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Philosophers: Quine, Russell, Wittgenstein, Plato, Socrates, Frege, Marcus Aurelius

Philosophical Topics: Meaning, Nature of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, Language and Respresentation, Logic, Induction, Identity, Epistemology, Naturalism, Empiricism.


B.Sc., M.Litt., currently delaying finishing doctorate by getting involved in wikipedia

Computer Science


Interested in the theory of computation and computational complexity and hyper-computation.



Have spent several years learning many aspects of sleight of hand and often perform impromptu for for new acquaintances in pubs and parks. Although I have performed for an audience of hundreds with some success I have never felt comfortable being paid for magic, so it will likely remain a hobby.



Primarily interested in Go (currently 6k on KGS), but keen player of many other games including Settlers of Catan, Axis and Allies, Puerto Rico, Kung Fu Fighting and Shadows over Camelot.

Other Interests


Joseph Campbell and mythic anthropology. Science demonstrations for kids. Education and childcare. Myers-Briggs. Asian cultures

Holding Area


/analytic philosophy