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User:SomeGuyWhoRandomlyEdits/List of rulers in Israel

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Early Dynastic period of Egypt (c. 3000 – c. 2686 BCE)


Old kingdom of Egypt (c. 2686 – c. 2181 BCE)


First intermediate period of Egypt (c. 2181 – c. 2061 BCE)


Middle kingdom of Egypt (c. 2061 – c. 1802 BCE)


Second intermediate period of Egypt (c. 1802 – c. 1557 BCE)


Djahy (c. 1802 – c. 1557 BCE)


Kingdom of Sodom (c. 1802 – c. 1557 BCE)


Kingdom of Gomorrah (c. 1802 – c. 1557 BCE)


Kingdom of Admah (c. 1802 – c. 1557 BCE)


Kingdom of Zeboim (c. 1802 – c. 1557 BCE)


Kingdom of Bela (c. 1802 – c. 1557 BCE)


Kingdom of Heshbon (c. 1802 – c. 1557 BCE)


Exodus period (c. 1557 – c. 1437 BCE)


Canaan (c. 1557 – c. 1437 BCE)


Kingdom of Bashan (c. 1557 – c. 1437 BCE)


Kingdom of Hebron (c. 1557 – c. 1437 BCE)


Kingdom of Jarmuth (c. 1557 – c. 1437 BCE)


Kingdom of Jerusalem (c. 1557 – c. 1437 BCE)


Kingdom of Hazor (c. 1557 – c. 1437 BCE)


Kingdom of Lachish (c. 1557 – c. 1437 BCE)


Kingdom of Eglon (c. 1557 – c. 1437 BCE)


Judges period (c. 1437 – c. 1050 BCE)


Confederated tribes of Israel (c. 1437 – c. 1050 BCE)


Edomite oppression (c. 1412 – c. 1397 BCE)

Kingdom of Edom (c. 1412 – c. 1397 BCE)
Kingdom of Aram-Naharaim (c. 1412 – c. 1397 BCE)

Tribe of Judah (c. 1397 – c. 1361 BCE)


Moabite oppression (c. 1361 – c. 1344 BCE)

Kingdom of Moab (c. 1361 – c. 1344 BCE)

Tribe of Benjamin (c. 1344 – c. 1268 BCE)


Canaanite oppression (c. 1268 – c. 1250 BCE)


Tribe of Naphtali (c. 1250 – c. 1214 BCE)


Midianite oppression (c. 1214 – c. 1208 BCE)

Kingdom of Midian (c. 1214 – c. 1208 BCE)
Kingdom of Hazor (c. 1214 – c. 1208 BCE)

Tribe of Manasseh (c. 1208 – c. 1165 BCE)


Tribe of Issachar (c. 1165 – c. 1142 BCE)


Tribe of Manasseh (c. 1142 – c. 1125 BCE)

Kingdom of Shechem (c. 1142 – c. 1125 BCE)
Kingdom of Amalek (c. 1142 – c. 1125 BCE)

Ammonite oppression (c. 1125 – c. 1108 BCE)

Kingdom of Ammon (c. 1125 – c. 1108 BCE)

Tribe of Gad (c. 1108 – c. 1108 BCE)


Tribe of Zebulun (c. 1108 – c. 1092 BCE)


Tribe of Ephraim (c. 1092 – c. 1084 BCE)


Tribe of Dan (c. 1084 – c. 1064 BCE)


Tribe of Levi (c. 1064 – c. 1024 BCE)


Philistine oppression (c. 1062 – c. 1024 BCE)


United Monarchy period (c. 1050 – c. 959 BCE)


United kingdom of Israel (c. 1050 – c. 931 BCE)


House of Saul (c. 1050 – c. 1010 BCE)


House of David (c. 1010 – c. 931 BCE)


First Temple period (c. 959 – c. 586 BCE)


Kingdom of Israel (c. 931 – c. 722 BCE)


House of Jeroboam (c. 931 – c. 908 BCE)


House of Baasha (c. 908 – c. 884 BCE)


House of Zimri (c. 884 BCE)


House of Tibni (c. 884 BCE)


House of Omri (c. 884 – c. 842 BCE)


House of Jehu (c. 842 – c. 749 BCE)


House of Shallum (c. 749 BCE)


House of Gadi (c. 749 – c. 736 BCE)


House of Pekah (c. 736 – c. 732 BCE)


House of Hoshea (c. 732 – c. 722 BCE)


Kingdom of Judah (c. 931 – c. 586 BCE)


House of David (c. 931 – c. 842 BCE)


House of Omri (c. 842 – c. 835 BCE)


House of David (c. 835 – c. 586 BCE)


Neo-Babylonian period (586–539 BCE)


Chaldean dynasty (586–539 BCE)


Province of Yehud (586–539 BCE)

Kings of Babylon (586–539 BCE)
Governor of Yehud (586–539 BCE)

Achaemenid period (539–332 BCE)


Achaemenid dynasty (539–332 BCE)


Province of Yehud Medinata (539–332 BCE)

Kings of Persia (539–332 BCE)
Leaders of the House of David (539–520 BCE)
Exilarchs (c. 616 BCE – c. 1216 CE)
Governors of Yehud Medinata (539–332 BCE)
High Priests of Israel (539–332 BCE)

Hellenistic period (332–31 BCE)


Coele-Syria (332–140 BCE)


Honio dynasty (330–171 BCE)


Hasmonean kingdom (140–37 BCE)


Rebel Maccabee leaders (170–142 BCE)


Hasmonean dynasty (142–37 BCE)


Roman period (31 BCE – 390 CE)


Herodian dynasty (47 BCE – 100 CE)


Procurator of Judaea (47–44 BCE)


Governor of Galilee (47–44 BCE)


Governor of Jerusalem (47–40 BCE)


Herodian kingdom (37–4 BCE)

Governor of Perea (20–5 BCE)

Herodian tetrarchy (4 BCE – 44 CE)

Ethnarch of Judaea (4 BCE – 6 CE)
Tetrarchs of Galilee (4 BCE – 41 CE)
Tetrarch of Batanaea (4 BCE – 34 CE)
Tetrarch of Jabneh (4 BCE – 10 CE)

Province of Judaea (6–132 CE)


Great Sanhedrin (170 BCE – 429 CE)


Province of Syria Palaestina (135–390 CE)


Governors of Syria Palaestina (135–193 CE)


Byzantine period (390–636 CE)


Province of Palaestina Prima (395–636 CE)


Province of Palaestina Secunda (390–636 CE)


Mar-Zutra III dynasty (520 CE)


See also











Further reading