decades after the Second World War and totally abolished by 1970, a few members continued to support it until the 1970s.[citation needed]

Later years


The ANA continued to operate a private health fund, a building society, general insurance company and small-scale life insurance and fund management activities. In 1993, it merged those operations with Manchester Unity IOOF of Victoria to create Australian Unity, the largest friendly society in Australia by number of members.

In 2007, the Mosman Park WA Branch of the ANA closed down; the building owned by the chapter was sold and the proceeds distributed among the groups remaining 320 members.[3] The ANA continues though ANA Fraternal which is a continuation of the Metropolitan Committee.

New Zealand Natives' Association


With the 1880 public consideration of Australian colonies and New Zealand federating there was discussion of forming a New Zealand branch of the ANA. The Victorian ANA Board of Directors considered forming branches in Wellington, Westport, and Auckland New Zealand but the legislative hurdles caused by the differing legislation in the two colonies were insurmountable. A separate organisation, the New Zealand Natives Association (NZNA) was formed 30 April 1897. The Wellington branch grew satisfactorily reaching 245 members within a year. At its peak it reached 2,500 members.[43] In 1900 while The Australian federation was not to include New Zealand, the New Zealand Natives Association voted to allow Australians to become members. Apart from differing legislation, limitations in communications technologies of the time made thoughts of amalgamating ANA and NZNA impractical. 1904 the Wellington Branch experienced significant difficulties and despite the offer from Victorian ANA to support it as if it were one of their own branches, the Wellington Branch disbanded in June 1905. The ANA meet the deficiency of £8/10/- so all creditors were paid. Over the next twenty or so years several attempts were made to align New Zealand branches with the ANA, but all failed.[44]

New Australian Natives' Association Inc.


The Australian Natives Association Inc ACT (ANA), run by Matthew Grant, claims on its website to be a revived version of the ANA.[45] It is a new organisation with fundamentally different object to the original Australian Natives Association. According to it's Charter of Principles the ANA is for: "the cultivation of an Australian sentiment based on the maintenance of European-descent ethnic homogeneity;" "the development in Australia of a self-reliant ethnocentric community existing in parallel to preexisting institutions;" and "the promotion in Australia of patriarchal family order". ANA has also written about how members feel "atomized in an ocean of migrants and rootless 'globetrotters'". It claims it is leading its people "down the road to cultural renewal".[46] It has been classified by the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism (GPAHE) as a Far-Right Hate and Extremist Group, with an Anti-Immigrant, White Nationalist, Anti-Woman ideology.[47]

****It was founded by and for the benefit of native-born racist and sexist white Australians and membership was restricted exclusively to that group.

Views on Australian Identity


The ANA claim that an 'Aboriginal' cannot be an Australian because "Australia" as a nation is "truly a European-born construct".[48]

'Australian' identity is not handed out to people by merit of living upon this soil, 'Australian' identity is inseparable from the English-speaking European descent peoples whom colonised this land and forged a unique cultural and ethnic identity.[48] No Asian, African or Pacific Islander can be an Australian, they may very well live on this soil – but they by no means can ever truly identify as an Australian: Our identity is inseparable from history, culture and genealogy.[48]


