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I am an Author of the book




I am an Indian author and seeker. I have been searching truth since 1989. Since my childhood I was addicted to films. When I was 12 years old – due to my nature and the influence of films – I decided to become film actor in Bombay Film industry. But, the unexpected entry of divinely inspired teaching in my life in the year 1989 lured me towards deep reflection and forced me to change my track from acting to the comprehensive study of life.

In the initial phase of this journey I remained swinging between agnosticism and atheism and would debate with common people around me. This unwise attitude put my life in danger. But God saved me by softening the hearts and minds of people around me. Till 1994 my thoughts and behaviour remained same. But with the blessing of God I gained understanding in 1994 and changed my unwise behaviour. On 01-05-1994 I took U-turn and kept myself busy in the mission of discovering truth.

The burning desire of understanding life comprehensively made me more introvert and less social and I would remain tense and sometimes depressed also. But during the same period of battling with my own self to grow morally, intellectually and spiritually I felt intensely the plight of humanity and felt highly inspired to communicate my understanding with humanity. This fire to serve humanity shepherded me towards the path of studying and writing secretly.

Influenced by serious study I left my childhood dream of becoming film actor. I devoted most of my time in studying and writing my dairy and poetry. But – seeing the violence and plight of humanity – I got inspiration in 1993 to write my first book which is yet to be published. My book ‘THE LASTING SOLUTION OF KASHMIR PROBLEM’ is my second book, which I published first.