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Hey everybody! Welcome to my user page! I am a student at the University of Freiburg and I am taking part in a course called "Translating Wikipedia" in the summer semester 2015. [1]

Work Log


May 5, 2015 - Translated 147 words of our 1st project Fastnacht

May 7, 2015 - Proofreading in class

May 20, 2015 - Translated 125 words/ 1,5h of our 1st project Fastnacht

June 14, 2015 - Translated about 130 words/ 1h of our 2nd project Augustinermuseum

July 1, 2015 - Translated and added literature part of our 2nd project [[2]] (original page) + translated 135 words/ 45m of our 3rd project Fischmarkt Hamburg

July 2, 2015 - Proofreading in class: 2 parts of our 3rd project Fischmarkt Hamburg

July 15, 2015 - Translated 109 words/30min of our project Pacific Crest Trail

also: Translated 169 words/45mins of an article of choice - Gengenbach

Im Dreißigjährigen Krieg wurde die Stadt belagert und verwüstet. Am 1. März 1643 wurde in der Nähe der Stadt eine reitende Abteilung der Weimarischen Armee gesichtet, welche unter dem Kommando Bernhards von Weimar ihr Lager aufschlug. Selbiger Reitertrupp wurde von einer von Offenburg kommenden 100 Mann starken Kavallerie-Einheit (unter Oberstleutnant Beysinger) das Kinzigtal hinauf bis kurz vor Haslach gejagt. In Haslach lagerte allerdings eine andere Abteilung der Weimarischen Armee. Diese nahm die 100 Mann Beysingers gefangen, während Letzterer entkommen konnte. Am 2. März 1643 begann eine ca. 1000 Mann starke Kavallerieeinheit der Schweden (unter Obrist Roßwurm) mit der Belagerung Gengenbachs. Am 3. März folgte der Rest der Armee unter dem Oberkommando des Generals Graf von Guébriant, welcher die Wehranlagen mit Artillerie beschießen ließ. Der General zwang den Kommandanten der Wehranlagen, Michael Schöffen, zum Abzug, der dies auch sofort tat, auf Grund einer Geiselnahme des Generals. Als die 70 Soldaten Schöffels abgezogen waren, ließ Guébriant seine schottischen Söldner die Stadt plündern. Mehrere Türme und Abschnitte der Wehrmauer wurden gesprengt.

The city came under siege and was devastated in the Thirty Years’ War. On March 1, 1643, a unit of the cavalry of the Weimarian army, which set up its camp in command of Bernhard of Weimar, had been spotted near the city. Another unit of cavalry of 100 men in command of lieutenant colonel Beysinger from Offenburg pursued the unit up the Kinzigtal near Haslach. Unfortunately, a second Weimarian unit camped there. Although his whole unit was captured, Beysinger could escape. On March 2, 1643, a cavalry unit of 1,000 men in command of colonel Roßwurm from Sweden laid siege to Gengenbach. The rest of the army in supreme command of general count of Guébriant followed a day later. After shooting at the defensive installations with artillery, Michael Schöffen, the commanding officer of the city, was forced to withdraw. The count of Guébriant also made him agree by seizing a hostage. When Schöffel’s 70 soldiers had withdrawn, Guébriant allowed his Scottish mercenaries to plunder the city. They also blowed up some of the towers and sections of the city wall.

July 16, 2015 - Proofreading of our project Pacific Crest Trail + translated another 98 words of it

July 17, 2015 - Proofreading of the German-themed article Ganter Brewery, I agree with the comments on the German Talk page that the section "Sortiment" strongly looks like an advertisement. Nevertheless... Would you take it over for the English page? I think it is a nice idea that helps tourists.

- also: Would you translate the whole history section into English?

Overall comments, suggestions, etc. to the course


- course is a very good idea, something special in daily student life at university

- I enjoyed working on the projects in small groups

- decision-making sometimes took too long

- a clear structure (e.g. a check list) for working on articles would have been helpful in the beginning because it was really confusing and exhausting to proceed.