  1. ^ Menadue J. E., A Centenary History of the Australian Natives' Association 1871–1971, Page 9
  2. ^ Australian Natives Association, The Hundredth Conference Souvenir, Wodonga 1976, Horticultural Press, Carlton
  3. ^ a b White natives fold their tent, (24 February 2007), Post (Western Australia)
  4. ^ a b Menadue, J. E. (1971). A Centenary History of The Australian Natives Association 1871 - 1971. Melbourne. p. 10.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  5. ^ "Public Notices". The Argus. National Library of Australia (Trove Australia). 16 May 1871. Retrieved 21 December 2012.
  6. ^ "The Argus". TROVE National Library of Australia. 24 April 1871. Archived from the original on 20 May 2021. Retrieved 20 May 2021.
  7. ^ Fleming, John Wood. Duplicate First Minute Book of Australian Natives' Association 1871. Unpublished - presented to Australian Natives' Association Fraternal by Margaret E. Fleming 2019. pp. Page 1.
  8. ^ Flemming, John Wood (1871). Fleming’s copy of the VNA ( renamed ANA 1872) Minute Book Page. Melbourne. p. 45.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  9. ^ Flemming, John Wood (1871). Fleming’s copy of the VNA ( renamed ANA 1872) Minute Book Page. Melbourne. p. 32.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  10. ^ "News". The Argus. National Library of Australia (Trove Australia). 27 April 1872. Retrieved 21 December 2012.
  11. ^ Menadue, J. E. (1971). A Centenary History of The Australian Natives' Association 1871 - 1971. Melbourne: Horticultural Press. pp. 33–40.
  12. ^ "Bendigo Advertiser". TROVE NLA. 21 September 1878. Archived from the original on 20 May 2021. Retrieved 20 May 2021.
  13. ^ a b Menadue, J. E. (1971). A Centenary History of The Australian Natives' Association 1871 - 1971. Melbourne: Horticultural Press. pp. P381 - 382.
  14. ^ Aveling, Marian (1971). A History of the Australian Natives Association 1871-1900. Thesis, Monash University History Department. p. 40.
  15. ^ The Argus (24 March 1884). "The Argus". Trove. Retrieved 8 May 2023.
  16. ^ Flemming, John Wood (1871). Fleming’s copy of the Victorian Natives' Association VNA ( renamed Australian Natives Association ANA 1872) Minute Book. Melbourne. p. 20.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  17. ^ Aveling, Marian (1970). A History of The Australian Natives Association 1871 - 1900. Melbourne: Department of History, Monash University. p. 92.
  18. ^ "Chinese". National Library of Australia. 22 July 2023. Retrieved 22 July 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  19. ^ Aveling, Marian (1971). A History of the Australian Natives Association 1871-1900. Melbourne: Monash University - Thesis. p. 36.
  20. ^ "The Herald". Trove. 10 May 2023. Retrieved 10 May 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  21. ^ "The Colac Herald". Trove. 24 April 1883. Retrieved 10 May 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  22. ^ Aveling, Marian (1970). A history of The Australian Natives' Association 1871-1900. Melbourne: History Department, Monash University. p. 46.
  23. ^ Aveling, Marian (1971). A history of The Australian Natives' Association 1871-1900. Melbourne: Monash University - Thesis. p. 171.
  24. ^ "South Australian Register". Trove. 14 July 1814. Retrieved 10 May 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  25. ^ "The Sydney Morning Herald". Trove. 4 September 1884. Retrieved 10 May 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  26. ^ "Australian Natives Association Brighton". Brighton Southern Cross. 27 May 1901. p. 2. Retrieved 29 May 2023.
  27. ^ "Australian Natives Association". Blackwood Times. 17 August 1909. p. 4. Retrieved 29 May 2023.
  28. ^ Charles, Barrett (10 March 1934). "Queen Aggie of the Moolpa Tribe". The Herald. p. 14. Retrieved 29 May 2023.
  29. ^ Marcard, Patricia (1969). "William Barak". Australian Dictionary of Biography. Retrieved 10 May 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  30. ^ Broome, Richard (2005). Aboriginal Victorians: A History since 1800. Sydney: Allen and Unwin. p. 306.
  31. ^ a b c "Australian Natives' Association, 1871–1961 : a history of A.N.A. since founded 90 years ago". Trove. Retrieved 17 April 2023.
  32. ^ Bongiorno, Frank (21 January 2018). "Why Australia Day survives, despite revealing a nation's rifts and wounds". The Conversation. Retrieved 23 January 2022.
  33. ^ Hirst, John (26 January 2008). "Australia Day in question". The Age. Retrieved 23 January 2022.
  34. ^ Menadue, J. E. (1971). A Centenary History of The Australian Natives Association 1871 - 1971. Melbourne: Horticultural Press. p. 22.
  35. ^ Marian Aveling, A History of the Australian Natives Association, 1871–1900, Ph.D thesis, Monash University, 1970
  36. ^ "The Return Of Mr. Alfred Deakin". The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954). Melbourne, Vic.: National Library of Australia. 12 July 1887. p. 5. Retrieved 24 January 2016.
  37. ^ Certificate of 8 July 1891 from the ANA archive. 20 May 2021
  38. ^ "The Journal". Trove. 1 September 1920. Retrieved 10 May 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  39. ^ "The Express and Telegraph". Trove. 18 August 1913. Retrieved 10 May 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  40. ^ "General laws for the government of the Australasian Women's Association : founded 3rd September, 1900, registered number, 1976. Registered under the Friendly Society Act"". National Library of Australia nla.gov.au. September 1900. Retrieved 6 April 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  41. ^ a b Menadue J. E., A Centenary History of the Australian Natives Association 1871 - 1971, Horticultural Press, Melbourne, 1971, Pages 203 - 2005
  42. ^ See Museum Victoria description Archived 5 January 2016 at the Wayback Machine
  43. ^ "Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand". teara.govt.nz. Archived from the original on 6 July 2013. Retrieved 15 April 2021.
  44. ^ Menadue, J. E. (1971). A Centenary History of The Australian Natives Association 1871 - 1971. Melbourne: Horticultural Press. pp. 162–164.
  45. ^ "The Australian Natives Association – Our Own For Our Own". web.archive.org. 21 February 2023. Archived from the original on 21 February 2023. Retrieved 17 April 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  46. ^ "Charter of Principles – The Australian Natives Association". web.archive.org. 21 February 2023. Archived from the original on 21 February 2023. Retrieved 17 April 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  47. ^ "GPAHE report: Far-Right Hate and Extremist Groups in Australia". Global Project Against Hate and Extremism. Retrieved 17 April 2023.
  48. ^ a b c "On Australian Identity – The Australian Natives Association". web.archive.org. 21 February 2023. Archived from the original on 21 February 2023. Retrieved 17 April 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)

Further reading

  • [Category:1870 births]]
  • [Category:1948 deaths]]
  • [Category:Australian public servants]]