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My name is Shapur Ariani and I am a Kurd from Iran. I am student in Iranian language studies. I am very open to Pan-Iranian ideas, because I think the whole world is becoming united, and this will be only successful when all peoples really unite. We Iranian peoples see ourself as seperated and wish to life together in something like an European Union, in other words we want our Iranian Union. I am here in Wikipedia, because I know that many Kurdish, Persian, Pashtun and other people with Iranian background and also people with non-Iranian background are facing facts. In the history articles about Iranians I see a big Persocentric tendence. This makes no sense, because the old Iranian people saw theirself as first as Iranians, not as Persians, or Medes or something else. Also about the Iranians of today there is written a lot wrong information. Kurds, Persians, Pashtuns and other Iranian peoples are so much related that it is ironical, that we seperate them so much.

We Kurds have no own state, maybe tomorrow Iran will get the first true Iranian goverment, and maybe this first true Iranian goverment will stand behind all Iranian peoples world wide. At least I am here because I want an equity for information about Iranian peoples in the internet.

Sipas --ShapurAriani 20:40, 14 January 2006 (UTC)

I didn't know where I could leave you a message, so I write here


Dear Shapur

I accidentally read this beautiful text which has been written by you and I exactly think the same although I'm not a kurdish , now I'm living in Tehran/Iran and as I know my ancestors were from Tehran as well but to tell the truth in our vast country with all different ethnic groups of people who have lived thousands years all together as a nation,a country which is the oldest multi cultural country, who can claim that is pure pars! and in my oponion we all are Persian/Iranian since Koroush the great gathered us as a nation and told us "we all have equal rights to Iran"

payandeh bashi 08:39, 21 January 2007 (UTC)